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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. The bloggers are jumping on every new thing. And now, the Eveolution heads from LeLutka is the new thing. I love LeLutka, but i will still advise you to get the free Catwa head. It is a fully functional head and is normally sold for 5010 L.The offer ends May 24th. It is lots of inspiration on Flickr, how people has edited and used other skins on it to make unique looks. So it is worth taking it, while it is free. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CATWA-HEAD-Freya-GIFT/19516951 Even if you don't like how it looks in the ad, I have seen it look totally different on others.
  2. BOM takes away the alpha sorting issue. Look in the hairbase folder for tattoo layers. The symbol is a pink squiggle. BUT to use BOM, you must wear the head with a skin made for BOM and turn on BOM on the head's HUD. One of the main reasons I went over to BOM, was to get rid of all alpha sorting issues. On the body too.
  3. 1: Yes, you have it, only BOM comes after Bento and let you use layers. Why will you still use layers? See next. 2: I use layers for things like hairbases, makeup, tattoos, freckles, all things that look good as a part of the skin. I also use layers for "modesty clothing" like underwear. The benefit of this, is that since it is baked in on the meshbody, it will fit under all kind of clothes. 3: Rigged mesh is all mesh that move when you use the sliders under avatar appearance. Like, you adjust the shoulder width and your jacket follow. "Bento" is also rigged, but includes the new bones. I can not explain it better. I will not say fitted, but rigged. Rigged mesh is made for specific mesh bodies and heads. Rigged for brand (insert name here) will follow that body much tighter than standard sizes. Your Hoorenbek clothing comes in standard sizes and it works well for you. As long as you stay so much clothed as your pictures show, you only have to care about how it fits around neck and wrists. You use an alpha layer to hide the body. As long as it fits and you like it, you can wear it. That is what demos are for. We want specific rigged when we use tight clothes where we can not hide bodyparts, because it would show ugly, empty places on the body. Like with lingerie and swimwear. Or the cleavage for a dress, it does not look good if the dress floats several inches from the boobs. You want tight, but not so tight that it cuts in the body. Same goes when you throw off the shirt and long pants, and use a set of swimming trunks. You do not want the waist to float around you like a barrel, or cut into you. 4: Yes, mesh body parts is created by many residents. And other residents can apply for "creator kits" so they can make things for it. This is why you see a lot of small labels on vendors. The description will also say: "Made for body X, body Y and body Z". If you invest in a mesh body, you shop for the label. BUT you still try a demo first. The rigging can vary. I only buy clothes after I demo them. Well, I have a few "trusted" stores where I have bought a lot and everything has been a perfect fit. What mesh body should you select? Think over how it looks, can you get it to look "right" with the sliders? How much will you pay? And, how much content is made for it? Skell tells you the main bodies in his blog, so I will not repeat them. You can also do a marketplace search for the body name, and see how much results you find under Apparel and Body Components. Do this before you buy.
  4. The bolded: No, I looked it up inworld and on the Marketplace. The Tellaq store has an avatar or a bot avatar model. It is 100% not a mesh avatar as we name them. It is an old system avatar. Even if @Aristotle Smitscreenshot of his open inventory is in a folder from Tellaq labeled "Mesh". I can not use any kinder words than "misleading" and "confusing" about this.
  5. Most mesh bodies can look like that. (Some are meant to be huge boobs and hips, like Hourglass) If you try a mesh body demo over your own shape, you will have to nudge the numbers, but the wide-hipped, tall and busty avatars you see, looks that way because the numbers is pushed to give just that look. Push the numbers the other way, and you get short, small breasts and slim hips. This body under is one of my alts, with a 1 L body you can get to practice on. It is how she looks, I did not alter the shape before I took the pictures. The hips is 50 here, reduce it and she get slimmer hips, the saddle bags is 15 and you can set them to 0 and get very narrow hips. The body is the Meshbody Classic 1 L gift. https://ryanschultz.com/2020/04/17/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-the-meshbody-offers-free-versions-of-their-classic-mesh-bodies-for-men-and-women/ I am sure Maitreya and other bodies can look like that without problems. Belleza Isis is also easy to make a slim fit with. I am showing the Meshbody Classic because it is a good practice body. It can wear Legacy shoes, nails and rings, and can also take other shoes... with the other feet that is included. Sometimes the Slink shoes fit better, sometimes the Maitreya ones. The heads has the same flexibility. Kardashian makeup is a lot of highlights and shades to the extremes, and many SL skins copy that, plus that it is popular to set the skin to shiny or dewy. Use a skin without the Kardashian makeup and you will see that many heads does not have cheekbones that can cut glass. Plus the sliders can reduce cheek bones to lower. The included skins with heads is not good when you judge the head's look. The lips is set big and puffy with the sliders, reduce them with the sliders. The lipsticks is also made to make the lips very pillowy. If the lips is very protruding in the profile, it is very hard to make them go "in". But protruding lips is not on every mesh head. What can you not do with a head? It is not possible to make a straight nose humpy. It is maybe is a dealbreaker? I can not remember seeing a female head with other than a straight nose. You have to ignore the look others make for their avatar, take demos and experiment, edit shape, try different skins. Skins also come with demos. As already mentioned, there is a free Catwa head with all the functions included. This offer ends May 24th. The full priced heads are 5010 L. I strongly urge you to pick it up before the offer ends, even if you don't like how it looks on the ad. People has created lots of different looks with this. It is versatile. It is also a good head to practice on. You learn how to use one of the major head brands in Second Life. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CATWA-HEAD-Freya-GIFT/19516951 My alt is not using it. She is using a previous freebie, not available now.
  6. Starting from the bottom with your questions, the Tellaq Sinclair is not a mesh avatar. You can see that if you look close at hands, feet and facial expressions. The Tellaq is the base starter avatar with a better skin. Its nails is blurry paint and the feet look like paddles. EDIT: The pinkies is hidden because they are curled a bit more... the hands is also photographed in an angle that don't show them. So they are not missing! 😉 Bento is the new bones that allow facial expressions and the way the fingers move. Bento bones is added several places to the skeleton, you can have wings that move and tail that move. Without animations, it is the body moving. You can also have the male attachment moving, swaying, wiggling when walking and dancing nude. You must have mesh bodyparts made for these bones, marked "Bento". It does not work on the default, classic avatar. The question now is: Do you want or need this? Since you have a RL partner, I guess you won't undress and show off your chiseled mesh body for a hookup in SL. But it is many other reasons, looking good on the beach without hitting up someone. Or it is an open relationship. You have a nice set of mesh clothes. You can continue to use them and buy more clothes like this. No one see other parts than the hands if this is how you want to dress. If you think it would be fun or cool to have fingers that actually work and look good, and a face that can move, you can buy just a head and hands. My alt has the meshbody Signature Gianni and a Catwa Daniel head. They are brand names. When he shall change skin, he need skin made for this combination. When he shops for clothes, he is shopping for the Signature Gianni body. The mesh body parts was made to replace the default Second Life body, because we became more and more frustrated with the SL body who has not been updated since the start. We used them by putting an alpha layer on the whole avatar, or just where we would use a mesh bodypart. We had to forget about the skins and the old clothes you are used to, they who look like body paint. All this became invisible. To change style on the mesh body parts, the skin, tattoos and clothes was sold with appliers that painted the correct texture on the mesh body parts. The bodies was sold with 3 onion layers, tattoo, underwear and clothes. The faces had numbers of slots for makeups and hairbases. But it was like walking around with 4 identical bodies, because even if we did not use the onion layers, they were always there. Designers does not sell mesh body parts as modify. It is no way to take the onion layers off. The BOM solution goes a step back. Now the old style skin, tattoos and layers show up on the mesh body parts. You will see that my alt only hides his eyes with an alpha layer. His "Aeros" skin and tattoos are from 2014. His Stray Dog tattoo parts are new, from 2020. We do not need to use the onion layers. The reason it is several hairbases, is because I was lazy and didn't bother take off the hidden ones. We can use 62 different layers, so it is an enormous freedom. Skin sellers that made appliers, have to sell skins and tattoos the old way again.
  7. Only today, May19th, 25 L Tuesday offer.
  8. If I had 1 L each time I was inspired by others, I would have a full purse by now. 😄 I like to look at what others have made and make my own twist on it - as you do! ❤️❤️❤️
  9. Oh my, that brings back memories. ❤️ It is my first Bellisseria home, and my first attempt to decorate. I am not sure if I was the first, but I must have been one of the first to use the Roost Palm View Kitchen. It is very low li, but it is not a true modular kitchen and not meant to be set up like this. It is no room for the dishwasher, so I placed the shortest kitchen part with cupboard and upper cabinets where the dishwasher is. I selected the cupboard texture only and set it to 100% transparent. I could then place the dishwasher there, and it fits. It is no animations in this kitchen. I have elsewhere talked about how I took out Maya's kitchen animations with other kitchens. But I do not think I had come this far in these pictures. So it is a kitchen to look at, not interact with. The Palm View kitchen has a transparent back, so it looks strange from the outside, unless you pull down the blinds for the window on that wall.
  10. I believe LeLutka has several makeup slots, where one is covering the whole head and others cover areas like around eyes, mouth, cheeks and so on. So when you wear "double" of one, it is probably one makeup creator who decided to use the whole head layer for the makeup, and the other decided to use the slot around the eyes. It is confusing, and MUCH the reason I stopped using appliers and go for BOM. I can add as much as I want and if a layer does not look right, I click on it and take it off. No need to turn off things or find out where makeup is applied. After I turned on BOM for both Maitreya body and Lelutka head, my worn items can look like this: I am for instance always wearing nude colored pasties under crochet and lace tops. This would have caused an alpha glitch before, if I was wearing pasties on a applier layer and clothes with alpha (as in lace) over. Oh, and I can still use the head appliers if I want to. I can use both... tattoo layers and makeup appliers, as long as the base, the skin, is made for BOM and BOM is turned on for the mesh head/body.
  11. I know you don't like videos, but I link to one from Gamer Sean. I like this video, because he says nothing. It is just background music I can mute. So I do not need to hear all this: Hiii you guys! So I... (10 minutes boring talk about uninteresting things) Uuh you guys so... ah, eh, sorry about that, let me find this again ... uuuh (mumble unintelligible)... uh ah ehem, so back to this... mumble... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie17_HJ0sac I know he sells the shape, but no one really need to buy it. He is kind and list everything he is using if you click "Show more" under the video. If you maximize the video and pause it to see details, you get enough info there to use another shape or your own. This is his newest video, and he is using BOM. That is short for Bakes on Mesh, and it means that the skin and other layers like tattoo and clothes is baked on the mesh avatar and visible. This is different from hiding the default avatar and using appliers on onion shells that cover the mesh body parts. For us oldbies that are used to adding layers, this is easy to use. Plus that we get freedom to use up to 66 layers instead of a few applier slots. EDITED TO ADD: If you use other mesh parts than just this one, the HUD is different and you may have to turn on BOM, or buy a BOM relay before BOM works... some very small brands does not support BOM.... Remember to use demos first. All mesh heads and bodies has demos. No matter if you fall for a head you see in a video, try it on first!
  12. If the eyebrows are painted on the skin, you can't get rid of them. Try to look at your skins, can you find "w/o eyebrows" or similar descriptions? If you can't find this, you have to buy a new skin that has a browless option. Over that skin, you can use different kind of eyebrows.
  13. I have seen many report this. They are told to submit a ticket to Linden Lab and have them restart the region. Or use chat when it's open.
  14. You have time to get this for the Happy Weekend sale. And it is low Li too!
  15. Buy appliers for the mesh eyes that came with the head. That is so easy. I have tried BOM with these eyes, but I prefer appliers. A lot to chose from.
  16. No, and the windows there has a crap LOD. This is the house I wish I had not abandoned, and it is a mole ferry from the lighthouse to the Fairgrounds (Not visible in the picture). I took the ferry and almost shrieked. It looked awful from a distance. I put it away and try to forget it. 😱 So you don't want it. It is a proof of the difference between happy amateur and professional.
  17. Yes, it is a walkway that follow the coast line. I love that. I got a Rocky Height on the release day, but abandoned it because it was up in the forest.
  18. It sounds complicated. But the body is good for those who can't buy a full priced body. And are lucky enough to win. (Signature has a flash sale May 16 - 17 reduced price -30%) This one has well defined arm muscles, and may be an alternative to the Niramyth bodies. I can imagine those who want a very strong shape will like this. This one uses the SL UV, right? I only see different facial skins for Niramyth, no (human) body skins. I still prefer the dollarbie Meshbody Classic, since it is available without a having to win it, and it is more clothes for it. As posted by Ryan Schultz: "The Classic mesh body (the basic package, without the Advanced Material Editor) is going to be free “forever”, in the words of the person who reached out to me this evening." https://ryanschultz.com/2020/04/17/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-the-meshbody-offers-free-versions-of-their-classic-mesh-bodies-for-men-and-women/ I do not care about the Advanced Materials editor. The Classic mesh body has a good selection of alpha cuts, takes BOM and can use Legacy shoes. I have not tested more than one set of sandals, so demo, demo.
  19. I think the nipple is used as a easy way to censor. It is impossible to say: "This picture of a topless woman is sexual, but this picture of a topless woman is not". It would take too much time to debate. Too much consideration and too much arguing. An endless list of different neutral posing, how to hold hands, is the look in the camera meant to be inviting? Is applying sun-oil not sexual? But is it sexual if the woman looks in the camera with hooded eyes and half open mouth? Is it not sexual if she has a neutral expression? If she licks an ice cream and is topless? So in the rules, the nipple was set as the hard limit. Does it or does it not show the nipple? It is a ton of images of oiled up bodies with three triangles of fabric and dental floss, and that is allowed. It is just how it is. I am talking about the laws that LL has to follow... I would hate to see LL get bad press or lawsuits over vanity threads. What hurts LL, will hurt us too. I, for one, think that LL should comply with the law and don't go on a crusade "Free the nipple".
  20. I think it is better to try in the Creation forum part. (Scroll down) The majority of us who post in "Your avatar" shop for stuff... we don't create it. Is it inworld groups for the brand you will make textures for? That can also be a better place to ask for help. Learning classes in SL: http://www.buildersbrewery.com/calendar/index.php and http://www.caledonoxbridge.org/class_schedule.php I do not see classes like"how to make skins and textures" there, but if you contact some of the teachers, they can direct you to tutorials?
  21. Nope, I have been very little in SL lately... health issues. It is easier to be on the forum. I have had a very quiet SL week. My latest alt creation got the male Meshbody Classic. And I found it is enough TMP stuff still on the market to dress it. I read about Exmachina here: https://ryanschultz.com/2020/05/10/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-exmachina-full-body-male-mesh-avatar-giveaway/ And when I saw how low clothes support is, I am in no hurry... But I noticed, on the image that shows the HUD, it is -/+ symbols on top. Can you click + and make the HUD bigger?
  22. Ah, I think I understand what you mean, even if I don't understand how, technically. Free unused resources sound great, but I can't understand it. No, I did not really think you suggested removing homes, other than playing with ideas, as we all do.
  23. The first time I noticed I was "Advisor", I could not understand why. I do not help people more than others that has "Resident" under their name. I thought is was embarrassing to have that. I have stopped to think about it, and does not notice anymore if it is "Resident" or "Advisor". It should be removed, it is pointless. And as @BilliJo Aldrinsay, it is no guarantee that it is a correct reply. It is really bad if people look at the profile and think "He/she is an Advisor, so it has to be correct".
  24. Blue text - Is it official, no more development of Bellisseria until autumn? It is tempting to say Linden Lab could clean all the old Linden Homes continents at once. But it is too late, if LL mean to honor the promise that all Premiums can have a Linden Home. It is no more left. I can compare such an injustice, to LL making a decision that they will allow only one Linden Home per email, and then take back the other homes we have on alts. (No, I don't suggest they do it!) But we would feel violated if LL took away one of our homes. It is the biggest and most important reason to be pay Premium for me, and surely for many others. The other perks is just nice to have. LL is too late, they should have started to offer new homes to owners in the old regions in 2019. But it is all so easy to look back, in hindsight it is perfectly clear. LL would also had to have a system where those who abandoned an old home was bypassing the ordinary Home Page and was sent to a page only for them, where LL made sure it was first come, first serve, and abandoned Bellisseria homes was sent there first. In many countries over the world, the lockdowns start to open up, and as I understand it, states in USA will also begin with it. So the question is also, will this surge in new residents, and demand for land, cool down in a month?
  25. I don't know what head you have, but at 1:48 in this video you see the hairbase is added to the head, with a pink squiggly symbol. If this is what you are wearing, you click it in your inventory and select "Take off". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie17_HJ0sac If you used a box symbol that attach to the screen and you click it, it applies the hairbase to a thin onion layer that is over your head. This layer can be "cleared" or the hairbase can be replaced when you select another hairbase applier, or you can turn off the hairbase, it will be hidden and invisible. If you have this kind of hairbase applied, you will see how the open HUD that came with your LeLutka head looks at 8:14. The hairbases is at the bottom of the hud, just turn the hairbase off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9-GmDSThdE Good videos to watch for creating male looks.
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