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Don't make us have a ghost zone - People start to turn on land privacy

Ruslana Koskinen

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5 hours ago, ananoelle said:

Look out side in rl at any given time and the street is full of people or there are people in the yards cleaning or playing... 

This totally depends on where you actually live and what the weather is typically like.  In my current RL neighborhood, because of weather, the only time you will see people hanging around outside is in the summer, late afternoon or early evenings, and during the day on the weekends.  In the neighborhood that I grew up in, nobody hung around outside during the daytime hours due to heat and humidity, so there you would see people out in the early mornings and late evening.  Even then, there were some people that you almost never saw except as they were coming or going to/from their house.   In any case, in RL, you will not see people in the streets or yards "at any given time".


5 hours ago, ananoelle said:

why move to a bustling community that has longed for this type of SL. One thats social even.

Well.... it's not like LL created any new Linden Houses in a more isolated area.  I'm not a very social person and while I love that the community as a whole is social, there is nothing that requires me to constantly be social. 

If I could set the person view off for inside the house while still letting folks see me in the yard -- without me having to constantly change settings - then I'd do that, as it does mimic RL.  Since I cannot split the setting within the parcel and even if I was so inclined, I know that I would not remember to switch it back and forth.  Thus the privacy setting will stay turned on at my location.

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1 hour ago, Fox Wijaya said:

there is nothing against what "you" want, but you want others to do the same, and there your suggestion for a general ruling goes wrong ; what you want doesn't have to be what your neighbours want, and also isn't written in the guidelines or TOS.
If, for example, i were your neighbour you would be looking at banlines and red parcel on the map within a few days, so eager to have a shared SL with others would creep me out.

just aside and teasing.... you know shouting is not a prefered way to talk in the LL guidelines of good neighbourship in the Linden Home wiki? :)


  • Use local chat say, rather than shout.
  • Respect your neighbors' privacy.

.. not everybody will use the Linden Home as you think they should,  "should" is a wrong point of view, A Linden home is tied to a premium account, they can use it at the way they like, and that's most likely not your way.

again.. you want that, but i see no role to pioneer in that matter at all. .. "we should" is in real "i want", i think it's better to let it flow instead of the forced be sweet/happy and welcome everybody.

Don't take this as attack of any kind, go the way you think is right, , but can't just say, we need, we must, we should ... there are as many opinions on SL as there are people.

OK,  I give up. I even cannot make wish, saying "want", cannot use "we", cannot "shout" (when does rather than become should not?). I will stop to follow this thread. I will leave Bellisseria when my premium account expired within 2 months.

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5 minutes ago, Ruslana Koskinen said:

OK,  I give up. I even cannot make wish, saying "want", cannot use "we", cannot "shout" (when does rather than become should not?). I will stop to follow this thread. I will leave Bellisseria when my premium account expired within 2 months.

@Ruslana Koskinen, the forums can be a harsh place to have a conversation.  It is OK to express desires as long as you understand people will want to express theirs too and respond to yours.  Sometimes people can be brutal when delivering theirs, just put that down to a lack of diplomacy.  It would be a shame if you cancel your premium and give up your hard to gain home which you clearly enjoy over a few harsh words.  Try not to take it too personally.  Stepping back and taking a break from the forums when people annoy you is a good strategy and one a lot of us often do.

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1 hour ago, Quiet Mirabella said:

I am pretty sure the starter of this thread did not mean she wanted to watch what you guys do in private, I understood it more in the direction that when you walk past a garden ...then you in RL normally can see your neighbor doing garden work or what other outdors activety. Like a living neighborhood.. That was all I think this thread meant. And again I do fully understand those that do not want that..as much as I understand those that want. I chose to take of privacy when i sit on my deck.. and stuff like that. But thats me, not all agree with that and its fine. Just please everyone, hug it out lol

I think that the problem that is NEW in Bellisseria is that we now all have a garden. Not that it's a problem to have a garden *lol* - but that you can either chose to be visible or invisible - not like in RL invisible inside your house and visible in your garden.

I personally don't mind. I have an outdoor shower und can enjoy showering naked without being seen.

But I can understand what the OP meant: it's a bit like a ghostttown when you never see anybody.

Best thing to do: buy a Bycicle or go for walks!


Edited by Leora Jacobus
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1 hour ago, Coby Foden said:

Parcel privacy in SL is lacking some functionality. When you turn it on anybody outside the parcel cannot see avatars in the parcel. And avatars inside the parcel cannot see avatars outside the parcel even when those avatars are on public land. So it's kind of "sack on the head" on both sides.

A cool solution would be that nobody outside the parcel would not see avatars inside the parcel, but avatars inside the parcel would see avatars outside normally. Even more cool solution would be if the avatar visibility could be set not only to the whole parcel but also to a specific area inside the parcel. Like for example only for the footprint area of the house.

When in RL I'm inside the house nobody outside can see me. But when I go outside the house, still being in my parcel, everybody can see me and I can see them.

THAT is the point! Maybe the Lindens will correct that one day. Makes SL feel a bit more like RL.

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46 minutes ago, Ruslana Koskinen said:

OK,  I give up. I even cannot make wish, saying "want", cannot use "we", cannot "shout" (when does rather than become should not?). I will stop to follow this thread. I will leave Bellisseria when my premium account expired within 2 months.

If you post on the forums, you will get responses. Not all will agree with you. If you sound like you are telling people what to do, you will get pushback. It's true in any forums you go to, not just this one.

No need to flounce from the community over it, though. Just live and let live, and let people do their own thing in the privacy of their own homes. 

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14 minutes ago, Leora Jacobus said:

THAT is the point! Maybe the Lindens will correct that one day. Makes SL feel a bit more like RL.

Think of it as the SL version of a really high fence in RL without the ability to cam over.  No difference, except you may not also have to keep yelling at them to keep the noise down because they will hopefully have restricted sounds to their parcel too.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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3 hours ago, Walpurgisnacht said:

I keep my privacy off, I like to see people travel by, and I'm certainly happy for them to see me especially if I'm sitting in my garden. But I have no problem with people that keep their privacy on.

I have a family that live next door, they seem to meet up at a certain time of the day, but I've never seen any of them. They keep to their parcel, and as it's private I cannot tell if they're in their garden. But should they ever take the privacy off, or come off their parcel, I shall be happy to wave and greet them in a neighbourly fashion. But in the meantime, I respect their privacy and leave them to it.


I never set my privacy to on either.  Not even on mainland.   I guess we are just open books so to speak.  Personally I have no problem with those that like it on and it really should be an option for people.    Taking the ban lines away is good enough for me!

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14 minutes ago, karynmaria said:

I never set my privacy to on either.  Not even on mainland.   I guess we are just open books so to speak.  Personally I have no problem with those that like it on and it really should be an option for people.    Taking the ban lines away is good enough for me!

There is still the adult activities rule, you have to do all what is possible not to confront others with adult content. Not setting privacy possibilities can bring you in trouble when you get reported.
It is said before at one of the starter threads about the rules, if you do all possible there's nothing to fear, but you will have to do something.

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Personally, I'm tired of the moral police telling the rest of us how to behave. If someone posts telling others what they should do on their own parcel, they shouldn't be surprised when they receive backlash.

I will continue to push back against all these "shoulds" people post about everyone else's behavior. That includes supporting the freedom to respond to forum posts as we see fit, as long as we are within the rules. The preaching really is getting old. 

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25 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

Personally, I'm tired of the moral police telling the rest of us how to behave. If someone posts telling others what they should do on their own parcel, they shouldn't be surprised when they receive backlash.

I will continue to push back against all these "shoulds" people post about everyone else's behavior. That includes supporting the freedom to respond to forum posts as we see fit, as long as we are within the rules. The preaching really is getting old. 


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4 hours ago, Ruslana Koskinen said:

OK,  I give up. I even cannot make wish, saying "want", cannot use "we", cannot "shout" (when does rather than become should not?). I will stop to follow this thread. I will leave Bellisseria when my premium account expired within 2 months.

You should never let the opinions of others influence the decisions you voluntarily make. If you're going to give up your home and membership you quite obviously enjoy, that's on you and no one else. You stated you wish to be part of a community, and that is great. You must realize that communities are made up of individuals with different wants, needs and opinions. Accepting not everyone will agree with you and not abandoning your home over this fact is being part of a community. Don't run away from something you love just because of differing opinions please.

Now when ban lines were first taken way, I was upset because I've had bad experiences with griefers and a stalker. I chose to give things an active chance though with setting up my own orb to meet the rules set forth in Belleserria? Sorry if I butchered the name. I've found I prefer orbs now. We set our parcel to where the noise and visibility is restricted to our parcel. Not just for my family, but courtesy for our neighbors as well. We have a daughter that can be quite happy, boisterous and loud. Where my boyfriend is more sociable, I'm very shy and timid. I get anxiety in many social situations and my home is my sanctuary. 

I love my neighborhood and neighbors. I never feel alone even with the settings on because there are green dots all over the place and that's wonderful. We ride our bicycles around and all people I've seen have waved or said hello which makes me reassured to do the same in turn even with my anxiety. Soon, we're gonna try sailing because we miss it terribly.

The point is, we have a beautiful thing going with this new continent! Even with differences you will encounter. Everyone not being alike makes both worlds interesting. If you enjoy being open, by all means do so. Don't abandon something you love though because not everyone agrees with you. You're always going to get met with quiet or louder feedback in any community you choose to be part of. Right now in this thread were having a community discussion. That's pretty awesome and positive in my opinion! So just expect open discussion and not blind agreement in situations like this! It's all about respect on all sides.

I hope you don't allow yourself to leave simply because others don't agree with you all the time. That would be a shame. So just be happy and be yourself! Realize though others have every right to do the same? Sorry for the novel. 😊 Even shy people have lots to say at times I guess. 😂

Edited by LyricalBookworm
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3 hours ago, Fox Wijaya said:

There is still the adult activities rule, you have to do all what is possible not to confront others with adult content. Not setting privacy possibilities can bring you in trouble when you get reported.
It is said before at one of the starter threads about the rules, if you do all possible there's nothing to fear, but you will have to do something.


Oh definately!  I don't do adult activities so for me it is not an issue.  But yeah people have to have a choice on whether they want to be private or not.

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I can understand both sides of this debate, and I also think it's up to each individual as to how they want to set their own parcel settings. 

Personally, I rarely turn parcel privacy on.  At my other parcels, which are either along a mainland road or in an estate that encourages community (and encourages having parcel privacy turned off but does allow skyboxes and security orbs for the skybox), I do not have it turned on either.  The main reason I do not have it on is because I like to be able to see others walking or driving by in the public areas directly outside my parcel.  

I don't have a partner, nor do I participate in cuddling or any activities that should be "behind closed doors", so that aspect does not apply for me.  If I'm going to be trying on a lot of clothes, demoing skins or mesh bodies, or working on my shape, I will go to a skybox I have above my mainland parcel, where I feel it is less likely for someone to cam into.  

I don't mind at all if all my neighbors have it turned on - that just means I won't see them unless they are in the public areas, and that is fine if that is what they want.  It also means that they won't see me unless they are in the public areas, so that should work fine for those who don't want to see anyone else on another parcel.  So, maybe that's a win-win :)

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3 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

If you post on the forums, you will get responses. Not all will agree with you. If you sound like you are telling people what to do, you will get pushback. It's true in any forums you go to, not just this one.

No need to flounce from the community over it, though. Just live and let live, and let people do their own thing in the privacy of their own homes. 

Thank you for saying this.

Forums can often feel a bit blunt, and it's easy to have differing opinions .. and to be passionate about those opinions

It's no fun having a conversation with anyone who isn't.

It's not all knives and rage fits, even if it might look or feel like it sometimes. I know I can come across as especially harsh at times.

This community is as rich precisely because we don't all walk in perfect step on everything.

10 hours ago, Ruslana Koskinen said:

Removal of  ban line is good move. But, if everyone put up privacy 7x24 for no reason, Linden Home area before look like a ghost city.  Please consider turn it up on necessity.  Personal, I hope there has privacy orb. so the invisible is sticking to a place, rather than a land. Further, privacy should be changed single side. Current privacy just make us isolated from each others.  

Land privacy should be added to the house control panel. So it can be managed by friends or alts.

I get the intent, SL can easily become a silent ghost town with everyone hidden away in their bubble. It's kinda human nature and on the whole not great for a sense of community.

People make the most friends during the start of their time in SL, and then as time passes end up lamenting how lonely it can be, and how SL was better back whenever they started. Not realizing that their own behavior and outlook has gradually shifted.

The biggest complaint from people who bailed out on SL early, isn't that it was hard or confusing, it's that there was no one around.

Forcing people together does make for a burst of activity, but not everyone has the stamina to be full on all the time. Introverts and extroverts and all that, and if you force it too long, people will just bail out entirely.

At the end of the day it has to come down to the individual, if they want to be seen or not seen.


Personally .. if I'm about in public, it's fine.

If you can see me on my parcel, it's fine.

If I've disabled avatar visibility, it's not fine (but you can still IM).

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Isn't camming into someone's house like rl peering into someone's windows?  Not socially acceptable lol.  I know how to change clothes with getting naked, just put on new clothes before taking off the old, easy peasy.  I agree, a visitor should "knock at your door",  or speak.  I've had the experience of someone just walking in (in SL) & didn't like it.  Common courtesy isn't the same for everyone (just as friendly words obviously), but years ago I heard a two part credo:  "Offend no one, and don't be to easily offended)

(edit: make that without getting naked)


Now, bring on the flaming 😈

Edited by GinaFreumann
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3 hours ago, LyricalBookworm said:

You should never let the opinions of others influence the decisions you voluntarily make. If you're going to give up your home and membership you quite obviously enjoy, that's on you and no one else. You stated you wish to be part of a community, and that is great. You must realize that communities are made up of individuals with different wants, needs and opinions. Accepting not everyone will agree with you and not abandoning your home over this fact is being part of a community. Don't run away from something you love just because of differing opinions please.

Now when ban lines were first taken way, I was upset because I've had bad experiences with griefers and a stalker. I chose to give things an active chance though with setting up my own orb to meet the rules set forth in Belleserria? Sorry if I butchered the name. I've found I prefer orbs now. We set our parcel to where the noise and visibility is restricted to our parcel. Not just for my family, but courtesy for our neighbors as well. We have a daughter that can be quite happy, boisterous and loud. Where my boyfriend is more sociable, I'm very shy and timid. I get anxiety in many social situations and my home is my sanctuary. 

I love my neighborhood and neighbors. I never feel alone even with the settings on because there are green dots all over the place and that's wonderful. We ride our bicycles around and all people I've seen have waved or said hello which makes me reassured to do the same in turn even with my anxiety. Soon, we're gonna try sailing because we miss it terribly.

The point is, we have a beautiful thing going with this new continent! Even with differences you will encounter. Everyone not being alike makes both worlds interesting. If you enjoy being open, by all means do so. Don't abandon something you love though because not everyone agrees with you. You're always going to get met with quiet or louder feedback in any community you choose to be part of. Right now in this thread were having a community discussion. That's pretty awesome and positive in my opinion! So just expect open discussion and not blind agreement in situations like this! It's all about respect on all sides.

I hope you don't allow yourself to leave simply because others don't agree with you all the time. That would be a shame. So just be happy and be yourself! Realize though others have every right to do the same? Sorry for the novel. 😊 Even shy people have lots to say at times I guess. 😂

I could have written this, minus the boyfriend and family. Bellisseria has brought me out of my shell a bit. 

Respecting differences and privacy are also necessary to building a strong, and lasting, community.

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On 5/18/2019 at 9:54 AM, Coby Foden said:

Parcel privacy in SL is lacking some functionality. When you turn it on anybody outside the parcel cannot see avatars in the parcel. And avatars inside the parcel cannot see avatars outside the parcel even when those avatars are on public land. So it's kind of "sack on the head" on both sides.

A cool solution would be that nobody outside the parcel would not see avatars inside the parcel, but avatars inside the parcel would see avatars outside normally. Even more cool solution would be if the avatar visibility could be set not only to the whole parcel but also to a specific area inside the parcel. Like for example only for the footprint area of the house.

When in RL I'm inside the house nobody outside can see me. But when I go outside the house, still being in my parcel, everybody can see me and I can see them.

Bolded section would be brilliant. Especially with each parcel knowing what house its using, and said houses footprint. Could extend  the footprint idea to the security orb settings too: e.x. you step onto the property, 20 second warning; you tp into the home, kicked immediately. 

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An afterthought:

.... all this said, I personally started thinking it over and came to the conclusion that for now I will switch OFF my privacy. The neighbours I don't fancy have THEIR'S on, so I do not see them anyway and if I have mine on I cannot see people walking in the street either, so for the time being, while I decorate my home and am not usually making new outfits there, why not live without privacy? I'll see where that takes me! ;)

.... so really it wasn't such a bad dea of @Ruslana Koskinen to open this thread!

Sometimes it needs a little push to start thinking NEW over things we made up our mind about.

Edited by Leora Jacobus
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5 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I turned it off on the houseboat because an avatar was standing under water a long time, maybe an hour. It didn't bother me first bc I thought he was afk. But after 30 min, it started to feel creepy. I think my houseboat is one of two with privacy off.

I have mine turned off also (and allow rezzing with 5-minute Auto-return) - though someone camping under the boat for more than a couple minutes without any contact is a good reason to play with the eject button (not a ban, necessarily, but the eject - because those are fun to watch).

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28 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

I turned it off on the houseboat because an avatar was standing under water a long time, maybe an hour. It didn't bother me first bc I thought he was afk. But after 30 min, it started to feel creepy. I think my houseboat is one of two with privacy off.

Is anyone mentioned that the privacy setting does not hide you when other is within your parcel? It equal to no privacy? it has to land privacy + ban access. It impossible to ban everyone since ban line disabled.  Ban line forbid other access up to 75M height and anyone above 75M cannot see avatar inside when land privacy turned on.  So the only true protection of privacy is have your own land can enable banline. Have your own lsland is ultimate privacy protection. 

Edited by Ruslana Koskinen
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