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In SL do you rent your home in a themed community?


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I don't rent in one, I run one but yes, I've met a lot of friends that way.

Everybody has have their own reasons for using Second Life of course but to me themed communities is what it's all about. I wouldn't have been here if I were stuck in a skybox or had to hide from the rest of SL behind privacy screens and ban lines.

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I have one spot of land in a nudist community. But most of my land is on mainland and not generally themed (I have a Bay City parcel, and that region has a very light theme, but it's an unused parcel that I might be getting rid of...)

I got the spot on the nudist community because I wanted some space where the way I like to dress my avatar would be seen as the norm. They don't have as much community activity as I would like... but they have some. And it's actually clothing optional so a lot of people there are clothed and I guess.. got their spots hoping to voyeur people like me...



There are good reasons to go with a themed community. If the rules are enforced the neighbor's builds won't be an eyesore - but they might still be super laggy. If the community is active you can get 'social' built in. And if things go wrong and the management is good, you have an active party to complain to and get things fixed.

- But sometimes these communities can be frustrating...

The biggest nudist community in SL doesn't allow me, because my avatar has a tail (neko). One of the most popular hangouts for nudists in SL, I find generally unwelcoming - probably because of my tail and that I wear things to make my avatar sensual (they're often on classic avatars with old skins and either poor anatomy, or they go in for 'intentionally unattractive').

- If you fit in about 95% with a given community, that remaining 5% stands out a LOT more... than if you're just around a bunch of random people.

(In RL this is why I avoid San Francisco and favor the 'East Bay' or Peninsula - we're all liberal leftists... but the S.F. folks have gotten too 'gentrified' and 'elitist' whereas in the other parts of my region 'folks is folks'... Less predictable, but that also means less expectations to be held to.)

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I have done in the past; I rented an apartment in a 1940s themed roleplay community for about a year, until it closed.

But I also have my little piece of mainland that I've had for years and years, with no plans to let it go, and I tend to feel guilty paying for *two* homes, so generally I don't. 

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I've lived in family rp communities but chose to go premium (and use the free tier land provided) to control my excessive spending habits. I definitely made a lot of friends while living in those communities - lots of fun activities/events all of the time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I sued to rent a gazebo in a themed community. I was actually only there looking around when I saw it available and got it for a laugh. It was a low prim allowance so I just rezzed a table and some chairs in it, used to sit there with friends sometimes to chat. Unfortunately the place changed owners and the new owner wanted much more than I was previously paying, so I didn't end up keeping it.

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I definitely prefer living in a Themed community, if only for consistent visuals around me. I absolutely adore the mainland and the bizarreness that it breeds, but there is just something nice about stepping outside your home/apartment into an actual community with streets and clear planning. I also like living in close proximity to other residents, even if we are not necessarily friends or even see eachother much, it's more about creating something creative together like a neighborhood. 

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21 minutes ago, SAULGOODiE said:

I also like living in close proximity to other residents, even if we are not necessarily friends or even see eachother much, it's more about creating something creative together like a neighborhood. 

I miss this. About 2 years ago I actually let a handful of people live on my land rent free (other than a small initial fee of around L$300) with the purpose of having people nearby so I could say hi. Just had a look recently and it looks like 2 people have since moved out but there are still some people there living rent free.

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2 minutes ago, Hintswen Guardian said:

I miss this. About 2 years ago I actually let a handful of people live on my land rent free (other than a small initial fee of around L$300) with the purpose of having people nearby so I could say hi. Just had a look recently and it looks like 2 people have since moved out but there are still some people there living rent free.

That actually sounds like a pretty amazing experiment! 

A year or two ago I attempted a sort of communal living situation with the same goal, but it didn't end up panning out as anticipated. 

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9 minutes ago, SAULGOODiE said:

That actually sounds like a pretty amazing experiment! 

A year or two ago I attempted a sort of communal living situation with the same goal, but it didn't end up panning out as anticipated. 

Haha it sure was. There was a bit of scepticism when I said something along her lines of "If anyone is looking for a place to stay rent free, please send me an IM" in a group chat but I ended up filling all sorts within about a week. Originally I believe I said I would guarantee at least 6 months in case I decided I wanted the space/prime but I've never even considered evicting anyone. I did wrote a script at one point to try and work out who actually still uses their house (based on time on sim) but I never got it exactly how I wanted it so it's not used. When I finally get around to fixing it though I will be removing the houses of the 2 people that left and using it with 2 new people adding an extra rule to the free rent (if you spend less than 1 hour a month there, I'll consider that as you have quit SL or moved out so you will be evicted).

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I've rented land in both The Wastelands and New Babbage. Both were a lot of fun and I never had any serious issues with the management. I was sad to give up my land in both estates. Granted, this was about 10 years ago now. The Wastelands are still run by Neo, who is great. New Babbage is under new management but I've never heard anything bad about them. I prefer themed communities because it gives a sense of place and cohesion to an estate. This makes for a great community and more interesting sims to explore (in my personal opinion).

These days I own a generic adult mainland plot, mainly due to the low cost of owning mainland. I build in skyboxes. Several of my neighbors had ugly walls up around their parcels when I last took a look around. Most of them have banlines on. I don't know any of my neighbors. Every 5-6 months or so one of them will return an object of mine that was placed too close to the parcel border and that's about all the interaction we have.

 On the other hand, more recently I've talked to a couple of like-minded friends planning homes similar in theme to mind and we're considering linking them via Experience teleporters.

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I pretty much live on my building pad these days but I have lived in various themed communities. Winterfell when it was going strong and another steampunk are now departed. I also lived in the Bayou for many months until it got so laggy I couldn't do anything, but loved it there. Many themed areas are also double prim lots which while not so important now, was definitely a bonus in the "prim" era.  

I also lived in role play sim for awhile and enjoyed the people watching since I am oh so not good at para.

All in all I like themed communities for the consistency of the environment.  My shop is on mainland but since it is about a quarter of a sim and I am bordered on a road and sea I live with the 'clutter' in exchange for the very reasonable rent LOL. Works fine for me. 

But yes, I like themed. 

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I don't like living in communities, but, it's probably more because I'm not likely to conform to whatever it is they want(that's not to say I'd be one of those annoying eyesore folks, lol). When I do own land it's typically pretty blank, save for a few things, because I use it to build, so that's mostly what you'll find scattered about, and I prefer living up int he sky, so no one has to look at my parcel and think "it's  friggen yard sale".when it's not, lol.  In other words, I don't want to annoy others by having projects strewn about willy nilly. So, really, I'm doing them a service :D

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When my partner and I first got together (we met on a themed sim) we started by renting a lovely little cottage on limited-Li sky-plane above a themed sim.  We were really happy and I learned a lot about furnishing a place in SL with low LI stuff.  But, we grew quite tired of having the whole place to ourselves, despite other places being rented we never hooked up.  So when the sim closed we were happy to move out to a Linden-home.  Never ever saw another soul there - all those houses, all MT.   Then we moved to a rented parcel in a non-themed sim to build our own place - again never saw anyone.  Now we have a pod-station on our parcel on mainland Maebaleia/Satori, and we do get a constant stream of visitors (I have an off-world database that I wrote to record all parcel visitors - maybe 20 a month) and some even stop to say 'hi'.  But most of our friends come from the days long ago when we met.

Seems to me, that it depends on your neighbours quite how anywhere turns out.

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I have an adult themed town/club sim (bit of a business) that attracts plenty of people. Since I also placed my "appartment" on the top floor of a "working room" I hang around the sim alot with friends, and meet alot of people that way. Alot are just sex traffic, but quite a few people are open for a chat and I have met some good friends there.

Before I rented at a themed biker/beach sim. Was beautiful design but high rent and never really met anyone there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to live on a community sim. I likes it because it got us out of the house more and because I sometimes would run into other people in town. That being said, most are ghost towns and people don't go out enough. If I found a roleplaying sim I liked that had places to live, I might consider that, since roleplaying seems to be the big driving force for meeting your neighbours.

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I'm working with residents in a mainland region to theme the region and make it look nice but there are always people who are going to buy a 512 plot and put up a snow globe on a beach or breed giant dragons, thus it is life in general, first or second. But I do love living in a community, meeting people and NO ban lines or poorly constructed builds. 

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I don't live in a themed community as such but since all bar my 1024sqm and two 512sqm's worth of land in the sim is abandoned i guess the theme would be Barren, Bare, Abandoned etc. Nearest i've been to living in an actual themed community was in "Free land" (Trilegy) and all the mainland sims that made up the free land had huge multi storey apartment buildings to live in or a mansion you could have a room in if you didn't want to rezz your own building

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