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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. What you wish for will never happen, 10 Dollar sims, that's never going to happen from a profit standpoint as it will cost the lab more then 10 dollars to run the power to the physical box. 144fps??? I can get that now in heavy sims and I'm running dual 980's. without shadows and a short draw distance, dont need to draw all the things!. RL Scale, some of us are working on that, but language barriers and other factors hamper the cause.. Also scripts are not ran on the client side, all of that is server side and has to remain their from a security point of view.
  2. mmm even my mac has firefox, I avoid built in browsers. but to each their own.. ^^;
  3. https://mybrowseraddon.com/dark-mode.html?v=0.2.8&type=install Easiest way I could find without having to play hacky hack
  4. This is what I have been using https://mybrowseraddon.com/dark-mode.html?v=0.2.8&type=install it works very very well.
  5. The one problem with this idea is, my data, my databases, I do not want you to have access to those, if you can set it up where you wont have access then fine, but otherwise, my own hardware is going to be needed and since the EU has specific data laws now, we have to be mindful of that too.
  6. I think a jira would be proper as a suggestion if this wants to become a reality.
  7. le chaton a mangé le taco
  8. when my net derped out, I put my phone on the router and use it that way so things stay connected. but dialup, yeah it works, I just make sure to not clear my cache and move and make sure I turned off so many things lol.
  9. Luckily Forums do not have the feature to stop users from commenting in your topic's. you can block a user in almost all forum software, but they can make posts, you just wont be able to see them.
  10. Nope, I own a sim and this is not a feature. you did good coming here to ask, because most of us can smell what people are cooking.
  11. How to protect yourself from Griffier? There were a lot of bites written on this topic, but I did not notice the desired result (which was expected) to date, I am concerned about the difficult trips to the world of SL and frequent departures from the game. I understand that my complaints are ignored. Who knows how to protect yourself from such floods? Translated using google so people could read this and help.
  12. LL year ago was somewhere around 300 PETABYTES of used storage just in assets, that's a heck of a chunk of space used, the costs must be nuts. so for them to purge inventory from unused acounts that sit more than a few years. yeah I get it.
  13. Ah yes, the Ajax one by katheran berry. or some such name. some of us would of gladly kept working on it and kept it hosted. but that's pretty meany years since.
  14. Monti, they already tried radegest, I suspect they wanted browser only, which we'll never have or get.
  15. there is no such animal, I'm sorry, quite a few of us have been wanting this for years, but LL has more priorities.
  16. Yeah, again it's easy to get around and in todays world it's not very trivial to just google how to do it. and tracking..., vpn, some hardware changes, serial number changes and mac address changes, and they are back in business, they could have multiple accounts setup using these methods. LL does not have that kind of time on their hands.
  17. That's very easy to get around, changing a cpu serial number or blanking it out is simple, I can do it in my bios and I'm running the bios it came with.
  18. remember too guys all the LL sim servers live in arizona now, I'm 2 hours outside the data center and my pings fluctuate too. so it's going to be the routes between you and your isp. you could have the best up and down ever, but that does no good when the routes getting there are congested and such.
  19. right now, it requires physical hardware, LL opened that up and kept the prices LOW on them, guess what that means, running out of space quick on the physical hardware side, meaning new machines have to be orders and such and guess then whom get's to eat those prices along with what else is needed to power them and such, US. nope, well pass on this idea. maybe it might happen if and when they start pushing things to the cloud setup they have been working on. but dont count on it.
  20. as I said before, I'm not collecting your real information and only collecting, sale amount, what sim you rezzed it in (to apply a id number) and the avatar key (which is public information) so that's that.
  21. all I can say is good luck, I'm using a pass word manager that it's self uses a keyfile, which is not stored locally and almost all my passwords have untypable characters so.
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