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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. If you want larger than the 512 maximum square upload in that mode you will need to save to your computer and then upload from there. Just one more step. If you do this a lot you might put that suggestion for a change to 1024 in your Firestorm "want" list. I suspect they could make that an option.
  2. A 1024 mainland lot only costs $5 a month which is half of the monthly cost of the premium account now. So if you are willing to pay double the account fee, then it seems like the $5 shouldn't be an issue. You can also rent for much less than that.
  3. You might get more replies if you noted the pay. Also you may find that hourlly isn't the best method of payment. I completed a two sim installation making all the mesh and everything in the sim in five days. So "a few hours a day" forever wouldn't be appropriate. Just a thought *wink*. Good luck on your event!
  4. Well if you are really that new as you seem to be then the easiest thing would be to make another account. You can also reset your avatar (might be good to try that first). In order to appear you need a "skin, hairbase, shape and eyes". I think that is it. Make sure you have all those items on. You can also try picking a new avatar from the avatar list. Avatar> Choose and Avatar and that may solve your issue.
  5. Things are constantly changing and "tightening", partly because of fraud. I have seen other threads where are verified bank account was needed. I have not clue, but you might want to look up "Skrill" or something close to that --- someone will know -- as that is apparently an optional way to buy lindens. The easiest thing if you can would be to attach a bank account to your Paypal :D.
  6. I am pretty sure that full frontal nudity (or anything other than G rated stuff) is acceptable on the forums. You might want to replace that photo with something more clothed and less "exotic" :D.
  7. I just tried too. Firestorm 5.0.1 (52150) I could zoom out forever (well WAY more than I could ever want to) using the mouse wheel. So it isn't a change in Firestorm. I was "editing" my Maitreya hud shown in the photo. My best guess is that you have something turned on or off. Here is my build option settings. And here are my Move and View settings. Maybe "disable minimal camera zoom distance"? is the issue?
  8. Here is where you change the size in Firestorm. You need to choose CUSTOM and then take the check mark out of "constrain" and then type in 1024 x 1024. It doesn't really matter what your screen resolution is; as you can see my default is over 6000 pixels wide and my computer screen is 2560. You WILL LOSE the right and left sides of your screen if you take a square photo. It should show you what your photo will include in the preview. Good luck.
  9. I think that is VERY true. Especially in the US (and indeed in other parts of the world too) we no longer MAKE things. We used to sew our own clothes, and knit, and grow our own veggies (I still do that) but that "home made" aspect has disappeared and I don't think of the loss as a positive thing. Lots of folks don't even know how to cook aside from throwing something in the microwave :D. A few of us have a need to constantly create -- whatever the medium. I used to spend many weeks on a painting, now I work in pixels. A few folks make good money on SL, but many do it as a hobby or as supplemental income. I could make much MUCH more spending my time working in RL (and I suspect most could) but I CHOOSE to be here as most of the time the stress is minimal and I can't say that for RL LOL.
  10. I think that was true. I was using PhotoImpact at the time (I still have a later version on my Win10 computer since it will still work AND it does things that my other graphics program can't) and it took me forever to figure out how to save as a tga file (which my program alluded to as a television format?). Some folks still use tgas but I can't get windows to show the thumbnails in the explorer in that format so I switched to ping long ago.
  11. I am not exactly disagreeing with you, but people still have the same opportunities to create even if they may have to work harder and longer to get those skills honed. Blender is free. Gimp is free. If someones wants to, they can learn to make basic mesh in a week. I just finished a series of tutorials using the Cycles Renderer (harder than the Blender Render) and with a few days of effort they could make some simple things. It certainly took me that long to learn how to make simple things building with prims. But yes, much creation has moved into 3D programs. Even building with prims took lots of experimentation and if you wanted outstanding textures, you painted them yourself in a graphics program, so another skill that needed to be learn (and outside of the SL world). I think the more important point as you say is that we DID build a lot more inworld. That being said, my store is on mainland -- and on the mainland you still see a fair amount of prim building. My neighbors have prim houses and one has been in the process of building theirs for some time now. So people are still creating using the inworld tools. AND if they want that prim experience they can venture over to Opensim where "prims don't count" (the land is so cheap it doesn't matter) and prims are still king for many people. I have been over there for over two years and actually returned to prim building and enjoyed it a lot. I have another video tutorial series on prim building that has been very popular. Those same videos made for Opensim can be used to learn how to build with prims in SL. I am not arguing that the world is the same, it is certainly prettier now, but people can still create. Even in clothing, there is still a market for nicely made texture clothes and the applier interfaces are free, so not a lot of differences in that form of entrepreneurship.
  12. I reread you post just now saying that you saved as png and targa to make sure you had no alpha, but you can of course have an alpha on EITHER ping and targa, so I am going to post this anyway and if it doesn't help you, maybe it will helps someone else. There is currently a bug in Blender (if you are using Blender) that will save a baked texture (if you are baking textures LOL -- see we needed more info) into an ALPHA texture if you resave or rebake to the same texture plane. It is easy to miss this is happening. VERY easy to miss until you start seeing effects as you mention. So check both your main diffuse texture and your specular texture and make sure that they do NOT have an alpha layer. You can save them again without an alpha channel in your graphics program. It is truly a pain and has been around for a little while and I HOPE they fix this but meanwhile just make sure you are saving an RGB file and not an RGBA file. Eventually it becomes second nature. If that isn't it, I have no clue.
  13. I think this could still be a viable exercise. I have never purchased money, and my "big sister" avatar only purchased a bit and then paid it back to herself in a week -- hence I have cash out abilities. But BOTH of us made our way without outside investments. We camped and hunted and went to classes and got free textures, we set up small shops that become larger shops as people bought things. Back in the beginning there was no Marketplace, everyone shopped in world and indeed the world was much smaller. It was doable then; it is doable now. TODAY, I would (and have) chased crystals to earn lindens for uploads. I would hit the texture midnight boards so that I wouldn't have to upload much. I would build some things from prims and sell them cheaply on the Marketplace (prim builds STILL sell; I can attest to that) and I would find a tiny little shop as needed for a few lindens a week (I have seen them as low as $30 an on an exceptional day for free). In our real world things can seem pretty bleak and those of us long out of high school worry about the "kids" and often voice our sadness at what they will have to deal with. It is my contention that each generation has likely felt the same way. Sometimes we move forward; sometimes we move back. But the possibilities are still in SL. The methods to get there have changed a bit, but it still is possible to start a business with no RL backing.
  14. This is a great thread. I agree with about half and disagree with about half and they sometimes overlap :D. First off -- mesh to prims whether done with some of the original -- when mesh was new -- "tools" that could be purchased or now with the viewer export -- makes mesh, true. But it is (word deleted before I typed it) BAD and very unoptimized mesh. Now you can make a different kind of bad mesh within Blender or Maya etc, but LOL -- at least there is the option of actually making "game asset" mesh. Anyone who has optimized a prim to mesh export (and I have for the experience) knows it is much faster to just build it within the program. Second -- I too made prim boots and sold boots and made a lot of money with those boots and yes, they we damn hard to make. They did not however take me years of forty hour weeks to learn the skills *wink*. So, for the folks that somehow can crank out glorious low poly mesh with lovely textures in less than a week, I applaud them. That is not the path of the majority however. It DOES take a lot of time and effort and DESIRE to learn all this new stuff :D. Third -- Downloading a free or purchased mesh file, adding textures within a 3D program and uploading into Second Life is against the SL TOS and also against most (I didn't find a one that said it was OK) of the royalty free sites. Very long recent thread on this. Not going there again. I spent a ton of my best times in SL building classes back in the day. I made some great friends there and while many of the folks teaching were not actual "teachers" in that passing on of knowledge sense, I somehow picked up enough to teach myself after a point. I do miss those days, but as some folks have said -- even ten years ago there were plenty of folks that didn't want to create. They just wanted to play and dance and enjoy some adult activities. So that part hasn't changed. It may SEEM like there are a lot less creators these days, but you would be surprised how many there really are. Going around to the event venues shows that off well. New folks are learning and I applaud them for that -- and try and help when I can. Anyone joining Second Life these days can still create and can still earn money. They just need the desire and the willingness to stick with the learning curve. That really was true in the beginning too. Ask the folks that made skins and lingerie :D.
  15. It is rolling restart day this week -- so some sims will be down temporarily (sometimes as much as 30 minutes). Try logging into another sim.
  16. I SOOOOOOO wish people wouldn't think that the rezzing inside the house issue is intrinsic to mesh builds. It is NOT. It is only that the mesh maker used bad physics as Whirly said, didn't research (TONS on the Mesh forum about how to solve the issue) or TEST (even adding a prim to the floor would solve the issue) if they didn't make a correct physics model. It is NOT the fault of MESH!!!! LOL. Before you buy your next house ASK the builder if you can rez items on the floor!
  17. I don't have a Belleza body but different skin appliers will give you different looks. There may be a "glossy" slider. There is a shine and shimmer setting for Maitreya. I am not sure if it has effect on skin appliers or only the default skin. My head applier "glossy" only affects the default head skin that came with it. Keep looking at your hud and you may discover some little button.
  18. You should simply be thankful that you don't apparently LIVE in the country with the Patriot Act. The most you can loose is some money. Most of us have lost many of our freedoms.
  19. The CORRECT method would be to apply for a developer kit. Some are easy to get and some very difficult (so I hear; I don't make clothes). YOU didn't make the mesh body and have no right to be using it for any purpose other than looking good. You did not buy the right to EXPORT the body for ANY reason when you bought the body for personal use inside SL. You really should know this. It seems very dumb to ask. So perhaps this was just a frivolous thread all along.
  20. I figured that the price was astronomical but I couldn't resist going to look. $55,000 and while it does face the canal it is "surrounded" side and back by a giant semi-floating castle build which is so not in keeping with the area. :D. So now inquiring minds know. LOL.
  21. Realize that top creators can make several thousands of US dollars on a products custom doesn't usually mean paying $5000 lindens :D. I am betting there are some good Asian skins out there -- you just need to find them. Good luck.
  22. Yes. Since I was a professional artist in RL for many years with lots of one person exhibits AND since I used the painting analogy in another copybot thread recently :D. -- TallGirl is indeed correct. You do NOT buy the copyright to a painting (or any digital material which is what we are talking about) when you buy the item. The original creator CAN sell the RIGHTS to REPRODUCE but they very seldom do. In my other comment I noted that a full perm template creator COULD do work for hire for a single person and then sell them the rights (all rights) to the item. That happens fairly often in SL. This is called "work for hire" and I did a lot of that in the past keeping NO RIGHTS (except to show the work in my portfolio). If someone had purchased full rights to that -- let's say dress dae file (maybe with Maya or Blender active files included) they could then legally put that dress on any platform, not just SL.
  23. I think ChinRey is likely correct. Assuming you bought templates (hence no uploading). You can get to the Mesh Upload test through your web based interface.
  24. It could be that there is a minimum cash out. That is less than the $10 that most Opensim grids have as a minimum cashout BECAUSE of Paypal's rules. So in most Opensim grids (and private money traders in Opensim) you can't take out any money until you have at least $10. That zero cash out just may be a "foggy" message that is up there until you have $10 worth -- most likely plus the cash out fee. Just a guess.
  25. Well in theory they "could" run it through facial recognition software as most states now (it may be federal law, I know not) take photos PRECISELY for that. And you are not allowed glasses or hats or other things I can't remember maybe peircings. The last photo I had taken at the Drivers Licence Bureau took four tries before it was accepted because of the facial recognition. So presumably (and I SO don't believe this) it is so the government (not LL) could -- if they wanted -- track down terrorists laundering money in SL. It is all about control and for better or worse The Lab is in the middle. I sometimes feel much like the Borg without the advantage of instant group communication LOL. Our only real choice is to opt out :D.
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