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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. I can think of two principles of Second Life. 1. Living together in the same virtual space. LL made continents of contiguous virtual land and even their new land is always connected. There are island regions but those are large and expensive which create a need to have several people living and supporting it. 2. Hands off behavioral enforcement. The famous LL will not get into resident disputes. They give us tools to self-police but don't do it themselves except for things breaking their TOS, terms of service, which isn't about resident disputes. Maybe LL should make a burning man style gathering and make it where avatars can die of thirst and we have to share water which can only be produced by working together. I think it would show how residents are able to care for each other.
  2. Even if you write something in your profile there is no way to verify! You could post a picture of yourself in the RL tab but we've all seen the website that creates totally realistic people who don't exist. Next you'll have to record your voice and play it whenever someone asks but that could also be done with an AI voice! There's truly no way unless you fly out to meet someone with multiple forms of I.D. and then log into SL in front of them.
  3. It sounds like the OP, original poster, was seeing a set of pose balls at a location and wondering if an NPC, non-player character, avatar could be spawned and make use of the pose balls. As others have already said, creating another avatar (an alt avatar) and logging in with a second client would allow the OP to pose with both avatars under their control.
  4. Any good-looking avatar will probably be using EEP lighting that makes them look nice and they will also see you in a good light. A rising tide lifts all boats.
  5. I think the ban line effect should be changed. Instead of lines it should be something like waves of water or little dots that move upward and fade away.
  6. I have cable and I can stream video very well which is probably the main reason why you want a fast connection. Upload isn't that necessary unless your are uploading or streaming out video from your home. I'd say go with whatever is cheaper or if your cable company is just terrible with customer service. If you have several people in the household and everyone is streaming content then fiber might be a good upgrade. I don't think SL could even reach the bandwidth needed for video and there probably won't be any difference if you get fiber. Might want to see how fast your wifi connection is between the cable modem and computer. That could be a bottleneck. I always run a cable to my computer. The speed difference between a wire and wifi can be huge.
  7. You need a gaming computer. That's about all you need to know. A new gaming computer sold today will have whatever good specs needed to run SL. The primary difference between a gaming computer and a regular computer is the graphics card. All computers have a motherboard and nearly all motherboards have a built-in graphics chip which is good for regular 2D applications like watching videos, browsing the web, or most other applications but a gaming computer will have a motherboard with an expansion slot that has a separate graphics card plugged into it. The two major brands are Nvidia and AMD Radeon. In short, if you go to any online or brick-and-mortar store and search for a gaming laptop or gaming desktop you'll find a selection which will have an Nvidia or AMD graphic card in it. Gaming computers also come with a good CPU, a good amount of RAM and a large hard drive. You should be able to find one for under $2,000.
  8. Thank you for all your posts and being part of this community. Good luck and may you always have happiness in life.
  9. I just tried the Jamie body. I think it's a good base for LL's new avatars but it won't be beating Maitreya or Lelutka. The AO is crazy bad. LL should try to make the AO better considering how bad the default animations have been. Animation is important. It really solidifies the presentation of an avatar.
  10. Welcome. I'm not a musician but I do believe that avatar musical performances are an experience unique to Second Life.
  11. I remember the forums when I joined in 2006 which had a lot of characters and was quite chaotic. Amongst the issues of SL, and new people asking questions, there were a lot of off topic subjects and it seemed like a high school filled with adults. The answers forum helped control the repetitive questions from new people and many members jumped to a different forum or two. For a while it was a less crazy forum but with a lot of off-topic content. Recently with the increased moderation it feels like the forum has been sanitized to a degree where it functions as a part of the corporate machine. It's both good and bad I suppose. Reminds me of Catholic school when I was growing up. Those nuns could be quite strict.
  12. I don't mind alts in the forums but I really have no idea who is an alt of who. Even if the alt is identified I have forgotten it.
  13. No thanks. Let's say I give control over to a person with new powers of Avatar Editor. If this person was a man... my boobs slider would go to 100%.
  14. Ugh. I found folders but they are empty!
  15. Right now it's just been shopping and going to events. I used to spend a lot of time in sandboxes just creating things and figuring out how SL works. I don't got to dance places much but listening to a musician in SL was one of the truly transcendent things I did. Sailing and flying is good as well as going to amusement parks.
  16. Okay, it was a fake level up that I made a long time ago. When I was talking to a new person I'd activate the level up which played a sound, showered glowing particles and animated my avatar. I only played this prank a few times. Oddly enough, when I activated it for this picture, it made me feel quite elated. I think achievements would give new players a small dose of happiness that encourages them to seek new achievements and keep them playing in SL.
  17. I totally forgot about that leveling system in SL. I got up to level 28 before it was removed.
  18. We need a separate forum section for people who love SL and post positive things. It should be called the only fans section.
  19. I only have a problem with the fandomme. She whips people!
  20. How about’ “Is that an attachment or are you just happy to see me?”
  21. How about, “Wow, you’ve bought a nice looking avatar!” Although I usually think this about myself when someone says I look good. It’s just a bunch of stuff I’ve bought.
  22. Large waves and swells would be so nice. I can see how the server might need to track everything because there might be two residents on a boat and they would have to experience the same waves... I guess. I have no clue on how water works over in SL.
  23. I recall that the Apple mice only have one button but your friend may have a third party mouse w/ two buttons. The keyboard doesn't have an Alt key. It has a Command, Option and Control key. Most Macs don't have dedicated graphics cards either so she might have to turn her graphics settings to low.
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