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How does your avatar look today ?


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17 hours ago, davidventer said:

I've posted in this thread before but here's my new profile picture after finally completing the mission of attempting to make my avatar look like the real me, or as close as I can get with the skin, hair, HD features/attachments, and the mesh head slider limitations. Why am I doing this, you may wonder?... "Who in their right mind would try to make their avatar look like the real them? That's just weird and defeats the purpose of having a Second Life of fantasy and alternative expression, right?" Well...

It's in immersion and therapeutic thing for me. Full disclosure: In the real world, I'm a hermit/hikikomori, I'm on the Autism Spectrum (Mild - Aspergers) with questionable social skills, extreme social anxiety and low self-esteem. My idea was to be able to insert 'myself' into the virtual world, and then seeing 'myself' doing things in Second Life that I struggle doing in real life such as; socializing, hanging out in groups, performing live in crowds, going "out" more, etc. will hopefully help boost my confidence and maybe, If I can see 'myself' doing all these things successfully in the virtual world, maybe some day I will have the courage to attempt to do it in the real world - and if not, it still makes my virtual experiences much more immersive, for me (more on that below). Who needs social rehab and therapy when we have Second Life? You're all my therapists... (LOL?)

Social struggles aside; seeing a representation of my real self, exploring and doing things in the virtual world also makes me feel more immersed and connected to everything - as If I'm really *here* doing it. I know it's not real. This is not real life, but I've read somewhere that the subconscious mind cannot tell the difference when it comes to our experiences, be they real or virtual, and we experience the same or similar emotions in response to these experiences. So this is an interesting experiment for me.

I'm Including a screenshot of my RL Instagram profile for reference. Does my avatar look like me? Mission accomplished?





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17 hours ago, Ellith Blackwood said:

I changed my skin when I returned recently. Happy with my look at the moment. Wonder how long before I completely change it again XD Hopefully I remember how to even include the photo o.o


As I saw your picture, I first thought Madonna had joined SL 😁 (no offense meant). Great ava.

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31 minutes ago, Isaac Ashton said:

Double post 🙄

Meet Emma, my attempt at creating a female ava. I don't intend to play as her. I was just experimenting. I would be broke in less than a day if I were to play with a female ava given the broader and better choice for women clothes and shoes on SL.



You would be surprised at what's available for free for female AV's. My Toy AV started with all free things. The Lucybody is mesh, free, and is Maitreya compatible. You just have to click on their board, and by next morning, you usually have one!!! A very cheap addon is available to get BOM. I can't see a visual difference between lucybody and Maitreya. The Free Dove has lots of things. Hair, clothes, etc.. Scandalize has or had a whole free section. D'Evil for free latex clothes. Genus has a free strong face, which I still use on "Toy". There are free skins available too, depending on which head you have.

Edited by Bagnu
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1 hour ago, Isaac Ashton said:

Double post 🙄

Meet Emma, my attempt at creating a female ava. I don't intend to play as her. I was just experimenting. I would be broke in less than a day if I were to play with a female ava given the broader and better choice for women clothes and shoes on SL.



As a man IRL who primarily is a female in SL... we get all the cool freebies! Yes, I do spend the occasional large bit of L$ for maybe one or two threads but I've largely been able to score most of my stuff for L$100 or less... and sometimes the freebies are so good to me that I don't have to splurge for something more expensive. 

It is costlier though if you want work suits/business stuff*, but I've scored some bargains there too, just takes more time and demoing to find clothes that have good mesh quality.

*I do think this is true for all genders in SL, those clothes aren't cheap but I love 'em.

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3 hours ago, Isaac Ashton said:

Double post 🙄

Meet Emma, my attempt at creating a female ava. I don't intend to play as her. I was just experimenting. I would be broke in less than a day if I were to play with a female ava given the broader and better choice for women clothes and shoes on SL.



She's super cute ^_^ I made a male av for the same reason. I never play him, but he was fun to dress up and create. Though I did go broke in a day after making him. I couldn't find anything free for men and everything for them was costly compared to females XD Women have so many sales and events, you can get tons in comparison to how much it cost for one full outfit for a dude O.o

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16 minutes ago, Ellith Blackwood said:

She's super cute ^_^ I made a male av for the same reason. I never play him, but he was fun to dress up and create. Though I did go broke in a day after making him. I couldn't find anything free for men and everything for them was costly compared to females XD Women have so many sales and events, you can get tons in comparison to how much it cost for one full outfit for a dude O.o

I never looked for anything free for my Sandor AV,  but I never saw anything free either for men. I'm going to have to check for that. I do totally agree that there is so much more available for female AV's. 

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