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Lines that annoy you most


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I haven't read carefully through the entire thread, but I've read enough of it that two things stand out:

1) Is it not possible to IM someone without it being a pick-up attempt, or read that way? Is it not possible to respond to an IM without leaving the impression that one is at least possibly interested in being picked-up?

2) I'm not sure if all of the accounts of receiving pick-up lines here are from women, but certainly the vast majority are. Why?

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7 hours ago, SirParadox said:

How is it annoying if someone is trying to start a convo and actually does have things to talk about.. but some people won't even let them get to that?  

If you had gotten as many IMs as I have that said nothing more than "hi" or "hi how are you" and then complete silence, you'd be just as annoyed by it. If that is all you have to say (and it usually is) then don't bother IMing. Life is too short to sit around and wait for someone who has no intentions of responding.

Makes me wish the SLU archive was up so I could direct you to a thread that discusses this exact same topic. You would find it very enlightening. 

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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10 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

2) I'm not sure if all of the accounts of receiving pick-up lines here are from women, but certainly the vast majority are. Why?

It's no different to real life.

Swap tinder accounts with a male friend for an evening and see what happens. It was an eye-opening experience for both myself and my friend when I tried this.

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OK, following my earlier post, this was the full chat last night.

Can somebody please interpret what this guy was going on about????

Is there some sort of left eye secret society here????? I feel under-informed..........well, maybe more stupid than a usual day hehe!

Remember this came off sim, so I never saw the guy. Whether he had seen me earlier is another matter of course!!!

[2018/11/13 10:28] *****: hey

[2018/11/13 10:30] *****: are you there?

[2018/11/13 10:30] Belinda: Do I know you *****????

[2018/11/13 10:30] *****: No but I saw your profile picture and I am curious if you showed only left eye on purpose :P

[2018/11/13 10:32] *****: It is random picture or you are enlightened?

[2018/11/13 10:37] Belinda: Sorry I don't understand your question?

[2018/11/13 10:38] *****: Showing left eye means good side and being enlightened

[2018/11/13 10:39] *****: you will understand one day :P

[2018/11/13 10:39] Belinda: That profile picture was taken by a guy I didn't know just after I started here.........

[2018/11/13 10:40] *****: It is not rule in SL or something

[2018/11/13 10:40] Belinda: ??

[2018/11/13 10:41] *****: It is hard to explain

[2018/11/13 10:42] Belinda: Yeah you're way over my head I'm afraid *****. Where did you come across my profile picture?

[2018/11/13 10:44] *****: I was just looking at second life website online users cause there is something wrong with my pc and I can currently now use only text viewer so I thought I will find someone to chat with :P

[2018/11/13 10:44] Belinda: Oh OK.

[2018/11/13 10:44] Belinda: Not the forum then.

[2018/11/13 10:45] *****: but if you are watching movies or listening to music pay attention to symbols on pictures

[2018/11/13 10:45] *****: you will understand what I meant with that left eye

[2018/11/13 10:46] Belinda: Hmm. OK

[2018/11/13 10:46] *****: have a nice day :-)

[2018/11/13 10:47] Belinda: You too!


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5 hours ago, AyelaNewLife said:

It's no different to real life. 

Swap tinder accounts with a male friend for an evening and see what happens. It was an eye-opening experience for both myself and my friend when I tried this.

Yes, agreed. I guess I'm asking why this is the case, in RL or in SL?

Why is the initiative for making contact left to men?

Or, when women are doing it (as surely must happen), why are they not using "pick up lines"? What do women characteristically do instead, when wanting to make contact?

(And can men maybe learn from our different approach????)

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47 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yes, agreed. I guess I'm asking why this is the case, in RL or in SL?

Why is the initiative for making contact left to men?

Or, when women are doing it (as surely must happen), why are they not using "pick up lines"? What do women characteristically do instead, when wanting to make contact?

(And can men maybe learn from our different approach????)

It depends on what av i am wearing... Human avs get "hey, hi, how are you?" and the like.... Non human avs.. they get the weird stuff that at times frightens me.

1 minute ago, janetosilio said:

@BelindaN it looks like you ran into one of SL’s many conspiracy theorists.

I probably would’ve kept him going for a while.

*slaps her own wrist *

I ran into one of those.. At one point, back in the day, I had my intj whatever it was on my profile. Dear lords the nut that IMed me over that.. I copied it to a notecard and then to Word. took out her name and posted it on Fet. Lots of humorous replies to that.. Apparently whatever i put on my profile set her off. She ranted about how she knew exactly what i was like from those 4 letters. Even though every time i took the test with the same answers i got a different result.. 

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yes, agreed. I guess I'm asking why this is the case, in RL or in SL?

Why is the initiative for making contact left to men?

Or, when women are doing it (as surely must happen), why are they not using "pick up lines"? What do women characteristically do instead, when wanting to make contact?

(And can men maybe learn from our different approach????)

Essentially, it's the modern-day descendent of traditional gender roles.

It's traditionally been the man's job to go and ask for the hand of his wife from her father. Sure, society has moved on from that point, but we still have echoes of that expectation, that it's the man's job to propose to the woman and not vice versa. That's still the same in dating - but more importantly, it self-reinforces. Because men will tend to initiate contact, women are used to receiving that contact and so will make fewer initiations themselves, as they're already getting a bunch of conversations (started by men); which men aren't getting too many pickup lines from women, so they'll make more themselves to compensate; and so the cycle starts again.

Then you get the men that adapt to this by "shotgunning" pickup attempts through dating app messages to as many vaguely acceptable women as possible, knowing that the vast majority will be shot down or ignored, turning it into a raw numbers numbers game. Throw a bucket of darts at a dartboard and you'll probably get at least one bullseye; and all you need to "win" is just one bullseye. Which makes the problem worse, as women get even more pickup attempts than real life, so filter out more without giving each guy a chance, and are even less inclined to make an approach themselves.

The only way to fix it is for us to approach more men. This isn't something men can fix; if they just ask out fewer women, they'll get fewer dates for no benefit to themselves. Until the whole "men ask the women out and pay for their meal" culture dies, there will be this problem.

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1 hour ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

It depends on what av i am wearing... Human avs get "hey, hi, how are you?" and the like.... Non human avs.. they get the weird stuff that at times frightens me.

I ran into one of those.. At one point, back in the day, I had my intj whatever it was on my profile. Dear lords the nut that IMed me over that.. I copied it to a notecard and then to Word. took out her name and posted it on Fet. Lots of humorous replies to that.. Apparently whatever i put on my profile set her off. She ranted about how she knew exactly what i was like from those 4 letters. Even though every time i took the test with the same answers i got a different result.. 

I took one of those tests in a psych class years ago. Then the professor gave it to us at the end of the semester and said something to the effect of “Its a general guideline, don’t use it as a label”. It stuck with me because everybody got a different result.

Years later I see it all over the place...being used as a label.

I wore one of the bigger bodies for about a year and big, big difference in how you get approached. That’s when I learned what I unbirthing was.

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10 minutes ago, AyelaNewLife said:


The only way to fix it is for us to approach more men. This isn't something men can fix; if they just ask out fewer women, they'll get fewer dates for no benefit to themselves. Until the whole "men ask the women out and pay for their meal" culture dies, there will be this problem.

A couple of problems come up when women approach men (don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it) it’s more of a let’s talk it out thing.

1) A lot are guys are really, really bad conversationalists. It’s also part of the reason we have pages of funny things they say right here. 

2) Some guys get really confused when women approach them. It’s kind of like funny women. They just aren’t quite sure how to take it.

3) I feel like a lot of guys feel like that’s what should happen anyway, so they really don’t put themselves out there. Most guys I know have told me they get hit on often. It’s just that they tend to roll with it when they are. Mathematically there are probably more females than males, at least avatar wise.

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21 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

3) I feel like a lot of guys feel like that’s what should happen anyway, so they really don’t put themselves out there. Most guys I know have told me they get hit on often. It’s just that they tend to roll with it when they are. Mathematically there are probably more females than males, at least avatar wise.

I think you've got it spot on with the more female than male avatars thing. I guess it's not that different from supply/demand market forces (but don't google "dating economy" or you get a bunch of redpill drivel).

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Well, Scylla...

If you want to do your part to break the male=aggressor stereotype, just start walking up to random guys and say, "I want you to f**k me now."  Then teleport home, hop into bed, and send them a teleport offer.

I bet you get a lot more acceptances than the poor fellows with their lame pickup lines do.

Note:  It's important to say that entire sentence.  A lot of girls just say, "I want you" so as not to sound crude.  The men are left scratching their heads and wondering, "what for?"

Edited by Lindal Kidd
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11 hours ago, BelindaN said:

Can somebody please interpret what this guy was going on about????

Is there some sort of left eye secret society here?????

the person is talking about Zechariah 11:17

"Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened."

the left eye is not darkened so can only see the real truth thru the left eye because connected to the right brain.  Welcome! to the Illuminati :)

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23 hours ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

Back to the OP ...

"Slide down and relax."

When I find myself sliding down, I frequently try to dig in with my nails to arrest my fall.

We ARE talking about sliding down a hill or something, right?

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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9 hours ago, AyelaNewLife said:

as women get even more pickup attempts than real life, so filter out more without giving each guy a chance, and are even less inclined to make an approach themselves

I think that's probably true? Although the men who are worthwhile meeting also tend to be the ones who stand out and get noticed, because they have more to say initially.

9 hours ago, AyelaNewLife said:

The only way to fix it is for us to approach more men.

What I don't get is why this isn't happening already. Surely dating sites (I've never used one) tend to empower women to do just that? Is that not having an effect?

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3 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Well, Scylla...

If you want to do your part to break the male=aggressor stereotype, just start walking up to random guys and say, "I want you to f**k me now."  Then teleport home, hop into bed, and send them a teleport offer.

Well, that sounds like a tough job. But if it's in the service of, you know, making a better world for ourselves and our children . . .

3 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Note:  It's important to say that entire sentence.  A lot of girls just say, "I want you" so as not to sound crude.  The men are left scratching their heads and wondering, "what for?"

This is because women are the traditional guardians of civilized behavior and culture.

And because men are traditionally pretty thick.


I actually have no problems at all with this kind of model, to be honest. And if that's all I wanted, I'd be tempted to take that approach.

(Although I probably wouldn't, because it is against every element of my upbringing and cultural assumptions. Damn it.)

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