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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Its 11+ years of going to UG meetings and listening to the Lindens explain things.
  2. Misunderstanding, no kidding.... you have TOO MANY ITEMS IN A SINGLE FOLDER. It ain't gonna work... well... very unlikely to work. So far you have pretty well proven it isn't going to work for you. A single folder with that many items is likely the source of your apparent inventory loss. Your idea to track your inventory using the marketplace folders is a really bad idea. The Marketplace folder in the viewer is still a folder in the viewer. It is used by the marketplace website. It likely has additional overhead associated with it as the viewer and MP sites have to talk. It looks like you decided on the one solution to inventory loss that will make your problem way worse. Stop banging your head on that wall.
  3. I suppose you have found a solution by now. But just in case... What you are experiencing is called Bake Fail. The name has a history. But, the result is you render only as a particle cloud. Firestorm has the troubleshooting steps in their wiki. The Lindens have one too but I can never find it when I need it. I doubt your issue is Catwa, despite the error messages. When things go wrong the viewer gets confused and often misstates the problem. The simplified troubleshooting procedure is to wear the default avatar. The steps are in the FW Wiki article. Then rebuild your look an item at a time until you find the problem item.
  4. There is a lot of debate about what causes lag and what causes the most and least lag. Attachments are things that get downloaded to all our computers. So, they have an affect on the time needed to render a scene or avatar. The network load is becoming trivial as network speeds increase. Once downloaded the load from that task goes away. The cache is something the Lindens are working one, abet somewhat delayed because of uplift, that will make this download task even less of an issue and load. Once you have the attachment downloaded your and everyone's viewer has to render it. Attachments do add to client side lag. But, how much depends on the users' computer and the attachment. Graphics cards used to advertise speed in polygons rendered per second. As they improved those numbers became ridiculously large. Now that metric is no longer used. So, it isn't attachment count that we focus on. Things have changed enough in the life of SL that a few different measures like Avatar Complexity Index (ACI) and Avatar Render Cost (ARC) were used and then revised because of those changes. And now Vir Linden and likely others are working on another revised system that better reflects the render cost of things in the current system. The idea is to take many things into consideration and look at the overall cost. All of this means pay attention to your script weight and ACI numbers. Because you can wear one colossally hard to render attachment or 38 trivial to render attachments that are a fraction of the difficult one. So, counting attachments is a way too simplified a metric that tells us little. The new BOM bodies greatly reduce the render load on the system and client. My Slink Redux body reduced the script weight, ACI, attachment points used, and polygon count by large numbers. But, one of the primary purposes was to reduce texture load by the use of its namesake Bakes On Mesh, compositing the many textures worn into way fewer. There are ways to reduce ACI and script weight and those are the best ways to reduce lag.
  5. This is a common problem. I have yet to find a good fix that always works. I think that is because the things we stand on are not consistent. For instance the Linden homes in some places are made of prims and in others mesh. That is true of everything in SL. The system handles those things in different ways. The building, streets, walks, and floors are made in different ways by different people. Also, the people making the shoe bases are inconsistent. What were they standing on when they made the shoe base? The best I have been able to do with all this inconsistency is set my shape Hover, in Appearance, to 50 then set the right-click-on-avatar hover to zero and make a new Shoe Base. I stand on a prim when I make the base. I have prim rugs in my Linden home to reduce hover problems in the house. Out and about I have the hover slider from av-right-click on screen as I am either sinking into the floor, sand, grass, whatever or floating above it because of all the variety of ways people build. I can't do anything about what they do.
  6. Actually, it is annoyingly simple. Search will find them and the 'Next Unread Topic' at the bottom of the page will bring up old stuff. I use the NEXT link all the time. Some times it takes me to years old posts. Search will often take me into the archive. I have to put some effort into marking sections of the forum as read to reduce the number of O L D posts I see.
  7. It is VERY unlikely getting in a tub, which is just a SIT, or wearing something is going to break another attachment, your body. Things do break but the cause of broken attachments are usually system related, i.e., region or SL backend problem. Once we are experienced we keep backups of stuff. I get an outfit or body or whatever and wear only copies of the original. Skell gave an excellent answer and I suspect the correct one.
  8. @MariaCieloMonroe you asked a fair question. It is also annoying because you don't provide enough information for us to answer with any certainty. Such questions need to include which viewer and operating system you are using, at the least. Using the viewer's HELP->About... and pasting the info with your question is best. Often the answer is in that info. Also, this type of tech question is best asked in the Answers section of the forum. You can search that section to see if someone has asked your question before and if there is an answer. Often saves you waiting for an answer. Obviously something is wrong. But, the viewer and SL system is capable of allowing 38 attachments. People do make that many attachments successfully. So, we are trying to figure out where the problem is. There is no standard 'Oh this is what THAT is' answer. How you are deciding there are four slots remaining would help too. Have you moved to a different region and tried? Have you relogged and tried? Have you looked at Grid Status to see if something is/was going on with SL? Are you seeing connection, viewer, or SL System lag? (Which is what I would suspect as I have never seen the system create double entries for anything I am wearing.) Give us a screen capture of the Appearance Editor showing the Wearing tab. Tell us what you are trying to attach and how. Are you using Add to Appearance and selecting a folder, outfit, or single item? Or dragging and dropping on your avatar? Without more information all we can do is give you the basic 'fit it' steps to try.
  9. Each time I edit a shape I save it as a new shape. Lets me go back to an earlier shape if I mess up.
  10. Well DUH! That is why she explained what she meant by BOM-Native... and no one is going to repeatedly define terms and jargon we generally understand in SL. We use jargon to be brief.
  11. Well... you might find you can't live without them and have to buy the item...
  12. The link replace feature is a time saver. I have a set of nude Outfits. They are my base avatars. I start all new outfits from these base outfits. Like Fenimore suggests. I have my Slink Original and Hourglass plus additional copies with fantasy skins. When I get a new skin I decide if I plan to update all my outfits or just use it for new outfits. If I am replacing then I use Replace Links. If not, I make a new base nude outfit for the new skin, body, hear, or whatever. This gives me great control over outfits making updates easy. Once you learn to edit Outfits in the Inventory's Outfits Folder you can make Add-Remove outfits. These are outfits without a skin, head, body, and other parts. They just have the parts I want to add. You can do the same thing with any folder using Add to Outfit or Remove from Outfit. But outfits allow one to more easily activate Gestures. Both are ideal when there is a set of something you'll want to add to a large number of outfits. As an example my Flying Shadow catamaran has a set of HUDs and gestures that I need to add. But, it is all catamaran stuff I would keep with the boat. For things that mix different things together I use an Outfit rather than a folder. It saves me putting links from other things in a folder like the catamaran folder. I think it reduces the number of inventory items I have to use. But, there are multiple ways to do the same thing.
  13. Another site had me at 30-32... which I thought was closer.
  14. I am sure several people will respond. Free Dove is one of the oldest shops catering to new people. Check it out. But, no pirate ship... Alwin is somewhat right. Some of the big freebie barns with thousands of free items do have really old stuff. After a time you'll get an eye for what is OLD. But, there are others that have reasonable new stuff. Many shops have free monthly items. You generally are required to join their group to get it. But, this is usually good stuff.
  15. There are now a couple of videos to show people what the crossings look like. In this first one they guy doesn't know how to fly Shergood copters. Otherwise it is pretty good. This one I made. I didn't have much experience with the Bandit 380R before I started recording.
  16. I agree. But... People steal which makes people with stuff afraid it will get stolen. So expect people to do what they can to protect their I.P.
  17. Whatever name you use people need to be able to type it. Using fancy characters makes that more difficult. While many think they look KOooOOL with a fancy name, most of the rest of see it as a sign of the noob.
  18. For really good tech support, ask your questions in the Answers section of this forum. You really need to tell us which viewer and computer you use when asking a question like this. An image of the notecard and an image of the AO's Contents would help.
  19. And you want these photos submitted where? What form/format? Minimum and Maximum size? What is your intended use? Are the images going to be used to promote controversial topics; BLM, Pro-Life, Trump? I think you'll need to provide a bit more information to get good participation.
  20. In SL the environment is controlled in two basic ways. The land owner sets the environment for their land. Everyone sees that environment. The other is our personal environment which we can set anywhere. Our settings override the landowner's settings but only we see the 'personal' environment we set. Think about sailors and pilots traveling from region to region. The constantly changing environment is REALLY annoying. Fortunately we can override all settings in those regions and ignore the servers' calls to use the local environment and stay with the single setting we want as we fly across SL. EEP - Enhanced Environment Project is across the grid and now a part of the whole grid. The Linden's Viewer has already changed over, which makes it 'official'. Firestorm has their beta version of an EEP viewer, 6.4.?. I would guess you use Firestorm. So if you are going to start playing with Windlight/EEP, I suggest you use either the Linden or the Firestorm Beta viewer and learn EEP. I don't see any point in learning how to use Windlight controls that are rapidly disappearing. Firestorm changed little in their Phototools but it is EEP. The Linden's viewer is the least photographer friendly... (IMO) and some third-party viewers aren't any better. Their thinking, the Lindens, is to keep things simple, as in fewer controls. Firestorm and Black Dragon put more controls in the user interface making it easier for us to tweak the visual render. With Firestorm there are the Phototools. In Black Dragon there is a machinima panel has has similar controls. I think Firestorm has a better set of tools with a practical arrangement/user interface. I find it easier to use but that may be because I learned its user interface first. Black Dragon has a more "logical', from a technical viewpoint, arrangement. Also Black Dragon (BD) exposes and adds features not available in other viewers. BD is made for the author's, NiranV, use. So it isn't as user friendly as I would hope. But, it is clever and innovative. Check one of NiranV's posts on Black Dragon. And this thread: Making Avatars Look Good inBlackDragon! Share Your Hints and Advice! and there are a number of links to tutorials here: BlackDragon Video Tutorials on Photographing in SL. The current big advantage of using BD is the POSER. This is a built-in tool that allows you to move/adjust your avatars pose. The statue I am standing on is phantom. I used the BD poser to position my avatar. In both of these I positioned the avatar for the snap. In the blue-skin one and several on Flickr I tweaked the facial expression. I think you can see the POSER adds a dimension not currently available in other viewers. I think the POSER is the reason more photographers have recently started using BD. However, the Lindens have talked about adding the poser to the default viewer. When they do I suspect they will ad some server side support. Something only the Lindens can do. Check out the tutorials and have fun.
  21. @Bagnu In RL we mostly deal with only the camera when taking an image. The most we can do with environment is position our self or subject and wait for the light or whatever to change. We may choose to use filters or go indoors (or not) and add lights. In SL we control the world's environment. So just as digital photography added a new dimension to post production the viewer and virtual world add a new dimension pre-production. Once our thinking changes about tweaking the environment I think lots of possibilities open up.
  22. You are so in luck girl... http://blog.nalates.net/2016/07/29/misunderstanding-the-second-life-lindex/ SL has a currency exchange that works just like a RL exchange. They have simplified it for people not familiar with currency exchange (duh, Americans). So, you can buy and sell at whatever the Lab thinks is a good price or place buy or sell orders to get the best price. I buy all my L$ via buy orders. The idea is Tilia should make financially connecting to SL and the exchange easier and available to more people while avoiding the use of it as a money laundering avenue. But Tilia doesn't change how the exchange works just how you get RL currency into and out of the system.
  23. At the end of 2019 I did a review of the genitals available for women. If you want to compare or just get an idea of what is out there see http://blog.nalates.net/tag/*****/ The V is really nice. But, you really need to be wearing a Session skin, at least when I wrote the review. As to guys not looking... I tend to agree. Once they see a woman nude all thinking seems to shift to the smaller control room... 🙄 Also, few even know to hit Ctrl-Alt-T to see what active body areas a woman has. Even fewer know what to do with them. The days when Xcite! was "THE THING" and every part of a woman responded are gone. But there are still some real fun toys around.
  24. Marianne gave you good advice. I think you will have gotten the idea that if it cannot be taken off then it has to be REPLACED. Head and body copies... think about how you make outfits and decide how to make the copies and organize them. I have "starter outfits". I have a nude outfit that is a nude me. Skin, hair, nails, body, head... and it attaches the HUDs for body, head, and nails. This is where I start. I add some jewelry to the base nude now and then and from time to to time I change the hair in the nude outfit. But mostly the nude doesn't change. Once I have the outfit together, including facial makeup, I take a copy of the head and save it in a folder named for the makeup, i.e., bright pink, dark red, gold, etc. I remove the head used in the nude outfit and wear the new copy of the head for that outfit. This is the head that then becomes part of a new outfit. If I used appliers, I decide if I need to make a copy of the body or head to save for just that outfit. In which case I use that body copy rather than the body in the nude outfit. Or I may make the applier HUD part of the outfit and just use the nude outfit body. I do reuse the heads. The dark red lipstick, blush, eyeshadow... it all may go with several outfits. Say it goes with 6 outfits then I have 1 head for all six rather than 6 similar heads. After a time you'll find things update. My GA.EG head has had 3 or 4 updates. This is when organization becomes important. There is a feature in inventory that will let you replace all the links to an item with links to another item. This is a huge time saver. The idea is when I want to update an outfit to use the new head, I make a new similar makeup set using the new head. Say the Gold makeup set. Once I have the new head I replace all the links to the previous GOLD makeup head. In some cases that is 15 to 25 outfits.
  25. If they give you SPAM then make... https://www.google.com/search?q=spam+recipes There is no escape. But the avatar and dress are cute enough there should be lots of people trying to distract you.
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