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NO Linden Home?? Please Vent Here!!

LakotaBlue Tuqiri

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Yes, there were roughly 60,000 Premiums mentioned at some point last year. Since then, they've had a ton of signups, mostly due to folks wanting one of the new homes.  However, they've also had a lot of people leave Premium, some due to the unavailability of new Linden Homes and some due to the price increase.  Many of the latter were likely people reducing the number of Premium alts that they had --- I myself dropped from 8 to 4.  It's really hard telling how many Premiums there are now, but 60K is probably still as good a number as any to use - at least until something gives us a more current count.

Early on, Patch said that there were roughly 38,000 of the old Linden Homes and we know that a good many of those are empty.  I wouldn't be surprised if half or more of them were empty.  However, now many Premiums that never wanted one of the old homes do want one of the new homes -- either because the homes are that much nicer and/or because of the community aspect.  Not to mention the new Premium signups wanting homes.  However, I'd guess that the number of needed homes is still not the full 38,000 that were previously built.  Without knowing for sure how many of those older homes were occupied before all of the new home stuff started, coupled with not really know how many Premium accounts there actually are, it is hard to make any sort of intelligent guess as to how many are truly needed now.  

The original release was around 2300 houses & houseboats (a bit over I think, but we never got an exact figure). Then they released the Squishy Pickle which contains 711 houseboats.  Everything after that has been individual regions, somewhere from 20-30 of them I think (I've not really been keeping track), and I think they've averaged around 15-20 homes each (that might be a tad high for the "average", but close enough).  We also know that in addition to all of the current Bellisseria building that is going on, there are Moles working elsewhere to build out the Camper/Trailer areas.  From looking at the empty sections of the map, my guess is the 25 bare regions on the west side and the 9 regions in the NE part of the continent are being reserved for Camper/Trailer areas.  Let's be optimistic and say that those 34 will be the upcoming large release.  Since they average 15-20 homes per region with 1024 sqm plots and the Campers/Trailers will be on 512 sqm plots, let's estimate 30 homes per region (leaving space for community areas and the mountains themselves).  That comes in at a bit over 1000 Camper/Trailer homes to be soon released -- sometime next month, hopefully.  Add in some more homes for the regions they continue to release every other day or so.   All in all, by my count, at the time that the Trailers/Campers are actually released they will then have roughly 5000 homes out there -- and that is assuming they get another few hundred out from individual region releases by the time that large release happens.

If Patch is planning on creating 38,000 homes - the number of old homes - then there is still a long way to go.  Since they are also talking about at least 8 themes, there is definitely plenty of work left.

That and they have more themes underworks. On top of that they are making these custom, not cookie cutter like the last Linden homes. So that takes much longer, especially with terraforming land, and placing in exterior decor. They probably won't be close to done it all by the end of this year. But I would rather wait until they are finished, and see what choices I have by then, than to be impatient demanding a new home right now.

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I do  not know  if this has anything to do with getting a home,,,but ,,,  for  a few days i did not log in ,,,, rl stuff ,,, but  way after the release  same day but in the afternoon   i thought  well lets see,,,, and  bammm,,,  it showed a house and house boat  on the same page and no older generation homes ,,   and everything went smoothly ,,, i took my time filling in stuff as i thought  it will never work,, i am doing this too slow ,,,, and i got a boat ,,, so maybe  taking a break from the refresh and checking ,,, just saying ,,, i am still in shock  ,,, but do not give up   where i am there are a few empty earlier ,,,,, and if you get one hold on to it ,seriously ,,,, hugs and love to all and it is worth the wait ,,,,    even if there are glitches  mine had a few they were great fixing it  all four rezzed into one ,,, ikr lolol but hey ,,, it all got fixed so this may be why the release is slow with homes   they want to make sure once you are in you are happy ,,,  hugs and it will be ok ,,,, hugs and with autumn coming  many may want to move to the campers so  ,,, like real life construction ,,,,, rather have a home well built or one throw up and falling apart ,,, rather one that works well  hugs to everyone ,,,  

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I finally got a houseboat about 10 minutes ago.  I've been refreshing my phone almost every minute the last couple of days.  I saw 4 new homes pop up yesterday but wasn't fast enough and missed it.  Just got really lucky.

I was feeling the same as everybody else.  I abandoned my first home a couple months ago and have been homeless ever since because I could never get a new place.

Good luck everybody.  I know how much it sucks.

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6 hours ago, PixieFruity said:

I finally got a houseboat about 10 minutes ago

Congrats !!!!!!!!!   Also   with every one of the boats you can put in a second floor withing  the boat ,,,,  the smaller one  the evening star i  used a prim  did opening in middle and put in spiral staircase and its perfect and your avi will fit as mine is a tall avi ,,,,   so many different things to do with these ,,,, so dont let it go ,,,, congrats and know everyone soon will get the homes they want ,,,, hugs to all and know it will all work out ,,, waving ,,,,1318508585_newnewnew_001.thumb.png.a4ca7aef72cd5db62e21bb79342396ca.png

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AND  what i did was i took a pick of the landscape from the inside of the  evening star  and made a texture and then put it on a prim and the side back wall so it looks like i have a wall of beautiful windows and the  kitchen is a picture  on a prim so the who boat looks wow   so far this is one of my favorite houseboats  this one and the barnicale    sorry about spelling ,,,, 1373264740_walllspjptp_001.thumb.png.7db16126804f5299fb796f182590d1b4.png

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1757318545_walllspjptp.pngaaffdadefad.pngsefdgssgetbef_001.thumb.png.d3b786aa7864dd1969d92ad59de41524.pngthe last pic the kit look big but it was just camera angel ,,,,, learning how to do all this stuff ,,,,  so just a few basic tips as i am learning  by trial and error and mostly being happily surprised ,,,

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Welp. Literally just missed another region release because for over 10+ refreshes every time a house popped up I got the sold out thing and I literally clicked it the second the page loaded, how I didn't land one is beyond me, Gambling is literally pointless. Glad I don't play the lottery in real life, I'd have no money, haha.

Edited by AlyceAdrift
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Please Gods of SL let me at least see some houses even fly by me , I know I had a home on princess caroline but gave it up when I broke with my ex , I need a home now and unlike before when I saw them often , I never even see one now       !!!!! I AM  SORRY !!!!!!  ARGGHHH

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Well, this is if nothing else poor planning by Linden, at worst it's strong arm marketing. Sure everyone wants lines around the corner of people waiting to get your product but when you act like the cable company and roll out new services and features while ignoring your existing customers, it's gonna bite you in the ass. So what do you do, well you switch. Everyone knows how little respect you get from your phone or cable company and when you call and ask why you can't have a free whole house DVR or unlimited data they act like they could care less. But not the other companies, they fall over backwards trying to get you to switch. Well since the Sims went offline there really hasn't been much competition but it's the principle of the thing so like I told them. I cancelled my premium and I'm not going to scour the forums and hit refresh and jump through any hoops. When they can offer me the same services and amenities everyone else who pays the same amount enjoys, they will need to find a way to reach out to me and let me know. I'm not sure the sour taste of this move will be gone so they may need to offer something extra for their disrespect, I don't know a free piece of furniture or simply an apology. I urge you to take your power back so often, and this is getting really ridiculous with all game developers, these companies make money hand over fist to the point that individuals are not only cheated and held in disdain but actively scoffed and ridiculed even by the less successful developers. Sure SL is nothing like Fallout 76 but they seem to want to be, that's the problem. Linden you're not Bethesda but if you quit trying to be like them you might just outlive them otherwise you won't like Atari, THQ, Westwood studios, Sierra etc.

Edited by jamiesizzle
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OMG - This just about calls for a celebration.  This thread had no responses for over 5 full days.  Heck it might have even fallen off the first page of threads here.




Oh well, it was great while it lasted.



Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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