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8 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

Wasps 😖 They're so evil. I hate it when they do that thing where they fly from side to side so you can't avoid them ☹️ In my opinion, scientists should stop researching AI and build a giant sonic weapon that only targets wasps and kills them instantly. And then press the button repeatedly 🙂



"Rats, weasels and skunks enjoy meals of wasps periodically, as do bats and a variety of birds. "


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8 minutes ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

A) Wasps - I had three colonies that lived with me and they are lovely.

You are the first person I've EVER seen call wasps 'lovely' :o

Well...OK...you can keep your colonies, as long as the nest stays in your house and you never open the windows or doors xD 

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1 minute ago, Coffee Pancake said:

My desire to have a weasel going ape thought my house trying to catch a wasp is on a par with the wasp.

I am utterly terrified of bees wasps and hornets and fire ants. I hate fire ants, I got bitten by a bunch of them as a kid. Oh boy does it sting. Lol 

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I don't know if anyone else is dealing with this. But when you block someone who owns a subscriber, only to somehow get put back in the same subscriber. That you never had a clue about the store or never even subscribed. I was dealing with RL at the time and was barely on SL. I log in quickly to block the owner of said subscriber and come back on about a month later to the same store and being in the same subscriber list. 

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SPAM .. sweet jebus, the SPAM.

I've been bombed with floods of green text, notecards, free junk .. because I dared buy one thing once, or visit an entirely unrelated event.

I swear these idiots just camp events and log all the avatar key they see so their disposable spam prims can flood later.

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2 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

SPAM .. sweet jebus, the SPAM.

I've been bombed with floods of green text, notecards, free junk .. because I dared buy one thing once, or visit an entirely unrelated event.

I swear these idiots just camp events and log all the avatar key they see so their disposable spam prims can flood later.

The funny thing I wasn't online, I was literally trying to find a place RL and prepping to move. So what did he do, camp at my place and just grab my uuid through an object of mine? When I say camp at my place, I mean did he like sit on an open land near the parcel I rent and just copy UUIDs? 

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12 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I don't know if anyone else is dealing with this. But when you block someone who owns a subscriber, only to somehow get put back in the same subscriber. That you never had a clue about the store or never even subscribed. I was dealing with RL at the time and was barely on SL. I log in quickly to block the owner of said subscriber and come back on about a month later to the same store and being in the same subscriber list. 

I had this with a well known hair vendor who sounds like the kind of place you might get medication for your sushi condiments from.  I complained and they swore black and blue that they hadn't manually added me to the subscriber and that you couldn't even do that with their subscriber system so I must have clicked the subscriber myself.  It was a lie of course, I never click subscriber systems, not ever.  If it doesn't have a group, I am not interested.

What I think they were doing was putting the subscriber script into their vendors and/or redelivery system so that when you touched it to buy or bring up the menu via their vendor script, it also registered a touch event for the subscriber.

Needless to say, I called her a liar and she banned me from a place I had no intention of ever going back to anyway.

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1 minute ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I had this with a well known hair vendor who sounds like the kind of place you might get medication for your sushi condiments from.  I complained and they swore black and blue that they hadn't manually added me to the subscriber and that you couldn't even do that with their subscriber system so I must have clicked the subscriber myself.  It was a lie of course, I never click subscriber systems, not ever.  If it doesn't have a group, I am not interested.

What I think they were doing was putting the subscriber script into their vendors and/or redelivery system so that when you touched it to buy or bring up the menu via their vendor script, it also registered a touch event for the subscriber.

Needless to say, I called her a liar and she banned me from a place I had no intention of ever going back to anyway.

I had never been to that store or even heard of that store. I mean I have had my fair share of sneaky practices when it comes to hiding the subscriber script in the vendor or in the unpacker. But when you haven't even heard of said store or been there. How can you possibly click on the subscriber? Especially since I know for a fact, that I don't own any products. Also I wasn't online when I was added to the database. 

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7 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I had never been to that store or even heard of that store. I mean I have had my fair share of sneaky practices when it comes to hiding the subscriber script in the vendor or in the unpacker. But when you haven't even heard of said store or been there. How can you possibly click on the subscriber? Especially since I know for a fact, that I don't own any products. Also I wasn't online when I was added to the database. 

Yeah, there is a lot of shenanigans going on with inworld subscribers and other advertising crap.  Making a subscriber SPAM delivery system isn't even a hard script to write for a few hundred names per script, per object, etc.  Combine that with avatar detection code and you don't have to do much more.  So it's not surprising that people are abusing this all over the place.  Annoying as heck though, I definitely empathise with you.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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8 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

But when you haven't even heard of said store or been there. How can you possibly click on the subscriber?

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that people are harvesting UUIDs from other land they have, groups, or shared lists among "legitimate business interests".

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5 hours ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

A) Wasps - I had three colonies that lived with me and they are lovely.

There was some guy on YT a couple years ago who had a "pet" wasp. Think it was a queen that couldn't have a colony and somehow the guy decided to make it a pet.  The video shows him, the wasp and his dog all laying on their backs watching a ball game. Any his wife comes in and says "Oh Gee --- I have 3 lazy ******** just slacking away to a useless game!"

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Being told to "Cheer up" when I'm experiencing depression. This well-meaning person doesn't really know me, my life, my traumas or worries. All they see is an avatar that seems pleasant and friendly. Besides, telling someone to "Cheer up" never helped anyone who was feeling down. 

This is the same person who wanted me to use Skype because it's easier for them to send me a message when they're driving or at work. I told them, I don't want to use Skype.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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Smokey air plus depression and feeling like it's my responsibility to buy stuff for the household. 

There's smoke in the air from fires. A couple days ago it smelled like metal burning, which was probably from a structure fire. Our landlady bought a cheap wash & reuse air-filter that doesn't filter out smoke or pollen, so I twice paid about $20 for a good disposable one. We need a new one, but I don't feel like leaving the house. Then I wonder why I'm the one who usually buys stuff for the house. Why don't my housemates hardly ever chip in, or if one pays for half a shelf then she thinks she has the right to fill more than half of it with her stuff. She does most of the cleaning and pays for her share of the wi-fi though. 

My problem is me. She snapped at me a couple times when she came back from her gym and wanted to use the bathroom while I was taking a bath. Now I feel like I can't take a bath unless my housemates are gone. She said she thinks SL is addictive and delusional, so now I think I can't mention it to her and I stay in my room unless she knocks on my door and wants to watch TV with me. She leaves a mess in the kitchen and I feel like I'm supposed to clean it up while she's gone. She didn't say I needed to do that, but I feel other people won't like me unless I do stuff for them and don't impose on them in anyway, which of course makes me feel like my own feelings don't count for anything.

One benefit for me of using SL is that it's easier to set and enforce my boundaries in this virtual world than it is for me in my physical one.

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35 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I wonder why I'm the one who usually buys stuff for the house. Why don't my housemates hardly ever chip in

Why don't you propose this to your housemates:

"Let's all keep receipts for everything we buy for the house. Once a month we'll put them all together and add them up. For example, we might find

  • Persephone $75.00
  • Housemate 1 $38.00
  • Housemate 2 $80.00
    • Total $193.00
    • Divided by 3, each person's share is $64.33

"Everyone who paid less than their share has to put more money into the pot. Housemate 1 has to pay in another $26.33. Persephone gets $10.67 back, and Housemate 2 gets $15.67 back."

If you use this system, be sure that everyone agrees on what is and is not included in "stuff for the house." A stash of Hershey bars you keep hidden under your bed and eat yourself is obviously not "community property".

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