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2 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Does one get a prize or something?  Cash?  Gifts?  Anything?


I'm in if it does!

I don't even hardly pay attention to post counts. If someone has a high post count I just assume that they've been here a long time or they like forums. Shrugs. 

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11 hours ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

Yeah I don't know when it changed *but* I found the workaround...

Make the subfolder elsewhere and then paste it into Outfits. Don't know why they did that but that does work :)

From what I see that only works if dragging the New Folder to one that does not have the coathanger icon on it. That is the same in either the SL or Firestorm viewer.

Edit to add that the inability to create a sub folder is only relevant for the two main viewers. The ability still exists in the other TPV's.

Edited by Arielle Popstar
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11 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


Isn't this really stupid? I thought LL didn't want "flat" folders? And isn't it a LOT more difficult to organize outfits without folders that group them by theme or type? WHY would they remove this ability? (And why do my subfolders still exist if they did?)

Heh, wasn't it last year when, after checking with an opinion poll of themselves and 4 other Lindens by the coffee machine, Fubar Linden decided that 100 % of SecondLifers find LM's by using the inventory panel to check their tiny under 5k inventory count, and thus that we no longer needed to use the places floater, and that hence forth all saved landmarks automatically go into 'favourites".

There was even a thread about it where we were told it was good for us, and that we all wanted it.

It's like the first attempt at a mobile viewer, the one they canceled, 75-80% of people use Android phones, but... 60% of Lindens by the coffee machine had Apple, so they announced that 60% of US, use Apple phones and that would be the first mobile viewer...


Why do they fubar the SL experience again and again?




Peeve: "Staff Only BY the Office Coffee Machine" opinion polls to determine "What Second Lifers want next".

Edited by Zalificent Corvinus
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44 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Why do they fubar the SL experience again and again?




Peeve: "Staff Only BY the Office Coffee Machine" opinion polls to determine "What Second Lifers want next".

And the worst of it is that not being able to handle the competition, they insist firestorm do the same.

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3 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

From what I see that only works if dragging the New Folder to one that does not have the coathanger icon on it. That is the same in either the SL or Firestorm viewer.

Edit to add that the inability to create a sub folder is only relevant for the two main viewers. The ability still exists in the other TPV's.

I can't create a subfolder in Firestorm, pasting a folder in did work however.

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15 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Тісто не повинно знати, тільки ви (загальний) місите, щоб знати. 😉

Мій «внутрішній годинник» працює так само добре, як таймер. Комусь потрібен таймер, комусь ні. Більшість домогосподарок вчаться виконувати роботу по дому, поки щось готують/випікають. Більшість кухарів-кондитерів не мають часу мити посуд, їм доводиться працювати, поки інші прибирають. Обидва (домогосподарки та кухарі) розвивають ці «внутрішні таймери» по-різному.

До речі, моя прабабуся знала про розтягування глютену, і вона ніколи не ходила в школу кулінарії чи випічки. 

Все, що я кажу, вам не потрібно йти до школи кухарів, щоб навчитися тому, чого там викладають. Вивчити їх можна вдома. WWW не існувало, коли я дізнався, і ми не мали зручності YouTube. Це все було «із вуст в уста» та за рецептами, що передавалися. Нам доводилося говорити з людьми віч-на-віч. Дивно, як багато можна навчитися таким чином.

maybe it works that way, but in my family, my father cooked better than my mother, while I cooked something simple and for the children. my son went to learn the art of cooking - he is a good cook and pizzaiola. After his training, I wanted to learn how to bake good pizza, elegant and tasty bread, and I tried it. I like it - the dough calms me down. and I bake bread almost without kneading - by folding) fold - stretch - twist - it turns out very well. I miss my son, who is in another country - and his "special" pizza for mom))

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8 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

Прийміть це спокійно. Згадайте всі випадки, коли вас не спіймали за щось інше.

it's the most annoying) when YOU can't do what EVERYONE ELSE is doing - but OTHERS are sure that you are doing it. sounds like a pun or a blind man's walk in the dark. The only thing that annoys me is that I can't use or use the functions in the game because of a ban, a ban, personal bad relations or just because my damn operator wants more money for the Internet without providing speed (damn - it seems that everything annoys me - and i'm crazy

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8 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:



Нескінченні ненависники

Побачення з Патчем


sometimes I see a message that someone is looking at me (or at my profile), I have everyone disabled - so I don't know - who. and I think - what a mess - I wrote something wrong again on the forum - or I mistranslated what I meant - hehheheh... probably my fans

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8 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Does one get a prize or something?  Cash?  Gifts?  Anything?


Free unlimited (but most of the time once in a lifetime) entrance to all lion enclosures in every zoo in America, when one hits the 60K mark.

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2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

And the worst of it is that not being able to handle the competition, they insist firestorm do the same.

Firestorm isn't competition. It's the LL viewer with some modifications, that's all. LL likes and supports TPVs because they sometimes come up with good modifications that LL can put into the official viewer, but it's still the LL viewer with some mods. It's not competition :)

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4 minutes ago, Enola2017 said:

sometimes I see a message that someone is looking at me (or at my profile), I have everyone disabled - so I don't know - who. and I think - what a mess - I wrote something wrong again on the forum - or I mistranslated what I meant - hehheheh... probably my fans

Of course, it could be, but in case you want to think less about it - it could also just be that there are more people like me who read the forum on their phone, are a bit clumsy, forgot their glasses,... and accidentally land on someone's profile, while they actually just wanted to click the latest comment in some thread from the thread list... I know it happened to me several times... 😊

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1 minute ago, Phil Deakins said:

Firestorm isn't competition. It's the LL viewer with some modifications, that's all. LL likes and supports TPVs because they sometimes come up with good modifications that LL can put into the official viewer, but it's still the LL viewer with some mods. It's not competition :)

Tell that to the 60-70% of Secondlifers who DON'T use the official Fail-Viewer according to numbers LL occasionally give out at TPV Dev meetings.

Know why Firestorm  often releases new "LL Features" anywhere from a week to several months AFTER LL do?

It's because they spend that time looking at LL's new merge code and trying to fix all the damn LL mistakes.

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2 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

Firestorm isn't competition. It's the LL viewer with some modifications, that's all. LL likes and supports TPVs because they sometimes come up with good modifications that LL can put into the official viewer, but it's still the LL viewer with some mods. It's not competition :)

But.. but... but... the 🥧 menu....

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2 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

It's because they spend that time looking at LL's new merge code and trying to fix all the damn LL mistakes.

They are not even allowed to change one bit from the viewers core code.
They are allowed to handle the cosmetics and add gimmicks. But the central viewer engine? No way, José.
Big chunks ain't open source.

The main reasons for the delay are, that the FS crew does this as a hobby not as a profession, so that takes time in the spare evenings and weekends.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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11 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Tell that to the 60-70% of Secondlifers who DON'T use the official Fail-Viewer according to numbers LL occasionally give out at TPV Dev meetings.

User numbers only imply competition if more than one is actually competing. LL isn't. LL already has almost 100% viewer user numbers inasmuch as TPVs are LL's viewer with some mods, that's all. LL writes it, and TPVs mod it a bit. TPVs don't write their own - I think that there's one that's written externally but almost all TPV users are using the LL viewer with mods. That's it :)

11 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Know why Firestorm  often releases new "LL Features" anywhere from a week to several months AFTER LL do?

Yes I know why. It's because it takes significant time for TPVs to incorporate the changes that are in the official viewer, making sure that their mods still work. It's not an overnight task ;) 

Edited by Phil Deakins
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21 minutes ago, Enola2017 said:

sometimes I see a message that someone is looking at me (or at my profile), I have everyone disabled - so I don't know - who. and I think - what a mess - I wrote something wrong again on the forum - or I mistranslated what I meant - hehheheh... probably my fans

People can sometimes accidentally click on profile pictures because hovering over them with the mouse makes them bigger and clicking by mistake is quite easy.  I've done it myself.  So they might just be getting a better look at your profile picture.  I would take that as a compliment that your picture is interesting. 

I notice that you don't have many posts here yet and people are also naturally curious.   That could account for other clicks.

I wouldn't assume that you have done anything wrong in your postings.  People can be a bit fractious here at times, myself included and especially with non-native English speakers it's more easy to misread intent, etc.  I wouldn't put much store by that.

I see nothing wrong with your postings and you should post your thoughts and opinions just like everyone else.  You will get reactions, some good, some bad.  Again, don't worry about that, it doesn't mean you have done anything wrong.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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