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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. well if they stick to running the 32bit viewer so it wont eat more then 1.5gb of ram. if they use the 64bit viewer, it will eat upwards of 4.7gb (currently what mine is using and it's not memory leaking, I'm just in a super busy area) so how much ram does that leave windows? not much, it will be swapping to disk and bottle necking heavily because of it. in this day and age, people should not be on machines that can not handle what they are trying to play or do. you want to do SL then build a system for SL, something where it will last years. dont half arse it.
  2. If you want to do more than SL you do need it. I have 32gb currently and with all I'm doing and to keep from bottle necking. yeah.
  3. really wish demos were required for clothing, it's become ~skip~ each time I come across one that have awesome stuffs.
  4. That machine is choking and bottle necking and as old as it sounds, "upgrading" is not going to get you very far and another viewer is just going to choke too. it's all to do with the low ram and cpu. Ideally you want an i5 with 16gb ram and a 960 GTX. I was having bad issues on my asus machine before I built my new one. once I was able to over come the constant issues sl makes. things have been smooth. knowing I still only run with 30 draw distance and no shadows so I can maintain 65-90 fps.
  5. Not attacking, but it's simple. drop the idea of them trying to do something of this nature, that idea came and gone years ago.
  6. I'm not paying a setup fee after almost 11 years on the grid. some of us that have invested heavily in sim rentals, parcels, marketplace, in world locations. should be grandfathered in. dont bite the hand that feed's you.
  7. I hangout in a furry community, we get the trolls, we get the griefers, but MOST of us that have been at the place for years just know, ignoring them, they move on, so they might spout their bs, but if nobody responds, they tend to go away. so IGNORE them prok, ffs you've been in sl maybe a few years longer then I have. but you are still falling for it? come on proky you are smarter then them and smarter then their bs.
  8. everything I buy I make sure has a demo on the marketplace. if you do NOT offer demos on mesh clothing, you can seriously kiss half your sales goodbye, I'm not buying on a whim, and I'm not going to travel to get it.
  9. Home goods need demoed in my house before, I buy them. I'm not visiting your store where I have to only view them there because "I only have them in a rezzer system" which is fail, now placing them on the marketplace, where I do all of my shopping and setting the demo correctly, I do not need copy perms on a demo... mod maybe, depending if I need to jam a cabinet where it dont shine. but demos are very important to me to have, I do not buy at all if their is no demo on your marketplace page. btw if your items come no copy and no mod, it's a no sale for the items that are not demos. it's simple. 11 years here. I refuse to lose no copy items. and no mod is just very one sided on the creators part.
  10. if it's no copy, No sale, if it's no Mod, No sale. IF you do not provide a demo, No sale. if you go "COME TO OUR STORE TO GET THE DEMO" no sale. I'm not going all over kingdom come to go find a demo, one stop shopping.
  11. Wait until you have to pay a premium to access SL at a speed that makes SL work like it should. dont believe me, then FIGHT with your words and tell the FCC to sod off.
  12. if you are paying any attention, you will have to pay a premium to access SL if you are in the states, if you are out side of it this will affect you too. LL will have to pay a premium to use the same routes and ways it does now, guess whom that's getting passed onto. YOU and ME.
  13. it will affect all, as costs will sky rocket, so LL has to pay a premium to use the same lines and routes now, when the NN fails, guess what, who will have to pay more, their users. this will bottom out SL. and people go "I'm in the eu it wont affect me" yes it will.
  14. So Prok, who dictates free? me? yeah let's limit a 10 year old account that buys and sells a few things... good one... and the copybotting.... it's not going to end. if they can see it, they will steal it. and with your idea, it's just going to ramp it up more, oh wait, that's right only free accounts do that. HAHAHAHAHAHAH.... but I might as well be talking to the wind.
  15. Yep basically I'm me for the most part. I do not omit much, Im pretty open, but my alts though, those do not get known much on the level I am on with my main, mostly because I tend to RP heavily with 2 of them.
  16. I've been here 10 years, almost 11. Ive payed into SL way more then I get back from it. I do not hold a premium account, as it's not nesscary as it has no real advantage for me to hold it, as I do not want main land and private estates are good enough for me there. and somebody mentioned setup fee's. little late in the game now for that.
  17. why though? we are live, we exist, we have feelings, we are real people. maybe get to actually know some of us on a personal level.
  18. I've been here 10 years, I was like you at first, but then I learned that treating people like crap just made my SL life horrid. we are not npc's we are not in an rpg, that mindset you might want to check at the door.
  19. I live in heavy rural area, All I've got is the factory, but good on you, just sitting at home on days off drives me nuts, sitting ugh.
  20. Love these topic "you guys have no real life and are unemployed trying to make a living here" this one makes me laugh. bub, listen CLOSELY. I work 12 hours a night in a factory, yes a big boy job, not a job sitting on my butt, with very few days off, so guess what that means, that means I get no time for a social life in RL, nobody is freaking awake when I am... so SL is my social life for the few hours I get to spend on it, so stop generalizing every body whom uses it, just because you "CANT GET IT" does not mean others do not or will not.
  21. hoping since they might be moving away from a mere physical presence in lots of areas with their hardware that that this will make it a little cheaper to have and. have had sim since 09 and hoping they offer another buy down, that 100 buck saving was nice to do.
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