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The new Marketplace Features coming - Merchant Survey Requirement

Charlotte Bartlett

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I think the point with paying more would be having merchants on marketplace who pay for that privilege with a pro-merchant account - most high volume merchants I know are down with that approach.    I also would not have an issue with a manual migration if a new marketplace met the majority of our requirements, for the effort it would take the benefit would soon pay off.

Honestly the amount of dormant merchants with unsupported items, amount of crap uploaded from external sources outside of their TOS by fly by night individuals etc creates a burden on the search results, the database, support, shoppers being ripped off you name it.  

If we are going to start paying closer to professional fees like we do on sites like Turboblahblah, I am expecting a professional model to operate within :ph34r: - as with most things now and which I am sure @Ebbe Linden is aware of from his past employment, we can also tier that for Indie level (e.g. new merchant starting out) to Professional level for that merchant license.  

Most of those sites I have subscriptions to, or create for, have dialogue with their pro customers for input/vote into what comes next.  It doesn't always work (those using substance painter will know this) but at least it gives us a dialogue with an opportunity to influence,  not just a message from "down upon high".       As they move closer to professional fee levels, they are going to have to increase that merchant dialogue to keep on the right path.  Essentially they are increasing the dependency for their income to us merchants.  That gives us a louder voice.

The challenge in all that, the spirit of Second Life has always been your world, your imagination - these costs/fees being moved over into the Merchant stream from the land stream moves us further away from that spirit for Merchants.  However, if this truly does make land cheaper (and isn't just a increase income grab) that will allow consumers, and casual players to really make better use of Second Life with more accessible options for land IMHO.

Edited by Charlotte Bartlett
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As a merchant :

Top Selling and Top Search Reports - would be nice to be able to remove items no longer listed.  Or remove those features if not used that much.

Demos - have the demo uploaded to the main item's page instead of having them on 2 separate pages.

Ability to customise store fronts pages

Bigger profile pics and banners.

As a customer : 

Favoriting Stores

Having subcategories for our favorites' list.  example; shoes, furniture, etc.

Have other "Sort by" options like mesh, colour, texture, size, etc.  IDK i just threw that in randomly.

Like Charlotte said ; Redelivery button !!!



Edited by DonnaCasta
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As a customer, my biggest MP wishes are:
- An actual usable search of the listings and easier drill down into the search results
- The ability to search my purchase history
- Eliminate demos from search entirely rather than me trying to filter them out via my search terms


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  • Lindens

Thank you all! 

I'll try to answer as much as I can without giving away what I can't :) :

1) You'll be happy to know that a significant number of changes and improvements listed in this thread are also listed on our roadmap and got there from multiple sources, including those conversations in UG, which Whirly links to above (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Web_User_Group), as well as Feature Requests in jira.  

2) A survey is a great idea, and we'll look into the best way to do that to make sure we get a statistically relevant result. If there's one thing we continuously learn, it's that SL is vast and our Residents' interests and needs are vast and varied as well. 

3) We're being upfront with you about our plans to shift revenue sources because our communities are our partners.  Not all changes will make everyone happy, but none are going to be made lightly, and all are made with a goal of the continued health and success of Second Life.  

4) We're hiring.  

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So much this!  We need, and I can't stress the word 'need' enough, the ability to have multiple store fronts.  We need an easier interface for listing items.  It should not be a chore to be dreaded.  If we didn't dread it so much, there'd be more creators actually listing more items, which means more money for LL in fees.  I love the idea of having one listing where you could include multiple colors/versions of the same item without having to create a unique listing for each one.  Gacha resells should not be mixed in with all the other stuff, but should be in a separate section entirely.  Redelivery of copy items.  Demos should not be listed the same way as items which confuses customers and causes them to leave bad reviews on demo items.  Some really great ideas in this thread that I hope will be worked on :)

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16 hours ago, Blueberryxx said:

There needs to be a store manager option who can edit or create listings, because we want to be able to delegate but we don't want to break TOS or put our account in any danger. 

Even though I'm not a store owner I would love to see this feature because (and don't laugh), this is something I've wished I could do for several of my friends who were staring down that overwhelming project.

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6 hours ago, Grumpity Linden said:

Thank you all! 

I'll try to answer as much as I can without giving away what I can't :) :

1) You'll be happy to know that a significant number of changes and improvements listed in this thread are also listed on our roadmap and got there from multiple sources, including those conversations in UG, which Whirly links to above (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Web_User_Group), as well as Feature Requests in jira.  

2) A survey is a great idea, and we'll look into the best way to do that to make sure we get a statistically relevant result. If there's one thing we continuously learn, it's that SL is vast and our Residents' interests and needs are vast and varied as well. 

3) We're being upfront with you about our plans to shift revenue sources because our communities are our partners.  Not all changes will make everyone happy, but none are going to be made lightly, and all are made with a goal of the continued health and success of Second Life.  

4) We're hiring.  

 Keep in mind that creators don’t just create the content of second life, but provide probably 99% of the support requests for second life.  What you want to discourage, you tax. Be sure you’re not taxing creators out of their job as frontline support. 

Edited by Pamela Galli
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@Grumpity Linden nice but 23:00 local is not a fun time and as there is no transcript can we assume its all voice? Chapeau to those that do this externally but LL should handle this across all inworld meets.

Elsewise, most of the above (also on TS etc so fees have been bloody reasonable so far. Not going to mention the other wannabe =^^= As long as they remain within Linden Dollar terms. Those that cash out have other concerns I know)

Ability on web side to create a 'demo' version ie as a mostly component maker - duplicate a listing, set perms to 'something possibly xfer only' and change description to DEMO for the duplicate (with new web listing reflected in  world inventory - never had the nerve to do it in viewer as perms are tricky historically). I love viewer managed I just hate doing more than the initial listing. I would even be happy to run an official LL 'made to raise hell. I mean merchant' viewer.

Ability to open profile directly from reviews (merchant profile does, why not all). Also fix review options (high to low etc and erm I know there are a lot inaccesible from previous but.. xstreet? Loss of last names came after that. Its about time )

Prefs to stick across sessions... ok that's for emphasis. As a buyer and seller I do not want to log in and have to reset to 96 (or a 100) each time. Also date of listing. 'Last Visited' only if it refers to MP.  Also when I select in my merchant page I want to go back - I selected sort by date (newest first) so of course I want to... go back to earliest. Not.

Prefs to stick within sessions =^^=

Listing templates. Please.

Simplified categories. I make a fence. Its a fence. How many fence options...ermmm =^^=

Expanded external links - I experimented with sketchfab for another market. Understand it might be seen as a competitor right now. (Even IW had a thing at one time to display a 3d model. Far as I know still does, for certain items might be a bit of a nice option)

On general clean up of MP? We all got the 'verify email' thing a while back so that data is available. Send another. 2 weeks later (insert time frame) if no reply - remove all listings. Big assumption that the MP and other SL dbases actually have some connection that is known ofc.



Edited by mikka Luik
sigh had to remove space after @ name
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9 hours ago, Grumpity Linden said:

Thank you all! 

I'll try to answer as much as I can without giving away what I can't :) :

1) You'll be happy to know that a significant number of changes and improvements listed in this thread are also listed on our roadmap and got there from multiple sources, including those conversations in UG, which Whirly links to above (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Web_User_Group), as well as Feature Requests in jira.  

2) A survey is a great idea, and we'll look into the best way to do that to make sure we get a statistically relevant result. If there's one thing we continuously learn, it's that SL is vast and our Residents' interests and needs are vast and varied as well. 

3) We're being upfront with you about our plans to shift revenue sources because our communities are our partners.  Not all changes will make everyone happy, but none are going to be made lightly, and all are made with a goal of the continued health and success of Second Life.  

4) We're hiring.  

Responding to 3 - I am personally more than happy to pay to contribute to a healthy stable platform where my income is based. You guys have my 100% support. I am incredibly happy to see changes in an amazing direction.

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Speaking with customers and being one myself being able to exclude specific shops ect from the marketplace search would be amazing. This would be helpful for customers to be able make copybot marketers no longer visible to them as well as shops they may find offensive aiding them in a more pleasing experience on the marketplace and their/our searches more productive. 

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As merchant, I deeply believe following improvements of current Marketplace must be made ASAP:

1. I want to see exact item been sold on MP in my Transaction History, instead Order # and Item #.

2. Searchable Orders History

3. Reports (Top selling products & Top searched products) should have an option for removing items of the list that do not exists anymore in MP shop.  Also, they should be searchable. I don't want to list trough hundreds of pages to find an info about one particular item. The way they are now, they are totally useless.

4. If my item gets unlisted, I want to be informed about exact reason. Line: "The item has been unlisted due to Spam or Disallowed Listing Practices" means I will spend time around resolving what might have caused my item to be unlisted, instead correcting the issue in 5 seconds. Even more, I would like to be warned before my item gets unlisted to correct what I have done wrong.

5.  Looks like "Best Selling" search option is showing some random data, as Best Selling items shown on my page do not fit neither into number of sold products, neither in products that earned most money, neither the into most recent sold products. So it is really puzzle to me, what exactly is it showing?

6. Permissions search: provide better definition of the permissions. If I check Copy field, search will show both Copy only as well as items that have Copy perms among all others (full perm for example).

For the future MP development I would like to see:

1. Ability to ban buyers

2. Multiple store fronts

3. Ability to add language of choice in listing description

4. Redelivery Button option (opted by merchant of course)

5. Store policy/TOS (expandable maybe?) field at the listing it self instead in shop info on the side.

6. Full perm shop sign! Red, big and blinking one if possible!!! Or a pop-up window for shop TOS agreement!! Anything that would make customers to pay attention (not going to happen, but still, I may have my fantasies, right?).

@Grumpity Linden Please, talk to people who are using your system on daily bases before you make some major changes - what looks like as a great idea from your perspective, may be real trouble for us.

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On 3/22/2018 at 6:03 AM, Pamela Galli said:

Off the top of my head, the ability to ban buyers we don't want to do business with, as we can inworld stores. That's probably hopelessly complicated. (Somewhere there is a big thread from several years ago in which lots of good and not too difficult ideas re MP were shared.)

From a buyers perspective,  the ability to blacklist certain stores so their offerings never show up in search results. Now THAT would be wonderful.

Marketplace isn't all about sellers.


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42 minutes ago, Candice LittleBoots said:

Marketplace isn't all about sellers.


 No one said it was. But this is a merchant survey in the merchant forum.

 You already have the ability to not do business with merchants you don’t want to do business with. Merchants do not currently have the choice who not to do business with.. 

Edited by Pamela Galli
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The only survey they will do is with a few of their most-loved merchants ...

All new features and betas will be tested by the elite merchants and they have a head start when it goes live.

If´s not about paying a higher commission they said it´s for premium members; but i don´t see why premium members should have marketplace advantages.


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53 minutes ago, Hintswen Guardian said:

As a customer I would like to see it harder for merchants to have negative reviews removed.

That depends on the review.. People leave one star reviews because they cant figure out how to use it. I saw one that was a one star review on a texture for a mesh clothing that they didn't know how to make the transparent parts transparent.. Talk about a review that needs removing. 

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On 3/22/2018 at 12:08 PM, Whirly Fizzle said:

You guys should try to come to the next Web User Group - a lot of the web & marketplace Lindens attend that.

Thanks Whirly - I find the meetings quite difficult to navigate generally (lots of voices) I really hope that LL will hear us and do a controlled survey.  I am normally at RL work when they occur, but I'll try but now I know they have seen this thread, I think it would hopefully be polite to keep us updated on timing for it :D


3 hours ago, Monti Messmer said:

The only survey they will do is with a few of their most-loved merchants ...

All new features and betas will be tested by the elite merchants and they have a head start when it goes live.

If´s not about paying a higher commission they said it´s for premium members; but i don´t see why premium members should have marketplace advantages.


I really don't think that's true, @Grumpity Linden did post here and they are (I think) considering the survey - and those go up on the usual links so anybody can take part.

It also opens that survey to a wider market because honestly the meetings mentioned are difficult times for many with the international crowd we are, plus JIRA tends to be also not well navigated for the mainstream creators.  Forums here too tend to be a small subset of that wider market (creators and purchasers).     We then as creators can push the survey link out like we did to this thread to increase visibility.

I guess I am just optimistic (even after 12 years of content creation haha) that we do have a voice and a say.  Now if after the survey we see major professional fees coming in, and none of the really useful sales increasing/revenue driving improvements coming - then I"ll reserve the right to be critical.  But for now, if they want more of my income, I have a feeling they will focus on the right things (for the main part) for us.


Edited by Charlotte Bartlett
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2 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

That depends on the review.. People leave one star reviews because they cant figure out how to use it. I saw one that was a one star review on a texture for a mesh clothing that they didn't know how to make the transparent parts transparent.. Talk about a review that needs removing. 

I left a 1 star review on a product because I contacted the merchants staff and received no response in over 2 weeks (multiple messages to them). My review was because their support is non-existent and my review was removed. Only after I left the review did I get any response from anyone, giving me some stupid excuse for them not getting back in touch sooner.

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21 hours ago, Blueberryxx said:

Responding to 3 - I am personally more than happy to pay to contribute to a healthy stable platform where my income is based. You guys have my 100% support. I am incredibly happy to see changes in an amazing direction.

 Over many years we have told Linden Lab we would be happy to pay a merchant fee in return for some of the things mentioned in this thread. What we get instead is some marginal benefit no one asked for in return for jacked up fees.

we would all be delighted if this time was different. 

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