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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. all I can suggest is just let it sit and wait. what I did. trying to relog it over nad over just adds more and more to the login que.
  2. I just got back in. well see how long it lasts.
  3. mm not that I can see from watching traffic where the data center and cdns are at. just looks like something hiccuped and there it goes again, logging me back in.
  4. Grid Status: Online | In-World: 20,175 | SL Time: 4:28 am we have a topic going in the general discussion are btw.
  5. I have never seen it do that. Grid Status: Online | In-World: 20,175 | SL Time: 4:28 am is what it says again.
  6. Grid Status: Unknown | In-World: | SL Time: 4:27 am
  7. yeah login queue is going to throttle as everybody and their brother tries to log back in at once. it'll take time.
  8. Grid Status: Online | In-World: 17,857 | SL Time: 4:20 am
  9. Login/logout process has not caught up yet. once it does you'll vanish.
  10. Remember! before you complain about Logins down! NOBODY can give you a 100% uptime guarentee, THINGS happen outside the control of the company at times. it's also 4am in San Fransisco. so takes time sometimes for things to get fixed and on a sunday, sunday is not a work day for the lab.
  11. My cat would flee in pure terror, mouses, hamsters, things that it could easily pounce, nope. I MUST RUN, MY PEOPLE NEED ME. but I got back in, seems SL hiccuped. half the people I knew that were on, are not on, those running text clients got back on faster..
  12. well I got punted and cant get any of the accounts on, anybody else got this?
  13. make note some places, not all, but some places want you to be 30 days old to enter, those are the regions that have had people that make alts just to keep causing trouble so this was their only method of eliminating part of their issue.
  14. https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c05792870 https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/products/98909/graphics-drivers/graphics-for-7th-generation-intel-processors/intel-hd-graphics-630.html I do not see why not. might have to heavily tweak the settings and keep shadows off (nobody should run shadows)
  15. What you wish for will never happen, 10 Dollar sims, that's never going to happen from a profit standpoint as it will cost the lab more then 10 dollars to run the power to the physical box. 144fps??? I can get that now in heavy sims and I'm running dual 980's. without shadows and a short draw distance, dont need to draw all the things!. RL Scale, some of us are working on that, but language barriers and other factors hamper the cause.. Also scripts are not ran on the client side, all of that is server side and has to remain their from a security point of view.
  16. mmm even my mac has firefox, I avoid built in browsers. but to each their own.. ^^;
  17. https://mybrowseraddon.com/dark-mode.html?v=0.2.8&type=install Easiest way I could find without having to play hacky hack
  18. This is what I have been using https://mybrowseraddon.com/dark-mode.html?v=0.2.8&type=install it works very very well.
  19. The one problem with this idea is, my data, my databases, I do not want you to have access to those, if you can set it up where you wont have access then fine, but otherwise, my own hardware is going to be needed and since the EU has specific data laws now, we have to be mindful of that too.
  20. I think a jira would be proper as a suggestion if this wants to become a reality.
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