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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. 2.4ghz is slow wifi, 5ghz wifi you will get almost what you would with a wired connect, 2.4ghz is so congested by everybody and their brother.
  2. on my main account, just turned 11, 3/17/2007, still active all these years on him (this account posting to the forum) think I took a month break years ago lol, but I login almost every night, when I'm not working.
  3. you only have 8gb of main ram for the whole system, a ramdisk will take up physical memory giving you less to work with for the overall system.
  4. it is that simple and it can be written off as a business expense, as a vacation/relaxation expense. or used to be able to be, what my tax preparer told me years ago.
  5. prok, it's VR, it's just we do not have the HMD's that certain parts of the community/world would think we need to be VR.
  6. any idea where I can obtain such? as I have an idea and this idea would be useful to use google, as my own server is a spaz.
  7. You get the wrong idea about all furries then and just lumped us all together in one spot, sorry to burst your little bubble you seem to be in, but not every furry is going to get the wrong idea and also certain places in SL are General rated and that means certain real life age groups can visit those and they do not allow you to "rock out with your wang out" so that would just result in you not being allowed in that area if you refused to remove your "dick" per LL's tos/cs. You should learn not every furry wants to have sex with you. what you made it sound like.
  8. my password are non typable, it's how I prefer it, then I keep them in a container that is protected with a 4096 key (4gb key), no not paranoid, just been taught by several people that are connected to certain agencies that I should always never keep my cookies easily accessible.
  9. This is an extension of my real life, THIS is not a game to myself and never will be.
  10. want to broadcast legally and not get pinned. https://live365.com/broadcaster/pricing I've been licensed years.
  11. the database for the forum is linked some how to the database SL uses for SL. so you sign up for one, you sign up for the other. deleting one might possibly delete the other, maybe tommy will stick his head in here and maybe say I'm right or such hehe.
  12. a form of payment has to be on your account or the marketplace does not allow you to sell, there are no exemptions. think this was hashed out to death when the lab first put the policy into effect.
  13. and it's not a complicated issue with changing the hashes in a hex editor.
  14. my name is bigmoe whitfield because somebody snagged moe whitfield, an account that looks to have never been used. which is to bad we can not buy those older accounts like that. would really like the name moe whitfield since it is the name I run by...
  15. hopefully the option to change lastnames for a normal resident account will be possible too. like to get a few alts that are sibblings (what I call alts) with the same lastname as my concurrent one.
  16. you should always start a new thread instead of bumping ones from 2014.
  17. is there a chat transscript up yet? and there is https://modemworld.me/
  18. 3 people in a group I formed... one was my brother, which is what ever, the other was my best friend at the time, would not stop using my real name... then there was a girl I knew that I went to school with, she joined a few years back and, yeah. I now hide on my alts lol.
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