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When SL was small, you could "shout" in text and be heard all across the grid.  For a while, the grid would shut down every night at midnight, so the technical team could push updates.  Everyone would do the grid wide shouts as shutdown time approached.  It was nutty. 

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9 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

My need for new cocktail dresses is endless. 😋

When I first came back after 4 years in October, I decided I'd better upgrade to mesh. But having spend untold kazillions of L$ on mesh bodies, heads, appliers, hair, etc., I decided I'd better economize on clothing a bit. Dresses were an easy place to cut back, because I've always worn pantsuits or jeans more often in SL anyway.

So, I shopped very carefully for mesh dresses, and bought three, being careful that they covered a range of styles and colours that would match existing jackets and shoes, and so that I would have always have at least one dress for any context that might arise for which I needed one.

Because, I told myself, seriously, do I actually need more than three dresses, if they are carefully chosen?


That was about 25 dresses ago.

9 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

I still remember the first time I logged into SL. It must've been right after accounts were made free in 2006, I guess. I hadn't heard of SL before that so I have no idea. A friend from another virtual world dragged me into SL. It was SO MUCH MORE COMPLICATED than RLD and I was absolutely overwhelmed. She was so excited that I joined and tried to shove ALL THE KNOWLEDGE into my head in like an hour.

A shape! A skin! Clothes! And AO! And most importantly... XCITE GENITALS! I had no flipping idea how to even walk, much less fit something like those old xcite nips and hoo-has. She gave me a bunch of lindens (like L$1000... hahahahahaha) and took me shopping and told me exactly what to buy and then laughed as I got frustrated trying to make things fit and wear things before I had any idea what was happening.

I logged out and didn't come back for 3-4 months. It was then that I was able to figure it all out on my own and have everything make sense.

My first week or so in SL was so weird it felt like I was on drugs. And I wasn't sure if they were good drugs or not.

Fortunately, I came here to help some RL friends and colleagues, so I stuck around for their sake. But it was a bit of near thing for a while.

9 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

I also remember the first time I hopped on pose balls with a guy. It was in some dark urban-themed region that I've long since forgotten. We barely spoke before the deed, barely spoke during the deed, and never spoke after the deed. I think it was even right in the middle of the street maybe. 

Definitely not like my first experience of pose-balling (so to speak). I won't (and can't) go into details, but pretty much every experience of that after was a bit of a let-down.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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   I remember feeling annoyed and untrusted because of the unassisted flight ceiling. Acquiring my Mystitool fixed that and gave me other powers, some of which were a surprise.

   I have a very good friend, someone I've gotten to know much better these days than in my early days. At one point during my first months he was teaching me about the various ways one can be griefed. He had something that can push avatars, like a watermelon gun I think. We stood in the middle of a sim of which I had the fortune to be temporary caretaker. He got the watermelon gun or whatever ready. "Ok, ready? Here goes..." And he shot some watermelons at me. 

   The watermelons bonked against me and pushed me back a bit, but my friend had vanished. I cammed around me. No friend. I cammed all over the sim. No friend.

   Then: "Can you TP me please?"

   Apparently he had been orbited by something. The only thing we could think of was that it had something to do the Mystitool, like maybe it had some automatic personal protection capabilities. I'm still not sure.

   Anyway, we were both laughing so much about it. It's a very fond memory.

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12 hours ago, CronoCloud Creeggan said:

A friend does the pageant scene, suggested I join up as well, but....the pageant girls take it VERRRRRY seriously.  Also the time commitment is whack!  You can be cut from the show for missing a scheduled event/rehearsal/whatever even if it conflicts with RL work.

This was exactly my friend's experience of it. It was hugely demanding and rigorous. Which just seems odd to me, given the stakes.

12 hours ago, CronoCloud Creeggan said:

Ha ha ha, everyone and their KittyCat is a fashion blogger these days.  Fashion shows are still rare because designers figured out they were annoying to do, attend (lag), and schedule and they weren't effective as other marketing in SL.

I'm seeing a lot of what are obviously supposed to be fashion shots on Flickr. I wonder if it has to some degree taken up the slack?

12 hours ago, CronoCloud Creeggan said:

I spent slightly over 170 US$ in my first couple of weeks in SL getting my avatar up to the appearance standards of 2006 fashionistas.


OMG. For prim and system clothing and hair?????? How is that even possible? 😮

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37 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


OMG. For prim and system clothing and hair?????? How is that even possible? 😮

Very easy, I spent 7K L's  just at SL16B then went regular shopping after. What CronoCloud spent then would not even come close to what she probably spent that first year and years since. I do that much at Hair Fair and then still shop for other things during. Different needs, budgets etc. I bought lindens once when I was new the 30USD buy, I likened it to buying a Sims expansion pack, if I didn't like it enough to stay eh expansion packs aren't always great, 13 years later it was the best investment ever :)


Also looking back at prices then and now, people balk at prices for things now and us oldbies laugh. A house for 400L are you kidding they were 4K cheapest, a head 5K etc skins alone for a fatpack started at 2ish and went up to 12K. A gown was sometimes 1200L if not more, exclusives that Crono mentioned earlier I saw people buy 25K jeans at one RFL clothing fair. A simple system layer slip dress was 400L shoes were 2K a pop by some brands regular shoes with feet in them started around the 500L mark and got higher and higher. Now it is very inexpensive to do SL lavishly


p.s @Scylla Rhiadra I have thought this three times today alone...love your hair in your profile pic

Edited by Sasy Scarborough
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I remember having to wear a "flight feather" so I could fly over a certain altitude.

I remember having to deposit lindens into an ATM so I could buy stuff off the Marketplace which was not called the Marketplace back then. I would have to find an in-world ATM and deposit as much as I needed for my purchase. I think it was called X-Street?

I remember RedZone fiasco and all the drama surrounding it.

I remember when Amaretto horses took over the grid. They were everywhere. The lag was already horrible which reminds me of how walking could cause you to rubber-band yourself all the way across the sim (and then some) before snapping back into place.

I mostly remember that feeling of captivation because I felt I was logging into something special. It was easy to meet people and find fun things to do. Maybe it's still like that for some people but for me it feels a lot different now. I role-played and I opened a store. I owned sims and had a landscaping business. I had rentals and a DJ'ed some. I was even an auctioneer at one time. I've had a lifetime of experiences. I've moved on from SL and only visit now and then, but I do remember fondly the good ole times 🙂

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3 hours ago, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

   The watermelons bonked against me and pushed me back a bit, but my friend had vanished. I cammed around me. No friend. I cammed all over the sim. No friend.

   Then: "Can you TP me please?"

   Apparently he had been orbited by something. The only thing we could think of was that it had something to do the Mystitool, like maybe it had some automatic personal protection capabilities. I'm still not sure.

   Anyway, we were both laughing so much about it. It's a very fond memory.


the mystitools detector shield would have been on yes, and the auto-defense system on as well

when you got hit, the shield picked up who owned the projectile and the auto-defender would have orbited them automatically. Orbiters in those days usually physically threw the target avatar million of kilometers up in the sky. The effect being that region server would lose track of the avatars region position. From which it typically required a viewer relog to  recover

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I'm seeing a lot of what are obviously supposed to be fashion shots on Flickr. I wonder if it has to some degree taken up the slack?

Yes, I think so.



Whaaaaaat?????? OMG. For prim and system clothing and hair?????? How is that even possible? 😮

Easy! I was an uniformed clueless newbie consumer with the shopping monkey on my back.  So I had the hardest time finding things that fit my taste, which was more classic than most, and then I had to buy MORE stuff when I found the actual good stuff instead of the less-good stuff I had found first.  Shapes and skins were my biggest expenditures early on.  1000L$ or more for a single skin  in a single shade, in a single brow color with a single makeup.  Shoes what, 300L$ for a single pair in a single color at least from a top tier creator like Fally?  Maybe 400L$ for a single dress in a single color from Dazzle?  Heck, 1300 or so might get you an entire fatpack of a dozen colors now.  250 to 300L$ for a single hair pack of maybe 2 colors.  Even eyes could cost a bit, but then I found Miriel Enfield and her reasonably priced eyes.  And then there were things like jewelry, an AO (I think I only picked up a couple of those...I found Luth Brodie), poses for any posestand.  It added up fast.



1 hour ago, Sasy Scarborough said:

Very easy, I spent 7K L's  just at SL16B then went regular shopping after. What CronoCloud spent then would not even come close to what she probably spent that first year and years since. I do that much at Hair Fair and then still shop for other things during. Different needs, budgets etc. I bought lindens once when I was new the 30USD buy, I likened it to buying a Sims expansion pack, if I didn't like it enough to stay eh expansion packs aren't always great, 13 years later it was the best investment ever :)

I'm actually not that big of a spender these days by fashionista standards, averaging maybe 6000 -9000L$ a month.  Thank goodness I don't do subscription MMO's anymore.  I don't even WANT to know how much I spent that first 6 months, probably more than I spend an entire year these days. Especially since I don't blog anymore and therefore don't buy some new skin brand I've heard about just to review it.  Though frankly we could use more independent review voices in SL fashion.



Also looking back at prices then and now, people balk at prices for things now and us oldbies laugh. A house for 400L are you kidding they were 4K cheapest, a head 5K etc skins alone for a fatpack started at 2ish and went up to 12K. A gown was sometimes 1200L if not more, exclusives that Crono mentioned earlier I saw people buy 25K jeans at one RFL clothing fair. A simple system layer slip dress was 400L shoes were 2K a pop by some brands regular shoes with feet in them started around the 500L mark and got higher and higher. Now it is very inexpensive to do SL lavishly

Skin fatpacks... 3 to 4 thousand a pop, 3 to 4 skins each of one shade and one brow color but with 4 different makeups. if you were lucky a single skin from a designer trying to be affordable was maybe 900?  A fatpack of all the shades?  Empty your wallet.   Course then Eloh released her skin templates and half the grid started releasing their own skins, which caused downward pressure on skin prices.

Some fancy  shmancy gown? 1000L$ or more.  LE stuff?  More money.  Some shoe designers used the prims+invizprim to sculpts+alpha transition to raise prices and also the transition to shoes with built in feet.  Thankfully I didn't do those much, hoping SOMEONE would do feet that you just added shoes on to.  And most of us oldbies know about the prices of Stiletto Moody shoes, which I didn't buy because I didn't much like the styles let alone the wince-inducing prices.

In some ways mesh era items are more reasonably priced, especially if you catch them discounted.



p.s @Scylla Rhiadra I have thought this three times today alone...love your hair in your profile pic

Oh yeah, it reminds me of Truth Panny or one of those Argrace hairs.

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I miss the camping sites,dancing pads and Xploder trends, not because of you money you could get, but because of all the people I used to meet. Now, it's really hard for me meeting new people, looks like SL is a desert area some times.

I'm just 11 SL years old, but I feel it was a more social world before.

Also, I used to attend many great classes and meeting from RL Univerisities, which own a virtual campus, it was just exceptional. I learnt a lot from many great professors around the world.

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8 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Ghosting still happens every now and then.  I was watching the Moles building on Bellisseria a couple of weeks ago and I crashed - which in itself was odd because I almost never crash.  Anyway, I logged back on, logging to Home as my default, and then TP'd back to the area that I was in.  I had been flying around, so I only knew roughly where I was when I crashed.  When I got back to the general area and started camming around again, I actually saw myself in the next region, just hovering in the air.  I started flying to myself, but as I crossed into the region where my old self was, she poofed.

Yeah, the ghosting part will still happen. It's just the viewer getting disconnected from the avatar. I should have figured out how to word it better, the difference now is how the system handles it. Before the avatar would stay inworld until a region restart (which I think might be what the helpful Linden did to fix you) and you couldn't log back in unless you caught it at the magic time Selene referred to. That could be really frustrating and a bit panic-inducing at first. Now logging back in is easy, once to log you out, another and you're there. Or the system will sort it out fairly quickly. I usually log back in to the same place so that will disappear the old instance of my avatar straight away. Maybe next time it happens, I should log in with the alt to visit her. Just for old time's sake :) 

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19 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Money trees were big when I started, so I seldom camped for money - I couldn't be bothered to sit still for long.  Lucky letter chairs were also all the rage ...


The last money tree I knew of was at The Shelter, out the back. But last visit it was gone :(   So I've built a new magic money apple tree :D  


Anyone can play it here ! Enjoy ! - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Scimitar/239/139/39


Edited by rasterscan
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5 hours ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

Ivalde was stunning.

I totally forgot about them. There are so many great stores that are closed now. 😔

6 hours ago, Mercedes Avon said:

I remember having to wear a "flight feather" so I could fly over a certain altitude.

I still wear mine. You mean I don't need it anymore? Lol


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I remember back in the day a few places to go and buy things such as Bits N Bobs to get sex pose balls. I think they had dance balls too like waltz and maybe tango. 

Sine Wave was fell on by an avalanche of people because they came out with new and exciting dances that weren't jerky. 

If you owned a club or were looking for some cool gadgets like a welcome rug then Alicia Stella Designs was the place to visit. 

If you owned rentals then Hippo Technologies was going to be the answer to your prayers. It really was a great creation and helped so many people. 

Script writers in general were in high demand. Without them and their understanding of LSL our lives in SL would have been a lot different. 

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10 hours ago, Sasy Scarborough said:

Also looking back at prices then and now, people balk at prices for things now and us oldbies laugh. A house for 400L are you kidding they were 4K cheapest, a head 5K etc skins alone for a fatpack started at 2ish and went up to 12K. A gown was sometimes 1200L if not more, exclusives that Crono mentioned earlier I saw people buy 25K jeans at one RFL clothing fair. A simple system layer slip dress was 400L shoes were 2K a pop by some brands regular shoes with feet in them started around the 500L mark and got higher and higher. Now it is very inexpensive to do SL lavishly


8 hours ago, CronoCloud Creeggan said:

Shapes and skins were my biggest expenditures early on.  1000L$ or more for a single skin  in a single shade, in a single brow color with a single makeup.  Shoes what, 300L$ for a single pair in a single color at least from a top tier creator like Fally?  Maybe 400L$ for a single dress in a single color from Dazzle?  Heck, 1300 or so might get you an entire fatpack of a dozen colors now.  250 to 300L$ for a single hair pack of maybe 2 colors.  Even eyes could cost a bit, but then I found Miriel Enfield and her reasonably priced eyes.

This may be the key -- I really don't remember how much things cost back in those days, but my sort of intuitive assumption (because system clothing) is that they should have been cheaper than mesh. But I am sure you're right about the prices. I lived pretty frugally back in those days: my bookstore pulled in maybe a L$2000 profit a month, and that was my clothing and everything else budget. I do remember that it never seemed to go very far.


8 hours ago, CronoCloud Creeggan said:

So I had the hardest time finding things that fit my taste, which was more classic than most, and then I had to buy MORE stuff when I found the actual good stuff instead of the less-good stuff I had found first.

It's an indication of my general incompetence that this is still sort of my MO: look for something, think I've found it, buy it, and then find a way better version a week later.


10 hours ago, Sasy Scarborough said:

p.s @Scylla Rhiadra I have thought this three times today alone...love your hair in your profile pic


8 hours ago, CronoCloud Creeggan said:

Oh yeah, it reminds me of Truth Panny or one of those Argrace hairs.


8 hours ago, Morena Tully said:

pretty sure it's yumyum.. I have it.

It's always a pleasure engaging with people who know what they talk are talking about.

It's not Panny -- which is, coincidentally, I think the first mesh hair I ever bought. Panny comes with one of those great style HUDs that Truth provides sometimes, but it doesn't include a "wind blown" option, sadly.

It's a bit like Argrace "Chitose," which is, coincidentally, about the third mesh hair I ever bought, in that Chitose does include a "wind blown" version. (And I recently received an update of that hair! How often do you get hair updates????)

But the winner is . . . Morena! It is indeed YumYum B04, which holds the distinction of being the only hair for which I have ever splurged for the full Fat Pack. It's got a small style HUD (two options only) for "wind blown" or straight.

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8 hours ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

Ivalde was stunning.

I still have a huge folder of Ivalde stuff -- pretty sure I bought almost everything in the store.  I can't bring myself to toss it.  I probably should at least box it up.  Who knows, maybe some of it might be wearable when BoM finally hits.

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