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12 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

My peeve today is more curiosity...but it's driving me nuts because I cant find an answer :S So maybe Americans can help...I watched bits of the CNN interview with Donald Trump, and the presenter kept calling him "Mr President"...but he's not president anymore?

By the way, this isn't meant as a political post, I really just don't understand it...nobody called Obama or George Bush "Mr President" after they served their terms...so is this a new thing? Sometimes it feels like the last 3 years were a crazy dream, so it would be good to know I'm not imagining it 9_9

The term "former President" is used when not addressing the person directly. Addressing them as "President" after they leave "office" is not a "rule". 

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My current peeve is being unable to find a job. I was let go when the organization did a mass layoff in January and since then...I'm apparently unemployable. I've had interviews, but less than 10, and I'm very frustrated and stressed. I'd go back to school, but the cash isn't there for that, we need every cent for current bills and rent. I don't qualify for any sort of loan as my credit score is so far down in the toilet there isn't even a metaphor for it. 





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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

I'm peeved she has no more peeves because I enjoyed her peeves!  It's all your fault @Da5id Weatherwax!

Um. That's a horrible untruth! Me without a peeve?! Harumph. I have peeves galore. Peeves at which to shake sticks! Why, just this morning I had at least six excellent peeves before my first coffee! Just that one particular post was a tad difficult to be peevish about. I just haven't been peeving here for a while. Can't say that's Da5id's fault, per se...  I seem to recall a flounce-adjacent explanation for my not terribly sudden departure from these here parts (another nod to the irony of finding Da5id here). I'd still be taking photos for your thread, but my computer isn't really set up for it. It gets terribly hot running SL well enough to take photos, and as fun as your photo thread was I can't see burning up my only laptop for it. :) ♥  The other issues are still here for me not to post to the wordy topics. Be that as it may, gotta say I'm eternally grateful for this place, which is weird upon weird. :)


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On 4/27/2023 at 6:37 PM, pizza7 said:

worst thing ever, ran out of cake and too late to go shopping.

That exact thing happened to me just last week. And it was raining. 

Peeve: Why aren't there cake shops on every corner and open 24/7? 

Sadly my weighing scales know why

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6 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

Oh hai. Been a while. There's really no good place for me to post this, but I kind of had a bug up my you-know-what to share this info. Since the "peeve" thread was my 2nd home in the Forum, this is as good a place as any, but I'll have to be really creative to make this a peeve.

Ok. Hm. 🤔 Let's see. How to make this into a peever. hm hm hm 🤔

In oh so many ways it is ironic, which might result in feeling peevish, that I'm actually feeling warm and fuzzy towards the Forum, especially the General Discussion subform. I'm feeling grateful, even... for the GD Forum! (read that GD anyway you wish).

A little over 8 months ago I started talking in DM to another Forumite, Da5id Weatherwax. We "met" here. In this virtual place. We bantered in public. We clicked (pun intended). Eight months ago we did the SL partner thing. Today is our 8th month anniversary. :) When I met him I had one foot in SL and one foot out the door, for good. I was done with SL. But miracles of miracles, the stupid SL Forum put two people together, 5 time zones apart. We are doing so well. I'm so happy. And in the relatively near future (within a 12-month year), I'm hoping to make a trek across The Pond so we can do this thing in person. We both know the SL to RL journey is fraught with difficulties, but... yeah. This is looking wonderful.

And it wouldn't have happened without... omg, it is so hard to believe, the SL Forum, GD subforum. Even this thread had its huge part to play. :)  Who would've thunk? Not me. This place has given me a lot of heartache and heartburn over the years, and yet, it may be responsible for a huge YAY! So... Today being our anniversary and I'm a wee bit tipsy on wine, and feeling all mushy and stuff, just wanted to do a big ole "I looooooooove you guys!" and thank "the forum" (however one thanks such a thing) in person.

Finding love in the SL Forum. It doesn't get weirder than that. Cool, huh? :D

me and david ash falls 101322_010crop.png

Mazel Tov to you two!


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23 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

Oh hai. Been a while. There's really no good place for me to post this, but I kind of had a bug up my you-know-what to share this info. Since the "peeve" thread was my 2nd home in the Forum, this is as good a place as any, but I'll have to be really creative to make this a peeve.

Ok. Hm. 🤔 Let's see. How to make this into a peever. hm hm hm 🤔

In oh so many ways it is ironic, which might result in feeling peevish, that I'm actually feeling warm and fuzzy towards the Forum, especially the General Discussion subform. I'm feeling grateful, even... for the GD Forum! (read that GD anyway you wish).

me and david ash falls 101322_010crop.png

Wonderful news! You could post it here, the other pet thread.

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Internet is down, but I can still somehow see a horribly mangled version of the forums? Also, is there really a 75 emoji per post limit!?!

ETA: restarting my router fixed it as I thought it would.

Edited by Quistess Alpha
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1 hour ago, Quistess Alpha said:

Also, is there really a 75 emoji per post limit!?!


NOPE -- There's 80 

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On 5/11/2023 at 5:54 PM, Silent Mistwalker said:

Peeve: Trying to talk to people who don't listen.

Even worse is when every time the same person at work, asks a question and you give them an answer and they say, What? Like they didn't hear you when really they were only half assed paying attention..

I finally just act like I don't hear them saying what anymore..

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5 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:


NOPE -- There's 80 

Anything more would be Spam, or a Rosetta Stone!

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16 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

Wonderful news! You could post it here, the other pet thread.

Ah. Thanks. That would have required a level of research that my innate laziness would not have tolerated. :)  Maybe when I get off the plane in the UK... 🤔🥰

Edited by Seicher Rae
Heh. Now that I think about it, seems like I started a similar thread a while back. :) No doubt long since defunct.
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