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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. I still miss the wednesdays and then playing with the fun new bugs that got implemented over the weekends. 11 years and counting.
  2. when the grid hit 88,000 a couple years back, the grid came down hard. think logins were off for 12 hours if I remember right. everybody and their brother got so self entitled thinking LL owed them everything. and not sure what this has to do with what I'm quoting, but hey. I'm waiting for login myself lol.
  3. it's an error, your password has not been changed. I'm getting it to currently.
  4. betting they are having mysql node issues and keep having to promote backup nodes to active nodes and that takes a long time and throttles logins. I remember reading that once in a post by a linden,
  5. rofl, you must not a read the terms of service in any way shape or form. please go read it and then try telling us that again.
  6. opened 2 conferences. sorry, I could of explained better and I've been around 11 years come this march prok, I can tell when it's not you by now.
  7. we got popped by a bot pretending to be prok lastnight. dual conference call. muted and ar'd it.
  8. So now if he's not supporting the web interface, he needs to push new updates on products that let a few of the products work without it. or give up and let somebody buy what he has so this can be fixed.
  9. https://hippo-technologies.info/2018/02/16/rackspace-cloud-infrastructure-failure/ the explanation. Rackspace Cloud infrastructure failure Posted on February 16, 2018 by Hippo Technologies On Feb 12th Rackspace Cloud Servers collapsed and took down the legacy Hippo web services which Rackspace supported. Rackspace admits service degradation to cloud orchestration and cloud servers. Surely in due time the long established server technicians at Rackspace will rebuild their cloud infrastructure, but for the time being there appears to be an unsafe amount of dust and smoke around the Rackspace Cloud server collapse to extract the backup databases to migrate to another server host. For the last several years increasingly abandoned land through Second Life has also led to lack of new customer demand for the legacy web service. It marks a best decision for Hippo Technologies to step away from that legacy web service. Hippo Technologies will certainly be keeping a keen eye to future trends in virtual worlds.
  10. yeah, risking an account on twitch is not the best idea, since it's the biggest streaming service for gamers online. it's best to stream SL to youtube or another service that always allows it.
  11. hitbox was the one lots of us were using, but they got bought out a bit back by a bigger company.
  12. Ranting about it is fine, but LL just like your isp is a service provider, Equipment and servers do go down without notice, that's just the nature of how these things work.
  13. The price structure is what keeps the lab up and running and there is no SL2, that project is called Sansar and has nothing to do with the SecondLife platform. While we have seen a few changes to pricing, the lab is never going to bottom out sim prices, they would bite themselves in the foot if they did.
  14. well best to ask them in their in world support group. Not sure whom from their team will see your post.
  15. cy, it looks like it's this thing https://www.gearbest.com/laptops/pp_633614.html
  16. it will need deeded with the sim owner contributing to it, only way it works for others to get powers.
  17. Currently sims will use 2gb of ram maximum before they tank over, we had a member that was being special that showed us this little trick with a math script. so we know they will use 2gb, avatar ram, much as we were able to get it to use was 650mb, then it just stopped running scripts. this was 2 years back, so not very long ago.
  18. we used to Sky Dive From 1 million meters Back when Havok 1 ruled the system
  19. So you are using bloatware, Norton is an anti virus that one would not even want to recommend to their mothers. Just stick with what comes with windows or add avg/avast. Norton used to be good. but it's been 10 years now, Having owned a pc repair store that basically specialized in virus and malware removal, I can personally say without bias that Norton was the majority of the problem.
  20. I had a sim for a bit without being premium too. so again why do people think I should instantly want to pay? I throw quite a bit of funds around, even if it's just to top up the good old linden money tank that, I keep getting myself negative into because of that silly search fee lol.
  21. well since we are not talking about furries, I'll talk about them. most of us, range from 5 foot 1 to 6 foot tall. between myself and the alts. 5,1 to 5,3 to 6, feet.
  22. well if they stick to running the 32bit viewer so it wont eat more then 1.5gb of ram. if they use the 64bit viewer, it will eat upwards of 4.7gb (currently what mine is using and it's not memory leaking, I'm just in a super busy area) so how much ram does that leave windows? not much, it will be swapping to disk and bottle necking heavily because of it. in this day and age, people should not be on machines that can not handle what they are trying to play or do. you want to do SL then build a system for SL, something where it will last years. dont half arse it.
  23. If you want to do more than SL you do need it. I have 32gb currently and with all I'm doing and to keep from bottle necking. yeah.
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