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6 hours ago, Mercedes Avon said:

I was surprised the next day when half my build was returned with no warning or explanation. I do feel very badly that this has blown up into this big issue. I keep asking myself how I could have done better in this situation? I think I did ok. My heart was 100% in the right place.

In the spirit of good communication and consistent processes, for non purchased custom resident builds, it would be a benefit to the community of builders if LL would consider to make it required to provide residents with a notecard explaining the violation, and offer solutions when builds must be removed immediately. If they have time to press that return to owner button, they have time to fill in a few details on a notecard. Forward a copy to the resident as well as a copy to quality assurance. 

I'm a builder and I understand how many hours go into making something look the way I want it to look. I will consider modifying my work but will need help understanding what exactly the problem is.

This type of communication would save a lot of time and frustration for everyone involved. We should try to preserve and encourage organic art generation, not destroy it because we can. I appreciate user created content too much to allow its destruction. Anyone whom is allowed to destroy art should be required to know how it is built and share the same appreciation for nurturing its creation and evolution as a prerequisite.

I think you handled this with grace. I would have had a microaggressive mannerism and would have quit for 3 months at the very least. This could be a form of harassment. Who is going to want to build in a world like that? Constantly thinking someone is watching me all the time. It's messed up and should be looked into. Will remain calm. presses the submit reply button.  

Edited by Paulsian
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14 hours ago, syndi Pearl said:

This post concerns the "BBB resident favoritism" and "Newbrooke slanty roof" issues and attempts to make constructive suggestions.

1. If there is means by which a resident can obtain an extraordinary parcel in Bellisseria in compensation for service, please let us know where we can find the official Linden document that describes this process. If no such document exists, please create it.

2. The covenant governing Linden Homes in Bellisseria is key to its success. After the stilt homes were released, the covenant was amended to cover stilt home related issues (e.g. "Privacy screens, fences, or other parcel perimeter barriers are not allowed on the water in the Stilt Home theme". Please further amend the covenant to enumerate Newbrooke related issues.

I would like to commend @Abnor Mole as the Linden who provides the most effective communication on these types of issues. (I have not been influenced by the fact that Abnor is good looking.)

I would like to agree with @syndi Pearl here and commend @Abnor Mole for his clear communication over the whole period of building Bellisseria. I may argue with some of the things he says, but this is because I feel able to understand what he says, and have a difference of opinion with the expectation of being treated with respect.

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13 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

"If you have to ask, maybe you know the answer" is not in anyway meaningful guidance, it is at best a warning intended to chill participation, beauty being in the eye of the beholder.

I think it was me who got that answer, and it put me off. I know what I add on look fine and ok in my eyes. But after Patch returned the changed modified build after Abnor explained what was wrong, means one person higher in rank overrule another.

I am going to continue to add on what I find in theme, and you go ahead and return it. I am not doing it to push the limits, since it is no clear rules, it is I who say this is fine. I have never thought "this is dancing on a line".

I have no further to add.

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@Abnor Mole @Kristin Linden @Tommy Linden, thank you all for your kind replies on both threads.

They way I see it, we are all in the same page, we all want Bellisseria to be an amazing place. We are just providing feedback on things we consider could be improved, that is why I don't get it is taken as some personal attack, when it is not, it is simple feedback.

I am sure the team at LL is doing an impressive work inworld, and we all respect that. It is just that some areas like communication could be better. Please understand that some of us live outside the US, in different time schedules, and English is not our native language; so we are proposing different approaches, because SL is supposed to be an international world (if that expression makes sense). 

Companies invest tons of money on setting up focus groups, gathering data... because they understand how key this is to a successful business. Well, that is what we residents are doing here, so the resulting product gets to be even more attractive to us. 

I used to be an active member of the community, I've even had public spaces, but in the last two months, I've given up two accounts. I don't mean I am leaving, because I have two forever homes, it is just that now Bellisseria, to me, has turned into pixel homes. 



Edited by Elena Core
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Bellisseria to me represents home, before Bellisseria the world was very scary to me. I'm not big with groups or even speaking to strangers. Bellisseria is a place I feel comfortable tinkering. In world I'm very shy and I keep to myself.  When I started noticing potential problems I had to learn how to best communicate, this place, the forums is that way; the only way left for me. I've tried numerous ways but never felt they were good enough. I had to go to extremes to be heard. I also had 2 premium annual accounts one I had for a few years. I let them go because I found a way to exist without them. I'm a ghost now, I don't like repeating myself and will not bring up past issues I feel have been taken seriously. Eventually I will move on, I hope because I can't delete myself because I will only want to come back. I can only move on organically or be destroyed by my creator. I have begged to be destroyed a few times, came close. Maybe after 3 years I'm realizing this world is not for me even though it is the best, I can't escape. I can only haunt it with feedback and suggestions, hoping some of it will be taken seriously and maybe keep someone else from starting down the path I seemed to have followed. 

I've stopped looking at all the other sl forums and I don't go in world anymore hardly. This linden forum is my last connection to this virtual world. I won't bother you forever, I promise. 

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12 hours ago, Mercedes Avon said:

Lastly, I know I am probably written down in the Linden Lil Black Book as the Belli B**ch who caused the New Theme Drama of 2022, but I am actually a very nice person.

@Mercedes Avon, I completely understand why you feel that way, and it is inexcusable that you are in a position to do so.  For anyone who has been paying attention, you are an inspiring asset to Bellisseria, always showing what can be done with a limited land impact allowance, exceptional talent, and impeccable taste.  For most of us, you would be an ideal neighbor. 

The fact that someone like you has gone through this experience is what is so concerning.  There is nothing at all controversial about your builds, and if you are doing anything that is considered out of theme, then clearly there is a communication problem.

It does feel that the rules have changed for Newbrooke, and that a different standard is being applied and enforced.  Why we would be expected to know that going in is part of the confusion.  If the rooflines are sacred, then we will adapt, but that should be clearly communicated in a manner that will be noticed.  Those of us who follow the forums are well aware of this seemingly arbitrary requirement after the fact, but as has been pointed out, the vast majority of Linden Home owners do not read the forums or pay attention to group chats where this issue has been discussed.  There needs to be a proactive effort to communicate this, as it does feel like a significant departure from previous theme releases.

I take exception to the suggestion that common sense, consideration for neighbors, or any other "spirit of the covenant" rules are being broken in many of the mentioned incidents.  I can't speak for everyone, but most of us are not looking to test the boundaries of what is allowed.  While many of us do like to push the envelope of what is possible, our motivation isn't to see what we can get away with, but rather to highlight a given theme.  "What can I do to ruffle some feathers because it is technically allowed" doesn't even occur to us.  We build and decorate with an aesthetic eye that most would always consider in theme. 

Obviously there is a significant difference of opinion regarding what is in theme when it comes to Newbrooke.  If the expectation is that most residents with good intentions and common sense will comply with the desired level of theme preservation, then I think there is going to be a lot of unnecessary disappointment on both sides, as we have already seen.  Waiting for violations to occur and handling communication on a case-by-case basis is a horrible use of limited resources.  There has to be a better way to handle this. 

Making the covenant clear, and adding specificity for each theme where warranted should be a priority and a perpetual task.  I understand the logic behind not wanting to make it too detailed, but obviously some things do need to be spelled out.  Of course, having an adequate covenant only helps if people read it.  There needs to be a scripted "can't avoid it" solution when someone claims a house or revisions to the covenant are made.  The completely passive approach that is in place now is not adequate.     


Linden Lil Black Book Grumpy Belli Door Snob Guy

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6 minutes ago, Matthieu Quander said:

Waiting for violations to occur and handling communication on a case-by-case basis is a horrible use of limited resources. 

The fundamental problem, I think, is that they can't set out what the guidelines are because they haven't actually decided what they would be. It's the decisions on edge cases which are determining policy, not the other way round. The assumption is that Moles and Lindens are sensible people who will instinctively know a violation when they see it, so it somehow follows that residents will too. And if they get burned by their lack of telepathy, never mind, nothing actually got deleted, it's only their feelings that got hurt.

It is entirely reasonable for a resident to assume that the fact an add-on is available on Marketplace is an indication that it's in line with the covenant. MP is a Linden-controlled space, after all. If roof profiles in Newbrooke are really that important to the governance team that's where they need to be.

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16 minutes ago, Sparkle Bunny said:

It is entirely reasonable for a resident to assume that the fact an add-on is available on Marketplace is an indication that it's in line with the covenant. MP is a Linden-controlled space, after all. If roof profiles in Newbrooke are really that important to the governance team that's where they need to be.

This right here is key. The majority of Bellisseria residents are not on the forums so they are totally unaware of the controversary that is going on with this particular add-on yet it is still being sold in the MP.  From the recent review of this add-on and the seller's response it's clear that the creator is aware that LL is not allowing this add-on and it still remains for sale on the MP.  I find this irresponsible of the seller and feel that now that they have been made aware that LL is not allowing it that they should remove it. It seems though that their main concern was what the buyer would have rated it if it had been allowed as they gave it only 1 star. Bizarre.   

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  • Administrators

Hey folks. I want to point out that Mercedes and my interaction with them (in my view) were not an issue.  My interaction with Mercedes was positive and amicable.  I did not receive any further inquiries or questions from them regarding the situation.   What occurred, and the continuation of issues after my interaction with them is where the problem seems to lie.   There seems to be a pile on effect without both sides of the story and all of the facts.  Mercedes has chosen to reveal what they have, and we feel it best to leave it at that as we have no ill feelings or disdain towards anyone.  The team and I sincerely apologize to anyone if they were made to feel that way.  What I understand was a situation that occurred after I had left for the day was a matter that was handled by our Governance team, and Tommy recently made a statement regarding that situation.  

The covenant is in the process of undergoing a revision.  We endeavor to make it clearer with each theme release as history has shown.  We do react and respond to requested changes when the need is pointed out.  Each theme brings out unique qualities that we sometimes need to address.

Communication is not something that I feel my teams struggle with.   We believe we have been extremely open, honest and transparent throughout this project, and to an unprecedented degree over the course of history, more so now than ever.  That being said, it is clear that some of you are displeased with our communication over the last few days, and it's something that we will reflect on and reevaluate. So for now, I'll end this here and we will be back with more news regarding an upcoming update to the covenant.

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Thank you, @Patch Lindenfor your thoughtful reply. I want to assure you that I never intended for my comment in the original thread to turn into an issue. I agree that our brief conversation that day of the issue was positive and amicable. I didn't ask any further questions or fuss because - although I didn't see the addon as out of theme - I accepted what you said and went about my day.

I brought it up in the original thread out of concern for another resident who was doing a similar project. I was also concerned about other content creators who make add-ons like myself (because I intended to sell that roof). I sincerely only meant to be informative. I feel I relayed everything truthfully and completely, but of course there are always two sides as you said. I stand by the feedback I gave and I am sure hearing criticism is not much fun. It was only meant to be constructive.

I do hope that if we ever run into each other in-world again, we can say hello and smile and maybe even joke about how we had a spat in the forums that one time. I really have nothing personal against you. I may have wanted to shake you a little bit in the last few days, but I think you are a positive member of our community and I have always been your fan, and I will continue to be your fan, because you do great things for us and I do recognize this.

I also apologize how this all evolved. It has made me feel awful for days. That is genuinely the truth. There is really nothing I hate more than being careless and hurting people's feelings (even if it was not intentional). Also, if you tell us you feel piled up on, then that is something that costs me nothing to hear and reflect on and try to understand. I am sorry that happened. I am sorry that none of us communicated well.

Keep being awesome, and I will do the same.




Edited by Mercedes Avon
Typos. Always typos.
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I was doing dishes and in my happy place when suddenly I started thinking about linden homes and why we are experiencing problems. If the Governance team is having to respond to 1000s of abuse reports per hour? Who knows really, and in, (I'm assuming) a lot of cases made by non premium members whos only objective is to cause the most chaos, internal and external conflict; that would have to be factored in too. 

There are groups who seek to destroy anything good LL attempts to do, we can never forget they exist. If their objective is to try to turn departments against each other internals should focus on team building and staying united and strong. 

Maybe the AR system could use slight overhaul, maybe with Linden Home drop downs, pitched roof for instance, that will auto generate a notecard for Governance to have with them during inspection (friendly helpful format), that Governance can then forward to the resident as well as QA. 

In real life If I don't mow my grass, I get a warning 1 warning per year and 2nd warning I have to appear to court with photos proving my grass is under 3 inches. I'm not a fan of my city. I had one inspector in my alley looking over my 6 ft privacy fence harassing my dog and he would not tell me who he was and I have him on video acting extremely stupid and I had to call the non emergency police number to have him sorted out. I just hate it when a city takes advantage of people during a lock down as much as humanly possibly, anyways.

We come to Second Life to try to escape all that. I'm not going to pay for that type of virtual experience, and I doubt anyone would. A standardized helpful resolution system for Linden Home Residents, the goal is to appreciate not alienate. "That is an awesome build and technically it's not allowed, however, if you could _____________ (offer suggestion), then everything will be peachy, btw I love your garden, those flowers are amazing, where did you get those?? It's pretty easy to show a slight interest while having to do the hard work. The resolution should be filed with the Linden Home Building Code Resolution Office and QA after any interaction with a resident so that before another inaction one will check to see if issue is resolved first. 

The auto generated notecard could have resident name auto populated in the notecard name field for quick search ability as well as other information that could be useful to teams, maybe violation type. 

Definingly recommend abuse reporting system tweaks to possibly include the covenant so reporters can select the exact offense to be researched by compliance team. Because if someone is just spamming gov generic reports without making an effort to quote the exact offence, that would anyone a headache. 

It's your machine you will build it the way you see fit, just know you have the power to make your lives and resident lives better. If you enjoy daily stress and fighting you're prolly in the wrong business. 

I can tell Patch, Abnor, and several Lindens & Moles do not enjoy conflict and try to find ways to prevent it, and are focused on making this world really awesome. 

When I have traveled around Bellisseria and something very unusual has stopped me, my first reaction is not attack, it's to go hmmm interesting and go about my life. If it's a transparent cube that is preventing neighbors from entering their house or extremely explicit content that I may be concerned about I will fill in the abuse report notes the following: I'm unsure if resident is aware of __________, please reach out to them. Something like that. 

Serial tattling and tattlers should be carefully monitored. Could be some internal and external gaming going on with property. (just a hunch). Something possible to also factor in. 

“Cindy, you know by tattling on your friends, you're really just tattling on yourself. By tattling on your friends, you're just telling them that you're a tattletale. Now is that the tale you want to tell?” - Mike Brady

Edited by Paulsian
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1 hour ago, Paulsian said:

I was doing dishes and in my happy place when suddenly I started thinking about linden homes and why we are experiencing problems. If the Governance team is having to respond to 1000s of abuse reports per hour? Who knows really, and in, (I'm assuming) a lot of cases made by non premium members whos only objective is to cause the most chaos, internal and external conflict; that would have to be factored in too. 

There are groups who seek to destroy anything good LL attempts to do, we can never forget they exist. If their objective is to try to turn departments against each other internals should focus on team building and staying united and strong. 

Maybe the AR system could use slight overhaul, maybe with Linden Home drop downs, pitched roof for instance, that will auto generate a notecard for Governance to have with them during inspection (friendly helpful format), that Governance can then forward to the resident as well as QA. 

In real life If I don't mow my grass, I get a warning 1 warning per year and 2nd warning I have to appear to court with photos proving my grass is under 3 inches. I'm not a fan of my city. I had one inspector in my alley looking over my 6 ft privacy fence harassing my dog and he would not tell me who he was and I have him on video acting extremely stupid and I had to call the non emergency police number to have him sorted out. I just hate it when a city takes advantage of people during a lock down as much as humanly possibly, anyways.

We come to Second Life to try to escape all that. I'm not going to pay for that type of virtual experience, and I doubt anyone would. A standardized helpful resolution system for Linden Home Residents, the goal is to appreciate not alienate. "That is an awesome build and technically it's not allowed, however, if you could _____________ (offer suggestion), then everything will be peachy, btw I love your garden, those flowers are amazing, where did you get those?? It's pretty easy to show a slight interest while having to do the hard work. The resolution should be filed with the Linden Home Building Code Resolution Office and QA after any interaction with a resident so that before another inaction one will check to see if issue is resolved first. 

The auto generated notecard could have resident name auto populated in the notecard name field for quick search ability as well as other information that could be useful to teams, maybe violation type. 

Definingly recommend abuse reporting system tweaks to possibly include the covenant so reporters can select the exact offense to be researched by compliance team. Because if someone is just spamming gov generic reports without making an effort to quote the exact offence, that would anyone a headache. 

It's your machine you will build it the way you see fit, just know you have the power to make your lives and resident lives better. If you enjoy daily stress and fighting you're prolly in the wrong business. 

I can tell Patch, Abnor, and several Lindens & Moles do not enjoy conflict and try to find ways to prevent it, and are focused on making this world really awesome. 

When I have traveled around Bellisseria and something very unusual has stopped me, my first reaction is not attack, it's to go hmmm interesting and go about my life. If it's a transparent cube that is preventing neighbors from entering their house or extremely explicit content that I may be concerned about I will fill in the abuse report notes the following: I'm unsure if resident is aware of __________, please reach out to them. Something like that. 

Serial tattling and tattlers should be carefully monitored. Could be some internal and external gaming going on with property. (just a hunch). Something possible to also factor in. 

“Cindy, you know by tattling on your friends, you're really just tattling on yourself. By tattling on your friends, you're just telling them that you're a tattletale. Now is that the tale you want to tell?” - Mike Brady

When in doubt always report it and let LL decide whether or not it's breaking the rules.  I'm sure a lot of people could be classified as serial reporters because they actually CARE enough to report things.  Then flip the coin and you have people that just don't want to take the time even when they know it should be reported. "let someone else take care of it"

I don't see filing an AR report as abuse in any way unless it's done maliciously and again, let LL figure that out.  If you file a report and say someone has too many roses in their yard and not enough carnations and you file that every single day I'm pretty sure LL can figure that out on their own.  

What you are proposing is nice and fluffy and would make everyone feel good but I can't see that there is a need for that. Report it and move on or don't report it. Your choice but in no way should you be considered a tattletale for reporting something you think should not be there.

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1 hour ago, Paulsian said:

I can tell Patch, Abnor, and several Lindens & Moles do not enjoy conflict and try to find ways to prevent it, and are focused on making this world really awesome. 

When I have traveled around Bellisseria and something very unusual has stopped me, my first reaction is not attack, it's to go hmmm interesting and go about my life. If it's a transparent cube that is preventing neighbors from entering their house or extremely explicit content that I may be concerned about I will fill in the abuse report notes the following: I'm unsure if resident is aware of __________, please reach out to them. Something like that. 

What would be wrong with a transparent cube that prevents people from walking into one's virtual home? If it's transparent, then it has no impact on the visual representation of the region. People could still cam and sit to go inside, but this seems like a less annoying device than ban lines or a security orb, especially if it were very close to the house and not impeding movement through the garden.

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17 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

When in doubt always report it and let LL decide whether or not it's breaking the rules.

I agree, new residents especially will be more sensitive and not as conditioned to appreciate the unusual. I think LL will fine tune their machine the way that works best for everybody. Usually takes a few hundred reports to narrow it down to these for me: completely naked people loitering in G regions and objects that harm other residents, oh and non compliant security orbs. Those are my big 3. 

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11 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:
1 hour ago, Paulsian said:

I can tell Patch, Abnor, and several Lindens & Moles do not enjoy conflict and try to find ways to prevent it, and are focused on making this world really awesome. 

When I have traveled around Bellisseria and something very unusual has stopped me, my first reaction is not attack, it's to go hmmm interesting and go about my life. If it's a transparent cube that is preventing neighbors from entering their house or extremely explicit content that I may be concerned about I will fill in the abuse report notes the following: I'm unsure if resident is aware of __________, please reach out to them. Something like that. 

What would be wrong with a transparent cube that prevents people from walking into one's virtual home? If it's transparent, then it has no impact on the visual representation of the region. People could still cam and sit to go inside, but this seems like a less annoying device than ban lines or a security orb, especially if it were very close to the house and not impeding movement through the garden.

One time I think it was last year I was flying around between boat houses and I hit an invisible wall. I pressed ctrl T to show transparent objects and someone in a boat house made the largest cube and set it to transparent so no one could see it and was going into the neighbors houses. Things like that is what I would normally report. 

That's a good idea about having one that fits only around the house, genius actually cause I saw one lady get trolled on youtube people just showing up walking in her linden home and would not leave. She was too new to understand security orbs and of course the trolls started telling her she was hacked and scared her pretty bad. 

This cube was huge max size. 

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  • Moles
38 minutes ago, Paulsian said:

I saw one lady get trolled on youtube people just showing up walking in her linden home and would not leave.

Dealing with these situations is simple. Click on the person > Block. Click on them again > Eject > Eject and ban. Done.

The thing to remember about trolls and griefers is they need you to engage. They want and crave a reaction. Don't engage. That's the trap. When they think they've upset you, they win. When you lock yourself in a bunker of prims and scripted things to keep everyone out out of fear, they still win. But, when they try and troll you and you just instantly kick them out without a word, ignore them and move on as if you could not care less, they hate that the most. It gives them no interesting content for their youtubes and they move on. I've had it happen to me first hand. 

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I don't use any security at my homes. The eject button is all I need and I admit to getting a little pleasure from using the eject button. I don't even ban them as I almost hope they come back so that I can eject them again.😁 I haven't been the target of griefing in Bellisseria very often. I think only 3 or 4 times over years. 

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some thoughts

is not that we, as residents and as creatives, go out to test the boundaries as such

what we do is push the boundaries. A little bit out here, a little bit more out there. Next person seeing others having pushed a boundary out then push what they perceive as the new boundary (because of governance inaction) a little more. Another next person pushes this new resident-driven boundary a little more, and so on. When this incremental boundary moving by residents/creatives remains unchecked then we all end up a long way from where the boundary was to begin with

this is what happened with the earlier themes. If Belli is to not end up a mess of conflicting standards then resident/creative incremental boundary setting/pushing has to to stop

we don't set out to push boundaries to test LDPW or Governance to see what we can get away with. It goes deeper than this

as creatives we often push the boundaries of our own work, push on the boundaries of our creative limits. The urge to push ourselves further so that our work stands out as an artwork in its own right, stands out from our previous works, and/or stands out from the works of other creatives. And it hurts when our work is subsequently invalidated by being removed from display by the gallery owner. It becomes about how we feel, and not about the fact that we are beyond the boundaries set by the owner of the gallery in which we hope/desire to display our work

Edited by Mollymews
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1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

And it hurts when our work is subsequently invalidated by being removed from display by the gallery owner. It becomes about how we feel, and not about the fact that we are beyond the boundaries set by the owner of the gallery in which we hope/desire to display our work

But this particular gallery has limits and everyone knows this. If you want to have your work validated then display it where it's appropriate.  No one is squashing your creativity, just where you display it and everyone knew that going in. 

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4 hours ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

But this particular gallery has limits and everyone knows this. If you want to have your work validated then display it where it's appropriate.  No one is squashing your creativity, just where you display it and everyone knew that going in. 

yes. Is just that when we reflect on these kinds of situations from both the gallery owners and resident/creatives respective' then we are better able to understand why the path is as it is and why we need to stay on the path

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7 hours ago, Mollymews said:

some thoughts

is not that we, as residents and as creatives, go out to test the boundaries as such

what we do is push the boundaries. A little bit out here, a little bit more out there. Next person seeing others having pushed a boundary out then push what they perceive as the new boundary (because of governance inaction) a little more. Another next person pushes this new resident-driven boundary a little more, and so on. When this incremental boundary moving by residents/creatives remains unchecked then we all end up a long way from where the boundary was to begin with

this is what happened with the earlier themes. If Belli is to not end up a mess of conflicting standards then resident/creative incremental boundary setting/pushing has to to stop

we don't set out to push boundaries to test LDPW or Governance to see what we can get away with. It goes deeper than this

as creatives we often push the boundaries of our own work, push on the boundaries of our creative limits. The urge to push ourselves further so that our work stands out as an artwork in its own right, stands out from our previous works, and/or stands out from the works of other creatives. And it hurts when our work is subsequently invalidated by being removed from display by the gallery owner. It becomes about how we feel, and not about the fact that we are beyond the boundaries set by the owner of the gallery in which we hope/desire to display our work

This. And it is like in real life, there are boundaries when you build houses. Some of the bigger addons in Belli blocks the neighbours view. That is something to take into concideration when we create them. 

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11 hours ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

But this particular gallery has limits and everyone knows this. If you want to have your work validated then display it where it's appropriate.  No one is squashing your creativity, just where you display it and everyone knew that going in

This is only somewhat true as it pertains to Newbrooke, which is why this thread and discussions on other threads appeared.  There's no point in rehashing it.  We have had our say, and can only hope that our words were taken in the spirit intended, honest and open feedback from a passionate userbase to communicate that there is room for improvement.  

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11 hours ago, Mollymews said:

Is just that when we reflect on these kinds of situations from both the gallery owners and resident/creatives respective' then we are better able to understand why the path is as it is and why we need to stay on the path

you stay off the grass and on the path because the owner of them both said to stay off the grass.

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