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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. can we get a choice of ui yet? the viewer I use now, I use because of the LL ui is bad for doing what I do, so have had to use firestorm to keep everything sterile if you will and not clumped all things. I know we can break tabs off, but not what I'm after.
  2. erm, no, when I get at the house tonight, I'll get a picture.
  3. she's got a 6 digit number to her, and the guy whom gave me her had her during the beta run. I'll have to poke somebody, not sure whom.
  4. 10 L$ hud I sell, gets 1$ taken out for fee.
  5. lol I've got a meepet that's a beta roo that's still active on my sim, she's almost 7 years old, wonder what I'd get for her after all these years lol
  6. if it stays negative and the transaction history shows that no money has been sent, but you saw them saying they did, means they emoted it.
  7. people do it so often, but it's how things have transgressed over the years, it started out prok being trolled with being called a guy, now it's kinda like fud being spread because I'm not even sure prok corrects people on it anymore or ever really has.
  8. was 88k and logins and other services tanked. I've got the screenshot some place.
  9. but I'm not very much worried about it, they user methods to also detect users as their alts with other methods they have not told us about. but what we know is what we know.
  10. they can try to get it, my bios serial is zeros. lol
  11. what you describe is only possible if she was both. I'm sorry but people do, do this.
  12. you do realize you have this big big ocean between you an arizon where all the LL servers live, goto a sim, open the about help and find the sims ip address and do a tracert to that ip address and check the ms times. anything over 70 to 100 means network, not LL's but coming from your point to theirs.
  13. i7 5820k @ 4ghz 32gb ram gtx 980. no shadows and I've not hit lag in a long time. knowing I know to keep my draw down as trying to draw everything in a scene makes things not happen with the viewer >.>
  14. This is your problem until you file a support ticket and then it becomes their problem.
  15. from what I've read over the years. we are supposed to have the ability to do restarts, backups, ect. they said that would happen sooner then later.
  16. The microsoft one had a bit of legitimacy to it. http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2014/09/minecraft-linden-lab-second-life-microsoft.html
  17. whats funny is that I know a ton of dutch users and they all prefer to use english lol, so this threw me and I did not even think of google to translate it lol.
  18. I remember the online limit being found around 88,000 people. the grid ground to a halt as services crashed out, people were yelling back then for the same kind of thing "I WANT A REFUND" get real is all I can tell people, but I'm a synic having worked in retail for years.
  19. LL is able to use hash id's from hardware, ip addresses, mac address. it's not very hard for them to find you.
  20. more then likely it's an attack on LL's upstream provider, meaning whom ever got pissed off at the upstream took all the blocks of ip's and just went to hammering them, which includes the ranges LL uses for sl.
  21. ... http://highscalability.com/blog/2012/9/11/how-big-is-a-petabyte-exabyte-zettabyte-or-a-yottabyte.html how big the database was at one point for all the years LL has been running SL.
  22. well LL is not unlike other hosting providers, sometimes Beatrix, things break, hardware,ect and sometimes it takes ages to recover, remember the SL database is way over a petabyte and if you can imagine the rebuilding of a new server thats been promoted to act as the database for everything. this is not some ordinary hosting provider that can have instant fall over spool up and maybe a few seconds of hiccups, promotion of a backup node to the primary node takes hours and if it has problems then LL has issues which affects us. nature of the beast.
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