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23 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Well, they're not, of course, in the grand scheme of things. Which is why I imagine LL feels it can safely hobble them.

They're not as important to me as in-world either. But that doesn't mean that they aren't important.

I haven't counted (and am not going to bother doing so), but I'd estimate that about a third or more of the active friends on my in-world list were made here. And that would include most of my closest friends, such as Maddy, and the six women I chat with regularly on Discord. (Maddy herself claims that almost her entire list of friends came from here.)

ETA: And the friends I've made here with whom I don't necessarily interact in-world are important in their own right too, of course.

Forum friends are as important as in-world friends, just like in real life I have bus friends and work friends and neighbourhood friends. Sometimes they cross over into other realms, sometimes they don't. The chats on forums have a place, but if LL believe only a really relatively small percentage of Second Life residents use the fun part of the forums - the GD section - they could easily dispense with it.

Like Sid said earlier, lots of different parts make up a newspaper, we might not necessarily read every bit, but every bit is important in its own way.

Are we still pet peeving... I haven't read the rest of the thread.

Pet peeve: taking a couple of days off and being so far behind that I don't read pages of a thread before responding to a post that has piqued my interest enough to respond to it. 

Edited by Marigold Devin
with it or of it, bloody English language is a PITA
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20 minutes ago, Maryanne Solo said:

Pet peeve: When you wake up of a saturday morning, wake up your PC with the singular intent of popping into SL,
and your hijacked task bar shows bitcoin stocks 🤮 instead of the weather 🌞 outside. o.0

I wondered what that was and why there was a dark green lightning bolt with a number next to it! 


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22 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

Kinda makes you wonder how important the forums are in the grand scheme of things.  I mean, compared to SL itself.

For the first two years of my Second Life I didn't even know about the forums and somehow I survived. Maybe links to the other thread about how less sociable Second Life is now to what it used to be when people paid it forward, or that's what I've been led to believe. 

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I have an actual on topic SecondLife Peeve:  It has to do with the way things are sold.  When creators are selling a product, they take a photo of the product in only one style.  This can be clothes or skins or anything.  I look at the photo and make a decision based on whether I like the look they chose.  I know I bypass a lot of products I would probably really like because the photo the creator chose is showing the item/skin in a style I don't like or want.  

If you're selling a jacket, let me see it used for a goth look and a Kawaii look, and a conservative look.  Let me see how versatile your product can be.  If you are selling a skin, let me see it on several different heads on avatars with different styles.

I would seriously demo and buy so much more if my eyes didn't slide right past photos I am just not interested in.  If you show your skin on a frowning, angry faced avatar in skimpy clubwear and a body shape I don't identify with, I am likely to pass up on your great product without even trying it out.

Show me some versatility!!!

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10 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Peeve - losing an hour's sleep!  I effing HATE daylight saving!!!

I heard they are doing away with it.. I remember hearing something about it a little while back..

Myself, this is the first summer I've had off since I was little..  My whole body clock is out of whack..

I used to be able to tell what time it was  without looking.. Now, nigh time sneaks up on me out of nowhere..

I'm starting to feel what people were feeling when the shutdown was going on and I had to work..

I probably won't even notice the time change for the first time since who knows when..

Still, I hope they get rid of it.. It's like so outdated nowadays.

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6 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

VirtualVerse One is populated by those that can't abide by the SL rules. It can get pretty rough.

Curious about VV1, I found it and took a look. Wow! I had an account there but no memory of having been there before. Read the few posts posted by me and responded to by others and had memory jogged. No clue why I left, maybe I got busy with other things. At any rate, thanks to those who mentioned the place. 

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24 minutes ago, Cate Foulsbane said:

Curious about VV1, I found it and took a look. Wow! I had an account there but no memory of having been there before. Read the few posts posted by me and responded to by others and had memory jogged. No clue why I left, maybe I got busy with other things. At any rate, thanks to those who mentioned the place. 

I wonder if they transferred accounts from SLU to over there? That might be why..

that would be interesting to know, because i would have one there too  if they did.. hehehehe


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44 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I heard they are doing away with it.. I remember hearing something about it a little while back..

Back in March, the Senate passed a bill to have the nation stay on Daylight Savings Time permanently, but allowing any state that currently does not observer it to continue staying on Standard Time.

There are others that would like to do away with the twice-yearly change, but think that we should be permanently on Standard Time instead.   I don't think the House has even taken the bill up for consideration yet.

Even if it ultimately passes the House, it would only apply to the US -- so no help for Jordan.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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1 hour ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I have an actual on topic SecondLife Peeve:  It has to do with the way things are sold.  When creators are selling a product, they take a photo of the product in only one style.  This can be clothes or skins or anything.  I look at the photo and make a decision based on whether I like the look they chose.  I know I bypass a lot of products I would probably really like because the photo the creator chose is showing the item/skin in a style I don't like or want.  

If you're selling a jacket, let me see it used for a goth look and a Kawaii look, and a conservative look.  Let me see how versatile your product can be.  If you are selling a skin, let me see it on several different heads on avatars with different styles.

I would seriously demo and buy so much more if my eyes didn't slide right past photos I am just not interested in.  If you show your skin on a frowning, angry faced avatar in skimpy clubwear and a body shape I don't identify with, I am likely to pass up on your great product without even trying it out.

Show me some versatility!!!

One of my biggest things is, Scratching my head trying to figure out what they are selling..

I'll usually look on the boards on Seraphim and some of the events and sales sites, it's amazing how many just put up a picture, that or have things so dressed up that you can't tell what is for sale..

Some are just blank with a picture of a face, I guess hoping the information is going to get typed in somewhere else..

I know this much.. If it was mine, the information would be on the image as clear as day as to what i was selling, as well as not be watered down with a zillion other products.. 

I love the skin and shape ones that are so dressed up you can't tell what the skin looks like let alone shape, plus no demo LOL

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19 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I wonder if they transferred accounts from SLU to over there? That might be why..

that would be interesting to know, because i would have one there too  if they did.. hehehehe

More or less. it's been a bit so ...

I can tell you the account I have on VVO is the "same" as I had on SLU.

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Peeve: When I work up the guts to remind our landlady that I told her a week ago about a leak behind the wall by the shower, copy my 2 housemates on the text so they know what going on, and one of my housemates responds to me with:

"Please do not tag me in conflict with [landlady] that I have not consented to. I'm only home for a few nights a month, and don't find these issues pressing."

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4 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Peeve: When I work up the guts to remind our landlady that I told her a week ago about a leak behind the wall by the shower, copy my 2 housemates on the text so they know what going on, and one of my housemates responds to me with:

"Please do not tag me in conflict with [landlady] that I have not consented to. I'm only home for a few nights a month, and don't find these issues pressing."

I am not going to say what you should do...but here is what I would do...

- Text your landlady again and say you think the water may be causing mould and structural damage

- Text your housemate back and say "OK, np, just wanted you to know in case your stuff gets soaked"

- Text the plumber and ask for a reminder of things he said needed to be fixed, just for your own records!

Sending you lucky vibes ☘️


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22 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

I am not going to say what you should do...but here is what I would do...

- Text your landlady again and say you think the water may be causing mould and structural damage

- Text your housemate back and say "OK, np, just wanted you to know in case your stuff gets soaked"

- Text the plumber and ask for a reminder of things he said needed to be fixed, just for your own records!

Sending you lucky vibes ☘️


The landlady has texted me back & seems to be dealing with the problem now. I'm less concerned about mold & more concerned the pipe could burst like the one coming out of the water heater did a few months ago. 

I texted back "Ok" to the housemate, and since she obviously doesn't want to be included in this discussion, I'm no longer including her.

I don't have contact info for the plumber. There might not even be a plumber involved yet. The landlady said she'd be here Monday to look at it.

Thanks.  🙂


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2 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Peeve - losing an hour's sleep!  I effing HATE daylight saving!!!

Ummm.... in the fall you actually gain an hour sleep.  Maybe you are still peeving from 6 months ago? LOL. Unless you are somewhere in the world where you actually do lose an hour sleep then I apologize!

Edited by Sam1 Bellisserian
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18 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

Ummm.... in the fall you actually gain an hour sleep.  Maybe you are still peeving from 6 months ago? LOL. Unless you are somewhere in the world where you actually do lose an hour sleep then I apologize!

It's Spring here.  So I'll be peeving till they change again....in April next year.

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