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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Your best chance of finding it is to search the marketplace. It lists 50k hits for hoodie. Without an image... all we can do is make bad guesses with a 1 in 50k possibilities of guessing right.
  2. I don't care. That's a personal problem. Not all of us do it that way. I think some images are worth several LIKES. In those cases I'll click it every time I see it. Ashlyn's kissing-image is nice and well done. It has gotten 2 or 3 clicks from me. And there are a number of Ashlyn's images that got none. Also, I change from day to day. I am not consistent nor do I have simple rules for how I click. It is a matte of how the image strikes me in my current mood. I think it would be nice to have a few more choices in the Reaction response. A "Love" would be nice. From FB, Hug and Wow would be nice. Raw image. No post.
  3. The Plastik skins by Aikea Rieko are awesome. Skell recently did a gorgeous picture using one of the skins. I bought some to experiment with. So far they need less makeup than I expected. I think your nice images show that. But, make up is so fun. Why else be a woman if you can't play with make up and clothes? And now guys are figuring out they too can play. Well... there are are a couple of other ... 'reasons'.
  4. Oh... that shouldn't hurt... much...
  5. Finding stores that match your taste can be a challenge. Asking as you have is a good way. But, there are a couple of... faster... mmmm... maybe tedious, but I find them fun ways. Blogs and events. One of the biggest and more popular blogs is iHeartSL. All the designers show up in this stream of NEW at some point. It is easy to scan through and pick the things and styles you like. It will lead you to stores with what you want. Then there are events. Look to websites like Seraphim and other event websites. There are events like XXX and Kinky along with Wicca and We Love RP that get dark and much could pass for goth. This forum has a section devoted to EVENTS and There is an official SL Calendar with various events listed: https://secondlife.com/events/. Unfortunately it is ALL events in SL. So, you have to do a lot of reading for little reward. In the Destination Guide near the top of the left-column of categories is SHOPPING EVENTS. Today they list 51... This is probably a better choice for you. If you have found shops that cater to your taste look at the events they list in their shop. They are usually around the entrance and prominent. At the events you'll find more shops marketing to the same style. I have a folder labeled EVENTS and another labeled SHOPS. I landmark the events and shops I like and stash the Landmarks in the appropriate folder. I also place folders with year labels inside those folders. If I visit a LM that is in the 2018 folder and the shop is still there, I move it to the 2020 folder. If it isn't I delete it. Or if it was a shop I REALLY LIKED I'll use in-world search to find out if they have just moved. Whatever. Eventually the 2018 folder is empty and I delete it too. BECAUSE... in case you don't know... in the debate over whether SL is a "game" or not... the 'nots' lost. SL is an inventory game. 🤭 So to win you have to out inventory everyone else.
  6. BOM is a process of building (commonly called baking) a composite texture made from the skin, tat, underwear, and etc. layers. Then displaying that texture on the avatar, whether classic or mesh. So the viewer can know which texture to use it has to be told. In the pre-Sever-Side-Baking (SSB) days the viewer always used the system layers. Everyone downloaded all the textures and all the viewers baked them into a composite which each computer used as a local texture. We made system layers as our way of telling the viewer which skin, tat, etc textures to use. With SSB we used system layers to tell the bake engine which textures to use. The viewer was changed to use only the texture coming from the SSB engine to render the avatar. Everyone downloaded JUST the composite texture from the SSB engine and used it without a need to bake anything viewer-side. WAY more efficient, less download and less viewer side work. With the advent of BOM (Bakes On Mesh) the engine was enhanced to use larger textures and provide the texture ID to us. We still tell it what textures to use via system layers; skin, tats, etc. The big deal is we have access to the baked texture's ID. We can put the resulting texture on anything. So, any head, body, or other part can easily be switched to use the texture coming from the BOM engine. We just make an applier that applies the BOM texture which we specified with the system layers we use. The idea is that all the textures onion-skin heads and bodies used could be replaced with a texture with multiple textures baked into a single texture. And the onion skins could go away as everything fit on a single layer. Again much less work for the viewer.
  7. You look way too good bare-faced. You must be one of those women that wake up gorgeous. I'm call'n the cops. You have to have done something illegal... Very well done image. 😃
  8. I am not sure how you can tell he hasn't logged in. You can IM him and the system will hold the message until his cue fills up. Or you can send him a note card, which the system will hold forever. He'll get those when he logs in. Of course if he doesn't... he is gone.
  9. I have used it. It worked. As a Premium member it is part of the package. But, for a time it was broken. Then the Grid Status report said it was fixed. I haven't checked recently. Have you asked for help in the Answers section of this forum? Did you file a trouble ticket or Bug Report? Who did you email?
  10. VERY NICE! Did you create the skin colors in-world or post-production?
  11. In your Preferences in Graphics settings there is a control to enable/scale how much effort is put into rendering Avatar Physics. Make sure it is enabled.
  12. Links in outfits can be a challenge. Links are not the item. They are a "pointer" to the item. Outfits in the Appearance-Outfits panel only contain links. Getting all your outfits to use the same shape requires some effort and thought. Links were added to allow us to use No-Copy items in numerous outfits. While we cannot copy the item, we can create as many pointers to it as we want. If one does not organize their inventory things can get really confusing. I keep all my shapes in a single folder, Clothes/Basic/Shapes. As time passes I tweak my shape. I think I am making it better. 🙄 But then I have a new shape that my 400+ outfits do not use. Most new viewers have a Replace Links feature to allow me to up date all 400 outfits with the new shape. You can use the feature to get all your outfits using the same shape. The idea is all links to THIS shape, give it the shape or whatever you want to replace, are to be replaced with links to this shape or whatever. It can take a minute to replace 50+ links. There is a lot going on between the viewer and the SL servers during the replacement process. Give it time. Avoid replacing in a laggy region. On another geeky-note... you can export and import shapes. Shapes export as XML files, which are just text files using a specific outline-tag type structure. They are a blend of human-machine readable information. So, I think they are easy to edit. I did edit mine so I could separate my head and body into separate shapes. If I put on a new head and use its default shape I do not want to have to re-enter all the values for my body. So, I edit all the HEAD settings out of my shape's XML file. In world I wear the head-shape, which trashes my body-shape. Then I import my body-only-shape while wearing the new head-shape. Since all the head-settings are missing from the file the import of the new shape does not change the head. Much nicer.
  13. You are not alone. People's standards do change with experience. I used to do lots of hunts and scrounge for free stuff. At some point I stopped. I opened enough boxes with unusable junk that I gave it up. I have definitely gotten more picky about how an avatar that is hitting on me looks. 🤭
  14. You inferred the Leftist bit. I didn't say or imply that. You jumped to that conclusion. Nor did I suggest everyone try triggering someone. I suggested this person 'trigger' by speaking for their beliefs. I could have been clearer. But, it did leave you for you to misunderstand and you did. You appear to be one of the people that can't tolerate people speaking their true when it may upset someone. I doubt you can even clearly perceive the idea of speaking ones beliefs. Sad that you think it is all rhetoric and insults. Too bad you could do more than participate in the rhetoric and insults. You could have added actual substance. You could have tried to refute the behavior of snowflakes and reveal then as caring, free speech loving, well informed rational thinkers. Why didn't you? Any one voicing diverse views will awake the intolerant and they will start bashing. It is what they have been conditioned to do and they reflexively respond. Why shouldn't we make fun of them and find them despicable? Also, are you going to acknowledge how brainwashed you are... since both sides are? Or is it only those that disagree with you that are brainwashed? And how do you determine who is or isn't brainwashed?
  15. The teeth are a subtle accent I find changes the feel of the image. Now that is feminine power. Gettin Louder with Crowder... Its a thought versus emotional reactions thing with Steven. But, it is a funny come back. I was playing with Black Dragon's Poser making facial expressions. Plus I edited where some of the robots were looking... This is the first time I used the eyebrow and eyelid adjustments. With the GA.EG Jennifer head eye, eyelids, and eyebrows are some what interconnected. Makes for an interesting challenge getting things the way I wanted.
  16. If you find the hangouts you visit are empty... the two main possibilities are; the place isn't popular or you are there the wrong time of day. Use in-world search and the Destination Guide to find places that match your interest. Check them out. Look around the places for events listings with time and date. The forum has an events listing section. What's HOT Now will show you where 20 or more avatars are hanging. Once you find a few people they can tell you what are the happening places, you'll find an active community.
  17. If one reacts with higher blood pressure doesn't that signal an emotional reaction? One should never attempt debate with the unarmed. This doesn't happen here or in any impromptu scenario I can think of. So, it sounds impractical to me. I tend to go with the things and ideas I can do without dependance on the cooperation of others. I am not sure I believe that. I see most arguing their opinions and providing little information with any merit. I think that is the idea... and in a professional debate that might be the case. But here and in many places, I think many take things personally and debate the person. Of course. If one watches any news or political speech they can see the tactics in use. Hillary wrote her thesis on Alinsky. She considered him to lack enough radical thought to continue following his teaching. She appears to have built on his foundation. Many still use Alinsky to model their organizing efforts.
  18. Interesting set of responses. I am going to pick an chose which I respond to. There is a Left side media driven option. I bet you think you have it right? What makes you think I was triggered? Unfortunately, that is WAY TOO TRUE. Europeans are far more cosmopolitan than Americans. It is a common aspect of being American because we deal with few people other than Americans. That is just the way it is. True that. Before we can decide which team is worse we have to come up with some objective form of scoring... Pretty much as it does now. Very true. It sounds like you are talking about arguing opinions, to which there is no end. Alinsky didn't make a clear point about 'opinion'. However, he was clear on avoiding any fact that put one at a disadvantage in achieving their goal/agenda. Unfortunately, not only the Left has chosen to follow that advice. Both sides resort to emotional opinions and name calling. How does one listen to both sides and then avoid confirmation bias? Good ideas do not devolve. People attempting to debate ideas tend to devolve the conversation. I think that whoever moves to labeling shows they lack substantive merit in their arguments. Thus they have little choice but to adopt Alinsky tactics. Once those come into play I agree there is little point in continuing the conversation. Repeating a standard line of facts phrases is not debating or carrying on a dialog. Only the non-thinker would imagine it could change minds. Even well supported facts often do not change minds already made up and closed. It takes some creativity to get past the delusions inculcated into people's thinking and shift their hardened opinions. People that haven't studied psychology have little idea of how to get past someone's personal beliefs based in emotional thinking. Professional counselors never change minds by 'telling' a person something. It takes way more creative thinking. So, you might like the little book Loserthink.
  19. We need way more information to pin-point the problem. Like which sounds? The view has five or six categories of sounds. Best to click the Viewer's HELP->About.... and paste that info here. We can then at least eliminate your hardware and know which menus to describe when try to track down the problem. You can also do some trouble shooting. Try listen to the sounds in different regions to eliminate or ID a region problem. Try with a different brand of viewer to eliminate or ID viewer problems. Restart your computer and router/gateway to eliminate or ID local problems.
  20. Thanks. Good point. 350,000,000 / 7,700,000,000 = 4.5% ... you are right. But in a discussion about Republicans, a strictly American thing it seems out of context. In regard to SL pertinent percentages would be conservative versus liberal or free vs totalitarian. True. But the Left spends huge amounts on studying and learning how to change minds and indoctrinate the inattentive. If one has good ideas and does not want to live under the ideology of failed systems... hiding and keeping the good ideas to one's self is pretty much certain failure. However, you are entitled to do as you choose. If you aren't seeing the bashing, I suspect it is because you aren't speaking up. Try triggering a s snowflake or two.
  21. I'm Independent yet registered Republican to vote in their primaries. I am acutely aware of the Leftist bullying and anti-free-speech bias in SL. It is just a fact of life in SL. Unfortunately the Lab's personnel has a strong Leftist bias too. So you cannot win in any heated, or other, discussion in SL. If you are losing the argument and being bullied in a thread it may be allowed to continue for a time. However, start winning and the thread, even if you are WAY careful to avoid name calling or bullying tactics, will close pretty quickly. That is my opinion and experience. Proving it would be difficult. I don't put all the one-sided-ness of this on the Lab's moderators. When bullies lose they quickly call for reinforcements and report threads. The Lab tends not to spend time evaluating. A quick look and recognition of contention in the thread and it gets locked. Leftist win by silencing debate. It is a tactic antithetical to free speech people. The Lab strives for 'harmony' and 'peace' on the forum. However, I still think their bias shows in the moderating. The idea that one does not discuss religion or politics is an idea put forth by the those that can't support their viewpoint and those following Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. (If you haven't read it, you should. Its like 80 small pages.) Anyone that has matured past an adolescent-mind stage can discuss such topics and should. When you find you are arguing with one using adolescent or Alinsky tactics you have to change your tactics. If you have not studied how to 'change minds' or win arguments you have no chance of getting your point across in SL. You are up against corporate media's mind control techniques (see Rape of the Mind - Amazon - heavy reading) that have indoctrinated those holding leftist ideas. Normal human conversation is not going to shake anyone lose from their indoctrination. People do not want to admit they have been indoctrinated or even THINK they may not be in control of their thinking. THAT is far too scary. Plus Leftist ideals sound so good and nice.... one just has to be uninformed about what those ideologies have brought to our RL world. If you read 1984, (Orwell's book) the phrase 'Black Lives Matter" not being considered racist and the phrase 'All Lives Matter" as racist makes perfect sense. I am willing to bet we see emotional, non-thinking response to that sentence. But, you get my point. clubs arent taking it seriously enough - What do you mean? Are you thinking club owners should be controlling conversations? What if the club owner is a Neo-Liberal (the younger Liberals that deplore free speech... er... hate speech)? Whether we agree on politics we should at least try to be civil we are here to have fun - No... humor and the idea of 'fun' is not part of the Left's ideology. One does not change because they enter a specific room. Today's Liberals and Socialists are taught and indoctrinated to behave within Alinsky's Rules and to shame any who dare to have a diverse opinion different from theirs and it is their job to shut them up. Where they are makes no difference. THIS is what you are going up against. Since they are oblivious to what has been done to them it is up to you to learn how to combat the corporate media indoctrination. I suggest you start with these two podcasts by cartoonist Scott Adams: Scott Adams PART1: I Teach You How to Break Others Free From Their delusions. We Might Need That. Scott Adams PART2: I Teach You How to Break Others Free From Their delusions. We Might Need That. Boycotting a club is a type of coercion. It generally doesn't work. And you always have the question of whether a boycott is correctly targeted, likely to be effective rather than galvanizing, and whether it is morally and ideologically a good thing. Good intent just doesn't mean much. I suspect you have a level of indoctrination too, because of your call to boycott. Did you think through my points on boycott? Or is it an idea that just popped into your mind? If so, where did it come from? Theresa Tennyson caught it immediately and pointed it out. Boycotts are an often used tactic of the Left. So... you may want to consider why it is in your repertoire of solutions. I mostly agree. But, we Americans have decided that free speech is about more than just what the government can do. Monopolies in business and media that impinge on people freedom get addressed. When control of speech affects our freedom in a monopolistic way to limit the exchange ideas the government has and likely will take action to stop it. A single club as the OP complains about is NOT a free speech issue in the way the OP likely is thinking. You are right. Maybe you would define 'vast majority'? That leaves 3% without a party affiliation...
  22. The Slow Animation is a BIG help. Even 10% slower helps me catch just the pose I want. I am finding with Black Dragon I can have the Poser open and my avatar selected then when the animation bring the right pose I can click START and freeze the avatar. Then I can play with camera angles and shadows.
  23. Too late, already have one 🤣 But it is hidden away in inventory... right?
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