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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. They always think the companies are bilking them with fee's, taxes, ect. but they also forget the cost of doing business goes up, this is a company trying to launch a new product, they need to take and make money for it from their already existing product and the fact they need to hire people to sit and process transaction by hand now, says they are also trying to make our SL a bit safer for cashing out and such.
  2. Dura let me point out THE IRS is requiring the lab to collect information from us residents, it's not LL's call. and the processing fee is justified by them actually having somebody sit and process and watch transactions, rather than it be automated where fraud and money laundering can happen easily and yes that is why part of the reason we have what we do right now and why the IRS stepped in. sorry but this is how it will be from now on.
  3. FPS loss? simple. low tier system or low end video card. SL uses more CPU than it does the GPU, so if you are running a weak system but a high end video card you are bottle necking. nothing to do with firewall or voice.
  4. bigmoe Whitfield


    and they would not of been hacked, that word is thrown around to much, it would of been phished, since that's the only way they are getting the account. if LL had another breach LL is smart enough to invalidate passwords and have us recreate them, they did it once back in like 2006, they would do it again.
  5. Very wise the fraud and laundering that can easily happy, would not be something LL wants to deal with legally, a ***** storm can easily happen and bye bye sl. few people who want it are not understanding what can happen or maybe they do.
  6. Accounts are not hacked, they are phished, contact support as others have suggested.
  7. They most likely have sold this as the date is april, but your best bet would be to send them a message in world. would be faster.
  8. Guys try sending them a message in world first, since this post is april 20th. they might not check in here.
  9. I used to have a ping of 1500ms. trust me, sl is very useable even with that high of a ping.
  10. Thank you syn, not had time to reply!
  11. Nope, the payments are processed by a real human, They had some issues with a certain set of people causing some issues and they put the process onto a more looked at approach, while it's gotten faster, it's still going to take time to make sure the funds are legit and not from fraud or other means. sorry it's just how the cookie is gonna roll.
  12. Resolved - Maintenance has been completed on my.secondlife.com and in-world profiles. May 5, 15:03 PDT you posted on the 8th, nothing on the status page at all about anything happening that day.
  13. Thinking this could of been the startrek museum? if so that moved to vulcan a long while back
  14. the whole "I dont trust credit cards" is a bunch of BS, I've learned though, 10 years here that most people whom think like this are the ones running equipment that is 10 years old and still think SL should accommodate them and their crappy hardware.
  15. offered to buy the whole system from them at one point, never got a reply. I believe this guy whom owns it now has no idea what he's got his hands on and what to do with it.
  16. LL said any many years ago during an office hour I attended, because of the emerald stuff that was shown and released by 2 of those devs, LL told us flatly that the user database is not accessible through the voice service, VOICE is not even ran by them, it's 3rd party, so where ever he's getting his info from he's pulling it from another source.
  17. in sl yes. depending on HOW the forum is setup to work, it's possible you need a required amount of posts before certain things unlock. it's not made by LL this forum. it might be set with standards, because this was getting hit by zero day spam bots after it was put online. so I think there is the answer
  18. I've got 2 active acts besides my main account here, they are all carry the same look, but they have backstories for why this is. current backstory is, started with one, ended up with 3, all clones. cept one is a boy.
  19. was a time where rollsbacks caused duplication of no copy items, but that's been resolved.
  20. Try in one of these. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/119-international-forum/
  21. server side lag? not really a thing anymore, CLIENT side lag, yeah that's a massive thing, people blame the servers. it's the user end hardware that's more to blame. people need to realize, if you are on mainland or a sim with more than one sim, get your freaking draw distance down, especially if your machine is crap and turn shadows off, sure your video card can do it, but you are losing frame rate big times. and people stop trying to make a 5-10 year old machine perform well, it's not happening and is just choking your experience.
  22. I'm going to go and say no to this idea, it's a bad idea. would cause to many issues and let people play games that many of us do not want and not wanting the drama that would come along with it, sorry. but if you really want it, 3,000 usd sounds like a good price per name change.
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