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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Mostly useful anyway. Hover over the person's name or profile pic and select 'ignore user'. However, if someone else quotes that person, you'll still see it.
  2. For the chronic marriage/divorce type, I could see a good reason for just letting people go back to a previous name. Or sexybunnydoll1, sexybunnydoll2, sexybunnydoll3 ......... sexybunnydoll999999
  3. @Patch Linden - BTW, thank you for all the fun conversation topics and speculation that you've given us.
  4. LittleMe Jewell LittleMe somedude LittleMe Jewell LittleMe somedude2 LittleMe Jewell LittleMe somedude3 .... Hmmm, I wonder if you'll be able to go back to a previous name. Can you imagine divorcing Mister-turned-out-not-so-great and then find out that while you can get rid of his last name, you can't get your original one back?
  5. /me starts thinking about what she'd like to rename her alts and searches the current Jewell account names to see what's available. Two said alts have names that just don't sound right paired with Jewell. I guess they'll have to get completely new first and last names. I'm also looking forward to the mad rush of folks trying to get a specific name when this all comes online.
  6. And even the forums are fairly slow and boring today. I really wanna go home.
  7. This is one of the reasons I could see them keeping everyone's original name in the system and having it tied to their new name - and not ever letting those original names be reused. They would almost have to put in some sort of system allowing you to search the original names. Or when someone searches a name, it automatically searches the current and original name list. For it all to work more seamlessly, they'll also need to provide a scripting function/command that will return the original name of someone's current name.
  8. Lil shops and hunts, taking the occasional picture. She doesn't need a backstory for that.
  9. Another thing that I could envision is that in the deep dark recesses of the database, they keep track of the original account name - and never let anyone else take that name. That would be useful for searching out someone when you only have their original name (and keep folks from imitating someone else) - as well as being useful for other reasons.
  10. If everyone communicates and agrees BEFORE something encroaches on someone else's land, then all is good. Encroaching on someone else's land just because you can and might get away with it, without prior permission, is just plain selfish - typical of people that think only of themselves or that think whatever they want is all that matters.
  11. "Sit" on the build - or add a prim to sit on, if needed -- and then raise it to your height and you'll automatically go with it. Side note - you can't go higher than 4096 now.
  12. Most people that are following the rules will rez a platform on the ground that either matches their parcel size or is smaller - and they make sure it is entirely within their parcel. They then raise it into the sky and build on that. Or they do the actual building on the ground, keeping it within the borders and then they raise the build. It really isn't that hard.
  13. Looking at it from a technical standpoint, if they are going to allow full name changes and not just the last name, I can't think of any reason at all why they would need to restrict it to just those with "Resident" in as the last name. I could see them charging a small fee for this - just cuz.
  14. I actually hate landscaping and decorating in SL (don't really like it much in RL either). I might have to hire it out.
  15. The laugh reaction was to this ^^ I'm bored in my class - on lunch break right now. Still roughly 2 hours of boredom left when I go back in about 10 min. Thank goodness we have internet connectivity in that room and that work gives me a laptop that I can take to class.
  16. Watermelons are actually fruit that many people eat and they are often use to relate other things to 'large round objects'; thus not every statement that has that word in it is tossing racism into the mix.
  17. Correct - $4, but not until the next billing cycle even if you got rid of 128 sqm today.
  18. SL does like to eat things. i try to remember to check a few key groups each time I log in.
  19. You are NOT supposed to be rezzing ANYTHING that is larger than your parcel. So, I'm assuming you want to be next to a sandbox or abandoned land so that nobody ARs you for such abuses?
  20. As a customer, my biggest MP wishes are: - An actual usable search of the listings and easier drill down into the search results - The ability to search my purchase history - Eliminate demos from search entirely rather than me trying to filter them out via my search terms
  21. I am now stuck in another class for another POS software that the company has decided we need to learn and start using. The next 5-6 hours of my life totally wasted, other than what bit of forum activity I can manage during this he!!.
  22. I don't think I'd call it "flouncing". More like a total meltdown. Lasted about an hour or so - then LL mopped it up like it had never happened.
  23. I only keep in touch with a couple of SL people outside of SL. My RL Facebook account is friends with their RL Facebook account. That is the only contact we typically have outside of SL. As to what others might use, I haven't a clue.
  24. The only information we have is what is in the blog post:
  25. I discovered a few interesting and unexpected things related to tier and billing dates. Based on a post in another thread a few days ago, it became known that getting a Linden Home does not result in any sort of Tier billing date. Thus with my new premium alt, I decided to do a few tests. First I carved off a piece of my land and sold it directly to my alt. I then check the Account Summary information and there was not a Bill Date under Land Holding. I even waited a day and still nothing. I then put the land back into the group and had the alt donate tier to the group. Again, I checked the Account Summary information and still there was not a Bill Date under Land Holding - that day or the next day. Thus, I'm making a guess that the Bill Date does not get set until such time as the account truly incurs a charge by using/donating more than the Premium tier allotment. I don't think it was always that way though, because even though one of my alts "might" have used more than their Premium amount in the past, I'm pretty sure that the other two did not. Thus, I'm assuming that LL stopped assigning a billing date before 'billable tier' was actually used/donated. What I'm not sure of is if this particular alt actually used more than the Premium 1024, would the Bill Date get set to the date they first used 'any' tier or the date that they went over the 1024? Since we are only talking about $4 for 512 sqm, I might test this in the future.
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