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The Home and Garden thread

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I have a small home tucked into a corner of the adult Mainland. It's a post-apocalyptic themed dairy farm on a 4096sq.m. parcel. For reference to non-landowners, that is a square the size of a maxed out prim, 64m by 64m. I designed the whole place as a skybox so I don't have to worry too much about what my neighbors are doing.


Here's the yard! A helpful Handy robot floats around the yard and just outside the gate. Apart from the gate, the yard is surrounded on all sides by buildings. The doors on each building lead to another part of my home.


There's the dairy barn itself, which has a door in the back that leads to...


...a milk bar/lounge! I put a lot of furniture in here with cuddle and sitting poses, made it a place where I can just hang out with a lot of friends.


Heading back to the yard, one of the buildings is the obligatory grungy restroom that seems to be a staple of so many places in SL. No idea why that video camera is there. :o


Another building in the yard is a trailer home which I've converted into a lovely bedroom. There's more, too, but I'm running out of picture space for this post!



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Over the years I tried many different kinds of housing - space station, barn, suburban style house with bedrooms bathroom, kitchen, floating island, futuristic metal building, dystopian styles.  I had fun decorating them all, but I find my SL style mirrors my RL style more and more.  I am most comfortable in a simple, cluttered, comfortable room surrounded by the Pacific Northwest forests.  I love looking at the gorgeous, perfect, museum showcase, quality settings,but even in SL I don't want to live in one.  So here is my humble abode with used/vintage eclectic furniture and decorations collected fro all over SL and a pic of the landscaping outside (minus the long grasses that will no longer properly rez for me and was recently removed - I miss that grass).  It is like my real life house.  I seem to have lost some of my imagination the longer I am inworld.  I still have more than 100 unused prims... perhaps a skybox?


I could sit on this porch and watch the sunset every day.



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Soooo...another post!

There's also a shed in the yard but it just has a few couches and mattresses and equipment. But then there's a tunnel just outside the gate. That tunnel leads to two more locations!


One of those locations is the Red Rocket. A small gas station down the road and through the mountains surrounding the farm.


Then there's also the town. And I think it was just the screenshot I was using was too large I had to make a smaller one. The town is in ruins, but the diner is mostly intact.

Finally, hidden beneath the dairy is a small nuclear shelter, which has some secrets of its own!


All tucked into a 64x64m parcel and under 1500 prims.

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I have always had quaint cottages with wooden panel and romantic stuff. I have not had a place in SL for over a year, maybe two when I think of it. I have had a hard time spending so much on land when it sit unused, and I use up prims fast. And pay for a huge land?

But then I found a sky castle with low LI, lower than one of my old cottages. It is huge too, it is 64 x 64, just as big as a 4096 plot. To make sure I placed it just over my land, I made a 64 x 64 prim on the ground first. I adjusted it to the land borders and sent it 1000 m up in the sky. The castle felt too big, so I threw in a resizer, so I had a bit of border around. I just nudged the castle in the prim and then deleted it58f7b802a44d3_castlebuild.thumb.jpg.af22802efd4fed9278d1320cf4cd0137.jpg

Then it was time to lift some weights, or marble urns. I lost an statue in the huge dungeon/stone part. I thought I should use wireframe to find it, and that worked well.

A few images more. Me hoovering over the arch.




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Penny, you are so good with textures! All you make looks so lush and rich.

I show a couple of examples on my modification of the sky castle.

Well, it is not difficult to texture walls or unlink lamps. But it is easy to make a mistake and texture things you shouldn't or unlink the whole build. I think this is castle 5. It has survived so far. :D

I think that to detach the standard palms and replace them with 3D palms that is different in size and form, had a nice impact. The glass dome is the best I done so far.

To resize the castle down 15%, took the LI from 124 to 95. 95 LI for all that, and the palms and torches is included. When I take off the 1 LI palms and replace them with 2 or 3 LI palms, I think it was worth it. Texturing does not change the LI.

EDIT: But resizing makes the doors go wild. They remember the placement, moves back there, and the scripts are no mod. That makes for more individual editing, taking off the broken doors and find other solutions. Some even better. I add a picture of the entrance. Original to the left. Flat, no real handle. New door is 3D with a real handle.The new door cost me 1§L and the texture 30§L. I am not totally happy with the way the texture works. It is always a need to improve myself. Maybe I even buy a 50 §L door, haha.


textures collage.jpg


door collage.jpg

Edited by Marianne Little
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More modifications. I am changing the flat roof to a roof garden. I also tried to work with the top pool, but it don't come with poses, and placing out poseballs is bot funny, now that I'm used to not see them. I could try Avsitter and buy poses, but that's a long way to go. So I changed the floor and made a "spa" place up there.

I don't know if I like the garden yet. I might move the fountain. A home in SL is so easy to change.

castle_028 small.jpg

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The sim I was renting in crashed and three of us got the land totally wiped, it was reverted. So we were the newest tenants and this did not affect others. Well, they were affected, if they had placed out something, not matter what, since that date, it just vanished. It was not returned to Lost and Found either. Very upsetting to log in and think I was booted and the land reclaimed. Well, it could be worse. I don't buy no copy things, and I am glad for that. Because LL is not going to do anything, they told the landlady. I don't understand how people can buy no copy house and garden decor and just place it out. I buy gacha stuff, but mostly wearable things.

I reworked the garden and set up a vegetable garden.

I thought it could be fun to see it. Notice that the apple isn't perfect. I would not try to fix it in editing, it is not better than that. But fine enough in normal distance.

Edit: And I must fix that fence. :$


apple_003 ed.png



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I am currently decorating my new home on the Blue Lagoon Naturist estate. Can't show too many pictures because most of them are not 'G'.

But here's an exterior view:


I'm presently retexturing this - it uses a lot of baked shadows, so every single angle is a new 1024x1024 texture. It has hundreds of textures that are 99% identical to the human eye, but completely different files to the computer...

Not sure my new result will look as good, but it will stop texture thrashing... :)

I've been living in skyboxes for the past few years. Living at ground, in a place with all windows, is going to be 'different'. :)


I'll try to get some 'G' shots of the interior later.


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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