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Everything posted by Sadvhi

  1. This parcel is no longer available for sale. Thank you!
  2. Quiet Moderate region in southern Satori, perfect for your peaceful countryside retreat. Buy this land for your group with the land allocation for you and your Premium alt, or on your own if you are Premium Plus Landmark here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gingivere/200/86/67
  3. Does the updated Firestorm with PBR settings turned off run exactly the same as the previous version? I haven't yet updated it as I currently need to use low graphics settings so was worried the new update might be even more taxing for my PC.
  4. I tried it today and it was pretty neat but I hope they add a way to increase the font size as I couldn't read the tiny font in chat.
  5. 1) The ban on adult land. The only time I visit adult sims is to fish. I created an adult male alt to fish on adult sims after the changes. 2) The not being allowed near nudity rule. When I was fishing on a moderate sim wearing my adult male alt, the person hosting was naked and using a lewd gesture. Which makes me very wary of visitng Moderate sims now as a child avatar. 3) Your usage of Moderate sims. Do you go to these less than you did before? How is the experience? Yes, I am very wary of visiting any sim that is not specifically geared for child avatars so rarely leave my home now. 4) The availability of content - think avatars being updated specifically. The owner of Toddleedoo immediately set to work on updating the child avatar bodies that I use, so I haven't ever had to worry about not complying with the TOS. 5) The modesty layers. I love wearing modesty layers and am thrilled with the new rules. I used to just alpha out my chest and pelvis but I found out that people would still be able to see my body parts that way, so I now wear skin that has the modesty layer baked in and also alpha out my chest and pelivs so feel doubly protected:) 6) Overall how do you feel about everything? I am very happy with the new TOS and all the changes, as the existence of "child friendly" nude beaches and risque clothing for child avatars was something that greatly troubled me since I first learned of their existence.
  6. One of my siblings in a family roleplay community on a G rated sim was 16 in real life
  7. I personally view the changes in a very positive light, as LL took steps to protect those of us who roleplay as children in SL and that's a good thing.
  8. (edit: deleting this because it wasn't keeping with the topic)
  9. The problem I was having had to do with the skin not matching. This is wearing the same skin on head, neck and body. I don't know what I'm doing wrong
  10. I wrote this before the TOS was updated to allow people roleplaying teens to use adult mesh bodies as long as they wear BOM modesty layers. Prior to the update, they said anyone roleplaying under 18 would need to wear a skin with a baked in modesty layer.
  11. I've seen people using maitreya for their child avatar, but I personally couldn't size that body down enough for my liking. It works great for teens but not younger ages imo. I also had a lot of trouble with getting AK heads to match my (child av) body skin. I never did figure it out so gave up.
  12. What do most people do with their old computers?
  13. I think some people were questioning the age group that is required to wear the modesty layer on the chest. The question in the FAQ was referring to infants and toddlers, so most of us were under the impression that only those presenting as infants and toddlers (ages 0-2) are exempt from this requirement, and that all females roleplaying age 3 to 17 must cover their chest.
  14. Because they were responding to the question about infants and toddlers, I assumed they were referring to anyone presenting as 0 to 2 years of age. If they rephrased it like this it might help: A: If your infant or toddler avatar (0-2 years) does not have female attributes, the suggestion of female attributes, and does not present as female with regards to the chest, then you do not need an upper modesty layer. They could also add something along the lines of: "Anyone who is presenting as a female child between the ages of 3 to 17 will require the modesty layer on top as well."
  15. (EDIT: I want to sincerely apologize for my insensitive comment. It was wrong of me to make judgments based on someone's appearance. I made an unfair assumption, and had no right to speculate about their intentions.)
  16. I agree, but there was a creator who pulled her child avatars for this reason so I wasn't sure
  17. Maybe they're worried people will use the body to engage in activities that are against the TOS
  18. I watched a documentary about Brooke Shields recently and was shocked and horrified by the nature of the films and photoshoots she did in the 70s when she was a child. Such content would be illegal now. I can't believe her mother allowed Brooke to do those scenes.
  19. There is going to be a huge market for a TOS compliant teen body, as the 13-17 age group is going to be in dire need of an alternative when the changes are implemented next month.
  20. There is someone who creates custom mesh heads and imports them into SL that look exactly like the real life person behind the avatar.
  21. Starting June 30th, tweens and teens who are using adult mesh bodies are going to have to switch to one of the child mesh bodies to be compliant. If creators don't make skin with modesty layers baked in for adult mesh bodies, anyone aged 11-17 is going to appear to be prepubescent due to having to use the child avs instead.
  22. This is an issue I've been concerned about since the changes were announced. It doesn't make any sense not to require the same standards for child avatars who are using adult mesh bodies. If a child avatar presenting as a tween or teen can just use an adult body without modesty layers, it would defeat the purpose of the new rules, because that's the age group that most frequently tends to engage in activities that are against the TOS. It's not the toddlers who LL is worried about lol.
  23. There are a few ways you can go about it. I used Smartbots with the AI (GPT) Local Chat Autoresponder addon. The addon is a one time fee of 499L. It costs 170L per week to host a bot via Smartbots, then you also have to pay for API tokens but the tokens are fairly inexpensive. Someone said their token usage came out to only a few dollars a day even chatting with their bot the whole day. I funded my account with about 1k lindens worth of tokens and barely used any to chat with my bot sister. You have to be careful when setting it up though, because I got myself into some crazy situations when my sister began responding to strangers when we were out shopping. This random family was having a conversation and my sister started asking them questions just like a 5 year old child would, because I programmed her to always speak as a five year old, which was hilarious, but I was mortified and teleported her out of there as fast as I could 🤣 There's a Chatbot script on MP called BubbleBot that some people use instead of going the Smartbots route, and you can just double log if your pc can handle it.
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