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The hysterical grid is down thread

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The threads would be less hysterical if there was some indication on the Grid Status page when the grid had problems.

There should be an automated message "sims xxx, yyy, and others are having problems, maintenance staff has been paged", at least.

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44 minutes ago, animats said:

The threads would be less hysterical if there was some indication on the Grid Status page when the grid had problems.

or just take a breath, get a coffee or just do something else for a little while.

If you can't its time to get some help for a sl addiction, long outages are in general very, very rare.

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7 hours ago, Deann3 said:

So, LL upgrades something and a few days/weeks later the entire grid crashes? Hmmmmm, anyone seeing a pattern here?

Laughs. it was down for an hour tops.. well not even totally down.  I was inworld fine.  Roll back 8 years and it was down for 2 days.  We just accepted it but these days 5 posts about not being able to log in appear before LL have even had a chance to update the grid status. 

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4 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Laughs. it was down for an hour tops.. well not even totally down.  I was inworld fine.  Roll back 8 years and it was down for 2 days.  We just accepted it but these days 5 posts WHOLE THREADS about not being able to log in appear before LL have even had a chance to update the grid status. 


ETA: Occasionally it was down for much more than 2 days. I was logged in too, and a bot, and we didn't notice anything wrong :)

Edited by Phil Deakins
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Was it 2012 when half the grid vanished for most of an afternoon because somebody digging a ditch accidentally cut the hardline between the two main SLerver farms with a backhoe...

WE mostly just sat where we were and talked about last nights TV and who was poseballing who amongst mutual aquaintance lists...

Or that Saturday night "server event" that left several thousand people ghosted for a week, and unable to log on until LL restarted the grid. The ghosted folks just used alts, or if they didn't have one, made one for the week...

I blame the iSpend Dumbfone UnSocial Media generation... Gotta have the latest Splat from Splatter about when your favorite web micro celebrity went to the toilet, LIVE and direct. Then you can be the FIRST to comment about it on Arsebook! 

Waiting more than a minute for something to come online means you might miss a famous bowel movement!

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10 hours ago, animats said:

The threads would be less hysterical if there was some indication on the Grid Status page when the grid had problems.

There should be an automated message "sims xxx, yyy, and others are having problems, maintenance staff has been paged", at least.

That 'system' was down too!!!    OOPS!!    xD

I was HERE for the whole damn Thing.. watching ALL unfold before my very Eye's... in RL even... Geez.. what'a MESS!!  (Gawd! anyone gotta broom?)

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3 hours ago, Aislin Ceawlin said:

O.oI think the Yanny people are lying;)

They are. well, according to Wired.


The now-infamous audio recording itself originated on the resource website Vocabulary.com, under the entry for "laurel," defined as a "wreath worn on the head, usually as a symbol of victory." 


And here it is, from the 2007 recording: https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/laurel click the speaker next to the word "Laurel" to hear it

Edited by Callum Meriman
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Linden Labs top management is living in the past on service quality. 10-15 years ago, you could ship a buggy product in the virtual world/game/MMO space and get away with it. Not any more.

Warner Bros. got hit by this in 2015, when they released "Batman - Arkham Knight". It was very laggy. Bad enough that, after a few days, Warner Brothers had to pull the game from sale and offer refunds to all customers. Their apology: "We want to apologize to those of you who are experiencing performance issues with Batman: Arkham Knight on PC. We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version while we work to address these issues to satisfy our quality standards." They were selling on PC through Valve's "Steam" system, and that allows customers to claim refunds for defective games. Enough users did that Warner had to remove the title from sale and go back to work on it. It was eventually re-released, when it worked right.

Industry standards have risen, and Linden Labs has not kept up. It shows in new  user retention. SL gets about 10,000 new signups a day, some of whom are not bots or alts. Yet the number of concurrent users continues to decrease. New World Notes had a new article last Monday, "Don't Be Optimistic Just Because the Loss of Private Sims in Second Life Has Slowed", with a brief critique of why SL looks so bad to a new user.

(Usual excuses:  SL is not a game / it can't work well because it allows user content / the world doesn't reside on the user's disk / etc. No. A modern large-world MMO has to do most of the things SL does. Current successful MMOs do those things better.)

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4 hours ago, animats said:

(Usual excuses:  SL is not a game / it can't work well because it allows user content / the world doesn't reside on the user's disk / etc. No. A modern large-world MMO has to do most of the things SL does. Current successful MMOs do those things better.)

Name a "modern large world MMO" that contains over 1000TB of user made content and tries to stream that onto old PC's via http...

You can't because there isn't one. Stop making these tech illiterate gamer geek comments over and over.

4 hours ago, animats said:

SL is not a game

And it's NOT... something like SL tends towards a standard of flexibility in avatar rendering that is outside the game experience, in a GAME, you have a few dozen outfits everyone wears, which don't have to be worn OVER a body, they replace the body completely. SL is more like a live online multi-user version of hobbyist 3d rendering app, Poser, including the typical mesh density you find in use.

Go and compare a maitreya or signature with poser figures and then with the game assets in oh, skyrim, and see which it is closer to.

4 hours ago, animats said:

some of whom are not bots or alts

Cheesus H Toast on a chocolate crutch, will you give it a rest with this "bots and alts" nonsense, as if you had any clue how to tell them apart, or had any idea how many there are.

We ALL know that you got upset when you visited Zindra, aged 5 weeks old, and IM'd couples in their skybox homes and they refused to talk to you. Remember, your famous post where you accused the ENTIRE population of Zindra of being "dummy avatars and npcs" because nobody wanted to reply to an annoying noob pestering them from 2 km away.

4 hours ago, animats said:

Industry standards have risen, and Linden Labs has not kept up

Actually, the shift from disk based installs, distributed by high street retain, to online downloads has resulted in an overall DROP in games quality...

Back when, earlir this century, you HAD to make sure the game more or less worked, because once you burned it to dvd, and sent th dvd's out to stores, they were out of your hands, and first impressions count, bad game bad reviews.

NOW... You build in an auto-updater system to endlessly stream "emergency hotfix patches" day by day to peoples PC's via the internet, as each massive fubar in the 1.0 retail release shows up.

LL have been pretty crappy at updating things, but they tend to be things 1 day old noobs wont even notice for the most part, in their stampede to escape from "ergh it r need a keybord an maus like a computa, not a playcubeone thumb-troller like wat modern gamez use".

4 hours ago, animats said:

Current successful MMOs do those things better.)

No, they do radically DIFFERENT things that look sort of similar to a tech illiterate gamer geek, who hasn't taken the time to do any damn research other than im'ing people in their homes from 2 km away and getting all hissy-fit when they muted him without replying.

Edited by Klytyna
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On 5/21/2018 at 11:58 PM, animats said:

The threads would be less hysterical if there was some indication on the Grid Status page when the grid had problems.

There should be an automated message "sims xxx, yyy, and others are having problems, maintenance staff has been paged", at least.

There are over 23,000 regions in Second Life. If at any given time 1/10 of one percent of the regions are having problems, you'd spam 23 notifications about regions to people who probably don't even know that those regions exist.

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10 hours ago, anna2358 said:

Which one?  I want to move there.  I keep searching, but I never find one with anything like what SL has.

If I name products, LL's censors will get upset. But look around for MMOs with building and crafting. Games tend to limit the building tools more than SL does, but in newer games that's for gameplay reasons, not because the system can't handle it. There's one operating virtual world which is basically the Unity game engine set up to allow user content uploads. That gives a sense of what current technology can do.

There was a tech demo at GDC 2018 of Unreal Engine 4 coupled with Spatial OS. 400 square kilometers (over 6000 SL regions), 1000 players in world, tens of thousands of NPCs. It doesn't choke if many players are in the same area, because they start running multiple copies of Unreal Engine in parallel on Amazon AWS. Several new huge-world games using this technology are launching this spring. Some are already available.

SL isn't going to catch all the way up to that level of technology, but with determined effort, it could get close. I'd rate the big three engine problems as level of detail, region crossing, and region capacity. All of those could be improved to an acceptable level within the current architecture.

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