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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. As a Marketplace seller I can tell you that I often see "not available for delivery" messages attached to items people have purchased. When the item cannot be delivered (you not being in world) the Marketplace apparently holds the order until it can be. At least I can tell you that I didn't get any money as the seller until the item was delivered. So as someone suggested go to the Marketplace and check your status. Also, next time be IN WORLD when you order and if you do the math you will see it is much (MUCH) cheaper to buy lindens and purchase with them. The Markeplace charges a hefty user fee for doing a "cash" purchase. It is likely that all this can be worked out. There is just a lot to learn when you are new. Good luck.
  2. You can also add pubic hair as a clothing or tattoo layer. At one time Tuli had free pubic hair out, but I am not sure if she still does. I imagine there are other skin shops that offer that add on, so checking around is the key. Good luck.
  3. Items do disappear in world, I have had it happen but not as often or as mysteriously as you depict so I agree you may have given some power to a "friend" that you really don't want them to have. Normally the "edit my objects" ability is given to a content creator temporarily to fix something or to and alt or RL friend or SL partner, not just anyone Regarding the inventory loss. There are plenty of steps to try and get your inventory back. Some have been mentioned. One is to install a brand new viewer (I personally only use TPVs but that is your choice). If you have gone through all the steps to get your items back because of a cache issue and they are still gone, you need to know that they CAN disappear for good. About two weeks ago I lost my whole House and Garden folder (2,500 items) as well as a back up folder and my belts (who knows?). The backup folder reappeared a few days later and items trickled into odd spots over the next week. My House and Gardens goods never returned and I don't expect them to. This is the second time this has happened to me, the other being long ago. A friend of mine lost her whole half sim store back up and others have lost 10,000 poses (that is a lot of poses) so it can happen. If you are a premium member you may be able to turn in a ticket by going to live chat. However this has not helped in the past. I have no idea how things disappear in the database, but they do. I wrote a post on some tips and things to look out for when you actually DO lose things (as opposed to their seemingly disappearace with a cache issue). You can find it here if you are interested. chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2011/05/possessions.html
  4. Chic Aeon


    Since you said you searched the whole store, I am guessing you bought it in world. You can go to your transaction history in your account area and find the transaction. Copy that info including the transaction date, number etc. into a notecard and explain the problem to the seller. Be aware that there are MANY content creators that log in once a week or so. So you may not receive and instant reply. If the seller decides to resend you the item (usually if it is a no transfer item then they have no problem doing that). They will. It is totally at their discretion . You may NOT get your item. That is just part of life in the virtual world,. Many content creators DO want to help however. Good luck.
  5. I have had that problem in the past and given up. You might try using a different credit card. If you are trying to use Paypal it seems to be more problematic. Other than that, you could contact the billing department with a ticket and see if they can figure out the problem. While most questions are no longer answered for folks with no premium account, billing ones still seem to be in the list.
  6. Unlikely that you will. You "COULD" write to the texture makers and ask for a resend of your purchase. Since the textures are most likely full perms they will likely comply. I just lost 2500 items of inventory. Be happy that two textures was all you didn't receive (smile). All is fleeting in life and cyberspace.
  7. Thanks. I knew all that and it does say on EACH parcel that it supports 1300 prims and it is a "homestead" sim. And it does say 10.00 ratio. It just seem VERY STRANGE. I thought perhaps there was something that I had no clue about *wink*. So whoever puts up their 1300 prims first gets them it seems. A very very very strange plan. I can't imagine it will have a long life. Edit: I had serveral folks look this situation over inworld and they all agree it is indeed a scam. The first people to rez their alotted prims wins. The others - nada. So the landowner (not known for being all that up front to begin with) is assuming folks will never rez their allotted prims OR will pull the sim out with no notice (this has happened in the past). So beware folks. If it seems to good to be true -- it is.
  8. You can get a premium account which gives you free tier on a 512 parcel of mainland OR a Linden Home. You can also "lease" land on an estate. There are plenty of lovely house out there that are free to low priced (hunts, freebie stores etc.) so that house itself isn't really the problem. You do need someone to put it though . Hope that helped some.
  9. Someone (a land baron) is renting plots on a homestead sim. There are many (maybe 20) plots with each allotted 1300 plus prims plus a big common area. The math just doesn't work. It says that the bonus value is 10 times. I have lived in many themed areas with bonus 2 lots but those are made up by leaving a lot of the land empty or almost so. I am really wondering how this can work? Thanks to anyone who knows :D
  10. If you signed up as "18" rather than "28" it really doesn't matter much. In order to access some of the most adult areas of SL you need to be age verified which is a process. You would ask support: https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ about what to do. If you are very new, you could simply make a new avatar with the correct year. Those are only thoughts. I have never had this problem. Good luck.
  11. Wow! I have never heard of an inworld griefing causing a computer meltdown. Meanwhile you might try contacting support : https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ and asking them how you could report. You could also try installing a third party viewer if you haven't to see if you can get inworld that way. You will need the NAME of the person involved and be aware they they will most likely not be in SL any longer after the attack. Good luck.
  12. Wow! as an old timer here I had no clue. Obviously I pick my groups carefully. Thanks for the knowledge.
  13. This happens. Unfortunately STILL after years of it happening. That is why I personally prefer copy items which tend to stay around in inventory more safely. If it was a transfer (no copy) item you may or may not get a replacement from the designer. To be fair, they have no way of knowing if you actually LOST the item or if you are simply someone wanting a second copy for a friend. One thing you might try in the future (before rezzing a NC item) is to try "wearing" it first. I know this sounds ridiculous, but in my experience if you can wear an item (even if it is a No Copy house) the chances are that the database is a happy camper and will actually rez it in world. Unfortunately most of us forget to do that except right after a disaster. Know you are not alone. If you know the EXACT name of the item the tech guys can "try" an get it back for you. In my experience, this has not worked. One time I lost over 1,000 items and they were simply gone. Make copies of what you can. Pack them in BRAND NEW boxes and keep an EXTRA rezzed in world. That is about as safe as you can be -- and still you won't be safe. Sorry.
  14. The biggest problem in the past has been the reported issue of objects taking money from people's accounts. Some of this was just urban legend, but it IS possible to do that if upon rezzing an object you agree to the (usually yellow gold) screen that pops up and asks you if it is OK for this object to take money from you. If you agree -- well, duh LOL . So DON'T do that unless you know the person and it is a legitimate "split script" object where some of the money from a sale of an item is supposed to go to someone else (usually a charity in my experience). The other thing that CAN happen is that the object could be HUGE or filled with tons of particles that will slow your viewing down emmensely. According to the Particle Lab, particle effects are client side and so they don't actually slow the sim down it is just that noone can move because there are too many particles in their viewing. Another not necessarily griefing thing is that the object might be transparent and so you cannot see it without turning on "view transparent", hence you have prims on your land that you don't want. Those are just some ideas. Just like email, it is good to know who you are getting things from. If not, then open them in a sandbox. AND beware that MANY "free gifts" going around are stolen articles so that isn't a good thing.
  15. Both Kirstens S21 viewer (I can only seem to get version 5 to work well) and Imprudence 1.4 will run on Win 7 64 bit. I just installed the newest official viewer (this is April 11 ) and while it did install I dind't have any top toolbar or any way that seemed to get the top toolbar only very basic newbie stuff. Couldn't get the avanced menu to show etc.. That may be completely ME of course LOL. I have found that there are plenty of programs that will not run with Win 7 64 bit and telling Win 7 to run it in an earlier version doesn't help. So just try some out and see what you like. Setting a restore point might be a good idea of course. If I find the answer to the missing menu I will try and update this.
  16. I tested last evening around 7 pm SL time and found myself very impressed. I think that for those wanting to try out Second Life, it is a fast and easy way. Wayfinder, and perhaps others as I didn't read all these comments, it appears that the beta test was closed sometime before 8:30 as a friend of mine had your same experience -- no email box to join the test. I could still get in on Firefox, the original browser I used, but on IE I had the same "Join Now" button with no way to use the browser. So it wasn't a system thing. If I took my email OUT of the box and tried to put in another, it wouldn't let me. Meanwhile -- the only problem that I had (and indeed my friend in another house on another computer had the same issue so not just me) is that the java console repeatedly (and I do mean repeatedly) came up and was very annoying. Once into world things worked well. I don't use a Viewer 2 model interface, so it was in some ways a new experience for me. Changing my avatar took a bit of time, but did work. I am on a 3.5 year old desktop with a 13,000 connection My most impressive experience was being at a club with tons of people (I would guess about 40) with lots of dancing and music and everything loaded and worked well. Wow! I took quick screenshots as I went along and you can see them on my blog. Not sure if we can post here, but I think the link is in my profile. It is chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com and the post should be fairly close to the top of the list entitled "web browsing - ". I did an experiment and logged back in to see what would happen. The web greeting page did remember my email from cookies and the interface "seemed" to remember that I wanted to be a girl. This could have been a either or chance thing though. It did not remember where I had closed off from (Winterfell) or what avatar I had chosen (City Gal). You appear to end up in any of the locations just by chance. At this point, regular SL folks will no doubt want to stick with their familiar viewer, and indeed unless there are LOTS of additions to the webbased viewer, I can't imagine many folks switching. But for NEW people who want to get a taste of the world, it is easy and a great way to see without a commitment of any kind.
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