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So Whimsy

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Everything posted by So Whimsy

  1. Go to your Merchant Home. Click the box that selects every single one of your products then at the bottom where it says "Modify selected items" select Edit and click on Go. A blank product page pops up. Leave that alone except for the part where it says Slurl. Tick the box on that line and copy & paste in your new Slurl. Click the Update button and all Slurs Slurls on your product listings lead to your new store location instead of the old one. Edit: Omg what a funny typo No need to be mean to your customers Adam! It's called SlurL, a slur is something else entirely Edit2: Bwahahaha I made the same typo.
  2. Did we both just get trolled by the forums? I was replying to the other topic where my above post is actually relevant in, and it somehow ended up attached to this thread. It's way off topic here, yet Dakota thanked it and you replied to it without seeming to notice the drastic change in topic like you are seeing it in the appropiate thread, not this one! This is some Twilight ZONE sh*t right there.
  3. Oh great, it somehow ate my reply. Hit sent, it showed up and when I re-checked this thread it's gone? Edit: It did not eat my reply, it ended up in another topic entirely once I checked my post log. How the everloving fudge did that happen? I did not have that other topic open, wasn't even aware of it until I checked my post log. Wow. Repost: I quite like Inverse's system, it's automated. You leave a review on one of their houses, then you go to their store in world and touch a terminal. It verifies that you left a review automatically and then refunds you 50% of your pruchase. This is imho, extremely well handled and encourages people to be unbiased since a) you do not have to directly approach the creator b) you do not at all feel pressured into leaving a better review because you know you will get your rebate either way c) the creator, other than setting up the system, has no chance to refuse any payout upon a negative review being left. I'm temped to look into such a system myself, safe for less than a handful of reviews I've only ever had one customer leave a ton of them after buying a ton of my animations. It might look a little spammy and even fake, but if you dig...you'll realize I don't have power over the owner of PrimPossible she's way out of my league but a gem for taking the time to review<3
  4. I quite like Inverse's system, it's automated. You leave a review on one of their houses, then you go to their store in world and touch a terminal. It verifies that you left a review automatically and then refunds you 50% of your pruchase. This is imho, extremely well handled and encourages people to be unbiased since a) you do not have to directly approach the creator b) you do not at all feel pressured into leaving a better review because you know you will get your rebate either way c) the creator, other than setting up the system, has no chance to refuse any payout upon a negative review being left. I'm temped to look into such a system myself, safe for less than a handful of reviews I've only ever had one customer leave a ton of them after buying a ton of my animations. It might look a little spammy and even fake, but if you dig...you'll realize I don't have power over the owner of PrimPossible she's way out of my league but a gem for taking the time to review<3
  5. So Whimsy


    Bad Hair Day just released a hairstyle like this for an event I believe. Might be worth checking out their store, they make tons of awesome hairs for men.
  6. It is not. At least not the way Adam does it, (also the well known business Inverse has been doing this for years.). The important part that makes this practise entirely legal is that the 50% off will be given to honest reviews irregardless of whether they are good or bad ones. It would be against the TOS however if a merchant would only give that 50% off if customers leave positive reviews and get 0% off if they leave negative ones.
  7. Oh, it does happen and often so. There's tons of products in the animation as well as script sub category where people throw a bunch of free animations/scripts into a box and sell them. Buyers then leave bad reviews stating things like "This animation is crap." "All the scripts in this box are actually freebies, can't believe I paid money for it!" If you (general you) decide to sell free items on the market for more than 0L it will not do your reputation any good. At all. And yes, I did read that you were going to open a business, I was hoping it's going to be one for products you made yourself as opposed to basing a business idea on what this topic is about.
  8. If they were gifts or freebies then why would you even consider selling them for L? They were given out freely, probably still are if they're not too old. They should stay free. While nothing legally keeps you from selling them I find it very morally wrong to accept gifts/freebies and turn around to sell them on for Linden. Make your own products if you'd like to sell things on the marketplace.
  9. What is it with people today and their capslock abuse? Sunday's supposed to be the quiet lazy day!
  10. I will never be too fudging old for this.
  11. Skell looks more natural, especially the smoother jaw and the eyes look less feminine. Nothing wrong with either set of eyes though, Justin's eyes just look like they were directly copied from a female catwa head imho. What causes my ultimate decision however to stay with Justin are the lips. Boy, that slight smirk is sexy. This is coming from someone who uses the 3500L Catwa Jessica Head (non-Bento) and has yet to find the Bento equivalent of it. All the Bento heads I tried out look like poopoo compared to the one I have. I might just have gotten way too used to it though :3
  12. Strangely enough, that makes me feel the need to learn how to make mesh clothes because guys deserve nice things, too. But I fear by the time I'd be adequate enough at it to be able to sell anything SL might not even be there anymore Why, oh why does it need to be so complicated
  13. I honestly got that impression too with some people. I love the freedome SL provides, which is why I've decided to become a full perm merchant. Let's take it to the extreme, eh? Weeee~♥
  14. You may have lost the sale of the person who said "Thanks I'll never shop there." But if your dress had been no mod you might have lost that initial sale to begin with. So whichever way you look at it, you might have lost out on a sale. Can't please everyone after all. I do believe my taste is far superior than any one else's, because it's my taste and concerns what I will wear, or well, my pixel self in this case. I don't give two hoots about what other's think looks good, after all that shirt or skirt will go onto my pixel body and the only taste that matters there is my own. That's not snobbish If a merchant wants to dictate exactly the shade of red I am supposed to wear, I as a customer can and will say 'no thank you' if it's a shade of red I don't personally like. If the clothing is mod though it's an easy fix to match a pair of shoes or some such. Imho, I don't personally think creators are snobbish simply for making clothes no mod, what I find snobbish however is their attitude in this thread and some others. It just makes me roll my eyes if they call a skirt or table they made 'art' and literally treat it like a gift they graciously let customer's buy. I think some creators get off on their little ego trip, it's as amusing as it is annoying.
  15. Thank you so much, these are ridiculously perfect, more than one color too and at 60L such a steal @.@ I am a super happy shopper right now
  16. Yup, dein Mesh kann aus 100 Einzelteilen bestehen, sobald aber auch nur eines davon nicht full perm ist kannst du es nicht zum Marketplace schicken. Und wenns 'nur' ein script ist, oder eine Notizkarte! Edit: Hab gerade dein englisches Thread gelesen, wusst ichs doch, doofes script nich? Schreib mich inworld an und wir schauen mal was wir machen damit dein erstes Produkt endlich seinen Weg in den MP findet *g*
  17. Are you sure you are not on a sim that has the running of scripts disabled?
  18. Mich kann auch gerne jeder anschreiben der langeweile hat
  19. Huhu, bin grad online, kannst mich gern mal in SL anschreiben dann schauen wir uns das mal zusammen an
  20. Klingt danach das irgendetwas was du da zum Marketplace schicken willst nicht full perm ist. Schau mal ganz genau nach was du in dem Ordner hast welchen du hochladen willst. Schau dir das Mesh an (manchmal tun die Verkäufer ein Beispiel mesh rein was nicht full perm ist um zu zeigen wie man es zb texturieren kann und da kann es sein das man gerade das versehentlich nutzt um sein Produkt zu entwerfen), kann aber auch ein script in der HUD sein die du erstellt hast was wieder willen doch nicht full perm ist. Jedenfalls ist zu 99.99% irgendwas in deinem order nicht full perm.
  21. So Whimsy


    Not for the moment. In the future they will implement the option of a name change for a fee, though we don not know yet how high that fee will be.
  22. It is quite surprising how some merchants think of their creations as gods gift to mankind they so graciously bestow on the peasant masses. As a merchant myself I'll make damn sure my feet firmly stay on the ground. Jesus, some people....
  23. Quite honestly, I was surprised as hell to find that there. Until then all I had seen was a well though out system and original works, I wonder what on earth possessed them to go down that route. It seemed so out of place and quite frankly, I would have at least tried it out and spent a little L on it but not when they do this.
  24. Found a lovely sim and got inspired to bring out my rollerskates again! Then had a coffee with such a nice view of the lake~♥
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