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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. To find sandboxes open Search (usually a button on the screen edge) or the World Map (also a button or Ctrl-M). Use either to search for sandbox. Some sandboxes are only for Premium members. A few are private for their members only. Some are only for adults. Be persistent. There are a lot of public sandboxes. Don't leave stuff in the sandboxes. They have a cleaning cycle and things left there get returned to you once a day or every so many hours. Most post notices as to how long stuff can stay in the sandbox. Typically 4 or more hours.
  2. The math used in virtual worlds is a bit tricky. There are numbers that cannot be represented in a binary world of integers. The number of digits is restricted. One has to deal with significant numbers/digits. Getting all those vertices to have the right value so they can be moved up to 2000+m and maintain their relationships as values round off is a trick. So it is not surprising that some have no clue what is happening or how to fix it.
  3. Try grabbing an image with another viewer. Black Dragon is handy for photos. See if you have the same problem with a viewer other than Firestorm. If you do then the problem is likely in how you have your computer set. Fixing that is a whole other level of troubleshooting. See blow. And in Windows enter Color Management in Cortana/Search and get your computer and screen calibrated to each other. If changing viewers resolves the problem then look at Firestorm. Gather your computer and viewer specs (use viewer HELP->About...) and post your question again with all that info in the Answers section of the forum. The Environment part of the viewer has a gamma setting. Testing with Firestorm I find changing the setting affects both my screen images and the snapshot saved to disk image. There is another gamma setting in Preferences->Graphics->Hardware. But it is grayed out in my viewer. There are 3 gamma settings in the Debug Settings; RenderDeferredDisplayGamma, RenderGamma, and RenderGammaFull. But all 3 affect the screen images and saved images. The camera panel has Filters. If you have a filter set then the saved image will be different than what you see on screen. But that resets to NONE with each log on/off. If that is not it, I have no clue how you see one thing on screen and save something else. Explain your problem in Answers and we'll find someone that can figure out a fix. PM me with a link if you post in Answers...
  4. The thread is moving fast. I'm skipping parts. There is good evidence the first Gospel written was Mark. Most scholars agree. But fewer believe it was written after the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. The thinking is because Paul's arrest and imprisonment in Roman is written about but Paul's death is not, so it is generally agreed the Gospel of Mark was completed before Paul's execution. Proof comes in various forms. Since Paul only directly quotes Jesus from the Gospels once (1 Corinthians 11:24-) and Paul's only firsthand experience with Jesus was on the road to Damascus... that quote likely came from one of the Gospels. This doesn't prove the timeline's position in time but it proves the sequence in which the writing occurred. Much of the dating of the writings is based on events recorded in secular history. The destruction of the Temple in 70AD is a defining moment in history and Jewish theology. For the Jewish people this was an incredible event we have a hard time relating to. As 9-11 is a momentous event for Americans the destruction of the Temple was an even bigger event for the Hebrew people. This wasn't just the loss of a war and the destruction of a building. This was a complete shattering of a society. For 9-11 to compare the Arabs would have had to destroy the two towers, capture and destroy DC - meaning destroy the US's political system, kill 60 million about 20% of the population - Josephus writes there were so many dead bodies you could not see the ground, and take Americans home as slaves. The spiritual impact was that the Temple sacrifices were gone, meaning they had no way to enter heaven. Seculary history records that the price of slaves collapsed from so many Hebrews being sold into slavery, which was prophesied in Deuteronomy.28.68, written either 7th century BC or about 550 BC depending on which scholar one wants to quote. There is no doubt about when the Romans put down the Jewish revolt, 70AD. The New Testament records all the events of importance to the new church. However, it always refers to the Destruction of the Temple as a future event. This means they had to have been written before 70AD. The destruction is no small thing that it would not be mentioned. Plus, Jesus prophesied the destruction of the Temple. If the Gospels were written after 70 AD adding that the prophecy came true would have added cred, yet it is never mentioned. There were huge political factors in the day. The traditional Jews denied Jesus was the Messiah. The destruction of the Temple meant that the Messiah must have already come and gone... or all that they believed from what we call the Old Testament was wrong. This was a big deal and still is. The result was a lot was written by various people of the day, Roman, Jewish, and Christian, in the first century and some of that has survived down to today. It does not remain to be seen if these books were written between 40 and 70 AD. Using only what we find in writings other than the Bible and the ancient copies we have retrieved we can get almost 100% of the Bible's New Testament text from first and second century historians and and validate it with first century witters. For them to quote, what they quote has to have been written before their writing. So even if the latest New Testament manuscripts are AD 150+/- there are earlier quotes of the New Testament. In the book The Fisherman's Tomb the author John O'Neill gets into the dating of what is believed to be Peter's bones. Part of the mental exercise was dating the Jewish graffiti written on Roman walls. Often it was early Christian creeds taken from what became the New Testament. Some of the graffiti creeds found and dated require the Gospels to have been written early and available to the early church to be taught to earlier followers otherwise they could not have written the graffiti. Some scholars push the dating into the late 30's and early 40's.
  5. The raw version of this image is posted in the RAWr thread. This one is cropped and a masked Curve layer was used to darken parts and boost contrast. This is another image that looks better with a dark form theme. ...and you did it well. We aren't all exclusively into fashion, some of us are interested in places... like where you took the shot or the backdrop you used... or that you built it... I would appreciate your adding that info. No pressure.. 😘
  6. Others post about where they took their snapshots. I visit the places that interest me. So I like it when people say where. This in Santana... a place with LOTS of books. The parcel name is Empire of Books. The link is to the tunnels... but the system will land you at the entry point. Go in the building in front of you... well... closest to where you land and touch the book to enter the Catacombs of Bucchaim, which is where I think I am in the picture. This is the raw unedited image taken with BD. I used the poser to get the hands as i wanted them and set the position in the chair. It is a 3MB Ping file. It uploaded OK via drag & drop. Used Chrome. It took a minute. The edited version is posted on Flickr here. Of the recent places I have visited Puddlechurch is the most impressive I have seen in some time. These catacombs while not as impressive are extensive... I suppose one could wonder through them for days.
  7. By that definition of insane all those that close their minds and hold to a single viewpoint without question are insane. We have a huge amount of information that giving combined vaccines to the very young in a single dose can be harmful. That information is suppressed by corporate media and the medical community. Telling a group of parents they have to do that in the face of significant stats is totalitarianism. The single injection thing is a financial thing. The government philosophy that everyone is confined because it may save a single life is not at work here. What's up with that? Requiring vaccination for specific diseases before being admitted to public school is reasonable. That the child has to take them all in a single dose isn't. Are you aware of any of this?
  8. In talking to @Gatogateau I used you as an example of how little the often vociferous people know about their subject. Gatogateau takes a bit of exception to my saying few actually know what they are talking about. Gat could be right. But, my experience is 'very few' accurately describes what I experience. I suspect few actually noticed your self contradictions and admitted acknowledgement of what you don't know. You were such an appropoe example I couldn't pass up quoting. Is harmful humor good? Bad? Actually harming others... is seldom a good thing. But even 'harm' has its beneficial uses. If you can avoid laughing at any joke that might harm someone somewhere... you are exceptional... and likely boring. Humans have laughed at others and their misfortunate throughout recorded history. I haven't seen anything to suggest human nature has changed.
  9. I'll say again politics and religion aren't dangerous subjects, even for moderators. It is their losing control of emotional people that is the danger. People are the danger, their bad behavior. Since the moderators find it difficult to maintain control they censor the subjects. I find that sad as these are subjects that should be greatly debated. I think such debates are the only way to find the better ideas. Others fear the subjects. As soon as the subjects come up they panic and try to change direction or stop the conversation. Whether that is because they want to avoid having their beliefs challenged, hearing upsetting ideas, or their lack of knowledge on a subject... or any of a million other reasons... like you say they are quickly adding to the mess. Many actively try to stop the spread of ideas and thinking that disagrees with their beliefs. So much so that it is a creed to not talk politics or religion they often repeat and pus on others. Your choice to avoid the subjects in forums can be respected. There is nothing that requires you put up with those that can't control how they speak/write. For many forums are entertainment and fun social interaction. You are not required to give that up. I think more along the lines of avoiding such subjects as giving the floor to the mental midgets devolving the conversation into ad hominem attacks on others. But that is me. You are free to choose to avoid those disasters and encourage others not to go there and it isn't a problem for me that you so choose. I just choose another course. You are polite, a disappearing intellectual grace.
  10. @Gatogateau 😂 Does the above start to prove my point? Fairre is absolutely clueless and self contradictory.
  11. Fair question. It is my empirical experience and observation of people and 'man in the street' type interviews. I could have been more accurate writing 'in my experience' to preface it. But, I generally consider that to be implied. It might be confirmation bias at work. But, do you have anything beyond your experience to say it isn't 'very few'? I have heard riffs on Scientology and other belief systems. They pretty much substantiate my first point that few know what they are talking about when it comes to belief systems, religious or political. Yet, they are such a small part of the humour available I'll stick with my statement. </response> Humor is whatever makes one laugh. It may be unkind to someone or some group and often is. Entertainment is whatever we find entertaining. It can violent, humorous, dramatic, uplifting, depressing... each to his own. You can try to tell people what is and isn't proper or good... many even try shaming others to their viewpoint. But, that is our opinion we are pushing. Then thinkers ask why some get to force their opinion on others.
  12. It isn't the religion or politics that create the problems in a discussion. It is the people involved in the conversation/dialog. It is most people in such conversations attempting to debate opinion rather than facts or objective information. Opinion can't be debated. I like blue more than green. Fact. But, dang that blue one is bright. Opinion. It's their logo. I can see the similarity and recognize it as SL. Not much else matters.
  13. Very few people actually know why they believe what they believe. Nor do they actually know anything about "their" religion and even less about other religions. That makes it impossible to know what is going to offend who. Therefore, it is always a risk to attempt humor focused on a religious concept/belief. Notice that comedians joke about how PEOPLE fall short of what they profess to believe. Not the actual concepts/beliefs but how people interpret and spin them for their own benefit.
  14. Hot babe... More seriously... well done. The vignette improves it.
  15. 🤔 If you are her sugar-daddy or this is your Alt... puts way different spin on the FML.
  16. Read back through the 'look today' thread. We have talked about what LIKES are to us in that thread. It includes what some people think of the 'likes' and why they post images. If your goal is to accumulate LIKES then you have to cater to those clicking.You can't just do what you like. You literally give up your freedom for clicks. Silly. With the diversity of reasons people have for clicking and the varied taste of people figuring out what the forum group likes to cater to them is going to be a challenge. It also sounds like you have a bit of the entitlement and victim thinking pushed by corporate media and politicians. The basic you are owed and should receive something you want from others regardless of what they think or want. Are you thinking we owe you clicks? That you deserve clicks? Did your school give out 'participation' awards? Have you even considered why I should click on your images? OR are you just thinking the world is this way so you should... Seems you have bumped into real life and it isn't the way you want it. I hate it when that happens. But, the world isn't going to change. While I think you have an eye for composition, I seldom click on your images. They just aren't what I like and seldom strike a note with me. So my clicks are usually, 'meh... not really my thing but it is well very done otherwise'. Do you really want me judging your images? I don't generally care for effeminate males or the look. There are effeminate men that are interesting, talented, and smart. If I were to focus on the single thing of what I want and the way I want it, I would miss out on enjoying some amazing people. Work at it it and you'll figure out 'like wtf'.
  17. Machinimatrix makes training videos showing how to use AvaStar. I think most of them are on Vimeo. You can also find them from the https://blog.machinimatrix.org/ site. Their advanced tutorials require a subscription. I think they are worth it. Blender, 3D Max and Maya are most commonly used for SL modeling by which I mean things. These and several others are used for making clothes. The work flow is probably different for each designer. Some tasks are easier in a specific software while subsequent tasks are easier in another. So, some of us move from program to program as we build. SL has some legacy restrictions and a few GOTCHAs. AvaStar handles most of those so you can ignore them reducing what you have to learn. I think that makes Blender-AvaStar the easier to learn and more popular. Those that use 3D Max and Maya for work or other reasons tend to stay with those. They also have a better understanding of 3D modeling and the various complications so they quickly learn the SL in and outs. As to why not a basic avatar... that is what we started with. It didn't work out. Just think of it as a free market thing that gives THE PEOPLE more creative freedom.
  18. Are talking about on the website or from within the viewer? But, generally no.
  19. Demos... good. With Maitreya check the shoulders and inner thighs. If those work for you then it may be the best choice as Maitreya is very popular.
  20. Nope... that URL is incomplete. Notice the red part.
  21. I disagree with several of the opinions on BOM... Classic or system skin is the term used for pre-mesh skin that was the 'original' skin of the built-into-the-viewer avatar, Ruth or Roth. Everyone had the same body, no choice. Look in the Library for Boy/Girl Next Door for a clear example. The system avatar is what you have, everyone has, when you remove all attachments. The ONLY difference between a BOM (Bakes on Mesh) and Classic skin is the resolution of the textures used to make the skin. Old skin used three 512x512px images. Some Classic skins were made with 1024 textures but the SL backend automatically reduced them to 512. Back in that day we had Server Side Baking (SSB) which was the system that took the 3-skin textures, 3-tattoo textures, 3-Underwear, and 3-clothes and composited them all into 3 temporary 512px textures. This is done for performance reasons. Part of the upgrade from SSB to BOM system was to move up to handling 1024 textures. The other change is to allow the resulting three 1024px temporary textures to be used on mesh items. SSB was limited to using the temps only on the avatar. So, the difference in BOM and Classic is not the skin or other things, it is the backend system that is different. Merchants need some way to tell you you are buying a new skin that is made with the new system in mind. So, they call it a BOM ready skin. But, if you have one of the old Classic skins that was made with a 1024 texture, there is no difference in the skin. OMEGA is not a skin nor a type of skin. It is a translator for Appliers. When we got mesh bodies they were "attachments" that covered the Classic avatar body. The system or Classic skin was hidden and we had no way to get it on a mesh. The SSB was designed to provide temporary textures which only the Classic avatar could use. Thus Appliers were designed to put the skin and other textures on the various layers of the onionskin mesh bodies. Mesh only allows one texture per face. There is no way to combine or composite them on a prim/mesh face. Layering to create composites was only something we could do with an avatar via SSB. So, designers built onionskin bodies to provide the illusion of compositing. The complication for skin makers was all the different mesh bodies. Each part of a mesh body has a name and some number of faces. These are all arbitrary and totally up to the mesh body designer. To put the right texture on the right part the skin maker needs to build those names and faces into their Applier. That is a lot to know and a bunch of work. Omega came on the scene and made a translator. Literally this is a script that listens to an Applier for perhaps Maitreya and tells a Slink body which textures to put where. Now a skin maker only needed to make an applier that works with Omega because Omega will make it work with any target body. Kit... I have no idea what kit you have seen. There are customizable avatars which I've seen where their customization systems are referred to as kits. You are not likely going to need to be concerned with those. Why? SL is complicated. Not because it is complicated on purpose but because it opens up the 3D virtual world and exposes you to amazing possibilities. 3D virtual worlds are complex, far more than you are seeing. Most games have professionals doing all this stuff for you. To make clothes for those games you have learn something like Blender's 3D modeling program and learn to design for possibly the Unreal game engine or whatever engine the game uses. Otherwise, the creative freedom you have in SL is taken away. You are seeing a 3D virtual world that has been greatly simplified for us. The confusion is from time... there used to be only Classic. Tech advances. We can do more and SL looks way better that it used to. But, we have all the stuff that came before to build on. Those of us that lived through the changes understand them. Those meeting these terms for the first time... they get confused, with good reason. There is a lot to learn. Its like not knowing RL history. If you don't know the history of Communism, Socialism, Free Market or haven't read the Federalist Papers you can't know why the world is as it is and things get REALLY confusing.
  22. There are so many ways to do this. A major key is using Content Aware Fill. Once you see it used with blur a bunch of things get easy. Check this tutorial to see how it is done using Content Aware. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NJJl7054_I Or to get better control of the Depth Map with Lens Blur check out some of these: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=photoshop+lens+blur It worked well. We can't know what you wanted....
  23. @Aristotle Smit ...yeah we do forget the jargon is meaningless to those not into the 3D modeling tech. Sorry. We say 'bake' to mean automated compositing. Compositing is about taking images and combining them. Like drawing on sheets of clear acetate film and staking them to make one drawing. In SL this 'bake' takes the skin image, tattoo image, underwear image, and clothes layer image and composites them into a single image. The clothes go on top and cover the underwear which covers the tat which covers the skin. Mesh is bit more difficult to explain. First I'll try to clear up the SL jargon part. Everything in SL is mesh... EVERYTHING. This is true of all 3D worlds, models and imaging. To see this for yourself in the viewer press Ctrl-Shift-R and again to exit wireframe view. So, that is the mesh meant by mesh. But, Mesh in SL means something sort of different. We aren't careful about misusing the word. You have to know we do it just to confuse you... 😎 The tech of 3D models and worlds is based on lists of vertices. Three vertices make a polygon. If you look closely at your avatar in wireframe mode you see it is made from a collection of triangles or polygons. the computer colors the area inside the vertices or the surface of the polygon so it appears solid. Unless we tell it not to, which we call wireframe mode, which means draw the lines not the surfaces. The lines look like a mesh and thus the name. When SL was designed the Internet was slow. Rather than download lists of vertices they built the lists into the viewer. Cubes, cones, cylinders, etc. They called these primitives and we shortened that to PRIMS. The avatar is a set of about 7,000 polygons. Its list of vertices is built into the viewer. This is the avatar we call Classic. We say mesh-avatar to denote using mesh parts to replace the Classic avatar. As tech advanced things got to where we can now load vertices lists without an excessive performance hit. A Mesh thing in SL is a prim with an uploaded vertices list that is NOT built into the viewer. Someone makes the list in a modeling program and uploads it. Everyone else downloads it to see it. It is still a prim as everything in SL except the avatar is a prim. But we call it a mesh just as the built-in mesh cube is just called a cube. Rather than say prim cube or prim mesh... So Mesh in SL means a Primitive with a user made vertices list... There used to be prim clothes and shoes. Be glad you missed out on that. For that reason we denote things as mesh clothes. When mesh clothing is put on an avatar it has to move with the avatar. Somewhere in the build process someone has to tell the computer how each vertex in the list moves. This is called 'rigging' in the 3D modeling world and SL. Technically it is a process of telling the system that a particular vertex moves 0 to 100% with a certain bone. When done well a sleeve bends well at the elbow. The thing is Slink and Maitreya are made by different people. They used different numbers of vertices for their bodies and assigned different percents of movement to each vertex. These percents are called weights. To get clothes to fit closely the clothes designer has to use nearly the same weights for their vertices. Thus clothes are made for specific brands of bodies. The "fitted" part denotes that the item is rigged to the bones affected by the shape sliders. There are two sets of bones... but this is already too techy. The fitted just demotes which of the two and means... if you are fat my clothes will still fit as they are adjustable. The Bento part came when we added more bones for fingers, wings, extra legs, into the face... For your purposes Bento means it will work with your wiggly fingers and allow animators to animate the face with infinite expressions. That is something we couldn't do before Bento. Designers - those making clothes make clothes for various body brands. A number of designers make well fitting clothes for for a number of bodies. Some do a better job than others. Which is why everyone will tell you TRY THE DEMO. I buy from a large number of designers for my Slink body. As long as you TRY before you BUY you don't have to worry about which designer you buy from. You will likely develop a preference. To get more history and details look here: http://blog.nalates.net/2017/04/10/second-life-mesh-vs-classic-bodies/
  24. There are transparent layers causing problems. Katt's suggest is the usual solution. If your head's HUD allows you change blend modes, play with that.
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