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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

You quoted me and said it was posted for questions and not discussions.  

"As linked from the blog post, please feel free to discuss and ask questions that you may have within this thread.

Thank you!"



Most of what was removed had nothing whatsoever to do with discussion. If your post was meant to be a discussion point then it was removed in error.

Frankly, I'll admit that may have been an error on my part.

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4 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

If someone were to ask me which head I think is best.. I can't with all honesty and good conscience say Genus. I'd be lying to them.

I will agree totally with this. There is no question that the LeLutka Evos are better heads in all sorts of ways. What I hope will happen is that future updates and issues from Genus will bring their heads up to par.

But . . . we'll see. In the meantime, I am staying put anyway.

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10 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I will agree totally with this. There is no question that the LeLutka Evos are better heads in all sorts of ways. What I hope will happen is that future updates and issues from Genus will bring their heads up to par.

But . . . we'll see. In the meantime, I am staying put anyway.

Fingers crossed with with both hands.. I wwant them to come back soo bad.. To me they were a trend setter that opened up a variety of looks that impacted the other creators to where they better start getting where there is more variety in their products too..:)

I mean when you can tell a mile away what brand of head someone was wearing, but not which head of that brand.. Ya.. Just walk through LAQ heads and tell me how many differences there were in those and where they are now? hehehe

Since Genus came out, things changed for the better and look at the amazing looks we can make now compared to before they came along.

Imagine a Genus head  with an Evo x type of plan or maybe even something next level..

I'm one of their biggest fans.. I've deleted just about all my other brands because I know I'll never use them anymore..

My catwas, my LOGOS and LAQ's and some others that I can't remember there names.. I'm down to like three brands that I'm keeping.. My Genus heads are one o them. I have on my other two alts that have Genus heads and all the heads and versions of those heads on this avatar and more content for them than I can shake a stick at.. They aren't leaving my folders any time soon.. hehehe

I'm holding out for them and hoping hard..

There really is no reason to change if you or anyone else are happy.. I'm not trying to push people that are already Genus towards Lelutka.. 

I'm looking at new users or new people moving to mesh.. Which will give them less problems and frustrate them the least at the moment. I always have retention in the back of my mind when talking to anyone  new..

When I made that alt to check out the  start up point and said to myself, I'm not gonna spend a dime.. A lot of things hit me and a really big thing was, I take the amount of money i spend in here for granted..  Just a few lindens are a lot coming in looking at things from that perspective.. As much as I would like to push them one way, I try to push the the best way for them at the time..

Genus are still good heads and great looking heads with a lot of content, more than enough to keep someone busy for a long time. But i see the troubleshooting and that's really the big thing that moves me to advies them to something else..  Someone that knows the heads already has those moves second nature.. hehehe

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1 hour ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

Peeve 203: Creators that ban you from their shop/region for speaking out on these boards or in a group in world.

Peeve 203a: RL stores that allow entry only via their phone app. A small boutique in our town did that --- although I have no interest of going in. Just saw a sign and scanner thing at the entrance.

Eeek. Do you think this is to keep out homeless people, shoplifters and others who would be unlikely to buy stuff?

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16 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Eeek. Do you think this is to keep out homeless people, shoplifters and others who would be unlikely to buy stuff?

13 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Or is it to harvest their data?

I was wondering if it was Covid contact tracing? But it doesn't seem many places care about that anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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2 hours ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

Peeve 203: Creators that ban you from their shop/region for speaking out on these boards or in a group in world.

Me too Peeve, but kinda not.. hehehe

That happened to me with a well known collar maker.. They showed up one time and only one time, on a thread and thought they were going to get all ecco superhero on me and nail me to a cross.. I probably do more for the environment in one day on a real world level than someone  just sitting in a chair going around nailing people to crosses on the intranets.

But from looking at their history, I knew it was coming one day.. it was always in the back of my mind.. When's she gonna strike.. hehehehe

A ban here with a block there.. It's all good.. There is more than one way to skin a cat in this world with all the amounts of options we have to everything.. I'm not losing money getting banned anywhere.. one door closes another door opens.:)


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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8 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I HATE changing my look!  How I ended up switching from Catwa to Lelutka was a long process.  I had the head demo for months, trying different skins as they became available at events and such.  Only when my favorite skin store made a skin that I fell in love with did I actually go and purchase the head.  I think I had the demo about 6 months before switching over.

Pick up a few demo head.  Keep them all in a folder.  There are a couple that would probably be close to your look with some editing.  

It took me literally years to embrace mesh heads when they came out cos I actually loved my system one, and then a very long time to switch to a bento one. 

I just looked it up - thanks Flickr - and I've had my current Catwa head since March 2017 and am clinging on to it for dear life!  

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4 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

The thread was opened for questions - not critique.

Someone may have already noted this - I'm catching up and a few pages behind.

If it is the thread I am thinking of, the statement was:


 please feel free to discuss and ask questions that you may have within this thread

So, not just questions.


If your comment - and Rowan's -- was about a different thread, ignore my comments.

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1 minute ago, Quistess Alpha said:

sliding scale of peevery: people not being online when I respond to their IM shortly after they send it. Fair enough when I don't get the message until an hour later, but sometimes it's only 15 minutes later and they've gone and logged. . .

Peeve ... and they were never heard from ever again.

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13 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

Ahhhh... kerfuffle source ascertained. I can go to sleep now.

I love a good kerfuffle, warm from the oven. Usually chocolate, served with ice cream. 

ETA: Also enjoy a good canoodle, with a savory cream sauce! Probably with a kerfuffle for dessert.     

Both are bad for pet peeves, though, best to stick with Pet Peeve Kibble.

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Because it's frankly got a little dull here of late?

It is my pet theory of the moment, that the dullness and that we're all "behaving" to the point of dullness, is why some posts get pulled (possibly as stated by others here, without rhyme or reason) because... what else do the mods have to do?

See? I'm always thinkin'! 


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2 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

It is my pet theory of the moment, that the dullness and that we're all "behaving" to the point of dullness, is why some posts get pulled (possibly as stated by others here, without rhyme or reason) because... what else do the mods have to do?

See? I'm always thinkin'! 


I'm not concerned. Taylor knows how to liven a place up.

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5 minutes ago, TimKoul said:

Peeve: expecting others to read through 9+ pages before asking a question. 

I 100% agree! But sometimes, reading even the very first post on the first page (sometimes called the "op" or "OP", "original post") can be very helpful. Other times, it is no help at all! These whacky posts!


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