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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. We can be pretty sure that they will upgrade the homes to better builds (mesh) and possibly new themes, but as of yet, we still aren't sure if they'll actually increase the size of them.
  2. I would recommend that you shoot for around 50k on a regular basis, allowing yourself up to 80k or so periodically.
  3. Based upon the provided link to info from the inworld meeting, they won't be able to change just their first name. Changes will use a drop-down list of available last names (like it was in the old days) and then you supply a first name to go with your selected last name. And it sounded like existing last names would not get tossed back into the queue to be used - that the last name lists will be new last names.
  4. Something we have noticed - if I hover over your name here in the forums threads, your cover photo will start out grey but will resolve to the image within 1-2 seconds. Yet I can't get it to resolve to an actual picture when I'm on anyone's profile page.
  5. I did send a question out to Tommy via a Forum Feedback thread. I can't seem to get that background picture to load on the actual profile page no matter what I do. However, as Sylvannas mentioned, I can see it by hovering over the user's name her in the forum threads.
  6. @Tommy Linden - The cover photos on people's forum profile pages are all just graying black areas now, with the photo not actually showing. Was a change put in that might have impacted this?
  7. I hadn't actually been to my profile in a while, so I hadn't noticed this change. Mine is also just a grayish black space now.
  8. Well, based on that, we won't get to just pick any first/last combo that we might think of and I'm guessing that last names that are already in use probably won't come back up for additional use. There goes my plans for a Jewell army.
  9. Yeah, but didn't you and GoSpeed both already have land at least in the same sim, even if not touching multiple sides of the abandoned plot? I think Hintswen is talking about random abandon plots that he finds, that have been abandoned for a long period of time, but not a case of him owning nearby land already.
  10. Well, a sick pet doesn't sound too thrilling to me either, so I think I'll stick with something else.
  11. I have a few alts with full names, but they were play on words and while I liked it at the time, I'm over it now. If they don't charge much of a fee, I'll likely rename them to be part of the Jewell family. My primary alt is already a Jewel, so why not a whole family of us.
  12. If I remember right, it used to increase a little at a time over those 30 days -- so maybe check it again in a 5-7 days. Once you hit the 30 day mark -- that is 30 days from date of first financial transaction, not 30 days from rez date (if they are different) - you will get your full limit. And don't forget that if the alt is Premium, then ever Tuesday the alt will get L$300 from LL for the stipend.
  13. So the KittyCats don't have to be fed and won't die? I thought that was part of what made them a breedable. I mean, if you don't have to feed it and such, is it still a breedable?
  14. Mesh eye lashes can be worn by any avi - mesh is what is in the Library for some of the LL avatars. Just search lashes and go down to the Library part of your inventory. Try them on and copy/keep whatever you like
  15. If not part of the "clothing" category in your world, then: hair, shoes, jewelry, makeup, nail appliers (though I suppose jewelry would be accessories, and maybe shoes)
  16. BITE YOUR TONGUE and stop giving out bad ideas. Besides, I'm betting that would be considered a tad pricey.
  17. I'm pretty sure a career at LL is not what the OP was talking about. I'm betting they want to be part of the birthday celebration, putting on a play for folks to see.
  18. The UUID will have to stay the same. That is the true key to the avatar and thus in to their inventory - and probably points to all sorts of avatar related things.
  19. I don't actually think everyone will be able to see your full history of changes. However, I'm guessing that if you change your name, and someone searches Love Zhaoying, there will be some way that the search will find you. Patch already said that they will maintain the history and there will definitely be reasons why someone will need to find people by their older names.
  20. Both the Robert and Aaron bodies were updated (today/yesterday) for some fixes, so if you have them you might want to get a redeliver for Aaron or grab the updated Robert from Skin Fair.
  21. I don't think there is a Maitreya for men. But also, all of the comments in this thread have been specific to the differences in the female bodies.
  22. But then how would we judge those type of people? Ummm, nvm I'm going to create an army of LittleMe's -- LittleMe1, LittleMe2, LittleMe3 ...... <evil laugh>
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