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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. I've had people do this, calling me some choice names. expect to be abuse reported for it.
  2. could be the processor LL uses, could be anything in the chain that's had to increase the fee's. it happens. my merchant account through paypal dinked me just recently with a $1.25 processing fee upgrade.
  3. Prices and fee's go up, they provide a service, and if they have to up their fee's because their service provider upped their fee's. they will pass it right on to us.
  4. I will not buy mainland or hell even rent on it. why, because the griping and complaining of certain sets of members, if I block teh whole region from being flown over, I'm evil, if I do basically anything with the region I rent, I'm evil. nope. private estates, even if they cost a little more are well worth it.
  5. we got fed turkey at work, pretty tasty this year. it was "all you can eat" never tell me that lol. 4 plates later. I was stuffed.
  6. I can get a constant 60 fps by doing 2 things. no shadows, they are frame rate killers, LL needs to look at a new way to do them, right now, it's just like 1024 textures, smacks your system and tells you "NO YOU CANT HAVE HIGH FPS" so leave those off draw distance in crowded areas. 30 draw at max, but then if you hit hair hunt and other such things with tons of users, you wont maintain the 60 fps. I do everywhere but those place. also using a deticated ssd just for page file and sl cache has sped up load times massively, but only if you build the system to be ran like I have, I'm VR compliant and will be for years to come. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (3299.99 MHz) Memory: 32679 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 16299) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 22.21.0013.8569 OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 385.69 I7 oc'd to 4ghz 32gb ram 980 GTX 4gb Asus x99-a V2 3.1 motherboard. 256gb samsung SSD-Primary drive 120 Sandisk SSD-Cache/pagefile
  7. Login server does not have a public IP range that is known, so it's not being DDos'd. most likely one of the mysql nodes derped out which happens so they have to pull a backup node online, which takes a bit, then once it's up, the login servers can be told to let people in, but it's throttled because everybody bum rushing it, so it's always going to be a slow recovery.
  8. I personally use imgur, it's quick it's simple and sl users should adopt using it more.
  9. FPS is the biggest issue with these type of devices, SL has users still running SL with equipment that is 5 to 6 years old, they will not got the 60+ fps required to run the devices, it's why the current VR units are not implemented within SL. Those of us whom can get 70+fps in croweded areas is rare, I'm built fully for VR.
  10. I tend to put my av's to bed, typically me and a friend used to have a night time ritual we would put the skunks in bed to sleep, while we logged off. it was cute.
  11. Darrius, most of us use ec2 or aws for hosting of opensimulator sims, it's tons better then trying to host it on a home machine that can be bogged down and is cheaper and costs ways less. Dedicated such as LL has right now (it's kinda a cloud already as things are clustered) are expensive, and being able to move to a setup that will lower costs on their hardware end and will provide better up times and performance because they can split that across many machines is an attractive bonus for them.
  12. ive got a texture organizer that uses 2000+ scripts. it will take down a sim, it's black listed now for the last 4 years, been unable to rez it. and these are some of the messages I get when I try.
  13. Avoid Norton/McAfee for antivirus uses, nod32/avast/trendmicro/windows defender are all really that are needed in the av world. dont install all those at once heh.
  14. Easy, and without reading. take it from a person whom started in sl in 07 with a 2.0ghz amd barton core with 256mb ram and a 64mb mx400 video card. Hardware Bottle neck. if you want SL t o play like any other game and not lag about, you have to throw money at the solution. but if you do not throw money at it. visiting mainland. drop your draw as low as it will go, make sure you bandwidth in the networking is set to at max of 1500 (I got this bandwidth idea from whirlybird years ago) KILL shadows, good god, those things are fps killers. my 980 GTX SC 4gb card chokes on them, disabled and I can stand in a group of 40 people at 256m draw on mainland and not have issues, turning them on turns me into a 10fps frame losing monster lol. Think that's all I have. if I think of more I'll edit this.
  15. Interesting, but OKAY, I'll let you look at it the way you want, not going to get into a tiff of drama over a silly forum post.
  16. for 100 usd In lindens I'll answer it for you. edit: This is not a serious reply. Do not take it as such. I'm trying to be silly with another person wanting to have people do another survey. nothing more.
  17. Never wise to threaten another user IRL, opening yourself up to legal issues there. and which vampire "game" was it?
  18. I wondered what happend to this and why nobody picked it up. such a shame, such a good proof of concept that we could have this .
  19. last tme I had a password reset. called them, they guy could not for the life of him understand me. he randomly goes "password "yellow" and hung up. I hope LL fixed that issue. edit : to clarify that was on an account I no longer use.
  20. I got that ringtail from luskwood in the inventory when I first started 10 years ago. but whats funny as now I work for luskwood, we do not have that starter av lol. I wonder if I can get it placed out as a freebie. hm
  21. Yeah that's estate land, just double checked both of mine, the mainland says mainland and has the abandon button and the estate land is showing what their image says.
  22. Let me poke my nose in on this. I used Loudradio for years to dj in SL. but it was not cheap and I could only play what was in the genre that I payed for and had certain set of rules. just like a real radio station. but once prices went up, I bowed out. royalties are a pain in the ass.
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