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What would YOU do if you were Linden Lab?

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23 hours ago, Frankie Antonioni said:

Let me tell you guys about two companies. One was Marx Toys, and the other one is Mattel. Back in the early 60s, Marx Toys made about $50 million a year. Mattel made about $12 million a year. In 1978, Marx Toys went out of business. While Marx Toys made more money than Mattel, Mattel used a larger part of its budget for advertising. Marx Toys did advertise, but not to the extent as Mattel. Today, Mattel is a large company. SL has been around for 16 years, but few people have heard of SL. Everybody has heard of Facebook, or Twitter. They are always in the news. So, LL needs to find ways to advertise, and get the company in the news. They should also try to get SL in movies. Here is a movie idea.

A man, and woman hate each other in RL. But they meet up in SL, and fall in love. We need younger actors to play the couple. So Tom Hanks, and Meg Ryan are out. Need somebody in their 30s. The movie would need a good title. During the movie, scenes would be filmed in SL. I suggest showing marinas in SL. Boat racing in SL. And pirate battles in SL. Other battles would also be shown, along with the inside of clubs.

You've pretty much described a movie that is already done like that. "Ready Player One". So, your movie idea needs to be different than what you described. 

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3 minutes ago, Victorianna Writer said:

You've pretty much described a movie that is already done like that. "Ready Player One". So, your movie idea needs to be different than what you described. 

I looked the movie up on wikiepedia. That movie is not like the one I described.  This would be a romantic comedy, starring younger actors. The movie should show different parts of SL. Such as marinas, malls, beaches, islands, and mountains. It might show clubs, but not concentrate on clubs.

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3 minutes ago, Frankie Antonioni said:

I looked the movie up on wikiepedia. That movie is not like the one I described.  This would be a romantic comedy, starring younger actors. The movie should show different parts of SL. Such as marinas, malls, beaches, islands, and mountains. It might show clubs, but not concentrate on clubs.

Why not start small, and create a decent video ad. That would be their best bet. It would probably cost less, to make the commercial, than it would be to create a movie.

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Just now, halebore Aeon said:

Why not start small, and create a decent video ad. That would be their best bet. It would probably cost less, to make the commercial, than it would be to create a movie.

I don't think that LL should make the movie. I would suggest something like product placement. In the movie You've Got Mail, you see AOL on the computer screen. AOL became well known because of that. The movie came out in 1998. It was made in 1997. Most people didn't go on the internet then. I didn't get the internet until May 1999.  Somebody reading this, might know a Hollywood writer. They could contact the writer, and suggest the story.


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To be blunt .. the only way this happens is if you have a crack at it yourself. Make it in SL, consider it as a way to get into machinima and learn a little film making and editing, it's quite the rabbit hole and as a side effect will transform the way you look at the film making art, every movie you ever watched is suddenly new again.

Also, product placement costs bucket loads of cash.

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I notice that second life didn't change in a decade.


Exemple you have your profile picks.

This is not a picture tool because the picture change askpect. It is ugly picture the ration hight wide change and the form change. That is terrible People use it as additional bio. and land mak

That tools has not been improved for years


This is just an example.


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LL are a bit damned if you do, damned if you don't when it comes to the viewer.

So many people want the viewer as it was back ion the old 1.2 days.

Everyone  blew a gasket when LL issued a lot of changes all at once with viewer 2.

So ever since then, change has been iterative and aside from headline features, quiet .. never ending gentle rolling updates, like Chrome. You never see Chrome update .. but you know it's bang up to date. LL do a lot of updates, bug fixes, server stuff. Constantly. 

Some stuff, like picks, has had zero attention in a long while .. but new (old style) profiles are coming to the Linden viewer, so maybe picks will get some love as part of that.

It's 33% 'if it isn't broke...' and 33% 'shhh, if they notice we changed it, we messed up' and 33% ' LOOK ! SPECIFIC NEW SHINY THING '

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7 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:

LL are a bit damned if you do, damned if you don't when it comes to the viewer.

They are on all things. They've just smartened-up and stopped trying to please all of the people all of the time and decided on "if you don't like it, adapt or not, your call." Which I can appreciate.

Edited by Alyona Su
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Long thread, read it all yesterday, but never bothered responding, lol... So, what would I do, if I were LL...

TLDR;-fix what exists, before looking to add new issues

1-Focus on some of the issues that have plagued the JIRAs, the grid, the viewers, etc., for years. All of them, obviously, are not easy fixes, hell maybe most of them are not easy fixes, I'm not LL, I don't want to add any certainty onto that statement, because of that factor. That said, there are some issues that no one, including LL, can reasonably deny LL has pushed on to the back burner, or shoved in the furthest corners of the closet, for a myriad of reasons(most we, mere residents, will never know), for far, far too long.  No one, including LL, can also reasonably deny that some of these issues, have been the driving force behind people scaling back on their use of sl (some, to the extreme of never coming back). 

2-See #1

One of these issues is the all encompassing MP. Yes, LL has done some work, and bravo to them for doing so...FINALLY. The MP team has dealt with a lot of vitriol, much of which I, personally, believe that LL could have mitigated if they took complaints a wee bit more seriously, and stopped with the "we'll look into it" mantra. It's grown painfully obvious that "we'll look into it" isn't always the best suited response, nor even necessary, in some cases (most when it comes to MP, really). LL doesn't know, all too well it seems, how to best use its resources at current level, much less at an increased level. How many times have LL asked us, user (be you merchant, customer, or simply a free floating entity within sl that categorizes one's self as neither...you're a user, lol) what we would like to see improved? The answer is- way more than most of us may remember, and way more than they should have to. How many times have they actually listened to our answers though, or taken them seriously, or even really considered them? Now, some they may not listen to because it's super hard to implement what we want, while maintaining what they need, I totally get that, in ways no one wants to read, I really do. But some of them...come on now. Go to the merchant forum, look back on the countless discussions about "what's wrong with the MP, how can it be fixed, what should we do, what do you want to see...." threads. Some of the things LL has done, to seem to appease to us, are, well, laughable, at best, or simply poorly implemented,. Merchants and customers alike have given plenty of feedback, not all of it usable, but some of it, most definitely. I don't know if it is because LL foists too much responsibility on a very select and small group of employees, if LL doesn't care, if LL can't implement and doesn't know how to tell us, if....you get my point. Why we don't know, is primarily due to another issue that has plagued LL since sl's inception-communication.  They are great at times, at others, they are horrid, and usually it falls somewhere between the two. That's an issue only LL can fix, and no amount of us telling them "TALK TO US!!!" is going to solve, obviously, lol. 

So, my solution to a great many of their issues- those that plague functionality, retention, etc..., is to utilize resources better, and find a way to obtain resources they do not yet possess, but greatly need.  That's a pretty broad brush, not one I envy them for taking on-should they decide to do so, but it is a brush I think worthy of picking up and putting a bit more effort into getting onto the canvas. It seems, at times, they try, and sometimes those attempts are while not successful, a valiant effort, and recognized (ok maybe not by all, but by some of us). But most of the time, that effort is very short lived and we return to where we were, hence the sheer amount of vitriol over issues that may seem minor to some, but just due to their longevity-and time spent being ignored by LL, are extremely obnoxious. 

I don't deny LL is a business, and it is designed to make money, period. That is the bottom line of EVERY business. How they get there though is important.  LL has made some awesome decisions, some ok not so bad decisions, some ok now you're pushing it LL but we'll keep an eye on this decisions, and some super crappy decisions. Where one stands on these decisions depends entirely on one's experience, dependency, whatever, on said issue(s). Let's not pretend that LL is some business that is teetering on the edge of profit and loss, it isn't, and hasn't been for a long time. Of course, costs increase over the years, but some of the resources LL either needs, or needs to better implement, used to be far more costly than they are today. So, factoring in that LL still needs to make money, it would serve them well to look into these things a bit more closely, and stop with the "we'll look into it when we can".. "We can", is today, as things they have needed for a long time, are far more widely available today, and far more attainable by a company with the profit margin LL has at this very moment. Ten years ago "We'd like to implement/obtain this resource, but it would cost us more, which in turn will cost you more"-would've been a VERY reasonable response, to a great many issues. Today, not so much, at least not in all cases. 

I don't pretend to know LL's back end (including all of their costs), please don't take my words as me assuming I do. I just know they can do better, and if they really listened to the community, in the way(s) they seem to want us to think they do, a lot of the problems would've already been solved. It would be way less of  demolish this to fix that scenario and increases in cost(s) to users, would be far easier to swallow. As it stands, I believe a lot of the problems with cost increases to users is coming from the "why the hell are you charging us more for the exact same crap we've had for years" standpoint. I may not always agree with that standpoint, lol (and I really don't, cost increases are part of business...period) but I can understand where it might come from. 

To make this longer..I'm not against cost increases to users, at all. In fact, I expected it years ago, really, despite not being premium myself, it always surprised me that they didn't do it. But that also raises the question of why they never had to increase costs, and why they maintained a pretty high profit margin for so long. Why are they now suffering(that may be a bad term, my apologies if it really doesn't fit) so much that they are taking away, to give, but still maintaining the same level of "we'll look into it".  I suspect this is why many think they are now going to be paying for the mistake that was/is Sansar. It seems LL has some kind of money sink they didn't have even five years ago-and it's not resources being used to the betterment of the grid. If it were resources for the betterment of the grid, the deafening silence  (poorly constructed communication methods) would not be *still* necessary after all these years.  Adding "new shinies" doesn't make old issues go away, either, and LL really needs to take that under serious consideration going forward (but I've said that for years, yet I am still here..I have faith someone at LL will eventually do this, lol..ok, I'm just weird, whatever...it often gets me a lot of backlash, lol)


That's my tree fiddy  :D

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17 hours ago, Frankie Antonioni said:

I don't think that LL should make the movie. I would suggest something like product placement. In the movie You've Got Mail, you see AOL on the computer screen. AOL became well known because of that. The movie came out in 1998. It was made in 1997. Most people didn't go on the internet then. I didn't get the internet until May 1999.  Somebody reading this, might know a Hollywood writer. They could contact the writer, and suggest the story.


Back then not a lot of people were on the internet because internet was being charged a price for a certain amount of hours then after that you had to pay by the hour. I remember because one month I had a 400.00 internet bill.  Oh, and that was thru AOL!

Edited by Victorianna Writer
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20 minutes ago, Victorianna Writer said:

Back then not a lot of people were on the internet because internet was being charged a price for a certain amount of hours then after that you had to pay by the hour. I remember because one month I had a 400.00 internet bill.  Oh, and that was thru AOL!

I guess those people never heard of Juno or any of the other free dial up services. 

Well I'll be... Juno is still in operation and still offers free dial up (drastically reduced to 10 hours per month instead of the unlimited 24/7 I used to get)! https://www.juno.com/

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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Of the internet businesses that have been around since 2003, who has done better than Second Life?  Amazon: yes.  AOL: I don't think so.  Yahoo: I don't think so.  Google: yes.  It's kind of debatable if the 2003 Facemash and 2004 TheFaceBook count, but if so then Facebook: yes. 

Second Life is kind of amazing in that it never went truly boom or truly bust; it just kind of meandered along. 

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I'd deploy a simple 5 step plan to become the most loved person.


Step 1: Drop Sansar. People will celebrate me for this.

Step 2: Implement Mirrors. People will absolutely love me for this.

Step 3: Drop EEP, bring proper Volumetric Lighting, Motion Blur, HDR, Tone Mapping, Volumetric Clouds, Volumetric Water. People will jump in circles.

Step 4: Bring all kinds of cool stuff we always wanted, live posing, animation editor, configurable walk/run speeds, editable animations (priority, easy in/out etc). People will be lying on the ground having more orgasms in an hour than in the rest of their entire life at this point.

Step 5: Errect a golden statue of me somewhere so people can worship me proper, possibly granting premium randomly.

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55 minutes ago, NiranV Dean said:

I'd deploy a simple 5 step plan to become the most loved person.


Step 1: Drop Sansar. People will celebrate me for this.

Step 2: Implement Mirrors. People will absolutely love me for this.

Step 3: Drop EEP, bring proper Volumetric Lighting, Motion Blur, HDR, Tone Mapping, Volumetric Clouds, Volumetric Water. People will jump in circles.

Step 4: Bring all kinds of cool stuff we always wanted, live posing, animation editor, configurable walk/run speeds, editable animations (priority, easy in/out etc). People will be lying on the ground having more orgasms in an hour than in the rest of their entire life at this point.

Step 5: Errect a golden statue of me somewhere so people can worship me proper, possibly granting premium randomly.

Step 6 .. Put pants on Niran's statue.

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56 minutes ago, NiranV Dean said:

I'd deploy a simple 5 step plan to become the most loved person.


Step 1: Drop Sansar. People will celebrate me for this.

Step 2: Implement Mirrors. People will absolutely love me for this.

Step 3: Drop EEP, bring proper Volumetric Lighting, Motion Blur, HDR, Tone Mapping, Volumetric Clouds, Volumetric Water. People will jump in circles.

Step 4: Bring all kinds of cool stuff we always wanted, live posing, animation editor, configurable walk/run speeds, editable animations (priority, easy in/out etc). People will be lying on the ground having more orgasms in an hour than in the rest of their entire life at this point.

Step 5: Errect a golden statue of me somewhere so people can worship me proper, possibly granting premium randomly.

I am definitely in on steps 1 - 4, step 5 not so much though I have to say the random premium is tempting.

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8 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I am definitely in on steps 1 - 4, step 5 not so much though I have to say the random premium is tempting.

Well that's exactly why i'd put random premium on worhsipping it, it's a 50:50 chance to get 2-4 days of premium once every day but you can not stack it longer than a week so people will have to come back occasionally, this keeps people worshipping once in a while and they keep premium.

8 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Step 6 .. Put pants on Niran's statue.

Never. You're damaging/griefing Linden Lab property, this could get you a day or two on... THE CHAIR... and you'll get the dunce cap force worn via RLVa.

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if *I* had a say at Linden Lab, ...

  • the viewer UI would become similar to the "Phoenix Mode" on Firestorm. Similar enough to V1.x to please the oldbies, and modern enough to please the newbies, that UI skin is a genius solution by the FS devs. And as a side effect, the learning experience would be much easier than with the current UI of the official viewer.
  • The JIRA would get the level of "user demand" rather than "possible suggestions" -- I mean, there would be an entire team only responsible for evaluating the JIRA and working to fix all issues that have been waiting on there for years.
  • Any and all so-called "skill games" would be re-evaluated whether or not they'd rather fit into the "gambling game" category. Example: Slot machines, Greedy, even Gacha machines. No more "gamifying" of the UI or the virtual world in general.
  • The money-pit Sansar would be dropped entirely, any and all staff and budget currently involved there would be redirected to fix and improve LL's main product, Second Life.
  • There would be enough people employed to grant 24/7 live chat and support.
  • Mirrors would be introduced. After it once (some years ago I think?) was shown that it was possible to create real-time mirrors in-world at one point, this should and would be introduced as a new - and welcome feature.
  • An in-world tool to create an optimized mesh item out of a prim object would be developed and introduced.
  • SL would be advertised as an outlet for creative people, as a family meeting place, as a place to learn and study. Back to "Your World, Your Imagination".
  • It would be back to a list of Last Names as a necessary part at the creation of an account - not as an extra Premium perk to pay for, but as part of the account creation. Some of you might remember: There was a list of last names, then you could freely type your first name, (or the other way around), then you could sign in. That said:  For all those with the placeholder "Resident", there would be a one-time possibility to choose a last name from another, longer list.
  • Also, a special Teen Grid would be created and re-introduced, with the Main Grid rated 18+ -- and with the necessity to certify one's age in order to get access to Adult-rated regions.
  • any new Viewer UI or functionality development would be assessed by people who actually spend much time in-world, who use the viewer on a daily base.
  • The Mentor program would be introduced, just better than before. And there would be discounts for Community Gateways and educational regions again.
  • Landlords would get less discounts than they get now. In my opinion, any person who can afford to buy and keep 20+ regions, can afford them at full price too, they don't need any quantity discount at all
  • The possibility to pay directly from the bank account via cash transfer or debit, instead of being forced to use Paypal, Skrill or a credit card would be re-introduced. More possibilities to buy L$ = more revenue.
Edited by ThorinII
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