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Everything posted by Enola2017
they gave me a password for the account so i can make a better avatar (not my own) also i made an avatar and account and transferred them to another one (she was in the game a few times when i already set everything up) i don't have a good comp' computer, and there is no powerful Internet - for simultaneous play. (they were joking about the guy) - but it turned out that this account was (remained) on the phone, during the evacuation I entered the game - checked the login from the phone - wrote in the chat - said hello and somewhere I pressed VOTE - from where I exited the game, and that was it . I can't delete it anymore - I don't have the password, email, or phone number it was registered with. and there is no sense. Here one of the admins wrote - "thank you for not being caught for something else" (it's not about me, it's just a quote)) In fact, my jokes also coincided (about alts and showing that account as one's alt, and for the sake of the fisherman to create payment information ?For "ALC" (everything played a bad joke on me too)) unpleasant. very. The 2017 account cannot be the ALT of the 2020 account. BTW, I also deleted my first Noob account because of all these issues. Ban goes from voodoo - when the owners turned to their land - I am in the ban in a circle. constantly! I'm Enola and I'm just fishing. I don't play in casinos, I don't steal eggs from chickens, I'm not a fraud. that is, ALT is possible - the main thing is not to get caught)) and not to help others with your requests. I can't change it - but vote, VOTE for vuda - it's disgusting. they keep the letters - inform others - if the program banned me in one place - they banned me everywhere)) even though I left fishing alone - in other places with hunting or gathering or other activities, you are also a thief and a beggar. people play 3-4 ALTs or do them every day - and still the admins of VOODU should understand that there should be a reboot and a change.
Kh-hh, I cleared my throat a little... I humbly want to ask, I timidly lowered my eyes to the floor... I heard that there shouldn't be ALT in the game. I did not find about it anywhere. why - alts do not have such a soul? vampires don't divide like plants? when someone starts playing - he accepts some rules - in which he swears he has no alternatives - to increase his power or authority? or what? explain - you can also emotionally - just don't throw links to bloody sites - I've already read there.
Hello everyone) roleplaying games with slaves, alts capabilities (they should have forehead marks like in the demo), and voodoo (as strange as it is - because it's impossible to get help and feedback) and everything. nothing annoys me anymore. Voodoo - VOTE - must be banned - it's vile when you want to thank the owner of the land, and you are suddenly banned for someone's leftist accounts, which you accessed at the request of others. paying money for the Internet, setting up a computer, spending time and receiving shame and discrimination for it is vile, this is just my personal opinion. 😻
what could it be??? problems after collisions or teleports
Enola2017 replied to Enola2017's topic in Your Avatar
I will continue a bit)) I constantly - or often - saw sharp branches near me, some branches - wings and claws. The wings were yellow-blue or yellow, sometimes the branches - needles were black. bad mesh? but this NEVER happened before - and my Internet was even worse) I think - I was played with) someone made something similar to Garuda. I banned these "Branches". I don't like games in which I am a doll. I am a person - a character - I play - as long as I like it. https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Garuda_(Final_Fantasy_XVI) -
superpeeve Oh my Gawd! - Totally unOfficial Pet Peeve Thread.
Enola2017 replied to Sassy Kenin's topic in General Discussion Forum
I support) I like simple and clear (so not Linux). My bedroom is my living room, my study, my computer room (sometimes dining room) and my dressing room. One computer, a keyboard, several flash drives, two speakers (without a subwoofer, I don't like loud sounds either, so it's not rock or metal). good mood. the keyboard should glow in the dark (because I'm on the computer when everyone is asleep), so I laugh, trying not to be too loud (but when it's really funny, I slide under the table and laugh in convulsions there. It sounds scary. )) I dream of a game computer - but the old one will also go) The whole house further on (a few more rooms) then everything is for public use) I work there - but I live here- 26,667 replies
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1. Перш ніж додати в друзі, ви можете переглянути профіль оферента. 2. Навряд чи у вас вийде творити в порожнистому скайбоксі - краще підійде пісочниця або орендована земля. 3. Розрахувати PRIM - завжди, коли щось ставите. 4. Іноді в клубі багато людей, але ніхто не спілкується (може власники самі себе клонують?) це жарт - і альтів багато)) 5. За вами постійно полюють - будь-де і будь-коли ( з різними цілями) інколи весело (сміявся про "поцілунок смерті") 6. Затримка може бути чисто вашою або глобальною - ви падаєте і починаєте знову - іноді це технічна робота або збій. Іноді потрібно переосмислити свою складність, виключити все, крім друзів або їх. У деяких глядачів є функція «прискорити графіку», щоб вимкнути ВСІ аватари. Мені це допомагає. 7. Для фотографій ми включаємо вищу графіку) 8. Натовп людей створює для вас тягар. 9. «Все в SL вимагає HUD» - запам'ятайте це) - якщо ви не впевнені - відхиліть запропоновані запити, картинки, текстури або нотатки. Або заблокувати. 10. Подивіться уважно не тільки на рейтинг зрілості - я також дивлюся на значки в рядку заголовка - дозволи - там може бути написано "тут ви можете постраждати". 11. Я люблю читати про... що мене хвилює або що мені зараз потрібно - є форуми, 12. після Майнкрафт я прийшов сюди, донька пішла на 2 дні на SL, а син на Dota. кожному своє)
superpeeve Oh my Gawd! - Totally unOfficial Pet Peeve Thread.
Enola2017 replied to Sassy Kenin's topic in General Discussion Forum
then why does everyone remark - Oh, just don't hurt anyone! there is a soul! Broken hearts! love! So, did YOU play?? Played with feeling?? Yay-yay-yay... By the way, I sometimes post my RL photos - I don't see anything like that. That's probably why I, finally, ONLY catch fish))) Smile. Sometimes, reading questionnaires, questions arise - and I ask them. They either answer me and we virtually shake hands with each other - or we argue - because it is not my job to look for profiles of people who do not want to communicate - but rather just bots or alts)) Hands are busy with another avatar - reply to alts))) (said which now she is silent in the local chat - because she does not see anything on the monitor, which is 2 meters away from her) In short - ignore, blacklist - then I let them go. - they don't write anymore. so is it a social platform, a game or a place where your dreams come true? (game - which you close and go to RL)- 26,667 replies
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I edited as I could - but he stubbornly writes instead of C's - conservatives!!! Well, okay - so be it - in general, if some people used them, all other people would live now in peace and happiness. for some reason it inspired this series. in fact, I am very cute, white and fluffy))) and I love good jokes))
Smith touched one red mars Often
Oh hell yes! -- Pet Delights!
Enola2017 replied to Coffee Pancake's topic in General Discussion Forum
Насолода - коли я можу сховатись від людей. Коли мене не помічають навіть у натовпі. Це не відволікає мене від того, чим я займаюсь. Насолода - чути співи птахів, бачити як росте рослина, як розквітає квітка, насолода - чути запах озона після дощю та запах скошеної трави...насолода бачити рано вранці росу на листях, бачити хмари і вгадувати на що вони схожі. Насолода відчувати кожен прожитий день. Закинути вночі голову і дивитись на зірки поки не закрутиться голова. знати що ти живеш. -
випадковість Дружина посилає чоловіка в аптеку купувати презервативи і каже: — До речі, купи мені одразу дві піпетки. Чоловік повертається вражених: - Більше в аптеку не піду!!! - Чому? – дивується дружина. – прошу у продавщиці два презервативи. Вона каже: «Презервативи закінчилися». Я кажу: «Тоді дайте мені дві піпетки». Якби ви чули, як вона голосно сміється!!! оптимальний аптека - коротка черга - чоловік каже: дайте 50 презервативів і пачку заспокійливих. стара в черзі: Синку, не хвилюйся, все буде добре! без слів Чоловіки дуже стійкої зовнішності став щотижня з'являтися в місцевій аптеці і купувати 20 упаковок condoms. Тиждень за тижнем він приходив і зробив те саме замовлення. Одного разу аптекар не витримав і запитав: - Ой, у вас, мабуть, здоров'я бика! Я не можу зрозуміти, як можна витратити 20 пачок гандонів за тиждень? !! - Ви неправильно використовуєте. Взагалі я вважаю секс мерзенним, огідним заняттям. - Але навіщо тоді ти береш стільки консерваторів??? - Я годую ними свого пуделя, а тепер він poops прямо в целофанові пакети.
What are you watching today?
Enola2017 replied to Garnet Psaltery's topic in General Discussion Forum
this topic doesn't apply to SL either)) LOL. I personally watch nothing but funny news. I guess it's impossible to leave a link - that's why I won't. I'm waiting for the final season of Outlander to come out -
What are your hopes and fears for Second Life Mobile?
Enola2017 replied to Arwyn Quandry's topic in General Discussion Forum
I already answered something similar. For me the mobile version would be great if I can fish, collect or hunt. Unfortunately, Lumia is not supported - it was difficult to do fast TP in it - the world took a long time to load, but you could disable avatars - which is a plus, since the less lag in the games I mentioned - the better. If you didn't load the world (as beauty for high graphics), it would be better - we would save our traffic. many people move around the world for various reasons - business trip, treatment, or like me - evacuation - it's hard to find a computer there - a mobile phone is a good solution. Currently, only chat is available, but I would like other important things. and also - after all, review the statements about APPL and Android! Android is used much more in the world. thank you -
superpeeve Oh my Gawd! - Totally unOfficial Pet Peeve Thread.
Enola2017 replied to Sassy Kenin's topic in General Discussion Forum
Sorry, I was just passing by and decided to read the news... I will say from experience - there are certain places in the fishing area - where they directly write that THERE IS THREESEX with porn photos, and (not critical, but I don't like it) another place with nudists - where you have to completely undress (without sex), that is, the rules are announced - or derived statements - you are fishing - if ... well, I tried in clothes not like a nudist - I was kicked out, and I didn't even go there with triple sex - although there are places with fishing is important to me. I like that vamps need a HUD to bite so I'm not afraid to fish their locations anymore. I will not go fishing in RP - they ask - I answer - they block - they throw it away. I have principles and I don't like when everything is already decided for me.- 26,667 replies
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superpeeve Oh my Gawd! - Totally unOfficial Pet Peeve Thread.
Enola2017 replied to Sassy Kenin's topic in General Discussion Forum
and also put cups of tea and cookies already!- 26,667 replies
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superpeeve Oh my Gawd! - Totally unOfficial Pet Peeve Thread.
Enola2017 replied to Sassy Kenin's topic in General Discussion Forum
For 6 years in the Clothes folder, I have some 5 unnecessary items lying around (although later I remembered that I put it there 6 years ago - a full avatar that I won for free, a tiara - because it is very beautiful, a free tattoo, the first gift from a boyfriend for me, not because that I am a fetishist (only I remember) (these were boots for a mesh body - when I had no body but a noob))), and pose - Say you love me. Why my clothes do not fall into the Clothes folder - I still do not understand. my costumes - they change as time passes - a few remain as a memory)) I invented for myself something like a BLACK rock, biker costume; Dress WOW! wow club mark what kind of hair or head (important) and necessarily the year - or some event in life)) wedding with ___, wedding with ------, life after ----- I haven't figured out how else I can control something in my inventory) I like to always leave folders with accepted objects at the bottom - I will find them sooner. Fun trash in a pile of clothes, houses, palm trees and animals)- 26,667 replies
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superpeeve Oh my Gawd! - Totally unOfficial Pet Peeve Thread.
Enola2017 replied to Sassy Kenin's topic in General Discussion Forum
I don't see exactly what that person's nickname is doing on me - (and when everyone is turned off - I see only messages - now everyone can see you) that is, like this)) great comments and I'm in a good mood! best in many days - thank you!! embrace)- 26,667 replies
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superpeeve Oh my Gawd! - Totally unOfficial Pet Peeve Thread.
Enola2017 replied to Sassy Kenin's topic in General Discussion Forum
коли всі включені - я бачу повідомлення - "нік" дивитися на мене, або він дивиться на аватарку, або він відкрив профіль) ну... якщо ти не поставив галочку в тому меню - не показувати, куди ти дивишся, щоб не показувати іншим, щоб бачити, де Інші дивляться і так далі. останнім часом мої жарти вкриті великими шарами непорозумінь і припущень))) LOL - я пишу про те, що думаю. У мене дивні думки.- 26,667 replies
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