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Likes and or Wishes About Second Life

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What is one thing you like or love about second life and what is one thing you wish you could change or make better? I'll start:

One thing I like about second life is that it give people the freedom to express there creativity, while in the process will let you be able to make real money and or earn linden to play to your hearts content. 

One thing I wish for would a redeliver button in the marketplace. Sometimes takes creators months just to get back with you especially if they are really busy.  ?

Your Turn.   

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1. I like to wander and discover some beautiful sims people have spent time and money on purely for the enjoyment of others.  It always amazes me 

2. I like discovering new creators by stumbling across a mainstore not fighting for getting in an event then not being able to browse due to the lag and same faces

3. I agree redelivery on the market would be good and tidy up all the old stuff maybe into a special category of its own. Other tidyups too

I think I am too young in sl to make a list of how to make it better.  I am still happy wandering except maybe clean up some of the griefer trolls at hubs.  I thought I was in minecraft for all the kiddies around playing silly games.


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One thing I like:

I love the freedom SL gives me not to be hindered by an aging and malfunctioning RL body. Within SL I will always look “normal” (for SL) and not be as penned-in by the artificial boundaries of my chronological age (with no visual cues, the age-cohorts mix freely here - 20-somethings and 50-something’s  actually TALK without instinctively filtering based on appearance).



One Thing I Would Change:

A subsidy on sim-costs for content creators. People who create things for others to participate in (beautiful sims open to the public for photography, art appreciation or Roleplay) should get a break on tier cost. This would be hard to manage, but would be a step in the right direction towards maintaining some critical elements that make SL special.


Edited by AmandaKeen
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The one thing I like about it,is having the ability to have my own land..

What would I change? I don't know really,I'm fine with it as it is now..I don't spend nearly as much time in it as I used to,but when I do start to spend lots of time ..I still really don't find much wrong with it ,for me anyways..

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2 hours ago, AmandaKeen said:

I love the freedom SL gives me not to be hindered by an aging and malfunctioning RL body.

Ditto - I'm always youthful and pain-free here.  I could crouch walk for hours in SL without my knees screaming at me (or just buckling) and I can stand back up and walk normally afterwards.

I love being able to flit around shopping or hunting, with intersperced bouts of exploring places.

The first thing that comes to mind of things I'd change:  I would love to be able to do some inventory management when not inworld - and I don't mean via some whittled down odd viewer.

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7 hours ago, AmandaKeen said:

A subsidy on sim-costs for content creators.

and they go put their creations in free give out vendors? .. in that case it would be fair to get something back...  +,+ isn't sounding very fair to me

Lot of contentcreators don't even have sims, nor need it.

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9 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

and they go put their creations in free give out vendors? .. in that case it would be fair to get something back...  +,+ isn't sounding very fair to me

Lot of contentcreators don't even have sims, nor need it.

My full sentence was "A subsidy on sim-costs for content creators. People who create things for others to participate in (beautiful sims open to the public for photography, art appreciation or Roleplay) should get a break on tier cost. This would be hard to manage, but would be a step in the right direction towards maintaining some critical elements that make SL special."

This specifically identifies content creation that requires sim-space and cannot be dispensed via a vendor and must be visited to be experienced.  The creator has to maintain a sim to display the build or maintain a roleplay area.  The side effect would be (for roleplayers) that fewer sims might fail financially and the inworld economy would not lose the boost of roleplayers constantly updating their avatars and buying props.....the makers of clothing, props and build material would benefit.

When I was actively playing, I was spending about 40-60+ US per month on RP-related stuffs.......I'm probably not the only one :-)

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59 minutes ago, AmandaKeen said:

My full sentence was "A subsidy on sim-costs for content creators. People who create things for others to participate in (beautiful sims open to the public for photography, art appreciation or Roleplay) should get a break on tier cost. This would be hard to manage, but would be a step in the right direction towards maintaining some critical elements that make SL special."

i really don't see why they should get a subsidy, they make money with the things they do.

Let's go give wallmarkt, Philiips, GM also free land, build them factories and not pay taxes? ... i have a quite simple point of view in this: if they can't pay the cost of the sim/land/store, with their sales, they should limit their amount of land, withdraw to MP or quit.

For what purpose need most stores whole sims?... none.. there's a buildings with a size that can keep thousends of people and there's nobody....

For some creators are like saints... but it are businesses.

They do make beautiful things, i totally agree, but roleplayers and photographers could give some donations for that, creating things isn't free, so shouldn't be the use.

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3 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

Let's go give wallmarkt, Philiips, GM also free land, build them factories and not pay taxes? ... i have a quite simple point of view in this: if they can't pay the cost of the sim/land/store, with their sales, they should limit their amount of land, withdraw to MP or quit.


Actually, that happens all the time. If a big company wants to build a new facility various states in the US fall all over themselves to give them tax subsidies and sweetheart deals, and the same thing happens in Europe.

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12 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

i really don't see why they should get a subsidy, they make money with the things they do.

Let's go give wallmarkt, Philiips, GM also free land, build them factories and not pay taxes? ... i have a quite simple point of view in this: if they can't pay the cost of the sim/land/store, with their sales, they should limit their amount of land, withdraw to MP or quit.

For what purpose need most stores whole sims?... none.. there's a buildings with a size that can keep thousends of people and there's nobody....

For some creators are like saints... but it are businesses.

They do make beautiful things, i totally agree, but roleplayers and photographers could give some donations for that, creating things isn't free, so shouldn't be the use.

I agree that Roleplay venues -should- be supported by the player base, but in reality this is harder than it sounds.

Some players seem to work the quid-pro-quo angle whereby they expect Special Handling if they financially support the sim. Other players (who don’t support the aim financially) are sometimes too-eager to see Special Favoritism towards those who do - and it devolves into a mudfest.

Add to that the players who regionally look down on tipping or asking people to support something financially - and that gets complicated as well.

There are many ways to monetize a RP sim, most have been tried and the result has been fewer and fewer RP sims for a player-base that’s pretty much static.

I flirt with the idea of self-funding a RP sim after I retire in RL as sort of an Art Project- with no outside funding at all. Sort of a “for the love of the game” thing - but after I shuffle off this mortal coil.....that would end.

Its really hard to keep something viable when so many turn up their noses and say; “it should be free anyway” (and I have attended player town-halls and sim manager meetings where we ran face-first into that one).

Some RP sims have found ways to thrive, but that amounts to slim-ish pickings and getting slimmer all the time.

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I have always enjoyed the creativity of Second Life and the escape. I do wish they would change some fundamental things like updating the renderer to better harness all hardware, even those with lower end gear, and make the viewers better harness these whiz bang multicore cpus. Oh how great it COULD be!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I can be who I want to be. I can be Male, Female... Dragon, Dinosaur, Robot - whatever. Like many have said, I am free of pain - I can walk in heels - which is something I cannot do in RL and dance for hours if I wanted. I can wear a super-complex tattoo one day, or take it off an hour later. with again, no pain involved.



The ABOUT ME section in profiles was bigger. I believe it's 500 characters? Granted I don't want to read an entire novel or write one, but it's like... I'll be in a writing mood and just about finish writing an awesome statement about myself only to run out of room right in the middle of a word.

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On 27/05/2018 at 7:02 AM, Alwin Alcott said:

i really don't see why they should get a subsidy, they make money with the things they do.

Let's go give wallmarkt, Philiips, GM also free land, build them factories and not pay taxes? ... i have a quite simple point of view in this: if they can't pay the cost of the sim/land/store, with their sales, they should limit their amount of land, withdraw to MP or quit.

For what purpose need most stores whole sims?... none.. there's a buildings with a size that can keep thousends of people and there's nobody....

For some creators are like saints... but it are businesses.

They do make beautiful things, i totally agree, but roleplayers and photographers could give some donations for that, creating things isn't free, so shouldn't be the use.

RP sims rarely make money. I am working on one at the moment. We anticipate it being a net cost to the two of us creating it of a 100$ or so a month. We certainly do not expect to break even let alone make a profit on it. Talking to other people that run rp sims this is pretty usual. Why you think they make money is a little bit of a mystery and please dont cite bloodlines. That is really not an rp system for most that partake and even there most clan sims will be losing money not making it


Not arguing here for a subsidy btw just correcting the myth that rp sims make a profit

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38 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

 just correcting the myth that rp sims make a profit

not sure why you quote me in that case.. i never stated anywhere that rp makes profit, only saying if you want to play it, also pay it.

My response was also not to a rp setting but to the suggestion creators in general should get rebates.

and why you also mention bloodlines under my quote is a bit of mystery for me too.

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What I love about SL? The creative freedom. I can make my avatar look however I want it to look. I can build environments straight out of my imagination and let others explore them. Likewise, I can go out and explore the worlds created by others. Incorporate their creations into my own or see others using my creations in their's. That's kind of magical.

What I wish for SL? I can think of plenty, but top of the list would be better tools for content creators. Most of the problems people in SL experience, from lag to the seemingly exorbitant cost of land, comes from issues stemming from poor content creation tools.

Dissatisfied with your avatar? The appearance editor is fighting you every step of the way and you probably don't even realize how. A better designed appearance editor would give you more control over your appearance, while also giving you a better starting point and the tools to help you achieve better looking proportions more in line with the image in your head.

Think land is too expensive? From the moment you first log in to the time you start building your latest house, club or roleplaying sim, SL has been tricking you into building larger than necessary, which eats up more land, which costs you money. You can change the size of your house by stretching it larger or smaller, but land size is static. Double size your house and it takes up 4x as much land. You want more land? You have to pay for it. Better designed tools and presets could help you avoid these issues and get more value from your land.

Dealing with poor framerates? Most of the content around you, and most of the content attached to your avatar, is not optimized for realtime rendering. Better tools could guide content creators with no prior game design experience towards better habits, creating content that doesn't hurt framerates and create lag.

I also think a lot of SL's charm, what drew people in early on, was the in-world content creation. I wish LL had invested more development in keeping those up to date rather than giving up on them. I don't believe in-world building tools necessarily need to be on par with creating mesh in Blender, but the tools we have now haven't really changed all that much since at least 2005, meanwhile we've seen a lot of progress in this area outside of SL.

There's a lot I'd wish for in SL not related to content creation, but as someone who is in SL primarily for the content creation and exploring the work of others, it's pretty near and dear to my heart. Although, and very much related, a close runner up would be wishing that LL made it easier to relocate if you owned mainland. That would go a long way towards nurturing mainland communities in SL. Don't like your neighbors? Do you build large walls around your land, or leave the land itself empty and keep to yourself in a skybox? Have friends scattered around the mainland you'd rather have as neighbors? LL could make it easier for you to pack up and relocate to another spot on the mainland, and then you could all move together to create a mainland community, which in turn would draw other like minded people.

Edited by Penny Patton
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SL could open itself to some new/old technologies.
If i want to shape a face to make it look like a RL person, i have to search for a head what comes at least a bit close to the original face. And then i have a hell of a time to move the sliders to make it looking as good as possible. But i never can get more than a 50% match, because i cant edit the angle or the curvature of the eyebrows, for example.

There is a tool, what makes the creation of a 3D head as easy as possible.
Take 3 good pictures. One from the front, and 2 from each side of your face.
Upload it, tell the program, where is the center, inner and outer corners of your eyes, your nostrils, you ears.... and so on.
Klick OK, and there it is...
Its possible, to import this into SL? of course not... we are stuck to what lelutka and catwa thinks is good for us.

I know, no one stops me from making my own bento heads, make them looking they way i want them to look. But its not something everyone wants to learn, and because of the steep learning curve, people like me are just not able to do it. :)

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