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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. You have to set your GMA preference in the marketplace too. The setting is at the top on the MP Home page.
  2. I hit a new one. In a lively thread I posted. In the time it took me to write and post 5 or 6 others posted. My post came up hidden. How do I unhide a post in this forum?
  3. Make sure you have lots of air space under your laptop. Run HWMonitor (free) and check your computer's components temperatures. If it is running hot, look up the model on YouTube and see how to clean it. If they show taking it apart and you are uncomfortable with that, at least notice what it is and where it is inside that they are cleaning. Blowing from the outside through the vents to hit those parts can help. Some laptops just aren't designed to run all out for long periods.
  4. Hmmmm.... let's see... Nude Erect - common for noobs 😆 Semi-nude chubby - those swimsuits that leave NOTHING to the imagination 😲 Nude flaccid - common at nude beaches 😯 Clothed BIG package 😏 Clothed sane package - only common for the well dressed male 🙂 ... if a guy has more than one sane outfit... they will have more than 5... 😊
  5. FS Beta EEP... the default Windlight settings are dark. Well sort of the default settings. There are the Shared Settings which you may have set to be sticky, meaning they don't change as you move region to region. If not set to be sticky then the viewer will take the settings from the region you just entered and the region owner may not have changed the region for EEP, in which case I think those defaults are too dark. If you use FS' Phototools the first tab is WL. You can set the WL Sky setting on that tab to 'default'. I think this makes things look more like the previous non-EEP FS version. Unfortunately this "default" setting is just another WL set of settings with the name 'default' and I don't consider it a real universal 'default'. I fly and sail so I have my FS set to keep whatever WL I start with as I cross region to region. I don't like the day changing with every region boundary I cross. But that means if I want to see a region as the owner wanted I have to manually force the viewer to use the local custom default. When I enter a region for photos I change that WL Sky setting to 'Shared Environment'. It is at the very top of the list of environments in the drop down. The first time or two you use the shared setting you'll notice the result is some 'named' environment, which is the name of the WL set the region is set to use. It is often from that set of settings that I begin tweaking my Personal Lighting for the photo. While people are changing over to EEP, we will have to manually adjust things to suit us. I expect this to be a problem until FS releases the beta as a final version and even for several more months until people make the changes in every region. I do use the FS Beta EEP when I am using FS. I figured at some point I would have to get used to the new UI. I am starting now.
  6. If you are using Photoshop, be sure to look at your channels. There are 3 and often one of them provides just the BnW image you want.
  7. Some of us use Firestorm to export and import shapes. The format is an XML file. Editable with any text editor. I use the process to make head or body only shapes. I edit the XML file to remove all of the head-values or body-values. When a partial shape is imported only the values present affect the shape.
  8. Once upon a time this 'ghosting' was common. The problem causing it got fixed and is now rare. Many of us have Alts, a second account/avatar. We would use that to login and often go to the location of our ghost. It was kinda fun and while there we could IM, chat, or push the avatar. But, when the stunts fail, file a support ticket under login problem. It usually gets handled quickly.
  9. You may be misunderstanding the idea of Royalty Free. The idea is I can buy the image and use it as often as I want. Think using it on a cereal box. One image used on a million boxes. Authors get a royalty on each book sold. So too would a royalty-required image need to pay a fee for each cereal box on which the image appears.
  10. Clearning the cache will slow the SL scene render and throw extra load on the SL system. Basically clearing cache = bad. There is no problem moving the viewer cache to another location. That is why the control is in Preferences. I place the cache for my primary viewer in a RAM drive and have software to store and reload the cache when I restart the computer. My secondary viewer's cache I placed on my SSD. Note: each viewer uses its own cache. Once upon a time all viewers shared their cache files. There were lots of problems so everyone has moved away from shared caches. However, if you are using multiple viewers and are short on disk space you might try combining the caches.
  11. You gotta spend some money on clues... https://www.robinwood.com/Catalog/Technical/SL-Tuts/SLPages/WhiteHalo1.html The Robin Wood link will give you an idea of where the problem occurs. TGAs are not bad or unusable in SL. It is just that people using them with transparency hit the halo problem. I've never been clear whether it is the SL conversion or something inherent in JPG2000 or the Kakadu library.
  12. When SL was being built TGA was a preferred image format. While PNG was released in 1995+/- it took a bit for people to adopt it. TGA in SL has some transparency halo issues. To avoid those I shifted to PNG.
  13. You aren't likely doing anything wrong. The first time you log in you have have support help. For more info on the beta grid look here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Preview_Grid
  14. You are making it hard on yourself. Composite the house into a forest scene you like. Or go somewhere and snap a pic of a forest or village and use that for a composite. Attempting to find a place like what you want and that will allow you to rez a house there is going to be way difficult.
  15. Ugh.... it is possible to have the IM for all viewers pile up in the same place and thus have the IM history so the content from all the different viewers' chat shows up in all viewers. That is NOT the default. Each viewer uses its own chat log folder. So, what you chatted in FS is not visible in BD. All the same friends and groups as that is system level connections. But, the chat is stuffed in text files saved by each brand of viewer in a viewer specific place. Example: C:\Users\[windows_login_ID]\AppData\Roaming\Firestorm_x64\[avatar_name] In Firestorm the control is in Preferences->Network & Files->Directories. You can change that so it points to the file location for Black Dragon or change BD to point to Firestorm's. I haven't tried it. I think it should work without problem. But, I won't try to guarantee it. Be aware that as chat files grow and increase in number the viewer slows down and requires more memory. About once a year I archive my chat files leaving the chat log folder empty. I think I see an improvement in speed. But, I haven't actually clocked it. Also, my chat files get big and there are lots of them... (currently 90MB in 280+ files) I suppose big and lots are relative terms likely to be quite different for different people.
  16. There are a number of sources for finding photo interesting places in SL. FLICKR is a source and some groups require the LM for the image location in SL to post. And several people just include that information with the SL images. https://www.flickr.com/groups/secondlifelandscapes/ Xploring Second Life Photo Locales in Second Life (SLURL REQUIRED) I have a document with the places I like for photos in SL. It is a list of SLURLs. That makes it easy for me to return or write about an image or locations without having to open the viewer and find an LM. I also have folders in the viewer for LMs for photos. Ask in-world and I'll give a folder of places I like. Use in-viewer search and the term photo to find a number of places. Using photography brings up the names of studios offering photo services. Photo locations brings up a different list, but it is a mix of good and bad. A more pertinent but long term source are the image threads here in the forum. In Creation there is an Art, Music, and Photography section. There are some subsections like landscapes. The best part of the forum threads is you get to see an image. But, you have to follow the threads to get the location tips. For instance the How does your avatar look today thread is 1400+ pages long and the location recommendations are spread through the whole 1400 pages. Not something to thumb through when you are just looking for a location.
  17. One of the steps that makes things look more real is to start with a hi-rez image. Capture at 4k or better. Many of the high quality images that look photo-realistic are captured at 6000px wide or more. Another is to remove computer perfection. Images from virtual worlds capture perfect computer rendering. In post production one has to add noise to the image. In RL light is coming from every direction. THe result is digital and film images from RL have a degree of noise. Plus surfaces in RL have irregularities that computers don't produce. Those irregularities need to be added in production or post-production. Learning how to make things look realistic requires studying both RL and SL images to understand why one looks real and the other computer generated.
  18. I use the PoseAnywhere HUD. No poseball needed. A second copy added lets me pose myself and someone else. I also use an older HUD AnyPose Expression. It used to be more useful than it is now. Now I use it mostly to control my eyes. Black Dragon has become my viewer of choice for photography. The Poser in BD is way handy.
  19. @Cerebrogasm Lots of people run into the problem. You are not alone. Some of the new BOM bodies combine body, feet, and hands into a single mesh now. That can save 4 attachments, depending on how the previous non-BOM body was made.
  20. Oh no... we have total discretion over who we blame. So we should make it as fun as possible...
  21. No. But it is a pain to get cleaned up. You generally have to get SL Support to help. Plus, you get warnings when you attempt to give such permissions.
  22. Have you even been in SL? Anyone can see SL uses a two-way communication system. Just open your network monitor and watch the bytes sent and received. In Windows open Resource Monitor. Watch the network traffic on your computer for a minute or two then open a viewer. You can think WKYC only needs to send the downstream content. But we already have ATT satellite connections where the satellite side is downstream only. They handle the upstream via their copper wire DSL connection. If you call them up and talk to them about using one of these connection for gaming even they will tell you it isn't going to work well. Far too much latency. Where did you get the idea that SL has only 115 MB of data? That is about the size of a viewer download. The SL content was over 200 terabytes five years ago. If you opened the Resource Monitor and watched the data flow through the viewer you'll know SL is going to stream gigabytes of data per month. It is common for me to see 10k to 20k B/sec up and 300k to 700k B/sec down...
  23. You seem to have missed the point of SL. It is interactive. That requires fast TWO-WAY communication between client and server. What are you thinking when you say "expansions packs"? Other games have them to add content like new areas, avatars, clothes, armour, weapons... But in SL the content is dynamic, changing by the minute with over 200 terabytes of content. The content is online and downloaded as needed.
  24. With the recent release of Firestorm 6.4.5 Beta I think I am seeing it more often. But it has been around for a time. I have noticed that when I change Draw Distance things nearby pop into view. I usually hadn't noticed they were missing. I suspect there are some issues in the Progressive Draw Distance Stepping. Preferences->Firestorm->Enable Progressive... (checkbox). You can try changing the value or disabling it.
  25. No one pointed out that the scripts used in SL run on the Linden servers, region servers. They do not run on your local machine. Your local machine tells the region server what scripts to run and gets 'results' information from the region server. As an example think of AOs. You wear an AO. That 'wearing' tells the region server to run the AO scripts. The AO script runs and tells the system which animations to run. The region servers then tell the viewer how to get the correct animation which it downloads. That animation information is then used to move avatar bones. The code that reads the information and moves the bones is built into the viewer not the animation file. Some years ago the Emerald Viewer was caught misbehaving. Part of the coding team had... I'll say, "joined" the vigilante side to stop griefers (and that is being overly kind). Like most vigilantes they went too far and their methods provided a channel likely to be abused and it was. So we have proof that viewers can be abused and were. But, we also have proof they get caught because of the nature of open source projects. There are darkside third-party viewers. These are usually copy-bot viewers. These are considered to be viewers compiled for nefarious purposes, usually stealing content. If you are going to use a viewer made by a thief why would you think they would not also steal from you? People do use them and then cry when their password is stolen. Duh! There is a saying, something about not being able to con an honest man... There are exploits of the SL System. The Lindens complain about how much time they spend knocking those down. From what they say, we know there is an ongoing escalation to hack SL. As best I can tell most of those are griefing attempts (things like making a blizzard of flying *****es) or attempts to steal content. The nature of the SL System is such that little can be done to you, the RL you. Your account information and financial information are over in the web properties side of SL. The viewer has very little access to that information. Use reasonable care with your password and avoid doing stupid and you are safe.
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