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Most Fond Memory

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20 minutes ago, MirandaBowers said:

What is your most fond memory, or moment, you've experienced in SL so far?.


I was at the A**** BDSM H** on F****** C********, about 5 years ago...

One of the Continents "Pointless Middle Managers Without Portfolio" had hired this complete numpty as a new 'Guide/Greeter' as part of some internal organisational management feuding and the guy was nasty, he refused to greet 'sub males' because they didn't fit his world view and couldn't exist, ditto dominant females, dominant males got a brief head nod, sub females were greeted wit hthe words in local chat... 

"*nadu *grab *menu".

This low life turned up one day and there was a "very Bad Kitteh" there, a regular visitor, who I knew from conversations had won a prim female genitals item on a lucky chair, she never used it, it looked pretty awful but it did come with a particle based urine feature with sound effects... 

On the day in question, she crawls over to this Faux-Dom kitty style, emoted

"/me sniffs the weird trouser-man's leg"

Then turned around and sprayed his leg cat style with bright yellow particle pee complete with sound, while we all fell about laughing. The dweeb couldn't think of anyway to regain his dignity after that and just walked away...



Edited by Klytyna
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I think there would be two, the first, I had TPed to some interesting spot with a friend, and as I was looking at the map I noticed we were on the mainland, seven (at least) sims away from my apartment, so I suggested that we get back there, on foot, so we walked across the seven sims to my place. We found some cool stuff we wouldn't have found otherwise. I keep meaning to do it again, but i never do,it was just one of those impromptu things that happened because we found ourselves a walkable distance away.

The second, which was also my most stressful SL moment would be my SL wedding.

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Unlike Klytyna I'm not very much into embarrassing or hurting people - that's just too easy - so my greatest experiences in SL are all very different from hers. ;)

I've had many great moments in Second Life but most of them I shared with people who are long gone so the memories are more bittersweet than fond. Does that count? And do I have to pick only one?


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I seriously love this question! First would be when I discovered SL, and got my RL best friend to join. We've been best friends since 3rd grade (a looooooong time ago, lol), after high school, she left Michigan to live in the West. Having SL was having a place where we could hang out and do all the best friend things we couldn't do in RL. Another would be the time spent with the first few good  friends I made in SL, discovering things together, and just acting stupid, lol! Lastly (for this list anyway) would be the day I met my ex SL husband. OMG, we were so crazy about each other instantly. We were married in SL for over 3 years. We were considered the "IT couple" most places we hung out. We've met in RL, and are still very close friends in RL. Gosh, so many special memories thanks to SL, I just can't pick only one! Good times!

Snapshot _ Ending Oceans, Bayside Beach (22, 176, 23).png

Snapshot _ Hampton Beach (210, 201, 22).png

Snapshot _ Hampton Beach (237, 232, 21).png

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Wow!  Great question, and I have a lot of great fond memories here since 2004.  I would have to say it SL Pride in 2008, they had 4 sims for it, the stage was in the center of the 4 sims.  I started my DJ set, I have probably 20 of my own friends there, there was maybe another 20 other people there.  Normally, that many people at a SL DJ show is fantastic.  But I started my set, just hitting house club hit one after another, doing 24 & 32 bar beat mixes, and just seriously throwing it down on the mixing.  45 minutes into the there was like 100 avatars with all 4 sims combined, next thing I knew, there was over 350 avatars combined from all 4 sims.  Total Lag fest... But they were into the music.  Made over $L50k in times.  After my set, they had to do a sim restart from all the lag and amazing it didn't crash. 

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I'm gonna have to say ,when I had my sim and  just built things..Anything I wanted I could try and make.. it was my big ole private sand box..

I loved trying to make special effects.. I remember making this really neat  winter cave scene..it was all like being inside a glacier with a couple of ponds inside..

I can't really remember how I did this since it's been so long,but had four cone prims linked to a sphere then had a rotating script in the sphere..I had different color lighting on each cone..made them 100% transparent..Then copy it three times, set the script in each sphere to a different speed ,then set them in the center of each pond..

this made the most beautiful lighting for inside a cave..It was reflecting off the edges of the ice banks and the walls and off of me.. It really felt like I was in some neat crystal cave..

That's the kind of stuff I really loved doing more than anything..

Coming up with neat things.

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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27 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

That's the kind of stuff I really loved doing more than anything..

Coming up with neat things.

I do love making things here. One of the best things I made was really more accident than planning. I made a one prim contemplation spot, a dandelion platform that poofed seeds into the inky black (I also made a Milky Way version that poofed stars). During the making of it, I discovered that the SL wind (at that time, I think it's no longer the case) blew in different directions and speeds in different places on the same sim. The effect was beautiful for particle emitters at maximum radius, but I had to work out a way to keep the viewer from culling tiny particles (like pin-point stars) at those distances. Once I figured out that trick, the results were, to me at least, magical. I don't think I have a video that shows the full effect of the varying wind vectors, and it may be impossible to recreate that now. A few years ago I noticed that the SL wind was blowing uniformly across the entire sim I was on, so I presumed they "fixed" the wind to reduce computation complexity for the viewer. That fix eliminated much of the magic of my little contemplation spot.

Here's all the evidence that remains of that one-prim creation...


That's a video, so wait a few seconds for the play arrow to appear, then start it. Watch carefully at the very beginning. The dandelion seeds at the top of the frame are drifting up, those at the bottom are drifting down.

I do still have the contemplation spot. One of these days I'll rez it somewhere and see if the magic (variable wind vector) has returned.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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5 hours ago, ChinRey said:

Unlike Klytyna I'm not very much into embarrassing or hurting people - that's just too easy - so my greatest experiences in SL are all very different from hers. ;)

I've had many great moments in Second Life but most of them I shared with people who are long gone so the memories are more bittersweet than fond. Does that count? And do I have to pick only one?


To be fair, the guy had been hired to drive regular visitors from a hangout by one manager pissing in another managers pond.

Can we have more than one go?

I was in a club, and some people there were playing greedy over in the corner, one of the players had a clockwork powered dolly on a leash...

Domme: Dark gods of the Grid, grant me good dice and I shall sacrifice a Noob in your honour! *click*

Greedy Table: You rolled 5 one's and a five

Dolly Sub's RLV Key: Dolly Sub has run out of life! *thud*

Everyone else in the club: O,O


Edited by Klytyna
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3 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

To be fair, the guy had been hired to drive regular visitors from a hangout by one manager pissing in another managers pond.

Can we have more than one go?

I was in a club, and some people there were playing greedy over in the corner, one of the players had a clockwork powered dolly on a leash...

Domme: Dark gods of the Grid, grant me good dice and I shall sacrifice a Noob in your honour! *click*

Greedy Table: You rolled 5 one's and a five

Dolly Sub's RLV Key: Dolly Sub has run out of life! *thud*

Everyone else in the club: O,O


And we always thirst for more. . .

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The day I collared Clover.  I did not know how much that would change MY life.  It's hard to be an angry Dominatrix when she makes me so happy.


I miss our airship house.  It didn't have much room and I spent more time decorating the pond on the ground than I did our airship but it was a cool house and a wonderful time in our lives,


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20 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

The day I collared Clover.  I did not know how much that would change MY life.  It's hard to be an angry Dominatrix when she makes me so happy.


I miss our airship house.  It didn't have much room and I spent more time decorating the pond on the ground than I did our airship but it was a cool house and a wonderful time in our lives,


I'm not sure which I should envy more, having someone like Clover, or having an airship to push her out of.


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13 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I'm not sure which I should envy more, having someone like Clover, or having an airship to push her out of.


I'm sure there's a market for an RLV enabled D/s skydiving sim in SL...

ally Arcadia's Moon Cannon would work, force sit the sub on the chair in the cannon, boom, 4 km straight up, chair de-rezzes, long long skydive...


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I don't have just one, but I'll share one.

In order to do so, you need to know something...I used to play a game which was subsequently shut down in 2008, and a large percentage of the players ventured over to sl, since it was one of the closest things to what we had. I had been a part of that other community for ages. I also met my now hubby there, and we became very, very good friends over the years....

August 1, 2008, while standing on the island owned by the radio station I was a DJ with at the time(which started in that previous game), just goofing around with our friends, after some of our old friends from the other game had managed to make their way to sl...I see two people land. One of them is a good friend to us all, and the other was my now hubby. You see, he wasn't going to move to sl from the other place, he had no interest in doing so at the time. I thought our goodbye that tearful night when our "home" was shut down as we all listened to music, shared stories, cried on each others' shoulders(yes,some of us get attached to other people when we spend ha much time together..even in a game) would be our final goodbye. I would be lying if I said my eyes didn't well up with tears when I realized who it was. I jumped up, we all did really, and ran over to them. As we stood there talking to one another, welcoming them to the island, laughing about which starter avs they had chosen, I was in a pm with him and we were chatting. It was like old times again. My best friend had returned, so to speak, and we were given a chance...

Fast forward a few weeks and he was gone, again, after being hurt by someone he thought he loved, someone he'd been with for quite a while...someone who was only playing games(and not just the fun kind...). He and I had been best friends for years, but, you know how that goes...sometimes, there's a lot more to that closeness than just friends. There was with us, but not something either of us would either recognize, or admit..until one night in October, 2008...when absolutely everything fell into place. 

Sl, over the years, provided us another platform that phone calls, emails, skype, messenger, etc... did not quite fill. When we couldn't be physically together, sl allowed for yet another way to connect. I will be forever grateful for that, in ways I can't even put into words. He wouldn't likely be my hubby today, if it weren't for sl..not sl alone, but sl played a massive part 

Most of my fondest memories involve him...or that group of friends I came to sl with in 2008(on this av, I'd been here before in 2004 and 2006, just didn't enjoy it and knew absolutely no one here). So I suppose you could say my fondest memory of all..is a memory that has no ending yet(assuming it ever does), only a beginning, and a very long middle, it's perpetual :) 

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I have many fond memories, some wonderful, some memorable for hilarity, some more on the bittersweet side, and some the development of which were quite unexpected. I post this now here to pretty accurately sum up one of the latter. The form in which I present it is appropriate for reasons I don't need to go into.


I sailed my boat on a clear sunny day
The wind caught my hair in a whimsical way
Islands flowed by, gems of emerald and tan
I daydreamed them stroked by the hand of Gauguin

From under the waves there came a warm greeting
And sequined reflections flashed to my eyes fleeting
I glimpsed through the water an iridescent swish
And realized I was seeing both lady and fish
From the sea with a splash rose an elegant vision
A face framed in curls both cupric and crimson

Allure and seduction gamboled in her eyes
With a measure of mischief, both tempered and wise
Her words flowed like satin, her prose like a river
And produced in my heart a peculiar quiver

My mind was aflutter and my heart was befuddled
Both were flipped over, all mixed up and muddled
This newness had caught me off guard and surprised me
That the me I had known ere contained this capacity

Following hence this fortuitous meet
She stole me away for dalliances sweet
She danced in my teacup and I danced in hers
Our cheeks with the flush mutual pleasures assures

Sharing the pieces and bits of our minds
Familiarity grew, sprouting roots leaves and vines
We wiled away time through the moments and minutes
Pausing only to find hours had passed free of limits

Hours turned to days and days turned to weeks
Appointments were kept, though at times only peeks
Two hearts filled with joy, smiles gracing each day
Each looking forward to what the other would say

Dusk soon approached, unwanted and unbidden
Foretelling of endings we'd rather'd kept hidden
Two tides soon converged but with currents averse
And bore me to on mine
And she fro on hers

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6 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I do love making things here. One of the best things I made was really more accident than planning. I made a one prim contemplation spot, a dandelion platform that poofed seeds into the inky black (I also made a Milky Way version that poofed stars). During the making of it, I discovered that the SL wind (at that time, I think it's no longer the case) blew in different directions and speeds in different places on the same sim. The effect was beautiful for particle emitters at maximum radius, but I had to work out a way to keep the viewer from culling tiny particles (like pin-point stars) at those distances. Once I figured out that trick, the results were, to me at least, magical. I don't think I have a video that shows the full effect of the varying wind vectors, and it may be impossible to recreate that now. A few years ago I noticed that the SL wind was blowing uniformly across the entire sim I was on, so I presumed they "fixed" the wind to reduce computation complexity for the viewer. That fix eliminated much of the magic of my little contemplation spot.

Here's all the evidence that remains of that one-prim creation...


That's a video, so wait a few seconds for the play arrow to appear, then start it. Watch carefully at the very beginning. The dandelion seeds at the top of the frame are drifting up, those at the bottom are drifting down.

I do still have the contemplation spot. One of these days I'll rez it somewhere and see if the magic (variable wind vector) has returned.

Well....not quite all the evidence, Maddy. ;-)


Edited by Dillon Levenque
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ETA: The caption was, "Today I learned there was a wind in Second Life. I learned that standing on the head of a dandelion. Standing on the head of a dandelion floating in space."

LOL, and of course I biffed the ETA. Oh well, it posted in a good place.


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On 6/16/2017 at 3:02 PM, sirhc DeSantis said:

When M was canned.

That guy. Ugh. Was definitely a glorious day when he left. Had no clue what sl was about.


As to my favorite, hard to pick. Probably 'building' and 'running' Liarica. I miss my buddy that facilitated it, and the quotes are hard because it wasn't all me. Rowing around there after I managed to terraform the waterways into what I wanted was so great.

Edited by June Stormcrow
To add actual favorite moment.
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I have several fond memories. After a year of bragging up SL by a friend, I finnaly came on. When I did, my friend took me under their wing and introduced me to a marina/island near the blake sea. That ultimently got me into sailing and rping coast guard and eventualy learning to fly. That marina has sense gone now but I remember it well. 

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