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NO Linden Home?? Please Vent Here!!

LakotaBlue Tuqiri

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2 hours ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

There will always be a few who are either attacking or come across that way.

Responding in kind just escalates the situation.

The impression I have of you is that you enjoy some aspect of that escalation though, like the adrenaline rush (which is addictive) or maybe feeling like you're better or maybe the support you often receive from your friends afterwards. Even if you don't like the escalation, the love-in from your friends will reinforce your pattern of contributing to this recurring situation.

It's what you do that you have the most control over. If you enjoy escalating things, then own it. If you don't, then look to change what is in your control.

I'm not sure why you found it necessary or appropriate to psychoanalyze another poster like this, particularly in response to a totally inoffensive comment. I'm sure you would not like it if the tables were turned and someone decided to say something about oh, I dunno, maybe about people who post "woe is me" comments.

Let's not play Internet doctor with each other. It always ends badly.

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2 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

Well, thank you for that bit of nickel psychoanalysis, doctor. Happy to return the favor if you'd like! I, too, have formed impressions...

I've never once denied that I don't enjoy a good debate. If people are unwilling to engage in debate, even somewhat spirited debate, then they probably shouldn't be posting on the internet where people can comment. This is not an echo chamber. 

What you refer to as escalating, though, is not.

Yes, I will respond to people I don't agree with. Yes, it may be considered escalation to someone who just wants to vent and hopes no one else will say, "Hey, your perception of reality there isn't quite accurate."  

Tough. That's adulthood. People get challenged daily, and should be challenged. I don't do drive-bys and lob hateful insults and then disappear. I respond. I'll continue to do so because I think it's important that people know there are multiple ways to look at issues, and some very simple problems are quite complex. How the hell are we supposed to get anywhere in society as a whole if we don't engage with each other, even the people we disagree with? 

If someone is sad, or angry, or upset that they don't have a LH yet, fine. I empathize with them and hope they get one soon. If people start insulting employees of LL, or basing their anger in untruths, I'm not going to sit by quietly like a good little girl. 

And I sure as hell won't apologize for ever speaking up. Women have been shutting up or apologizing for not shutting up since the first male crawled out of the primordial ooze.

Apologise? Where did that come from? Not me.

And the insults? They're not really called far. I didn't attack you or anything. Simple disagreement with what I wrote would be fine.

Anyway, I said my piece. You're not interested. I'm going to take my own advice and leave you to it. All the best.

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6 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

I'm not sure why you found it necessary or appropriate to psychoanalyze another poster like this, particularly in response to a totally inoffensive comment. I'm sure you would not like it if the tables were turned and someone decided to say something about oh, I dunno, maybe about people who post "woe is me" comments.

Let's not play Internet doctor with each other. It always ends badly.

But that's not what I did.

Is the "woe is me" comment a dig at me for being honest about my health problems? It feels that way. I dissemble about them enough in real life, it would be nice if I could be honest about them here. They do impact on how I'm able to interact with the Bellisseria community. Do you feel I'm wrong in being open about it?

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12 minutes ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

Apologise? Where did that come from? Not me.

And the insults? They're not really called far. I didn't attack you or anything. Simple disagreement with what I wrote would be fine.

Anyway, I said my piece. You're not interested. I'm going to take my own advice and leave you to it. All the best.


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1 hour ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

But that's not what I did.

Is the "woe is me" comment a dig at me for being honest about my health problems? It feels that way. I dissemble about them enough in real life, it would be nice if I could be honest about them here. They do impact on how I'm able to interact with the Bellisseria community. Do you feel I'm wrong in being open about it?

I have no opinion one way or the other regarding what you talk about.

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3 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:
3 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I miss Phil!

I wasn't around in those days, but I have heard about him. 

Are you comparing me to him?

You admit you’re wrong on occasion, right? If so, I’m contrasting you with him, not comparing. He only left a hot minute ago, how’d you get so many points so fast if you just got here?

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On 7/3/2019 at 9:35 AM, LakotaBlue Tuqiri said:

Please feel free to vent about not having a Linden home yet or Playing the auto refresh game with your key board!! I'm sorry  I am annoyed as hell! Hopefully I will have better luck next week😩

and I am trying to be patient but trying to get a home every other day is exhausting! Did linden Lab ever think what this could do to someone's mental state 🤣


This is a place for heathy Venting🤪

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I have given up on getting the much coveted "new" Linden Home!! I do not have a reg Linden Home and I do not have the patience (albeit I am accused in RL of being extraordinarily PATIENT) to do the auto refresh on a browser I do not even use for every 70 seconds (blah blah) looking at another screen during that refresh. I usually have at least 4 + SL related screens up while in SL? So for me doing the auto refresh is just idiotic!

I love you Linden Labs, but I will not resort to this kind of unthinkable waste of my time. I have payed for a SL Premium account for a few years now to mainly be able to advance SL support on any issues with my $L purchases, land rentals, inventory refresh (for Aditi beta use) and maybe a few other "being Premium" benefits. Having a Linden Premium House has never really been my agenda for having a Premium account.

I will wait till I see a notification like I did when I even found out about them on my SL Account Dashboard.

🤐 end vent~~

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On 7/3/2019 at 9:35 AM, LakotaBlue Tuqiri said:

Please feel free to vent about not having a Linden home yet or Playing the auto refresh game with your key board!! I'm sorry  I am annoyed as hell! Hopefully I will have better luck next week😩

and I am trying to be patient but trying to get a home every other day is exhausting! Did linden Lab ever think what this could do to someone's mental state 🤣


This is a place for heathy Venting🤪

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I have given up on getting the much coveted "new" Linden Home!! I do not have a reg Linden Home and I do not have the patience (albeit I am accused in RL of being extraordinarily PATIENT) to do the auto refresh on a browser I do not even use for every 70 seconds (blah blah) looking at another screen during that refresh. I usually have at least 4 + SL related screens up while in SL? So for me doing the auto refresh is just idiotic!

I love you Linden Labs, but I will not resort to this kind of unthinkable waste of my time. I have payed for a SL Premium account for a few years now to mainly be able to advance SL support on any issues with my $L purchases, land rentals, inventory refresh (for Aditi beta use) and maybe a few other "being Premium" benefits. Having a Linden Premium House has never really been my agenda for having a Premium account.

I will wait till I see a notification like I did when I even found out about them on my SL Account Dashboard.

🤐 end vent~~

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

You admit you’re wrong on occasion, right? If so, I’m contrasting you with him, not comparing. He only left a hot minute ago, how’d you get so many points so fast if you just got here?

I had never posted anything here until I got my LH on April 15, and had never really looked at the forums before then, either. The vast majority of my posts have been in the LH section. If I ever encountered this Phil dude, it didn't make an impression on me. 

As far as the points thing, I really don't know how they work or what they mean. Can I exchange them for lindens? I just wanted to get over 500 posts so I could change my title. I engage in conversations or, yes, debate. I don't take the types of photos that are allowable on here so it's certainly not been through pic pimping or whatever. 

I just speak my mind and I like posting goofy gifs. This seems to annoy more people than it entertains. 


Oh, and yes, when I'm wrong, I have no problem admitting I'm wrong. I enjoy learning.

Edited by Beth Macbain
Added stuff.
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Words we type have no tone. That makes it so easy for things to be interpreted so differently than how they are intended. That is why it is so important to use our words wisely, but for also others to realize they may be interpreting a tone that isn't even there. Words are powerful.

I don't know Beth or Sylvia personally. Only from what I've seen in these forums. They are both honest and blunt. I personally admire that because it is so much easier to understand since they say exactly what they mean. They don't try to placate others. They shouldn't have to when someone is being insulting towards them.

Neither of them are the type of person to go after someone for expressing a handicap they have or someone who is honestly distraught over something. I know because I've expressed handicaps such as being deaf once or twice in passing, and both have been nothing but kind to me here in the forums.

I do apologize to both of them because they certainly don't need me to speak up for them because they most certainly can do it for themselves. I profusely apologize for that. I'm just asking to please realize that words can be taken in a manner they aren't even intended.

No malice is intended so I apologize if what I say comes across as such.

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26 minutes ago, LyricalBookworm said:

I do apologize to both of them because they certainly don't need me to speak up for them because they most certainly can do it for themselves. I profusely apologize for that. I'm just asking to please realize that words can be taken in a manner they aren't even intended.

No malice is intended so I apologize if what I say comes across as such.

YOU are one of the kindest, most genuine, empathetic, beautiful souls I've ever encountered and have nothing to apologize for!


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31 minutes ago, LyricalBookworm said:

They shouldn't have to when someone is being insulting towards them.

If someone in the forums insults another you should report that post to the forum moderators. That post of insulting will be taken out, and/or the insulator may get a warning depending if they did not honor the SLforum TOS.

Take it from someone who has been all over this...lol.


Edited by Adumelial Rothstein
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i would like to vent about all the people what come on this thread and don't vent about how they haven't got a Linden Home


ps. Where my camper ?!?!! Hurry up ok !!! I am w.a.i.t.i.n.g.!.!.!  Do you know how a.w.f.u.l it is to have a old Linden Home where there is only like 4 homes total on the whole region ??? Is truly awful, h.o.r.r.i.b.l.e even !!


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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

He only left a hot minute ago, how’d you get so many points so fast if you just got here?

He left in March - a bit more than a 'hot minute ago'.

She got her points the same way we all did -- she came here and posted stuff that people then clicked the Like button on.  She happens to post a lot in the Linden threads, with many of her posts defending the Lindens and Moles in regards to the homes - and those posts tend to get a lot of Likes.  All she needs is an an average of 4.5 Likes per post to get the ratio she has.  That isn't hard to do for anyone that posts pretty regularly.



3 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

If I ever encountered this Phil dude, it didn't make an impression on me. 

He left in March, before you came to the forums. 

He was very argumentative and extremely pedantic.  He would argue forever about the meaning of a single word.

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6 hours ago, Mollymews said:

the fastest way to accumulate reputation points on here is to pic pimp our avatars and homes


Or to be a genuinely kind and supportive person. :) Looking at Beth here alone, she has like a 5:1 positive karma ratio; me, I barely hit 2:1; my all too frequent sarcasm does me in, I reckon. 😁

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44 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


Or to be a genuinely kind and supportive person. :) Looking at Beth here alone, she has like a 5:1 positive karma ratio; me, I barely hit 2:1; my all too frequent sarcasm does me in, I reckon. 😁

I think too it depends on where and when you post.  Sometimes the forum is dead and no one is posting.  Or it is too hard to keep up and read everyone's post, least of all liking them.  I try to like posts, but  I am also bad for forgetting to use the like buttons.   I wouldn't worry too much about it,  I go by how people post, not their rep points.  

Just keep being you :).

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3 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

He was very argumentative and extremely pedantic.  He would argue forever about the meaning of a single word.

my main remembrance of Phil Forum was that he had a fairly narrow range of topics on which he would engage, and to which he would return over and over and over. On some things he would never let go

Phil Inworld was a whole other personality. For a time a few years ago now, Phil, me and quite a few others as well, were doing this thing together inworld. Where Phil Inworld was a whole other personality to Phil Forum

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5 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

He was very argumentative and extremely pedantic.  He would argue forever about the meaning of a single word.


1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

to which he would return over and over and over. On some things he would never let go

these two things were nearly always triggered by a couple of others who knew he would jump on it again, smiling face when you look, but as soon you turn they try to trigger a response by their insinuations.

1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

Phil Inworld was a whole other personality. Where Phil Inworld was a whole other personality to Phil Forum

i think most are, or seem to be, the short way of talking in a forum is totally different than a chat. It's not a other personality but a role.

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17 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

the short way of talking in a forum is totally different than a chat. It's not a other personality but a role.

i probably should have said personality traits

on this forums we do have be a bit circumspect because moderators.  Inworld is a chat with a lot of immediate response feedback. Who we, the more rounded complete we - the sum of of our traits, becomes more apparent I think in the more immediate environment

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52 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

For those who care.  I spoke to Phil the other day.  He is doing fine. 

(like) Phil Deakins


i have seen a few other names from before on here recently as well. Like Dillon and Coby and some others. I actually saw Coby inworld a few weeks ago. Coby was asleep in a canoe on a Belli waterway. I never woke her up. Just tip toed away. Once upon a time I would probably have bumped her way out into the sea somewheres

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19 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

(like) Phil Deakins


i have seen a few other names from before on here recently as well. Like Dillon and Coby and some others. I actually saw Coby inworld a few weeks ago. Coby was asleep in a canoe on a Belli waterway. I never woke her up. Just tip toed away. Once upon a time I would probably have bumped her way out into the sea somewheres

Yes that Phil but it wasn't inworld.

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