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cirleen last won the day on September 11 2023

cirleen had the most liked content!


3,274 Excellent



  • Member Title
    Mrs. Cirleen Carlene Aubrey Troublemaker Fletcher

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  1. I'm in a better mood today. Fair to partly cloudy.
  2. I'm reincarnated as Kisket. What the hell happened?
  3. I dread the response. Sometimes I ask "why me," then I say why not me.
  4. I like how SL is subtly forward thinking. Teleporting, like we do in SL, could be real by now if people weren't doing what they're "supposed to do," being couch potatos every night acquiring a mood of worry fears from the news anchor. Most people don't have a grasp of what infinity really means. In an infinite universe, every possible thing that could happen, will happen. Using what Einstein called "spooky action at a distance," a faster than light synchronicity teleporter like we have in SL could have been built by now. But it's the chicken or the egg, it would have to be built in two locations in this infinite universe with the two traveler's locations interchanged. I also wait impatiently for world governments to release quantum computers for public sale so that I can rez all my textures and attend thousand person SL gatherings with no lag. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that the obsolescence of TV needs to be replaced by mandatory SL training in a middle school's private region with a passing grade of C or better. Also, all mothers need to nag their kids until they get an A+ in their SL courses.
  5. Your crosshairs irritate me. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Show_Look_At?
  6. Relaxing at the Fletcher Gallery. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tyrafoon/83/203/22
  7. Yes I'm grumpy because I feel eyeballs drilling into me from behind my back. Could you tell whoever it is to stop staring at me?
  8. Just go and take a look at this gallery of the art of @Scylla Rhiadra. Just go. It's amazing, you need to see this. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Waka/202/162/1421
  9. Visiting the latest gallery showing of art by @Scylla Rhiadra. I can't say that I've seen a better art gallery show in SL. This is worth visiting. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Waka/202/162/1421
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