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-Bellisserians Show Off Your Home and Garden-

Blush Bravin
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I accidentally posted the below in the Victorian furniture yesterday but this was were I mean to post it so I'm adding it again.....

Today I'm gong to shamessly Plug the Adams Expansion Kit #2 that I have created. It is one of two Home and Garden Expo  Relay For Life of Second Life 100% donation items that I will be adding. It will make me no profit but 100% of  every sale will be going to Relay for Life in the Hopes of one day removing the Scurge of Cancer from all our lives. The expo opens on the 13th and will run until March 9th. The build will be fully furnished with all kinds of beautiful things so scroll on down to see what I've done.
 All of the furniture is animated, some with props. It is a completely furnished home with LI to add your own pieces. The Pool can be accessed from both the ground or the living room french doors. Even the side yard will be landscaped.

Here is the SLURL if you'd like to see it now. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/All Hours/187/234/25

adams furnished expansion kit 2  1_001.jpg

adams furnished expansion kit 2  1_002.jpg

adams furnished expansion kit 2  1_004.jpg

adams furnished expansion kit 2  1_005.jpg

adams furnished expansion kit 2  1_007.jpg

adams furnished expansion kit 2  1_008.jpg

adams furnished expansion kit 2  1_012.jpg

adams furnished expansion kit 2  1_014.jpg

adams furnished expansion kit 2  1_013.jpg

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7 hours ago, lu Rae said:





Lovely decor. You should apply here: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/357-linden-homes/

So there are not only oldbies (on the forum) that decorates Linden Homes.

And what do my old hazel eyes see in the top image? A brick Victorian add-on? Sunroom with top veranda, is there a railing?... More pictures needed. Your work?

The more impressive, that you furnished so well with the additional builds Li from your 351. 

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Did a little switch-a-roo on the inside. I'm never completely finished because I'm always twisting and turning things around in my mind. 🙈 No rest for the wicked! 😄

So this is the entrance/lounge area now. Loved the paneling shown in one of the previous posts so much that I had to create one for myself:

Pushed the "Red Room" downstairs:

And placed the "Purple Room" upstairs:

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