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Is voice now expected as default for SL?

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15 minutes ago, Amberyl Ethaniel said:

Hmm, depends.I get where guys don't want to be deceived when it comes to ERP in SL but I haven't done that in years and haven't been tempted lately so..

Well, true, but my point was mostly that unless they're also going to insist on video chat and in-person meetups, voice proves very little.

Giggly men with higher-pitched voices exist. Women with deep voices exist. Gravely-voiced smokers exist. And everything in-between. 

That aside, it's just a silly requirement IMO, and tells me way more about the person asking, if anything. The fact that someone actually expects others to spend even minutes of their time with them to prove themselves? To a complete stranger? PFFFT!

Your mileage and patience may vary, of course! I just have none of the latter. 😂 I also spend quite a bit of time as a frog, so good luck figuring out what the heck I'm about behind the screen.

Some dude's gonna mess around and get a whole lot of RIBBIT RIBBIT in his dang ears. I've got Kermit on speed dial don't test me. 🤣

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38 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Well, true, but my point was mostly that unless they're also going to insist on video chat and in-person meetups, voice proves very little.

Giggly men with higher-pitched voices exist. Women with deep voices exist. Gravely-voiced smokers exist. And everything in-between. 

That aside, it's just a silly requirement IMO, and tells me way more about the person asking, if anything. The fact that someone actually expects others to spend even minutes of their time with them to prove themselves? To a complete stranger? PFFFT!

Your mileage and patience may vary, of course! I just have none of the latter. 😂 I also spend quite a bit of time as a frog, so good luck figuring out what the heck I'm about behind the screen.

Some dude's gonna mess around and get a whole lot of RIBBIT RIBBIT in his dang ears. I've got Kermit on speed dial don't test me. 🤣

True, and I suppose some could get a female to actually do the verification too, but..maybe it helps them feel better about the RP?But I totally agree with you.A frog? Super cute..must be a frog that turns into a princess, cause your av is SO pretty!!

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50 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Well, true, but my point was mostly that unless they're also going to insist on video chat and in-person meetups, voice proves very little.

Giggly men with higher-pitched voices exist. Women with deep voices exist. Gravely-voiced smokers exist. And everything in-between. 

Yeah, pretty much this.  ^^   Most people go to cam.  

But, to say that all those who do not voice for real valid reasons is because they are a guy in rl if they are a female avatar is absurd.  However, they think they have it all figured out when they are in fact talking to an in real life woman here; female rl/female sl.  So, they have nothing figured out...

And, to me, it's like saying I have life all figured out or I have love all figured out, and all I can say is welcome to the endless enigma because no that person doesn't have the endless enigma all figured out.

Plus, I think someone could begin threads like this so they are a topic of why I don't like pixel sex versus why I like pixel sex, which is frankly not anyone's business and too nosy.  Individuals have their own individual reasons.  Plus, it could be guys looking to find who might be interested in pixel sex on the forum which sounds really desperate.

The only time I've ever encountered thinking a male might be behind a female avatar is one that is a Classic avatar in ugly clothes with no shape other than torpedo-sized breasts.  And, to that I just smh.

Edited by EliseAnne85
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... There is no reason whatsoever to "Voice Verify" (or any sort of 'verification') where RP is concerned. None. Period. It is Second Life - for the purposes of RP, you're interacting with the character or avatar on screen almost exclusively.

It's the same BS as from the older Text Chat room days.

The excuses are all the same too.

As is the reality: Such 'verification' is the purview of the paranoid/insecure/etc.

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7 minutes ago, Amberyl Ethaniel said:

True, and I suppose some could get a female to actually do the verification too, but..maybe it helps them feel better about the RP?

That, too! They could always have someone else do it. As far as helping them feel better - well...I'm a big meanie for saying this probably but meh, I prefer men who are far more secure in themselves. And who don't push beyond friendship too fast, but that's a whole other thing.


12 minutes ago, Amberyl Ethaniel said:

A frog? Super cute..must be a frog that turns into a princess, cause your av is SO pretty!!

Awww, thank you so much! I change avatars a LOT, but yup, a froggy, and no, she doesn't transform, lol. Just me in all my froggy glory. WHO WANTS TO VOICE CHAT?! 😏😄🐸


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I don't see why especially in RP any voice chat would be required for anything. That is a personal option, and hardly needed in roleplay environments (story driven). Only time I have is during group meetings to ask feedback, discuss changes, improvements and ask for things people would like. They however respond in chat, and there s no need for them to use voice. Mandating it is simply a no. 

It's an option and never a mandate. 


If they are saying you need to have voice and music checked at all times, there is another reason behinds that that has nothing to do with verification. 



Edited by Kavarek
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1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

That, too! They could always have someone else do it. As far as helping them feel better - well...I'm a big meanie for saying this probably but meh, I prefer men who are far more secure in themselves. And who don't push beyond friendship too fast, but that's a whole other thing.


Awww, thank you so much! I change avatars a LOT, but yup, a froggy, and no, she doesn't transform, lol. Just me in all my froggy glory. WHO WANTS TO VOICE CHAT?! 😏😄🐸




Riiiib riiiiiibbbb ribbet!


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1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

That, too! They could always have someone else do it. As far as helping them feel better - well...I'm a big meanie for saying this probably but meh, I prefer men who are far more secure in themselves. And who don't push beyond friendship too fast, but that's a whole other thing.


Awww, thank you so much! I change avatars a LOT, but yup, a froggy, and no, she doesn't transform, lol. Just me in all my froggy glory. WHO WANTS TO VOICE CHAT?! 😏😄🐸


I don't get out much but have to say, that is one of the most unique avatars I have ever seen..and yes, I agree.Guys should take the time to know someone, but unfortunately, most just want the pixel bumping..

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On 2/25/2023 at 12:53 AM, HeathcliffMontague said:

Before you assume I'm anti voice, I'm not. I use it. As one of the available SL tools I might use.

It's just more and more folks seem to assume you have to have it on by default, and you have forgotten somehow if it's off. I never do. Voice is, to me, always off by default. It's just something I might turn on, like maybe for some MC rideouts and stuff like that. 

Part of SL freedom for me it not having to wear a headset, and taking a bit of time to reply (not too much, of course, be considerate). Not having to feel like you're in Zoom or Teams, or in a... well, game (yep, I said it. Just coming from a point where logging into SL should lower your pulse, not going into fight mode). Listening to a playlist or a podcast freely. Not worrying about what anybody else hears.

Yes, I know it's a very old topic, rehashed again and again, but it turns up more and more for me on a regular basis even in places where I sorta wouldn't expect it.

Or is it just a positive sign of more signups that we just have to live with?  :) 

Just about *every single tenant I have* turns voice OFF on their parcel. I then turn it back on when they leave on the chance that the next tenant might want it on. They never do. This has been the case for years.

I can think of one ticket in the past entire year where somebody asked why the voice wasn't working, it doesn't sometimes.

Therefore, I think most people want voice OFF and that actually adds to the immersion.


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I dunno,  I don't care if people want you to verify eventually if it's something they need to know and prefer ... especially for a more intimate relationship.  I just won't do it for a  jerk, because you can already tell they are a jerk by the way they demand it or  make sweeping statements about "everyone" who doesn't is hiding stuff. Uggh. That's manipulation to get their way and if they believe that they are idiotic.  I've heard both men and women who talk like this.

My sl boyfriend on here.. we chatted in text for awhile before I got on voice with him. I'm glad he can communicate in text also.. some just can't.  I'm pretty sure it was a week or more before we got on voice.  I'm pretty sure I was the one who suggested it.

I don't have any issue with people that want to present as another sex in second life or for those that want to be more immersed in their chosen form by not voicing. Or for people with a disability, mental condition or really just  a preference for the written word and quiet. There are just so many reasons people don't or can't and their reasons should be respected. 

I think the main thing is finding those you resonate with.  

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On 2/28/2023 at 8:13 PM, SorachaNicEoghain said:

Sometimes if I think that the person is stuck in multiple ims, I request voice because I get bored waiting for a reply but also feel rude just teleporting away 😄. My time is limited and valuable....to me. Lol If they don't want to voice i ask them why they teleported me if they didn't want to hang out? Usually this type of person is alt tabbed or in many different conversations. If I value the relationship, I'll say nothing and treat them with the same respect and catch up with all my friends who are online and also message my rl friends and log into discord for  the time I have before I have to get back to work. At least then my avi is physically present 😜

well , I use voice only when necessary,  or disscus ttopic that  need lot  typing.

Anyeay I am not a chatter person so  i dont really care if get reply veryy loong, often I forgot that I was chat with someone..until they reply me

Edited by Kalegthepsionicist
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On 2/28/2023 at 6:29 PM, Maitimo said:

Those people are by no means the majority of SL users, or even the majority of voice users.  Voice has its place for people who cannot read or type easily. I've lost count of the number of times people have suggested that I use voice, because I have only one hand to type with. But even with this disability, I would still rather type than use voice. For all of the reasons already stated in other posts above.


well I think its is depend of what we prefer, I dont really care about voice or no actually. no problrm to me

and I know there are some moron abuse with voice. or insist it.

Edited by Kalegthepsionicist
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I do not like to type; I always use voice when working on building projects; when I collab with people, I have a voice-only rule as I just do not have time to take part in people's roleplay on wh they pretend to be in SL if we making a build for an event or to sell on MP.

If I am just out in an RP sim or a place I have been invited to, I turn off voice unless people post to use it, respect people's SL RP, and am more than happy to play along. I have never seen it used very much in clubs or RP sims; on the rare occasion, if invited to a person's home, I noticed they have a voice on.

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

I wonder if some who prefer voice are terrible spellers and/or poor typists? 

   Well, since you said 'some', I feel confident in giving a fairly definitive answer without any data whatsoever to support my claims.


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I only voice with really really good friends... so two people. And only over discord because SL voice is annoying and of poor quality in comparison. Especially when people have their TV running in the background, screaming kids... loudly chewing. Push to talk is the way to go... anyway. I really hate going somewhere and then I hear people having private convos out in the open. Private calls are a thing use them. Most of the time I just keep voice deactivated in SL I don't want to hear them and I am not going to use it.

You don't owe anyone your voice or proof that you are male/female/etc. If that's important to them and they don't trust you that says more about them than you. Don't go around deceiving people and don't force people to verify something that isn't any of your business.

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30 minutes ago, Orwar said:

 Well, since you said 'some', I feel confident in giving a fairly definitive answer without any data whatsoever to support my claims.


I am reminded of all those videos where someone is making fun of weird texts..but they never really acknowledge that those were probably mostly "speecht-to-text".

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On 2/25/2023 at 7:53 AM, HeathcliffMontague said:

Before you assume I'm anti voice, I'm not. I use it. As one of the available SL tools I might use....

Depends on someones habits, for me yes voicing is necessary.

I usually won't type more than 3-6 lines of text  (unless with a customer) especially if i have to text in English which is not my language.

"Friends" who don't voice bore me and i delete them after a week, my only exception are 2 girls from the U.S who are actually deaf.

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At some voice hangouts there might be a certain expectation that voice be indeed used, though unless it’s required (a very different thing, and far as I know those rarely last, as it’s simply too restrictive), most people are simply going to do what they bloody prefer. Regulars at those places know it and accept it.

Casual visitors, however, can be another story. Some actually don’t have the wits to distinguish between ’voice enabled’ and ‘voice required’, and that lack of wits usually shows in other ways—namely, in their having little or no tolerance to texters, and a poorly hidden sense of entitlement: at best they’ll ignore anyone who doesn’t voice, and often they’ll all but berate them and act like they own not just the place but everyone else’s personal preferences. It’s usually variants of, “why come to a voice area if you’re not going to voice?”.

You can explain to them the mysterious difference between ‘optional’ and ’mandatory’, or the specific advantages of text conversations; and you can ask that if texters are perfectly willing to talk to them, why aren’t they willing to talk to texters? Rarely works, of course. Most of them are indeed one-time visitors, anyway, so they generally don’t mind proving they’re dicks, since they’re not coming back and instead will go to other places to demand that everyone else does and prefers what they do and prefer.

The only good side of it being, as I often say, that by proving they’re dicks they save you the effort of finding it out the long way; thus you can immediately tag them as such & proceed to ignore them 😊

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6 minutes ago, Ren Toxx said:

At some voice hangouts there might be a certain expectation that voice be indeed used

Guess we could always practice mumbling with a full-on static-producing microphone!

Or, "Pl..to..me..y.., I..a..mi..cu..i..and out".. ("Pleased to meet you, I'm mister 'cuts in-and out'..")


Edited by Love Zhaoying
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8 hours ago, TheDarkhand said:

I do not like to type; I always use voice when working on building projects; when I collab with people, I have a voice-only rule as I just do not have time to take part in people's roleplay on wh they pretend to be in SL if we making a build for an event or to sell on MP.

You are (probably unintentionally) discriminating against some of the best creators in SL simply because they are deaf or have hearing loss. 

Not a good look. You might want to rethink your policy.

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35 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

You are (probably unintentionally) discriminating against some of the best creators in SL simply because they are deaf or have hearing loss.

A valid point but the same could be said of people who refuse to use voice, no doubt there are some very talented creators out there that suffer from dyslexia or similar issues affecting their ability to read or write.

I honestly don't understand the aversion to any form of communication be it voice or text, each has its benefits and of course everyone has their preference (and for an unfortunate few there simply is no choice due to a disability of some kind or other) but based on the reactions of some people you meet to the mere suggestion of using voice instead of text you'd think they'd just been asked to sacrifice their first-born or perform lewd acts with barnyard animals.

That being said I do understand people resenting being asked to "voice verify" their gender since that's just creepy, intrusive and really weird but then since I don't bother with most of the "adult-themed activities" my response to that sort of request is usually just to laugh and inform them that no matter what my RL gender may be they aren't my type and I'm just not interested.

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9 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

I honestly don't understand the aversion to any form of communication be it voice or text, each has its benefits and of course everyone has their preference (and for an unfortunate few there simply is no choice due to a disability of some kind or other) but based on the reactions of some people you meet to the mere suggestion of using voice instead of text you'd think they'd just been asked to sacrifice their first-born or perform lewd acts with barnyard animals.

I certainly don't speak for anyone but myself on this, but for me personally, one-on-one voice chat is a lot like talking on the phone, which is something I used to spend 4, 6, 8+ houuuuurs a day doing (yep, I was that dork who would fall asleep with the phone to my ear as a teenager lol). And I'm verrrrrrry selective about who I give my number (or more accurately in this case, my Discord name, because SL voice doesn't exist to me) out to these days. Close friends have it, and they've always been good about asking if I'm up for what's bound to be an hours-long Discord call before going ahead and ringing mah dang "phone." 😄 But unless it's an emergency requiring venting with best friends and chocolate ice cream, I'd much rather keep my music on and just type.

I used the phone so much as a kid that I think I'm just super burned out on anything resembling it now. 😂

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I have been forced to disable voice chat on my land because many different agents would connect and loudly transmit vulgar, broadly offensive speech until one of us ejected and banned them.  I tried abuse reporting them and got no relief.  When I asked about this at a one of the "town hall" meeting of old, I was told that there is no recording of the content of voice chat so no governance action would be taken.  Block, eject, ban or turn of voice on the parcel settings.  Well, since it was a ceaseless flow of #@)*%#)*&!$  )(&#$)(&#@% you can bet I disabled voice chat in the parcel settings.

That's when the offenders, and possibly others, started flooding text chat with harassment for having "mic" turned off.

Edited by Ardy Lay
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