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6 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Almost all regulars do their fair share here.

   I've been much too disinterested in the on-goings here lately to keep up with my part, but I try my best!

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1 hour ago, Sid Nagy said:

That is easy to do:
A simple announcement from the Lab would be sufficient:
"As from this post the forums are closed the archive will be around for 30 days, so everyone can save their own baloney if they want to."
And then they simply disable the log-in possibility. So the forums become read only.
No need to chase us out first.

Yeah, I don't think that LL needs to get all fancy if they want to shut down the forums. They can easily manufacture a justification, and just shut it down. It's not like they've ever engaged on "consultations" before making changes here in the past.

Maddy has, over the years, often asked me rhetorically, "Why does LL even bother keeping the forums?", her point being that the expense can't be justified by the utility, especially as what goes on here must sometimes seem almost a liability to recruitment and retention.

I have a couple of pet theories about that. The most obvious one is that people do come here for information and assistance, and sometimes we even provide that. Given that LL has virtually no mechanisms, outside of a static knowledge base, to answer queries about the platform, I don't think our role here is insignificant: they are essentially outsourcing a "help desk" to unpaid residents.

More subtly, and maybe even more importantly, though, I think that the forums provide a window on the "culture" and "temperature" of inworld residents. Yes, we are not terribly "typical" here, but we are far more diverse in our composition than any one community in SL. Lindens don't, on the whole, spend a lot of time in-world, but even if they did, they couldn't possibly have as much access to the variety of perspectives and cultures that are on display here. And, although we like to say that Lindens don't read the forums, there is some evidence, actually, that they sometimes do. What they don't generally do is engage here.

Related to that is the way in which we function a bit like canaries in the coal mine. When something really contentious happens, or is introduced onto the platform, it is generally here that the first really noisy response can be heard. A recent example is the BB bot situation. I think the forums were absolutely instrumental in forcing LL to change their policies on scripted agents and the use of private data. Another, older example was the abortive move to reduce the number of group slots for basic accounts a few years back. The uproar here about that was pretty deafening, and I think had a lot to do with LL's decision to abandon that idea.

I think we're . . . useful.

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4 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? I've never noticed weirdness like that. 

Do you have Prime? Was it "shipped & sold" from Amazon, fulfilled by Amazon, or sold/shipped from a 3rd party seller? Asking because I'm also a NYer and Amazon is always pretty on point with their shipping, but I'm super picky and generally choose things shipped or fulfilled by Amazon whenever possible. That's WILD! I'd be peeving hard, too.

No Prime. It was "ships from Amazon". I had free shipping and opted out of the 2-day express fee. Crazy to use all that jet fuel for a delivery in the same city. 

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15 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Peeve: Some of the posters in this thread write, like they are the angels of the forums, never troll, never suck, never derail threads, never make cheesy jokes,  never do anything wrong, but the others..... yeah right.
Almost all regulars do their fair share here.
All Saints is later in the year. Right after Halloween.


I never said I was an angel, I enjoy a good troll here and there. But I don't character attack someone when I troll, I may make a stupid and crude joke about what they say. But I am not attacking them based on their opinion or what they said. 

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6 minutes ago, Eddy Vortex said:

No Prime. It was "ships from Amazon". I had free shipping and opted out of the 2-day express fee. Crazy to use all that jet fuel for a delivery in the same city. 

The machines that sort the packages always have a small error percentage. And then such a parcel crosses the country and back. That is still a lot cheaper than manual sorting.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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1 minute ago, Eddy Vortex said:

No Prime. It was "ships from Amazon". I had free shipping and opted out of the 2-day express fee. Crazy to use all that jet fuel for a delivery in the same city. 

Hmmm, so the non-Prime free shipping, yeah. I used to use that a lot. Didn't they recently raise their free shipping to a $35 minimum, up from $25? I bet they're doing all kinds of shenanigans on the shipping side. That sounds like a mess.

Wait, that price increase is still "in testing" and only for some accounts. It's not official yet. I wonder if you'd get an answer if you contacted customer service like - 'splain this like I'm 5, plz? 😂

Wait nvm, Sid's explanation sounds logical. Automated - should've guessed. 😒

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24 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Peeve: Some of the posters in this thread write, like they are the angels of the forums, never troll, never suck, never derail threads, never make cheesy jokes,  never do anything wrong, but the others..... yeah right.
Almost all regulars do their fair share here.
All Saints is later in the year. Right after Halloween.


Definitely not me, I take responsibility for my cheesy jokes. Nay, I take credit for them!

Peeve: When you think a post is about you and realize, couldn't be. It's a trap!

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6 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Hmmm, so the non-Prime free shipping, yeah. I used to use that a lot. Didn't they recently raise their free shipping to a $35 minimum, up from $25? I bet they're doing all kinds of shenanigans on the shipping side. That sounds like a mess.

Wait, that price increase is still "in testing" and only for some accounts. It's not official yet. I wonder if you'd get an answer if you contacted customer service like - 'splain this like I'm 5, plz? 😂

Wait nvm, Sid's explanation sounds logical. Automated - should've guessed. 😒

Wait, wut? I didn't notice the $35 threshold until you mentioned it. They probably changed sometime during the summer as the last order I made under $35 was in early July.

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1 hour ago, Arielle Popstar said:

They need some justification like "Hey, we tried but people can't get along so since it does not promote SecondLife, we are closing this down except the Answers section. Since the new policies came in they are following the same playbook as was used in another virtual world forum in past to shut their Forum down.

Is this a reference to InWorldz? If it is, it's spot on.

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1 hour ago, Eddy Vortex said:

Peeve: I ordered something on Amazon and my package was shipped from a warehouse in NY. It traveled to two cites in California, before making its way back to the east coast in New Jersey. It then passed through the same neighborhood where the NY warehouse is before reaching my mailbox. I live in New York.


This has become the norm for Amazon deliveries where I live. Even after they moved the distribution center closer to where I live, less than 30 miles away.

I won't mention how often they "lose" packages only to deliver them the day they were supposed to be.

Really peeves me off.

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52 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

More subtly, and maybe even more importantly, though, I think that the forums provide a window on the "culture" and "temperature" of inworld residents. Yes, we are not terribly "typical" here, but we are far more diverse in our composition than any one community in SL. Lindens don't, on the whole, spend a lot of time in-world, but even if they did, they couldn't possibly have as much access to the variety of perspectives and cultures that are on display here. And, although we like to say that Lindens don't read the forums, there is some evidence, actually, that they sometimes do. What they don't generally do is engage here.

That's what this forum reminds me of! The way EA runs the Sims 4 forum is the exact same! Thank you for helping me make that connection! It's also why I don't post there anymore. Durn kids. 🤭

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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44 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Hmmm, so the non-Prime free shipping, yeah. I used to use that a lot. Didn't they recently raise their free shipping to a $35 minimum, up from $25? I bet they're doing all kinds of shenanigans on the shipping side. That sounds like a mess.

Wait, that price increase is still "in testing" and only for some accounts. It's not official yet. I wonder if you'd get an answer if you contacted customer service like - 'splain this like I'm 5, plz? 😂

Wait nvm, Sid's explanation sounds logical. Automated - should've guessed. 😒

Loading the delivery trucks with the packages is not automated. It is done by hand using dollies. Neither would loading an 18-wheeler be automated. They use forklifts. Same with loading on a jet. It's the sorting that is automated using the same barcode type method the US Post Office uses. Note I said method and was not saying the barcodes are the same.

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31 minutes ago, Eddy Vortex said:

Wait, wut? I didn't notice the $35 threshold until you mentioned it. They probably changed sometime during the summer as the last order I made under $35 was in early July.

I have orders under $35 shipping to me Prime - at least "free shipping" - lately, but I think they are either 1) at a local Amazon warehouse, or 2) small items that can be shipped USPS in a couple days. Guess we are "lucky" to have a warehouse near here.

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Amazon Prime shipping is still Free.  Same day delivery can be free on qualifying orders.of $25 or more.  I just ordered 2 things this past week and each were under $25 and each were free.shipping.  I've saved enough over the year on shipping to more than pay for Prime.

Edited by Rowan Amore
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40 minutes ago, Eddy Vortex said:

Wait, wut? I didn't notice the $35 threshold until you mentioned it. They probably changed sometime during the summer as the last order I made under $35 was in early July.

I remember running across a headline a week or so ago that they were testing it out or implementing it soon or doing somesuch thing to annoy their customers. It may not be on everyone's account yet, but they're playing with it.

Older article buuuuut...


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4 hours ago, Bagnu said:

Most likely, you won't be able to boot without a video card, unless you have integrated graphics as well, Most boards (not all) will hang once no gpu is detected.

well it's not my video card.. I just got home and decided to for the heck of it try it and it booted up.. So it's maybe something loose somewhere..

We hooked up the roku to the monitor for in the bedroom the other night and that's all we did.. Neither of us have touched it since..

So something must be loose..

I'm posting from my desktop right now.. hehehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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6 hours ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

Oh gosh, I managed to get myself even more confused than I thought then. Yeah, try a CMOS clear - look up the motherboard model on google if you need help with that.


I'm kind of at a loss, because it's working fine now.. lol

The weekend starts tomorrow night, so it's getting a good cleaning and things getting tightened up on it and I think we are gonna add more fans..

It's liquid cooled and doesn't run hot or anything and the case fans he has  them plug in on their own outside plugs, so they don't use the system power supply..

He's been wanting to get these new fans anyways, I just hope it doesn't sound like a plane taking off.. It's always been really quiet and ran so good until the other day..

I really think something was  or is loose, because there was no indication of any problems at all.. 

Now it just  booted up today after hooking up roku to the monitor the other day.. that's the only thing we have done to it since it went down. lol



Edited by Ceka Cianci
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   Peeve: people who say you need a non-stick pan for frying eggs. You don't.

   Non-stick pans with tetrafluoroethylene were first made in 1954. Fried eggs appear in written history in around 1,000 B.C. That writing, in fact, instructs you on how to successfully fry an egg; use plenty of cooking fat (it specifies low-acidic olive oil, but seeing as I'm surrounded by pine trees and moose rather than olive groves and jackals, I personally go with butter or tallow).

   Perhaps if people bothered to actually learn how to fry a damned egg before becoming celebrity chefs .. Mutters.

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5 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Peeve: people who say you need a non-stick pan for frying eggs. You don't.

   Non-stick pans with tetrafluoroethylene were first made in 1954. Fried eggs appear in written history in around 1,000 B.C. That writing, in fact, instructs you on how to successfully fry an egg; use plenty of cooking fat (it specifies low-acidic olive oil, but seeing as I'm surrounded by pine trees and moose rather than olive groves and jackals, I personally go with butter or tallow).

   Perhaps if people bothered to actually learn how to fry a damned egg before becoming celebrity chefs .. Mutters.

I used to have a wok, when I lived in a place with a gas stove, that was "non-stick" because I had "seasoned" it by heating it and wiping the inside with oil while it was on the stove, with a linen cloth, before I used it for the first time, and AFTER every time I cooked with it.


Wash the wok after cooking without using detergents, put it back on the stove, heat, wipe with oil, leave to cool.


Oil blacked non-stick finish. No PolyDollyRLVathanne coating needed.

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1 minute ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

I used to have a wok, when I lived in a place with a gas stove, that was "non-stick" because I had "seasoned" it by heating it and wiping the inside with oil while it was on the stove, with a linen cloth, before I used it for the first time, and AFTER every time I cooked with it.


Wash the wok after cooking without using detergents, put it back on the stove, heat, wipe with oil, leave to cool.


Oil blacked non-stick finish. No PolyDollyRLVathanne coating needed.

I have a cast iron skillet that I love that I treat the same way. It's actually the easiest of all my frying pans to clean.

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4 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

They need some justification like "Hey, we tried but people can't get along so since it does not promote SecondLife, we are closing this down except the Answers section." Since the new policies came in they are following the same playbook as was used in another virtual world forum in past to shut their Forum down.

3 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Is this a reference to InWorldz? If it is, it's spot on.

Wasn't my intention initially but now that you mention it, I did hear some ex Inworldz residents relate how it was the start of their own slide downward to their final demise. I was thinking of IMVU who though they are still going, have suffered quite a loss of concurrency over the past few years to about half of what it was before. There was a decline after they closed the forums and then an uptick during the pandemic lockdowns like here but since then a rapid falling away.

No doubt multiple factors at play but closing the forums has a big impact on community, even when it only appears a small percentage take advantage of them, as there are a lot more lurkers then posters who still absorb that community even if they don't directly contribute to it.

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5 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

well it's not my video card.. I just got home and decided to for the heck of it try it and it booted up.. So it's maybe something loose somewhere..

We hooked up the roku to the monitor for in the bedroom the other night and that's all we did.. Neither of us have touched it since..

So something must be loose..

I'm posting from my desktop right now.. hehehe

It's possible there may have been a very tiny contact issue with the seating of the video card, and by hooking up something else you jarred it back. Or possibly an "edid" change reset something. I've run into things like you have. I've been building my own towers since about 1987. I've run into all kinds of weirdness. I've fixed many issues by doing something as minor as you have, and still don't know why it worked. The big trick for me, is to try everything, even if it doesn't make sense. The important thing is, yours is working now. If it happens again, then remember what you did this time. If it isn't a hardware failure issue, it will likely work again. 

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6 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Wasn't my intention initially but now that you mention it, I did hear some ex Inworldz residents relate how it was the start of their own slide downward to their final demise. I was thinking of IMVU who though they are still going, have suffered quite a loss of concurrency over the past few years to about half of what it was before. There was a decline after they closed the forums and then an uptick during the pandemic lockdowns like here but since then a rapid falling away.

No doubt multiple factors at play but closing the forums has a big impact on community, even when it only appears a small percentage take advantage of them, as there are a lot more lurkers then posters who still absorb that community even if they don't directly contribute to it.

I can only speak for myself, but I know for sure, that if I hadn't spent a lot of time on Cris's forums and over here, I would never have stayed this long in SL.

Nowadays I'm slowly sliding away from being inworld again. The forums keep SL somewhat relevant for me at the moment.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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11 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

Peeve: Some of the posters in this thread write, like they are the angels of the forums, never troll, never suck, never derail threads, never make cheesy jokes,  never do anything wrong, but the others..... yeah right.
Almost all regulars do their fair share here.
All Saints is later in the year. Right after Halloween.



Grumpy Out.jpg

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Okay, here goes - I have male alts that I often use as "actors" portraying a variety of roles - some current, some historical. In order to do this they need appropriate hair.

Through my historical research, I've discovered that over time and around the world most men don't/didn't wear hairstyles that look like a small animal pelt balanced on top of their head combined with near-shaven hair over the rest of their heads.

This means that 97% of current male hair on offer in Second Life is inappropriate for my purposes, except for the characters who I've decided would be wearing bad toupees.


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