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NO Linden Home?? Please Vent Here!!

LakotaBlue Tuqiri

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29 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

OMG - This just about calls for a celebration.  This thread had no responses for over 5 full days.  Heck it might have even fallen off the first page of threads here.




Oh well, it was great while it lasted.



Yes well. Eventually folks WILL MOVE ON.   :D


I am still so pleased that I was able to take part in day one! Really one of my most memorable experiences in SL.

But I fully understand the angst and fist waving of folks on this thread. Had I NOT been there on day one (or two in this case as it was two days before the houses were gone) I would not be playing the refresh game. I tried it one day and I can think of nothing worse -- even cleaning the oven before self-clean.  


So there ARE two sides to the equation as we well know.   Hopefully by next year this time folks coming into SL can actually get a house or houseboat or trailer on their first try from the drop-down menu.   That will be good. 

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The one thing I don't get, is from what I see. Is that these houses are in high demand, and usually things in high demand are gone before a lot of people get their hands on it. There is no need to vent, because you are expecting them to drop the sim and be like have at it. But they are literally doing all the terraforming and decorating by hand, this takes time. Like I don't get why people need to vent, you will get your house when you get it. You just have to be patient, and wait your turn.

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1 minute ago, halebore Aeon said:

There is no need to vent

true there is no need.  There is tho a want to vent. Wanting to vent is part of the human condition. Most people do want to vent about something at some time or other. Those that don't vent, do still want to, they just don't

this thread is for people who want to vent, and do vent

like coming into a please vent here thread to vent about people venting. Is no need to do this, there is a want tho

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16 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

true there is no need.  There is tho a want to vent. Wanting to vent is part of the human condition. Most people do want to vent about something at some time or other. Those that don't vent, do still want to, they just don't

this thread is for people who want to vent, and do vent

like coming into a please vent here thread to vent about people venting. Is no need to do this, there is a want tho

I'm not really venting. I am just pointing out the obvious, that people are venting for no reason. That they are basically expecting LL to work 24/7 365 to get their houses right away.


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18 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

I'm not really venting. I am just pointing out the obvious, that people are venting for no reason. That they are basically expecting LL to work 24/7 365 to get their houses right away.


i get what you meaning, and I do agree that in any other thread about Linden Homes then anyone complaining loudly in them, where they shouldn't, can be sent here. The forum moderators do a pretty good job in this thread, culling the vents that go over the top

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I for sure have been sick and tired of people without new homes complaining everywhere, since I rather used to spend my time on getting a new home. With that said, the people venting about people venting or feeling upset about not having a new home grows bigger day by day. Why can't we all just let this thread as what it is ment for, to vent about being frustrated not having what most of the venting people about the other venting people here have... a new linden home. 

Man man...

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6 hours ago, iBrat said:

I for sure have been sick and tired of people without new homes complaining everywhere, since I rather used to spend my time on getting a new home. With that said, the people venting about people venting or feeling upset about not having a new home grows bigger day by day. Why can't we all just let this thread as what it is ment for, to vent about being frustrated not having what most of the venting people about the other venting people here have... a new linden home. 

Man man...

But here is the issue, venting about not having a Linden home is not gonna really achieve anything. Again as I said before, the homes are in high demand, and you are gonna have to be patient and wait until they are all done. Like I am doing. Or ultimately wait until one comes available.

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42 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

But here is the issue, venting about not having a Linden home is not gonna really achieve anything. Again as I said before, the homes are in high demand, and you are gonna have to be patient and wait until they are all done. Like I am doing. Or ultimately wait until one comes available.

Expressing the frustration makes it easier to go through the process of trying to get one sooner rather than later. With regions being released as they're finished, many of us consider it worth continuing to try.

For myself, my interest is in making a quirky place for the community to explore and engage with. Because of crappy health, I can't spend much time inworld so it's a way I can still maybe feel like part of the community. I'd like to get in with a permanent place before the exploration dissipates and the sense of community is diluted through size. That's already happening. This is why I keep trying and hope to get a place of my own soon. The longer that takes, the harder it will be to make the rest of it happen.

The clock is also ticking on my alt with the available tier (took the plunge before the price rise and before I realised how difficult it was going to be) and I'd like to be able to give my idea a proper go before it's time to decide how much more money to put into trying.

This should be just a thread for people to let out their frustrations, find others in the same situation and maybe share some advice on how to approach it all. So what if a few get dramatic about it? It's the internet, of course that's going to happen :) But it does help to vent sometimes.

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3 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

But here is the issue, venting about not having a Linden home is not gonna really achieve anything. Again as I said before, the homes are in high demand, and you are gonna have to be patient and wait until they are all done. Like I am doing. Or ultimately wait until one comes available.

Venting (expressing what we don't like) does achieve something -- it enables us to move through the emotion and (hopefully) come out on the other side where we can accept what is happening. Not being able to move through this emotional processing causes us to become stuck and unable to see the logic you speak to. It really does help people by simply having a sympathetic ear -- people feel 'heard' and quite often accept the situation with a little support. Not to say some don't get stuck and remain in 'blame mode', but in my experience most people are able to hear the logic of a situation better once their pain/frustration is acknowledged.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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2 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

I'll be fine with people venting about not having their home yet just as soon as people (not all, but many) learn the difference between venting and attacking. 

I do understand where you're coming from, and I find myself feeling impatient/angry when innocent people are attacked.

It's more important to diffuse the situation than to find blame, however. Something I've observed is that when we simply acknowledge we understand they're upset about something quite often they stop blaming/attacking all on their own. If we respond with an attack ourselves, however, it causes them to continue to attack. 
What you resist, persists.

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5 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Venting (expressing what we don't like) does achieve something -- it enables us to move through the emotion and (hopefully) come out on the other side where we can accept what is happening.

Venting is one of the most enjoyable things I do. The deer in my yard have been nibbling all the new growth off the thousands of dollars of landscaping I had done this year. I love to sneak outside while one is near the patio, and using my best, soft, cooing voice, and while holding an apple, entice her to step closer so I can wring her f-ing neck and throw her in the woods to feed the coyotes, who never eat my stuff, and serenade me by harmonizing with the civil defense siren.

There, I feel better already.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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33 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Venting is one of the most enjoyable things I do. The deer in my yard have been nibbling all the new growth off the thousands of dollars of landscaping I had done this year. I love to sneak outside while one is near the patio, and using my best, soft, cooing voice, and while holding an apple, entice her to step closer so I can wring her f-ing neck and throw her in the woods to feed the coyotes, who never eat my stuff and serenade me by harmonizing with the civil defense siren.

There, I feel better already.

Maybe get a dog?

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5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Maybe get a dog?

No, for several reasons:

  • I'm allergic.
  • Several neighbors (despite my warnings) have left their little pooches outdoors after sundown, providing the coyotes with tasty snacks.
  • A neighbor's big dog was once chased back inside the house by a buck, and wouldn't go outside again for months.
  • I like to rant.
Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

They make hypoallergenic dogs now.

Those have always been around. They simply shed less dander than other breeds. My neighbor has a poodle I can play with for a while without getting immediately itchy, but if he licks me, it's all over. When I was young, we had a dog. I was fine around him well into my teens, but ultimately had several fairly worrisome reactions, including one that left me gasping for breath and another that obscured the vision in my left eye until I got drops to clear the clouding.

I eventually got a husband to keep me company, and that didn't work out either.

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3 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

I'll be fine with people venting about not having their home yet just as soon as people (not all, but many) learn the difference between venting and attacking. 

I actually enjoy this thread more than the "SAW ONE! 3:27AM!" thread, though. 

There will always be a few who are either attacking or come across that way.

Responding in kind just escalates the situation.

The impression I have of you is that you enjoy some aspect of that escalation though, like the adrenaline rush (which is addictive) or maybe feeling like you're better or maybe the support you often receive from your friends afterwards. Even if you don't like the escalation, the love-in from your friends will reinforce your pattern of contributing to this recurring situation.

It's what you do that you have the most control over. If you enjoy escalating things, then own it. If you don't, then look to change what is in your control.

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2 minutes ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

There will always be a few who are either attacking or come across that way.

Responding in kind just escalates the situation.

The impression I have of you is that you enjoy some aspect of that escalation though, like the adrenaline rush (which is addictive) or maybe feeling like you're better or maybe the support you often receive from your friends afterwards. Even if you don't like the escalation, the love-in from your friends will reinforce your pattern of contributing to this recurring situation.

It's what you do that you have the most control over. If you enjoy escalating things, then own it. If you don't, then look to change what is in your control.

Well, thank you for that bit of nickel psychoanalysis, doctor. Happy to return the favor if you'd like! I, too, have formed impressions...

I've never once denied that I don't enjoy a good debate. If people are unwilling to engage in debate, even somewhat spirited debate, then they probably shouldn't be posting on the internet where people can comment. This is not an echo chamber. 

What you refer to as escalating, though, is not.

Yes, I will respond to people I don't agree with. Yes, it may be considered escalation to someone who just wants to vent and hopes no one else will say, "Hey, your perception of reality there isn't quite accurate."  

Tough. That's adulthood. People get challenged daily, and should be challenged. I don't do drive-bys and lob hateful insults and then disappear. I respond. I'll continue to do so because I think it's important that people know there are multiple ways to look at issues, and some very simple problems are quite complex. How the hell are we supposed to get anywhere in society as a whole if we don't engage with each other, even the people we disagree with? 

If someone is sad, or angry, or upset that they don't have a LH yet, fine. I empathize with them and hope they get one soon. If people start insulting employees of LL, or basing their anger in untruths, I'm not going to sit by quietly like a good little girl. 

And I sure as hell won't apologize for ever speaking up. Women have been shutting up or apologizing for not shutting up since the first male crawled out of the primordial ooze. 


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