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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Those old system layer alphas and the new BOM alphas are the same exact thing. I use old pre-mesh alphas with my BOM body. Slink points out that if you feather the edge of the alpha when making it, there is an adjustment in the Slink body HUD that will let you tweak the alpha size. I've found that handy.
  2. Press Ctrl-Alt-T to show transparent items. It can happen that a transparent item is interfering with your clicks. The eyes and teeth may be in front of the camera and you are looking through them... I'm reaching here...
  3. There are 584 male animation overriders in the marketplace. Use this LINK. I suggest you sort on Newest and then later on Relevant. The SL MP is not very search friendly. Saying it is "complicated" is probably not the best choice of a noun. Try FRUSTRATING... counter intuitive or PITA. There are times when one just cannot find what they want via SL MP Search. Doesn't matter how complex and devious a search you try. Finding these AO's required a search then a number of clicks in the categories on the left. When you get totally frustrated with MP's search switch over to Google with something like site:marketplace.secondlife.com/products/ male animation overrider Notice the spaces. They are required. I've never found an AO that was exactly what I wanted. These days I make sure AOs I buy are Mod-OK so I can copy animations in and out and customize them. Unfortunately AOs are script heavy these days. I seldom use the new ones as they have 2 or 3 times more script weight than an old, free ZHAO II, which is my go-to-AO. I have a couple of versions loaded up with animation I like. Best of all is Firestorm's built-in AO, which I use when running FS. That used to be most of the time but not so much with version 6.3.9. That AO will run on Copy-OK or No-Copy animations and places no 'script' weight on the avatar. It also places very lite demand on the region server, unlike the older ZHAO II. The only problem is when 'on' it can be the ONLY AO worn. Otherwise, animations between AOs can be conflicting with the result no animations play. If you spend longer periods logged in and standing or sitting where you rely on the AO for animation a single stand or sit can become tediously repetitive. Since I do... I have like 16 stands loaded in my basic AO. I think the fewest is 6 or 7. So I think only 5 variations is on the lite side. Have you found out animations come in "sizes"? Usually small, medium, and large. There is no consistency between animators that I can see. Some will specify which avatar height a size is far. They assume the avatar is Leonardo-like proportional. But, I'm not sure their models were actually proportional... Do the demos to see how they look on your avatar. Good Luck.
  4. Amazing, yes. But... you think it is the wings that look amazing?
  5. They guys have definitely stepped up. This is a rare picture of me. It usually takes me a couple of days to decide on an image and do the post. But, I needed this one today... or these today for a Face Shape Tool I made. It shows the deformation the camera causes as it is shifted from wide to narrow angle. I stood on a pose-stand. I didn't move. It is just the camera going from very near and wide to far away an narrow (telephoto). I was surprised at how even the hair is changed in these.
  6. There are so many ways to get a view without the avatar present. Of course, depending on which viewer you use the options vary. Many of us use what we call Mouse-Steering. So we get very adept at using Alt-Left-click and drag to move our camera. For the camera the basic move is to press Alt and left-click-hold-drag to move the camera. Of course you can left-click-hold-drag on anything. There is a gotcha. The top menu's Advanced (Ctrl-Alt-D to reveal if not showing)->Limit Select Distance needs to be disabled to click on those distant mountains. It also helps to disable Camera Constraints, just below the 'Limit' setting. You use Ctrl with the Alt-Left mouse button to move up and down when dragging. This changes the forward and backward action of the mouse. It takes some practice to get used to it. Then there is the Space navigator and other 3D mice. When you see videos of SL where they are zooming through the world then it is likely a 3D mouse. The Camera Controls that are two sets of 4-arrows will let you pan left or right which gets the avatar out of the picture. Then there is the key press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-4 which stops the viewer from rendering all avatars including your avatar. Press again to bring them back. And some viewers will let you right-click your avatar and select Derender... poof gone. Some consider that a bug. Therefore some viewers block self derender. And... there are probably more ways. But, this should get you going.
  7. Slink has had a Petite for some time. While Slink has not been as popular as Maitreya or as well supported the Petite is even less popular and way less supported. My guess is the same may happen here. But.... we can hope it catches on. Until then I am still wondering where women are finding their MMM cup size bras...
  8. If you ever used a Classic avatar then that is how BOM works. You do have to enable BOM in whatever mesh body parts you wear, as you found out. Then they behave just as the Classic avatar does. With mesh you have additional control. But, you don't have to use it. You can do most everything you want just as you did the Classic avatar. That means skin, tats, makeup, ...etc. can all happen via the original Classic system layers. However... You can also use the mesh head HUD to do more things. The Classic avatar cannot do materials, gloss, environment, bright, specular maps, normal maps, etc. Those things are done via the mesh body parts HUDs.
  9. OMG! The world will never be safe again! 😃 Congrats. Now the fun starts.
  10. If you visit the LAQ store you will find the HUD. The promo material says it handles Materials. That suggests it has controls for gloss. But, I wouldn't believe it until I see it in a demo, which they have. But, I don't use LAQ so I haven't tried it. I went with GA.EG and like most heads, I think, it has gloss and other materials controls in its HUD. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LAQ/148/107/76 A lot of work goes into a HUD. So, they got the idea to drop the cost of their heads and charge separately for the HUD. You only need one. So, if you rob banks and need to change your appearance often then it is probably a good deal.
  11. Awesome. My 'today' pictures are usually a day or two old as I take some time to get a round to picking one and editing it. But, I only do 1 or 2 a week. But I also usually do just one outfit a week. So, the image is often still how I look today. So... not to worry about a small delay.
  12. There is a BIG difference between Blender 2.7 and 2.8. I suggest you go with 2.8. Otherwise you'll be learning it twice. AvaStar for Blender 2.8 is still changing and being tweaked, AFAIK. I am finishing a course on Blender 2.8 (Udemy) and just about ready to start playing with the 2.8 Blender-AvaStar. I think I can put up with some AvaStar gotchas to avoid using Blender 2.7.
  13. Yeah I check people out with Ctrl-Alt-T too. I would think it would encourage clicks in certain scenarios. But... I doubt there are that many that know to check for hidden bits. Back in the days of Xcite! it was common to get a popup from someone clicking... it was part of the flirtation and seduction. But in those days wearing 14MB of scripts wasn't a problem.
  14. I suspect the answer to your question depends on where you ask. I agree with SteelJane. The forum is too small a sample size to go by. The 55k people is the peak concurrent users for a day. Within a 24 hour day we will have something like 500k unique logins. So.... 200 forum-peeps / 500k active = 0.04%... If you asked in in-world groups you would run into the same problem. Even widely read bloggers that pole SL people seldom get more than 200 or 300 responses. About the only way to know is make one of each and see what sells the most. My guess is the Stripables sell. I see several people selling them. Still I suspect they are a niche in the market. The non-stripables are the majority of the clothing market. As you can see several object to the script load. Obviously you need to make the scripts as lite as possible. Some may think to complain about polygon count. But, onion skin bodies are not that big a problem with most people. So, I wouldn't worry about it. Just make the meshes as low poly as possible. Having them clickable is a thing. But, these days I practically have to tell a guy to click... I don't remember the last time someone actually clicked on one of my ... things. So, I am not sure how much that matters. Yet, it affects my buying decision. Eternal hope... you know. Test the market and see... good luck.
  15. Your problem is how the layers of your mesh-onion-skin are handling blending alpha portions of the images. You can check your body's HUD to see if there is a BLEND control for the layer. If there is, just a click and you have the problem solved. You'll have to experiment with the various layers and their Blend modes to see which layer works best set which way.
  16. Firestorm used to be the cutting edge viewer. If you wanted new features 'first,' you used Firestorm. That has changed somewhat. The big new features like EEP come first in the Linden made SL Viewer. Firestorm (FS) still adds new "handy" stuff the users want. Some of those things make it into the Linden Viewer. Features migrate between brands. The Black Dragon Viewer's Poser is planned to be in the Linden Viewer. No ETA. The new EEP feature is being added to FS and we'll likely see it in the next FS release. The Linden Viewer is designed with new users in mind. Seems the goal is to avoid overwhelming new users. I am not sure that is possible. FS compensates for their complexity by providing classes in using theer viewer. Black Dragon (BD) is designed for NiranV's personal use. Niran likes to see a beautifully render world and has added features for that and tweaked parts of the viewer. Unfortunately Niran doesn't like the Linden Viewer user interface. So, it got changed in BD. That makes it difficult for people to switch between Linden, FS, and BD. Then there is Catznip... it has awesome inventory tools. Saying a viewer should have all the features of another brand of viewer is like saying Ford should have all the stuff GM puts in a Chevy. Life doesn't work that way. But, finding FS means you have found SL's most popular viewer. Between 70% and 80% of residents use FS. I am not sure we can class it as the BEST viewer. I am crashing a lot when I use it, which may not be FS's fault. But, I use BD more and more to avoid the crashes. People make viewers to suite their personal preferences.
  17. Notice where all the attachments are attached. Probably to the Right-Hand attachment point. This is the default if none is specified when the designer uploads. Some are lazy or ignorant and never set an appropriate attachment point. The result is YOU see the problem you asked about. As they are pointing out above using WEAR to wear something replaces whatever is on the items attachment point. Using ADD stacks the new attached on top of whatever is already there. This fine until you cross a region boundary. Then when you have a bunch of things one one attachment point they can sort of fall off. It depends on your connection and how busy the SL servers are. When you get something new and try it on for the first time look at the attachment point, it says in inventory where worn attachments are attached. If it says right-hand then take it off and then use Attach To... to wear it again and give it an appropriate attachment point. With rigged mesh attachments you can attach them almost anywhere, it will work and be in the right place. HOWEVER, if you ever plan to use RLV and play in RLC places then you need to understand RLV and attach clothes in the places RLV toys expect to find them.
  18. Oh boy! A new person we can tease.... 🤣 No. We aren't too bad. Welcome and enjoy. Thanks for posting.
  19. File a Bug Report and the next drop down is Issue Type. Select New Feature.
  20. Heads are made to fit the classic avatar neck. Most body and head makers have decided to use the Linden made avatar as the guide for compatibility. Generally a vertex-by-vertex match is made. To reduce the appearance of the neck seam, the first row of polygons at the bottom of the head's neck is closely aligned to the row of polygons in the classic avatar. Some consider the top row of polygons in the body's neck. The idea is to avoid any crease at the seam that would cause the seam to show. And there are various other tricks used to better bend across the seam. Bento heads are just mesh rigged to the new Bento face bones. This is not a simple task. There are lots of bones and tongue, teeth, and skin are overlapping making it complex to weight paint. There are developer kits for most bodies and heads. You can use those to get a vertex-by-vertex exact match for you creations. In SL Blender w/AvaStar is the common tool used. Some use Maya w/MayaStar and 3D Max.
  21. I collect the poses I like and add them to my PoseAnywhere HUD. It has categories. So I think it works well. Poses come in sizes. Small, Medium, and Large. These refer to the avatar size. There is no standard as to what these are. So they vary pose maker to maker. There is a movement to have more realistic avatar sizes. The Linden SL Viewer has a height problem that tricks people into making BIG avatars. My best guess is it remains for legacy compatibility reasons. We've complained about it for years. Third-party viewer makers have ignored it or adjusted for it. So, it can get confusing. This doesn't help with animation sizing. When I make poses or animations I use Blender with the AvaStar add-on. That allows me to use .anim files which give more control. Recently I began using Black Dragon Viewer for the built in Poser. There are some threads here talking about the viewer and poser. There are some tutorials on YouTube. I think it is great for tweaking those poses that almost fit me. Plus, I make lots of on the fly poses now. In the image below, there was no way to sit in the driver's seat. So, I used the poser to put me in the seat and hand on the steering wheel. In this link https://flic.kr/p/2j9MhTq (NSFW) I used it to tweak the sit pose and manipulate my fingers. You have lots of options for poses. I also use my dance and walk animations as poses. As mentioned you can slow animations. With Black Dragon you can click Start Posing and it freezes your avatar so you can tweak the pose or camera. It is also possible to freeze the entire viewer render for a snapshot. I only do that if I am trying to freeze a background.
  22. Whirly knows all... I am so glad she is around.
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