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Welcome to the New Second Life Community Platform

Vogt Linden


Today, we are pleased to launch the new, and much improved, Second Life Community website. The new platform integrates Blogs, Forums, Answers, and the Knowledge Base into one powerful integrated system that enables you to more efficiently leverage the power and knowledge of the community. We have also redesigned the Customer Support Portal around this platform to make it easy to find the most relevant answers to your technical support and customer service questions online or to contact us when your issues are more complex.
Take a look at this video to get an overview of the many benefits that the new platform offers.

In addition to the video, we also wanted to share some helpful information and anticipate a few of your questions:

  • Unified Search: You can find the information that you’re looking for in one federated search field that returns organized results from relevant content in the Forums, Blogs, Answers, and the Knowledge Base.
  • Single Sign On: You do not need to be logged in to read the community content, but you do need to be logged in to contribute. Just use your normal Second Life username and password to login. 
  • Share Blog Posts and Knowledge Base Articles: If you find an interesting blog post or Knowledge Base article, then you can now share that information on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. Other kinds of content, such as user-generated comments, Forum posts, etc., will not have this functionality available.
  • Contribution-Based Roles: You will notice that each person in Second Life has a role, or rank, based on his or her contributions to the platform. The roles start at Resident and go up to Helper and with each rank comes more capabilities. So, keep those contributions coming and watch your community platform ranking rise.
  • A Smarter SL Answers: Try out the new Answers section. You’ll immediately notice that when you type a keyword, an intuitive category search will return common matching solution results. And, solutions accepted by the question author are automatically nominated for Linden editorial review and possible inclusion in the Knowledge Base.
  • Please Resubscribe to RSS Feeds: If you had an RSS feed on the old blogs or forums, then you will need to resubscribe to the RSS feeds that interest you in the new system. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • FAQs Help You Get Acclimated: We have created a detailed Frequently Asked Questions area for each section of the new system that will get you up and running in no time.
  • Yes, Archives Are Still Available: We preloaded Answered questions, Blogs, Forums, and the Knowledge Base with recent posts and/or solutions to get the conversations started. However, if you want to find older content that was available in the old platform, then you can still access it through search in read-only format.

Thanks for your patience as we transitioned to the new system. Start exploring, contributing, and let us know what you think. As is always the case with new systems, you may run into bugs. If you do, then log them on JIRA. And, if you have general feedback on the community platform, then share it with is in the Feedback section of the Forums.







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@Lexie, nope, same thing. @Torley, As a jira? Could I get the link to it if so? I was going to file one but there's no component for the community.secondlife.com yet, and RL distracted me x3

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Why are line breaks removed from posts? I'm use the "Rich Text" option atm and it remove all my line breaks.

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Where is General Discussion ?

Where do newbies post asking for help ?

Where do the non specific questions go ?

Seriously, there needs to be a general catch or the off topic chatter will just flood every other topic and every other thread. You also loose a significant source of whats buzzing in the community 'right now', just because you have taken that community away doesn't mean there is no now longer a buzz. It's sill going to exist, it will just happen in places that you can not see, one more way to alienate your customers.

"Don't talk about fight club" is not a good basis for policy !!

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Welcome back, everyone!

The new place looks pretty nice! A little rough around the edges, but that's to be expected for any new forum application. I'm sure some functions and features will get tweaked as time goes on, as the community gives feedback about it's collective preferences and needs. For instance, i would love to see the hover-text preview of threads.

I haven't actually been to the forums yet, but i'm interested to see what my forum avatar looks like now.. not to mention having fun with updating it using those cool new backgrounds! I have to admit, they look great and seem like fun to use (except for the whole image issues thing, but here again... i wouldn't be surprised to see this addressed in some manner (maybe Linden Research starts their own SL-centric picture hosting site, maybe they branch off and make their own SL-centric social si... oh. Well, it could happen. ;) ).

Before i head to the forums, i wanted to draw attention to something. I must say, i think this was a very wise, and appreciated, decision on the part of Linden Lab:


  • Share Blog Posts and Knowledge Base Articles: If you find an interesting blog post or Knowledge Base article, then you can now share that information on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. Other kinds of content, such as user-generated comments, Forum posts, etc., will not have this functionality available.

(Bolding mine)

It really does seem like we're seeing a renewal going on. (I know there is some debate over who is responsible for whatever directions have been taken, but ultimately... it's LL that's taken them, regardless.) The presentation of this site is beefed up in some areas, scaled down in others... and while some things could be improved, it's a pleasant experience overall. Adding to the somewhat "new image" that it seems LL is going for; this crisp, clean site goes some distance to represent that, i believe.


Hiya, Torley!! *waves* :)


ETA: Is it possible the formatting for the smilies could be adjusted at all? Not sure if that's possible, but they hover so high up there and take up a bunch of space to their right. Seems weird for them to have so much "real estate".

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@Lexie Linden, what I meant is that it would be more convenient to have an option to upload a picture on the following screen: (see attached image)


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Also if any Linden can answer the following concern. In the old forums when you subscribed to follow a particular discussion, you would get an email which included each person's reply to the posts. This was convenient because you could read and follow each discussion straight from your email inbox and only reply to a post which you felt the need to reply to. Now you get sent an email with only the link to the discussion. Is there any way to make it like it used to be?


P.S. Also there doesn't seem to be a way to quote from a post when replying to it. 

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I see what you mean George and agree.  Great feedback on that.  Thanks!  I am not sure it can be done, but will follow up on it.

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This is probably obvious.. but it would be ideal to have these kinds of engines available in a more integrated, immersive way inside the SL viewer, so all things related to LL can be in one high-tech place, without having to switch.

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It would indeed be ideal if the image upload form was on the avatar select page instead of on a completely section of the site. None obvious functionality is none obvious. :P

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Wow! While I am usually quite critic towards many of the changes we have seen lately, this has left me *positively* speechless.

Nice work ;)

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Love the new forum


Question: Is there a rss feed for all the blogs in one feed. My feedburner link seems to be broken after this upgrade.

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Does the new coments pagination at all? I hated that on the old ones, i would load up a blog post and i would freze up badly. Had to kill the tab in Chrome.

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Vogt Linden wrote:

The new platform integrates Blogs, Forums, Answers, and the Knowledge Base into one powerful integrated system




If one thing goes horribly wrong ... it's all knackered

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@Ghosty Some web browsers show a special icon or other indicator that enables subscriptions. Various newsreaders like Google Reader also have feed detection.

@Torley yes, I know this. However, a direct link on the web page to the RSS feed helps those of us who may be using something other than Google Reader, or aren't using one of those web browsers as they're on a dumbphone or other mobile device that's not so web-savvy.

And, a mobile version of the web site would be nice for those of us who *are.* :)

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