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What scares you?


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Β  Β 'Tis the season to be frightened .. Or something along those lines, anyway. I'm mostly making this to sate my own curiosity, and who knows - there might be some interesting discussion happening unless it gets immediately derailed.

Β  Β I'm not looking for things like 'climate change', 'the current economical situation', or 'the patriarchy' - but rather the stuff of horror stories; vampires? Ghosts? Clowns? Werewolves? Forum moderators? Any particular story, be it film, book, or urban legend that makes the hairs on your neck stand on end? Share your fears!Β Totally not so that I can take notes and realise them when I feel so inclined ..

Β  Β I would start off to set an example, but .. I think the last time I was properly frightened was when I watched Dead Silence whilst home alone and just fifteen years old. So I guess I'll go with that; Mary Shaw. But I also think she's kind of cute.



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Dying and going to Heaven.

I don't believe that Heaven as the cherry pickers envision it to be exists, nor would it be all that great a place to be, especially with the possibility of a ranking/classism system based on your mortal accomplishments.

Edited by Lucia Nightfire
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As a child I was walking through some tall weeds next to a building and a black bug jumped on the front of my shirt and started crawling up toward my face. I could feel the weight of the bug and the black spindly legs sticking into the cloth. I remember screaming, flailing and running but have no idea what bug it was.


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2 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

As a child I was walking through some tall weeds next to a building and a black bug jumped on the front of my shirt and started crawling up toward my face. I could feel the weight of the bug and the black spindly legs sticking into the cloth. I remember screaming, flailing and running but have no idea what bug it was.

Β  Β Oh, I saw this recently - it made me giggle!



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1 hour ago, Orwar said:

Β  Β Oh, I saw this recently - it made me giggle!



That "toe cutter" is the stuff of RL nightmares. I've been bitten by them when I was a kid. They'll draw blood too. Both they and horseflies were the only thing I hated about swimming during the summer.


Edited by Lucia Nightfire
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1 minute ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

That "toe cutter" is the stuff of RL nightmares. I've been bitten by them when I was a kid. They'll draw blood too.

Β  Β There was some guy talking about how he tried to keep a toe biter around the house to get rid of the black widow problem he was having (he tried with a mantis but it had just seen the red time glassΒ shape and noped out). It apparently murdered someΒ other spiders and flew away.Β Not sure the first thing I'd think of when having a bug problem in my house would be to put more bugs in it, though ..Β 

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Spiders seriously freak me out, but that's probably more of a phobia and not what you you mean. Also afraid of heights! Even when on TV or in a computer game I can get all light headed when some scary height stuff comes by.

But in a more 'horror' kinda way, I thought there was nothing that really scared me anymore as scary or gore movies do not do it for me. Till a couple years back we did a road trip trough Scotland with some friends. One night we ended up in the middle of nowhere in the Scottish Highlands and decided to just put up our tents a bit off the road in a forest area. Now where I live there is always light pollution and no wildlife whatsoever. So when the night settled and it was absolutely pitch black, lying in my tent with every bug or insect crawling past the tent sounding like a bear attack I felt quite uncomfortable.

Of course there came a moment in the middle of the night where I woke up and had to pee. Walking back to the tent afterwards I must have scared some animal nearby, but the sound it made was like a high screaming. Scared the hell out of me literally ran back jumping in my tent. Took a while before I was able to sleep again.

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The kissing bug and two kinds of spiders, which I'm not gonna say which ones.. Because every time I say their names, I come across them..

All three can mess you up.

As far as ghosts or monsters or horror movies and things.. I'm not really scared of things I don't believe in..

When I'm in the woods or pretty much anywhere I have my guns, which I have permitΒ  to carry.. So if some poor sucker wants to try and snatch me.. He better be a lot more sneaky than I am alert, because I know how to use'em.. hehehe

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2 minutes ago, Zeta Vandyke said:

Of course there came a moment in the middle of the night where I woke up and had to pee. Walking back to the tent afterwards I must have scared some animal nearby, but the sound it made was like a high screaming. Scared the hell out of me literally ran back jumping in my tent. Took a while before I was able to sleep again.

Β  Β That reminds me of the time I'd been out drinking with some friends and got on the night bus home, and promptly fell asleep. I came to at some point and just hopped off the bus, I recognised the name of the village (my family lived there until I was around 2), and I figured 'it can't be that far - Uppland (my home province) is only so big! (12,813 square kilometres ..)'. So I decided to start walking back along the road figuring I'd be home within an hour or so.Β 

Β  Β Two hours later and I was nowhere near close to home.

Β  Β Mind, it was late autumn, there was frost on the fields, and it was far away enough from the city that it was pitch black. So, I decided to stop at the next bus stop and just sit down and wait for the morning bus as I was much too tired to keep walking. When I arrived at the next bus stop I found the bench had been kicked to bits, but there was a church just next to it so I figured I could go sit on something around that instead. Just as I made it past the cemetery gates, a deep, diabolicalΒ laughterΒ echoed over the fields. I almost soiled myself. So I quickly scurried back out onto the parking lot, and ended up spending the next few hours trotting around it to keep warm, and every so often that laugh would echo over the fields.

Β  Β The morning bus finally arrived and I could get on it, find that it wasn'tΒ thatΒ far to get back home (if only I'd walked for another hour or so). So I stumble through the door around seven in the morning, my mum is up making her morning coffee and is surprised that I wasn't already at home. I just briefly tell her what happened and go to bed.

Β  Β When I woke up a few hours later my mother told me that she'd figured out what that laughter was - she actually knew some people in that village who reared fallow deer, just through the woods around the church, and their rutting call .. Well ..Β 


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8 minutes ago, Orwar said:

Β  Β That reminds me of the time I'd been out drinking with some friends and got on the night bus home, and promptly fell asleep. I came to at some point and just hopped off the bus, I recognised the name of the village (my family lived there until I was around 2), and I figured 'it can't be that far - Uppland (my home province) is only so big! (12,813 square kilometres ..)'. So I decided to start walking back along the road figuring I'd be home within an hour or so.Β 

Β  Β Two hours later and I was nowhere near close to home.

Β  Β Mind, it was late autumn, there was frost on the fields, and it was far away enough from the city that it was pitch black. So, I decided to stop at the next bus stop and just sit down and wait for the morning bus as I was much too tired to keep walking. When I arrived at the next bus stop I found the bench had been kicked to bits, but there was a church just next to it so I figured I could go sit on something around that instead. Just as I made it past the cemetery gates, a deep, diabolicalΒ laughterΒ echoed over the fields. I almost soiled myself. So I quickly scurried back out onto the parking lot, and ended up spending the next few hours trotting around it to keep warm, and every so often that laugh would echo over the fields.

Β  Β The morning bus finally arrived and I could get on it, find that it wasn'tΒ thatΒ far to get back home (if only I'd walked for another hour or so). So I stumble through the door around seven in the morning, my mum is up making her morning coffee and is surprised that I wasn't already at home. I just briefly tell her what happened and go to bed.

Β  Β When I woke up a few hours later my mother told me that she'd figured out what that laughter was - she actually knew some people in that village who reared fallow deer, just through the woods around the church, and their rutting call .. Well ..Β 


I love taking people into the mountains that have never been there before.. At nightΒ  every sound that pops up, and thier eyes about pop out of their sockets..

Snap a stick and it's like deer caught in headlights. hehehe

That night time super hearing in the woods doesn't really kickΒ  in until it gets quiet and you can hear every little thing.. hehehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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20 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Centipedes.Β  Don't mind spiders or snakes or much of anything else.1407640250_R(34).jpeg.d787e99349681fc89d20f410d4086c5e.jpeg


I remember picking one of those up one time, not sure if it is the same kind as in the picture or not.. But when it bit me it felt like I got shocked.. hehehe

Either that or they can shock you and it wasn't a bite at all.. hehehe

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3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Centipedes.Β  Don't mind spiders or snakes or much of anything else.1407640250_R(34).jpeg.d787e99349681fc89d20f410d4086c5e.jpeg


That's one of those "house centipedes". They do bite and it does have a zapping feel to it.

They're supposed to be good for killing other pest bugs, but it isn't enough to keep me from killing them on sight.

I had one scurry out of a dirty clothes pile a few months ago when I was picking it up. Almost ran over my foot. It dead now, heh.

Edited by Lucia Nightfire
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Playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent as a teenager completely inoculated me to fictional horror. That game was so scary it practically burned out my horror receptors. Nothing, absolutely no media scares me these days.

My personal health does though. I mean, I'm alright, but the moment I have a stomach ache I start worrying about increasingly fantastical diseases... :P


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Being over deep water. Boats. Water I can't see the bottom of.

I struggle with severe hydrophobia. I had some trauma as a kid. Baths and showering are ok but I don't actively enjoy them. It took years to work up to being able to let water run over my face to wash it. I still have to fight my brain sometimes telling me I'm actively drowning. Therapy has helped... Somewhat.Β 

Discovered the game Sea of Theives can trigger my phobia mid PVP ship battle once. That was ... Interesting.Β 


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Just now, Bitterthorn said:

Discovered the game Sea of Theives can trigger my phobia mid PVP ship battle once. That was ... Interesting.

Β  Β Oof. Yeah, I played that with my brothers a while back and one of them got seasick when we sailed through a storm whilst he was in the crow's-nest. Also the first time I was under deck on a sinking ship I felt pretty claustrophobic.

Β  Β There's a museum in Stockholm for Wasa, an early 17thC warship. It's my favourite museum ever, 'cause - big wooden ship! But there's a balcony that you can get up on to look down on the transom. The height .. I can't do that kind of height. It's very pretty though.


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Perhaps.... when you're young, careless and in "experimental mode", partying all the time and you follow the herd either voluntarily
or when some smarty-pants spikes food or drink, with Lucy going skywards, πŸ™„, the repetition you notice in sound, vision, feeling or circumstance.
(maybe all), is what would scare me senseless now.Β 

If that eerie feeling ever happens, or even a hint of it -> these days - that would signal the apocalypse for me.
A total loss of, (mainly mental - physical is a lesser concern), control, Imminent impending doom.


Edited by Maryanne Solo
Spacing tween text & pic.
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