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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Cloud Party was the one that I was most involved in. I think there are others but someone that is working in them would need to let you know about those. The system worked very well in Cloud Party which had some amazing tech (browser based virtual world much like SL but with plenty of differences too). They closed after being bought out by Yahoo. Alas :D.
  2. Sorry for your loss. My very first one was my "Home and Garden" folder and like yours it was gone. Mine had nothing to do with the overflowing inventory "feature" as it was many years ago and as Whirly said many have had this happen lately but cannot say WHY. I have added my suspicions on MY losses (many over many years with some odd details) to several threads, but I have no PROOF -- only logical guesses. We do survive. I definitely understand it is hard though.
  3. There have been platforms in the past that used this method for mesh, animations, scripts etc and I thought it worked very well for both the person using the "template" and the ones making it. It sounded at one point (not there, don't really know) that they were considering that method or option in Sansar -- but we will have to wait awhile to find that out. While you COULD have an end user license with that requirement it would totally be a trust thing and likely not too practical. The method I talked about above was at the SERVER level and nothing a seller did to the product other than setting the percentage in the market listing.
  4. I SO missed the whole double sided aspect :D. Way too early to be thinking. I have also seen this high triangle count that won't lower issue when using the wire frame modifier. Just throwing that out there :D. And arton saves the day again!
  5. There are three parts to land impact and what ends up being land impact. I suspect it is your physics costs. So look at that maybe. If this is going to be small it also needs to be simpler. There are lots of roses with low land impact around so taking a look at how some are made inworld and inspecting might be a good plan. Normally the texture would be the convincing part of the process. Just waking up so that's all I have LOL.
  6. You could get kudos in the answers or in the creation sections for sure. The general "chat" areas you didn't get kudos.
  7. So my profile says that my reputation points are 633 which are my old kudos points plus my new "like" points. Isn't that just "it"? I don't think there is a mystery LOL.
  8. I have to basically agree -- well I don't have to but I do -- with @Polenth Yue In the olden days before the Marketplace or the precursor TO the marketplace people shopped inworld more. Now events are the thing so eventually getting into some name events (my rule is if they are not listed on Seraphim I don't want to be there :D) would be good. Not easy however. Do the marketplace and make small shop. You can rent a 512 for close to nothing and make a nice shop in the air if needed. IT TAKES TIME. I have been here almost ten years and just starting to do well. Others, with perhaps better marketing do better -- so concentrate on what you love to do and just let things happen. But malls are pretty much a waste these days. I haven't been to one in years really.
  9. If you have an AO on (animation overrider either as an attached hud or as part of the viewer AO (Firestorm anyway) you may need to turn it off. You may have some or many animations in your hud that are of higher priority than the animations in the furniture. This isn't just sex furniture, it could be anything that has animations in it. It is a bit complex, but just see if your furniture works with your AO off. :D.
  10. The problem with using a mesh body with a legacy (non-mesh) head is that even with a skin applier for both body and to wear underneath (hence on a legacy head) the neck seam doesn't match because of the difference in mesh and how the light hits. So if you are picky or do photos and NEED to be picky, they you really do need mesh body plus mesh head, plus good applier that will work on both brands -- and often now that means an Omega Relay for one or both. It DOES get complex.
  11. Well in a perfect world but not-so-much in ours :D. A new male body (beta) came out a few days ago. I was very interested to try it out as the others I have demoed didn't measure up. I should say that I resisted (avoided in caps really) mesh bodies for gals until Lara came out. I am not a big shopper and I tend to keep things I like for a long time, not change hourly. Anyway the new body had some pluses. The default body skin was way nicer than many of the others I tested. The hud looked impressive with some extras (apparently - it was late and I had been blogging for nine hours so beyond exhausted) that weren't in my Lara body. And then there is that "but". The shape I was wearing the body with wasn't one with super muscles or even all that large -- compared to many male avatars. It was fairly 'beefy' though, not a swimmer's body as my mum would say. I noted that the mesh body was considerably smaller in some areas than the shape beneath it. You could see the legacy body shell on top of the mesh body -- especially in the chest area. The wrists and ankles were way more slight that you would expect in a guy with some poundage and muscles. The butt was larger and longer than the original shape. So, I went to work changing the shape. I could fix the buttocks OK but even with the sliders maxed out at 100 I couldn't get past that swimmer's body look. It is a good body except for the ankle and wrist thing, but it definitely isn't "fitted" to go over the shape underneath. Perhaps that will change some over time as testers put forth their comments. It is still the best male body on the grid IMHO, but it isn't really "fitted" as we would expect it to be. And thanks for making that comment as I really wanted to say this but didn't want to start a new thread LOL.
  12. I actually had the precursor prim version of that from LONG ago. It was very cool and pretty impressive -- say seven years ago. I expect that the mesh one is also. I followed the breadcrumbs to the place the store "was" abut not there any longer. Likely they are gone or could be an alt account. IF you bought it from the marketplace you might be able to get a redelivery by putting in a ticket with MARKETPLACE as the area you are writing about and explaining that it seems like the person has left and you need a new copy. I have no idea if that would work but likely worth a try.
  13. You should be able to test the DEMO before buying. To see the complexity use: Avatar > Avatar Health > Show Avatar Complexity Information. I suspect you could also take the DEMO to a place that counts scripts (like where you found out about the other hair and see if it is script heavy. OLD hair in particular can be problematic but there are some hair makers that simply make overly complex hairs that you really "should" avoid. The good news is that there are lots of hair makers that make great designs that are more friendly to the server. Good luck shopping.
  14. Well none of that happens for me in the latest Firestorm viewer. I have to right click and THEN choose edit to get an item to edit. Likely this is something new in the Linden viewer? There could also be an OPTION somewhere in the Preferences menu that controls this. I know not what that might be :D.
  15. I think we "get" that now Dakota and thank you ---- BUT if there were going to be some major rule changes that impacted some folks MAJORLY it would have been a good idea to let folks know so that they could have cashed out and THEN changed to the new rules. I have to say that this does seem unfair . Not for me really, but HOW are some people like th OP supposed to cope NOW after the rule change. Honestly, this isn't good press for LL. Know this has probably nothing to do with you personally and thank you for your input, but -- NOT GOOD in general and that is fairly easy to see from the comment LOL. A more informed populous would have definitely been a better move.
  16. As Alwin said (but maybe not clearly enough :D) you need $13 in order to cash out. $10 is the minimum for Paypal (their rule) and Linden Lab takes out $3 now. So make some more money and then you can cash out.
  17. Thanks for mentioning this. I knew it was in the works but not that it was out.
  18. That was a really "hot" feature when it first became popular (like For-e-ver Ago) but now most to many of us are less than thrilled. If you store or club or whatever is mostly new folks then it might be impressive, but it not --- likely not LOL. Just sayin' *wink*.
  19. Well that might not be the best idea. I had a good friend that almost lost his account (many accounts) because he truly was trying to be helpful in this manner. I believe this is against the TOS and can "appear" to be money laundering even when it is not. So I would certainly CHECK CAREFULLY before trying. And to the OP, I think that there are European numbers that you can call. I do get the "volcano ready to blow aspect". I almost never lose my cool, but every few years it happens and you do NOT want to be around when it does LOL. .
  20. OK. I am not sure you explained your issue THIS clearly before -- or if you did, I missed it. While "I" could catch up with processing (and yes, I did have to wait to get my money out passed when I was planning -- for me too quarterly) and I always understood LL's plan on this -- but I DO SEE now that they have messed up with you. If your figures are correct then they should let you process maybe $3000 a month (using their logic) so that you could eventually get all your money back. True, it will take time but as it is you would never make any headway. Have you tried CALLING and talking to someone? That is what I had to do with the "Patriot Act" accountability thing a few years ago. My little town doesn't HAVE mail delivery to houses and so we are forced to have postal boxes (and pay for them) and those ARE our actual legal addresses. That did NOT work with the system they were using, even though I was perfectly willing to give my house address also. Finally I got someone "higher up" on the phone who saw the logic in my argument -- since my driver's license had BOTH my mailing and physical address. The folks at the bottom of the food chain in tech support type roles often just follow a book of rules and are not actually required to think --- this everywhere, not just the Lab :D.
  21. it says 10000 ten thousand American dollars. Yes it costed me 15$ too (before the end of March), that's why i was holding on to it and cashed out once in 3-4 months. Now i can't withdraw more than 2000 a month so it will cost me 10000 = 5 x 2000; which is 15$ x 5 = 75$. And they apparently don't need my 75$ either, - oh i do wanna pay it, please LL take it!! - but no they won't, because they just won't let me withdraw a penny until next month. and LL refuses to explain why. I just want some clarity. I just want some transparency. I want to know why it was good enough for 10 years to pay 1$ withdraw fee, and what made them change it now so that it is now 75$ (for me) instead. It seems pretty obvious (to me anyway) that they wanted to make more money on the handling of dollars OUT of the platform. Gotta pay for Sansar and that may have well been the impetus for the fee hike. And honestly I think a US dollar fee on 10,000 WAS a bit low - LOL, not that it would ever have anything to do with ME anyway .
  22. Have you tried going back into the tools and turning everything back to the default setting. Those are the "D" buttons. You might have camera position smoothing turned up which can be pretty disconcerting. Good luck.
  23. Yes It would be even cheaper to cash out once a month. I just count it all as a business expense, and with all the fees together including tier on my four sims, it seems to me a bargain, esp after buying down my sims tier. There is no deal as good anywhere that I know of. OK. I just wanted to make sure we were on the same "page" LOL .
  24. Sooooo -- I think much of the point was that for some folks (like you ^^) wouldn't it save money to just process once a month? That was why some of us were holding onto our money -- to save the fee LOL. Basically the rules changed and cost most all of us more money, but again we don't get to make the rules.
  25. That's good to know but I tried typing in lots of artists and songs and got nothing, so whatever is in the database isn't a very extensive list. It would be much better IMHO if it had both songs you could use and songs that will get flagged. For some folks, the upload time can be VERY long and then to find out they shouldn't have used the music LOL. So I am kinda doubting that folks can really use their favorite songs all that often. Of course mine might not be theirs. Onward.
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