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Chery Amore

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Everything posted by Chery Amore

  1. Just got a notice for items at a shop .. all the skin fatpacks are free looks like Velour matches. I just went to grab to look through. Have to join a group but it's free. It said in the notice free until friday so.. 7/26 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jattarna Av Hem/213/128/622 There are also face tattoos
  2. @Anna Salyx You sound like a wonderful host. Or at least the type I think of as wonderful with nothing canned going on except maybe the initial group and midway commercials. You'd be one that I might tip, but it would still be a toss up or I'd split the amount I was willing to tip into much smaller tips and feel like a real cheapo at that point. At times I've chosen between the DJ and host. I kind of weigh out if it isn't seeming fair if that makes sense and try to even the scales just a bit. Most venue or club owners that I have known are also usually at least slightly in the red if not more. I haven't personally met anyone in years where they make money off their venue. It goes back to rent or other costs and that's why if I like a venue I'm more inclined to tip it some. Admittedly I usually don't go to small claustrophobic places though or just a box in the sky with no other areas attached. I understand those places have way less overhead. I personally like it when I meet DJ's and hosts that might not make much but do it for their enjoyment also. It usually shows in their performance or attitude.
  3. The current venue I hang out at doesn't have hosts and it's very refreshing. The owners make sure they send out announcements... I think it's somehow automated. They also attend most events that I've seen.. at least one or the other does. So I guess in sense they are acting as hosts. In the past I've very rarely tipped a host and if I do it's because I have extra linden first then on top of that it's because they are pleasant but not monopolizing of conversation. They know when to try to keep convo going and they don't spam chat at all or use gestures frequently. I will mute a host if they do spam chat frequently or irritating gestures. I'm not there to watch the host perform. People going to events absolutely knows everyone wants and appreciates tips.. it comes off as badgering to me and is unpleasant to be repeatedly spammed about it. It's wonderful to go to a venue where people that are attending actually chat. I know this isn't very possible in massive clubs but to me it makes going to a venue pleasant and an experience I want to repeat. It's a fun time that way. Personally I usually chose between tipping the venue or the DJ. I also know that the venue owner is happy just to get the traffic at times so I try not to feel bad if I have no linden to spare.
  4. I think groups are very useful for finding out about events if you find a club or place you like and want to find out when there might be more than zero people there. I hate to subscribe or get on some list where you have to contact someone to be taken off it. The messages out of no where irk me to no end. Groups are easy.. even if I don't want the day to day spam. I can turn all that off and just look in notices sent to look up what might interest me. I have a Premium account and I don't hit the group limit with it. I do very easily on a non- paid account. I do hide my groups when I think about it. I don't like to advertise for some stores. Sometimes if I think the product is very good I'll keep it shown on purpose. I can't say I have a favorite group. I don't feel any real connection to most they are tools for information mostly, or needed for land permissions and the like. I could go on a rant about paying to join groups but I'll try to keep it short. I feel like if it's a store they get to advertise to you.. the cost to join should be low if you get other benefits from them.. in good gifts, credits or discounts. If you get major benefits sure the cost can be a little more but I'm kind of over that. I've felt ripped off in the past by two stores with rather large join fees. So I'm very wary of ever doing that again. For a club though.. to pay to join seems like they are shooting themselves in the foot. Clubs need to get the word out and bring in people. I can get if it's a very hot, popular place or a very niche private place with owners that are involved...(usually sex related). Mostly I just see greed there otherwise. I do get however that most people probably don't tip the venue and sometimes it's just to maintain the business.
  5. Oh, ooh.. Invasion of the Boobie Snatchers : The Rise of The Petite or wait.. Invasion of the Booty Snatchers .. now playing at a sex sim near you!
  6. Legally Blonde Pack Legally Blonde Pack Upgrade Edition
  7. 20,000 Leagues Under the Blake Sea An American Werewolf in London City Rosemary's Zooby and why not Crashing Saddles
  8. I want to take my boat out more so will also send you an IM.
  9. Whatever they do should be about retention and bringing in new people and keeping them so.. They mentioned a new welcoming experience. I think that's a good idea. There is a group that you can join now when you first rez and maybe if they made or sanctioned an adult group that could help answer newbie questions and guide them a little, it could help with embarrassment of asking questions and give a sense of belonging maybe. It could also help mitigate any predatory practices that can befall newbies. Maybe initial friendships can be made in that group? About the new land mass.. I hope they don't let land barons get a hold of it. Dead in the water if they do. I know I couldn't afford anything on Zindra, well I could, but only if I'm willing to make stupid financial mistakes for myself. Big empty areas .. yeah sure the tier is paid but it doesn't make normie residents happy or keep them here. If it ends up being like Bellisseria where I can roll for a house, I'd definitely try it. Not sure how much new engagement it would bring but it could help with retention maybe? Bellisseria groups feel like some popularity contest to me though so I wouldn't stay for those if all new adult groups popped up with a new area. I think you have to catch people's interest before they are willing to make and keep a paid account. They have to be shown the possibilities. I know I had a paid account not to long after joining it.. but there was no community and nothing to keep me paying or really coming back so I gave it up pretty quickly. Then I'd pay rent now and then out there in the world before finally being showed how nice Bellisseria looks a few years back? People have to see the possibilities and I think often have to have a human connection show it to them. Funnily enough someone that has a lot of complaints about this place finally "sold" me on having a paid account .. going on three years now?
  10. Now I have a use for all those flashlights I pick up visiting the Halloween themed sims!
  11. I actually agree with this. I personally won't do anything but stick more memory in and dust it out. Then I need help for everything else. So you either have a friend that can talk you through it or you take your chances getting fleeced because you don't know any better. Lol.. good thing the friend I have that can talk me through stuff is knowledgeable but still *side-eyes Paul*.. People with techy skills should understand that we all don't have them. Darn elitists! It's kind of like having people skills, some do and some don't, and some can get by.
  12. Anyone that (can't) afford but pays for a region.... but has no other set aside money for hobbies or I suspect other basics has a much bigger problem than an outdated computer. If they left it was probably finally overwhelming and they shouldn't be paying for a region anyway. This update might have been a good thing in the long run for them... a wake up call.
  13. Tell us if the EEP and PBR introduction changed the way you play SL... and am I enjoying it? Yes and yes so far. It's not so much that it's changed the way I play, but things definitely look different and since the release is new to me I'm focusing on it. I can use default lighting now or shared environment and not the Optimal Prim and Skin or CaIWL that I use too have to use for things to look good... those windlight setting are now way, way to bright for me. I was laughing over being able to actually use the default setting earlier... something that makes sense. I like the idea that I can enjoy the changing times in second life now also... with proper lighting installed it seems more realistic. I'm not tech savvy but I'm just liking this better. Admittedly, I'm glad I have a good friend that can help out and help me tweak stuff and answer my questions or I might have been upset with the changes I had to make initially. I just had a PBR mirror redelivered .. and it's pretty awesome to see yourself (even if a little grainy) in the mirrors. I know this is a time that will be kind of like when mesh was introduced. It will take awhile for products and people to catch up. Change happens.. you either go with it or get left behind.
  14. Well I made an account... really surprised that I didn't even need to give an email. A code was sent in chat to log in initially. Not sure when I'll actually use it but really liking that it's tied directly to second life and I don't need to mess with other social media.
  15. I just found out about this inworld so came to check if there was a thread here.. Of course there was! I'm interested in this... I don't do social media in real life... and if I did I wouldn't want my real associated with SL anyway. Yeah sis .. wanna see Chery topless again?? Nope.. I don't think so. I have been bummed so many times not to be able to be part of the store give-aways and contests though so I think I'll give it a go. I'm mostly just concerned about security risks, so I came here to see what others think. I might give it a month or so to address any glaring problems though.
  16. Personally I think if someone hasn't logged in in 2 or 3 years their objects could be returned and the land smoothed to match the surroundings. Perhaps greenery could be added (in theme) as some sort of beautification/ buffering process. The land would still be there if they came back and the items would have been returned to their inventory. I don't know about moving parcels in these cases. They involve some prime real estate sometimes. If the land is owned it could remain owned.
  17. Just derender the eyesores. That's all it takes. All neighbors should. Anyone passing by should. Anyone thinking of buying a parcel anywhere near it ... just should. Anyone considering buying on mainland... yeah it'll never get better! Learn that lesson quick! That poor guy that put out his sandbox with multicolor boxes at varying heights. Doesn't matter that he's been gone for 5 or 10 years. He could have died while erecting those! Maybe the very next day after starting that build! It should be a memorial... forever!
  18. Mainland can be an eyesore, and it's evident just driving or boating around. I agree it's way past time to clean it up. Gargantuan teal green, full-bright... Sculpted and prim builds and sandboxes that people just left behind... bleh. I'd love for the Lindens, or even neighbors in the region to be able question builds that have been seemingly abandoned for years. I don't know about a "decay" timer... but some way to decide makes sense to me. For old accounts that somehow got the free for life land. Maybe the land stays and it's just smoothed. If they come back... which I doubt would happen they could rebuild the monstrosities and take another 5 to 20 years off.
  19. Uuggh. I don't like timed demos at all. Sometimes I'll open the first package cause they are always in multiple packages, right? Then I make copies of the timed demo folders. Then put on the huds and let them start running their scripts, then the outfit. THEN you hope it all rezzes in time to check the hud colors and options.... no, I don't want to teleport back home just to try stuff on! Sometimes it deletes and you have start again... you know with the copies you made so you don't have to open the initial packages again. I did this last weekend when trying something on. Didn't buy it cause I wasn't sure and didn't want to go through it all again to get a second opinion. Give me a demo with a big floating thingy over my head! Let me see the product fully .. including all the textures and color options in a hud without demo written all over it. Tell me what options come when you buy single colors or the fatpack. This I appreciate.
  20. No I did the offset on purpose to show the darkness better and mentioned it in the third sentence there. I just wanted it to be evident what I don't want to see when my eyes are in natural position and look down or around without the offset. Still looking for eyes without that darkness at the top ;).
  21. Fun Fact. Did you know most of us born long ago in this great land still have bit's of shoe or hair embedded in our derriere? Scrape though you might it's still there!
  22. So I use Lelutka and normally use appliers for my eyes. I'm not sure if all makers do this but there is always a dark area at the top of the eyes that I don't want. I've got myself looking down here so it's more evident. I've got on "Mellow Eyes" which is a group gift freebie from Avi-Glam. I really like the color and pupil size. I recently got some robot eyes that were BOM and noticed they were clear without the shading so I'm hoping for suggestions. Appliers or BOM is fine as long as there is no dark shading at the top. I also don't like veiny.. red eye looks. So again recommendations for eyes with normal to large pupils and a clearer sclera?
  23. To me it's just a bit of fun. It's interesting when the program gives an answer that makes you go hmm. Kind of like the answers you get when you shake a magic eight ball. And weirdly kind of like consulting a horoscope. Do I believe it? Nope but it still can be fun. A way to pass the time. Makes my lip turn up at one corner just hearing it. If it's done well it might give you a surprisingly good convo for a short while. I gotta admit I've always been easily amused. So much going on about real human connection. It's pretty dead out there in sl from what I see. Oh, I know! What if it can be a conversation starter? Two or more actual real life humans wearing our .. umm.. avatars. People that end up on the same sim and create a connection simply by having an icebreaker? One is saying, "You f***in dolt I can't believe you think this is funny!! One is saying pfft they are more fun to be around than you are! Or... maybe they both like it? Aww sweet, sweet connections!
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